Jehovah's Witnesses: Is love conditional? or unconditional?
2008-06-25 08:32:53 UTC
Jehovah's Witnesses: Is love conditional? or unconditional?
Eighteen answers:
2008-06-25 08:55:47 UTC
As a former JW I feel their love is Conditional. Conditional on the basis that if you believe the teachings they love you. When you no longer agree they turn their back on you. I am dead to them. I am dead to people I grew up with and knew my entire childhood.

And yet they have the arrogance to come in here and preach unconditional love (agape love) they are really a sad hypocritical bunch
2008-06-25 08:39:14 UTC
2008-06-25 11:51:45 UTC
True A'gape love is never conditional; its always unconditional.

1 John 4:8--God is love
2008-06-25 09:37:11 UTC
There are different kinds of Love.

For God loved the world so much... John 3:16

Principled love, agape, means showing love because it is the right thing to do. It doesn't necessarily mean feeling in love.

God certainly didn't love what the world did to His Son and He hates the evil things that happen in the world. Although God loved the spirit son that became Satan, He hates Satan and the wicked things he does. God feels the same for anyone that deliberately follows the same course.

Love changes with conditions and the choices that are made. We want to love what God loves and hate what God hates. He hates the sin and loves the sinner. If we love His Son for what he gave us, then God loves us in return.
2008-06-25 08:39:48 UTC
Love is extremely conditional. All kinds of love, especially romantic love. Only the love of God is unconditional but made

conditional on the receiving end of the equation.
2016-10-12 11:13:28 UTC
For what that is well worth, i'm better than prepared to have faith that God's love is unconditional. What you do no longer look to handle isn't any count if or no longer guy's love of God is unconditional, and, it seems to me like that human beings many times positioned situations and barriers on their love for God. many all of us is confident that God is gloomy, mad, indignant, unhappy, vengeful, depressed and all those different issues. faster or later in my existence, i found out that I had hassle identifying to purchase this view of God. If God is all useful, God can discover a thank you to be satisfied. besides, maybe we could desire to continually be pondering the situations we positioned on God, no longer the situations that God places on his love for us.
2008-06-25 08:41:03 UTC

1. A mode or state of being:a.

A state of health.

b. A state of readiness or physical fitness.

the bible says God Is Love.... so... yes

can anyone else BE love besides Jehovah.... i dont think so.



without conditions


not even sure how to answer tha tone.
Rich W
2008-06-25 08:46:01 UTC
Biblical love is unconditional. God's love is unconditional. External love, eros or phileo, can be conditional. Agape, true love, is never conditional

We are told to love as we have been loved and that is agape, or unconditional love.
Suzette R
2008-06-25 08:43:34 UTC
It is what Scripture tells us at 1 Corr. 13:4 Love is long-suffering and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not get puffed up, 5 does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. 6 It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. 7 It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

8 Love never fails.

You are free to judge whether or not that is conditional or not.
2008-06-25 09:27:56 UTC
When my ex-girlfriend who was a Jehovah's Witness, broke up with me because she could not get baptized while dating me because I was not of the same faith. I remember appealing to her, saying Love should be enough, religion shouldn't set boundaries between people. And she told me that "all love [was] conditional", and I gaped at her in disbelief. I couldn't believe that someone I loved could calmly tell me that my love wasn't enough, and that more was required.

I do not presume to assume all Jehovah's Witnesses are of a similar mind, but she believed love was conditional, and it was probably one of the worst insults I've heard so far in my life.

EDIT: A thumbs down. I would expect that my answer was perfectly civil, and had no generalizations in it whatsoever. I guess whoever gave it to me did not like my own personal experience, for what I said was pure and simple truth.

"Pure and simple truth, is rarely pure and never simple."
lover of Jehovah and Jesus
2008-06-25 09:06:57 UTC
love is unconditional. we even love the ones who turn there back on Jehovah and Jesus. you can't turn your love on and off like a faucet. we only hope that they come back to Jehovah and Jesus before it is to late. my favorite Scriptures is first corinthians 13 verses 4-8
2008-06-25 08:42:28 UTC
True principled love (Agape) is just that - unconditional.

