"how can atheists think nothing happens after you die?
Too late. Surely you could have worded your question is a less accusatory tone. But christians never seem to notice how rude they are to others - and yet are so quick to take offence when it bounces back.
"So I'm a Christian and I think heaven comes after you die. Muslims think something else. Other religions thinks other things."
And they can't all be right. But they can all be wrong.
" Most Atheists think nothing happens. I don't get that."
By which I assume you mean "I don't like that". I assume you don't mean that the concept that "nothing happens" is diffcult to understand. What did your existence feel like ten years before you were born? Like that.
" What do you think happens to your mind. like everything just shuts down and life is over. I guess thats "logical" "
It is indeed, logical, it follows directly from not assuming that there's anything supernatural going on, just because it's comforting to do so.
"but what happens to your thinking and your spirit? It just shuts off and thats the end of Johny or something? I don't know."
Correct, your brain (the thing you think with) stops working, and you don't think any more. Exactly as you experience with sufficient general anaesthetic, even your sense of the passage of time is gone.
"I guess things like this just boggle my mind. Ya know how you talk to yourself and think to yourself right? What happens to that? I know people might say "it just stops thinking" and once again thats "logical" but I don't get how anyone's mind can just stop."
So your lack of imagination is an argument for an afterlife?
[If you unplug a fridge, how can it just "stop"? Have you never experienced general anaesthetic?]
What you have to this point is called "argument from personal incredulity". It is a well-known logical fallacy.
" And even if there is no after life and I'm wrong, I'm glad I believe in heaven now so that when loved ones die I can think that they are in a better place and that all will be well and I will see them again."
WHAT? "even if I'm wrong, I am glad that I can pretend something that won't happen if I am wrong will happen anyway"
So rather than believe in what's plausible, you'd rather believe what's comforting. If you find a strange lump one day, you'd choose to believe it's not cancer, because that's disquieting, and it'd be much nicer if it wasn't?? I'd get myself to a doctor and get it checked out - because maybe, if I deal with reality, I can do something about it that I can't do if I pretend that what's making me uncomfortable is isn't there.
I prefer to believe things because they're believable, not because they're comforting.
People that believe false-but-comforting things often do HORRIBLE things to other people in order to maintain their "comfort".
Excuse me if I don't find that respectable. In fact, to be honest, I think that's downright evil.
The "belief in something because it's comforting" is another logical fallacy ...
- arguement from emotion (specifically, wishful thinking)
and also, since you find the alternative unpalatable, this related fallacy
"It gives me hope."
So false hope is better than making the best of the actual situation?
Sheesh, I hope I'm never on the Titanic with you, you might do, well, *anything* to feel comfortable rather than deal with the sinking ship.
Oh wait, I am, only it's called the Earth.
I'm sure the thought of Paradise was comforting to the 9/11 hijackers, too. But I doubt they found it.
Are you really so sure that believing something because it's *comforting* is actually a good idea?