Sorry to ask you this here, but you don't have an email link listed.
By Protestant, are you referring to an actual Protestant faith or is that an umbrella title for other denominations, not of the Catholic faith, like Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc.?
I cannot relate to the closure of multiple churches, but I can relate to enormous amount of mosques popping up everywhere. In the US there is an alleged separation of Church and State. Is it now that way in the UK as well? If not, isn't there anything the government can do as well as the clergy? If so, then how are the ministers and priests still receiving stippends if there is no congregation paying their tithing? Isn't that where they get their money?
Again, sorry to ask you to reveal more here. I'm really curious and interested in this.
After some further thought about this, it seems to me, if this is actually happening, that it would be some cause for concern politically. History tells us that Muslims would invade other lands by building mosques among the temples and churches of other peoples. If the people were not willing to share their land with the Muslims and allow them to build their mosques, then the Muslims would move in by force.
Maybe I'm missing something deeper here, but this sounds rather familiar to what is happening in the world today.