However, because of several influences (media, peers, life experiences, etc.) we generally have a distorted view of what love really is, hence the focus on romantic love and things of that nature. The love that compels one to sacrifice even for a stranger is what Jesus wanted all of his followers to demonstrate, exemplified magnificently in the parable about the good Samaritan.
2008-06-25 14:08:03 UTC
Agape love is unconditional as in perfect, principled and not based on anything humans have done to deserve it. John 3:16 God is the only one who has that type of love, and his son.

But love of God means we must keep his commandments. Same for his Son, Jesus.

1 John 5 KJV

1Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.

2By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments.

3For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

John 14:15 KJV

15If ye love me, keep my commandments.

John 15:14 KJV

14Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.

15Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.

Hebrews 5 KJV

8Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;

9And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;

So we must obey God, not merely believe in him, in his son and in Jesus' sacrifice, in order to gain salvation.

2008-06-25 08:38:43 UTC
Principled love (agape, in Greek) is unconditional, but may not always manifest itself in a way the object of that love may have preferred.

.. ..(1 John 4:8-10) God is love. By this the love of God was made manifest in our case, because God sent forth his only-begotten Son into the world that we might gain life through him. The love is in this respect, not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent forth his Son as a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins.

.. ..(John 3:16) For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.

.. ..(2 Pet 2:9-13) Jehovah knows how…to reserve unrighteous people for the day of judgment to be cut off, especially, however, those…who look down on lordship. Daring, self-willed, they do not tremble at glorious ones but speak abusively… But these men, like unreasoning animals born naturally to be caught and destroyed, will, in the things of which they are ignorant and speak abusively, even suffer destruction in their own course of destruction, wronging themselves as a reward for wrongdoing.
2008-06-25 11:50:03 UTC
The Truth™
2008-06-25 10:09:48 UTC
This all sounds all well and good....but JWs do NOT have unconditional love for their families. My own father told me that "Jehovahs love for us IS conditional...therefore (his, my fathers) love for me is conditional"...he said Gods love is based on whether or not we please him or not....

How ironic!

"God is Love" How could God, who IS the very definition of LOVE expect his followers to put limitations on their love? Jesus demonstrated such true love when he was on Earth to EVERYONE...even a murderer before His death!
2008-06-25 08:50:58 UTC
We should love everyone as Jesus told us and help them learn about Jehovah.....But especially we should have tender affection unconditionally towards the ones related to us in the faith.

There are 4 kinds of love




Aimie Q
2008-06-25 12:54:07 UTC
I answer a question this morning about Jw's and their showing of fruits on Yahoo Answers. The best answer pick was O.K. but still missing the *real fruit* of Jesus. Jesus on earth went all over teaching all people about his Father (God) and wherever he went he did miraculous healings. Many people today that believe in God is missing the meaning of fruit. The fruit that Jesus teaches us (even today) is LOVE. Jw's and Muslims can memorize the whole Bible and God will not look at that as being obedient to Him. No the obedient ones are the ones that go about their daily life having the *true fruit of love*. As it is written "There remains three gifts Faith, Hope, Love. The greatest of the three is Love." With Love comes peace, joy, harmony, charity, and all good falls into place in our life. With love you will not do no harm to any one. I think every one must search in them self and find the truth about what is inside of them. For it is said by Jesus "It is not what goes in the man but what comes out of the man." You see, even if we type answers on here for all Yahoo to read, it will reflect on who we are inside because even type words are what we feel. Because all Christians like to read their bible, I suggest you all take out your bible and really pay attention to what Jesus did and what he said. Visualize all that scene in your mind and really ask your self if all this message is to do about LOVE. LOVE BEARS ALL THINGS. Love is to be in harmony with God of the Universe and harmony in all of God's creations. With *love* comes *harmony*.

O.K. I went and briefly read answers here. The first one misses the point of God's love. This person is thinking it is right to judge on who God picks and chooses. We are not God, God gives us no right to judge others but gives us rights to love one another.

This one I mention name Suzette because she quotes First Corinthians and tells every one "its what you make of it your self". I can agree with that.

Another answer mentions love as lust. No lust is not love. Only goodness can come forth from love. Remember bad things cannot come from love because Love is the *greatest gift* from our Almighty God of the Universe.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.