Sea Kittress
2011-02-03 10:00:31 UTC
I was chatting about liberals (I'm a liberal btw, and an atheist) and the myth of Islamophobia recently and somebody said that it's discrimination to ever make a general comment about a group of people, so is it?
Like for instance, is it wrong to say that Christians discriminate against gays because some of them don't?
or is it wrong to say that Republicans don't support universal healthcare, because some of them do?
Is it wrong to criticize organized Islam in this country for fostering terrorists and not complying with government agencies trying to investigate the matter because only a few Muslims carry out acts of terrorism?
Is it wrong to accuse liberals of (good-heartedly) buying into the myth of "Islamophobia" even though hate crimes statistics show that it doesn't exist as a pressing social phenomenon?
See? I'll show you.
The most recent hate crimes stats show that out of all the hate crimes committed against people on the basis of religion:
70% were commited against Jews
8% against Muslims
and 6% against Christians
Jews represent 2% of the population
Muslims represent 1%
and yet we never hear about the much more pressing issue of Judeophobia in this country. Mostly because Jews don't feel threatened, they're very comfortable and accepted in our society, the same goes for gay men who represent the same percentage of the population as Muslims and yet they suffer 10 times the number of hate crimes.
Out of 2 to 6 million Muslims in the US they suffered 116 hate crimes in 2009
Why am I against the myth of Islamophobia?
two reasons.
One: It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Right at this moment stats show that America's bigots don't hate Muslims, they're not even on their radar, but they could be, and the more people talk about how poor and abused Muslims are in this country, even with little evidence, the more the bigots are going to take notice
I consider Muslims to be victims of Islam, and while this country will never be terribly extreme, I don't want to see innocent families being harassed or violated if we can prevent it.
and two: The myth of Islamophobia is an extension of "religious persecution complex". It incites religious fury amongst Muslims and creates extremists. This is how terrorism gets started.