Human beings search for meaning in life? how do you search for meaning in life & what are the barriers to it?
2007-11-24 09:53:55 UTC
serious answers please!
by barriers i mean by pysical and mental barriers e.g. religion possibly holding you back and your job stopping you pysically from going anywhere
Sixteen answers:
The Nihilist
2007-11-24 09:56:44 UTC
you have a choice to search or not, that would be the only barrier.
2007-11-24 10:21:09 UTC
Who are we humans? What are we supposed to do? Surely life is for more than just surviving, or mastering nature and other human beings. Why are we here?

The inability to answer such questions is one of the most striking and troublesome quanderies of being human. Questions like these usually do not seize us so long as we are immersed in the life of a strong family, tribe, nation, or other social unit. In such groups we fell sure of who we are and what we are to do. At least we think we are sure. But these ties can be broken by education, by social discruption, by emotional alienation, and a myriad of other reasons today. And then, the individual human being finds that it is no longer enough to know that he or she is a Smith or a Jones, a lawyer or an engineer, a Hopi or a Southerner, or a German or a Briton. And the questions begin. What is the purpose of our existence? How should we view ourselves as living beings?

Some of us may find relief from the Angst thorugh identifying with sports teams, rock stars, or social movements of one kind or another. Some may resort to the dogmatism of politics, science, or religion. Our bumper stickers and T-shirts may bear symbols and slogans intended to inform others as well as ourselves that we are very sure, thank you, of who we are and what we are doing and how we feel about the whole idea of being on this planet. But it's all empty bravado, a nervous whistling in the dark of our ignorance and uncertainty about our real nature and our real task in life.

The questions of who we are and what we are here for are not easy ones, of course. And for those who must rely solely upon a strictly secular viewpoint for insight, such questions are especially tough. Why? Because we do in fact live in a world in ruins. We do not exist now in the element for which we were designed. So, in light of that truth, it;s essentially impossible to determine our nature by observation alone, because we are only seen in a perpetually unnatural posture. Oh, we can learn many exciting things from observing the normal course of human existence, but not what we most want to know; what our nature is, and what the possiblities of our life are.
2007-11-24 10:07:27 UTC
The common misconception is that because humans are more intelligent than other animals that we are more important than them in the scheme of things.

The meaning, or point, of humans existance is exactly the same as the point of any animal existing.

So, if you consdier what the meaning of life is for any animal, lets says a rat... then it will lead you to the meaning of life for a human.

Ok, so a rat exists and it main aim in life is to survive long enough to breed and indirectly it keeps the numbers of bugs down and feeds larger animals like cats. Then when it dies it feeds the plants.

Humans do not really contribute to the food chain - so our meaning of life is simply to breed and die to feed the plants.

There is no searching required, just acceptance of the fact that we are in no way significant.
2007-11-24 10:09:23 UTC
For me the meaning of life is a inward journey, a personal one, one guided by Spiritual Principles. Every ones is different because of different experiences. Seek the God within to connect with the One of All. And also, for me I have no need of a person telling me it has to be done a certain way as the only way.
2007-11-24 10:10:49 UTC
First be yourself/Love yourself.

Then set your own goals - know what you want. There will be million obstacles/distractions. Be ready to change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change as well - meaning find your ways around obstacles. Stay on the course and deal with to obstacles one by one. When you achieve your goals, life gets meaning. Do not be selfish for the world is built on association/assimilation/consideration/cooperation. Live and let live..
2007-11-24 10:13:20 UTC
As Human beings we are programed to have curiosity.for exploring and quest for meaning of life .. nothing will ever stop Humans from doing matter what your faith is or what your beliefs are . we will always be searching.
2007-11-24 09:56:38 UTC
CCC 1 - God, infinitely perfect and blessed in himself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created man to make him share in his own blessed life. For this reason, at every time and in every place, God draws close to man. He calls man to seek him, to know him, to love him with all his strength. He calls together all men, scattered and divided by sin, into the unity of his family, the Church. To accomplish this, when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son as Redeemer and Savior. In his Son and through him, he invites men to become, in the Holy Spirit, his adopted children and thus heirs of his blessed life.


The Life of Man—To Know and Love God (Catechism Of The Catholic Church):
2007-11-24 10:02:51 UTC
Truthfully I spend more time searching for the meaning of obscure computer errors than I do the meaning of life. I think that we all figure out the meaning of life just about the time we croak.
Marcus R.
2007-11-24 10:00:25 UTC
There is any meaning to life that you want. Jesus says we are to love others as we would expect to be loved and I think thats the best meaning. Any job that stops one from going anywhere is slavery, not a job.
Experto Credo
2007-11-24 09:58:48 UTC
But what is the answer that you seek? Youcould search the world over and not find that answer. Or perhaps you find the answer and don;t like it
2007-11-24 09:58:53 UTC
We create our reality. I suggest you read Jane Robert's 'The Nature of Personal Reality' as many times as it takes for you to understand it.
2007-11-24 09:57:20 UTC
You create your meaning. You create your plan.

Yes, people can hold themselves back, but it's still their own choice.
2007-11-24 09:57:13 UTC
We are the same as any other organism, we're here to evolve. To multiply and adapt and become better organisms. I think that's all there is to it.
2007-11-24 10:25:10 UTC
life is something that has happened accidentally in the earth...don't think so much about it or else you will get crazy
2007-11-24 09:57:41 UTC
bubble bubble bubble,

I was searching high, now I am searching low.

Deep Huh?

Bubble, Bubble, Bubble
His eyes are like flames
2007-11-24 09:58:21 UTC
The Purpose of Life.

The Bible is made up of sixty-six books explaining the whole “Purpose of Life.” It is a sad thing to say, but most people on earth have no idea of the awesome reason why they are here, much less the purpose of it all, even after reading the Bible.

Present estimates put the number of galaxies in the known universe at over ten thousand million, million, million individual stars or “suns.” And this is probably underestimated. Why did God design such an immense universe? And why did God create such an innumerable number of stars? For no purpose, for some purpose, for an astounding purpose?

The Purpose of Human Life

In the Beginning, God created the animals “After their Kind,” “God made the wild animals according to their kinds” (Genesis 1:25). God created man after “His own Kind,” after the “God Kind.” Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness” (Genesis 1:26). And again it is stated, “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27). The phrase “after its kind” is never applied to “man.” The reason is because the primary purpose of human life is not to physically reproduce after the human kind, but to be spiritually reproduced after the “God Kind.”

God the Father and Jesus Christ are reproducing themselves. They are enlarging their God family. They are begetting sons and daughters, “Real” sons and daughters. Literal members of the God family, that’s the purpose of human life. That’s the purpose for this earth and for that matter the entire Universe! The apostle Paul stated, “For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom His whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name” (Ephesians 3:14).

The Entire Universe

What could bring us to the point of believing such an awesome possibility of the Universe being used in God’s overall plan to create new members of the God family? And how could we possibly base this postulation on the Bible, could it be logic and common sense?

Everything God the Father does is for a purpose. “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace…But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way” (1 Corinthians 14:33, 40). “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). God is not a wasteful God. He created the entire Universe and it would be out of character for Him not to use it. We must remember, God knows every star by its own individual name. “He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name” (Psalm 147:4). This is truly amazing when we realize how many stars there are. In the Book of Revelation, chapters 21 and 22, God really does kindle our curiosities and imaginations. With this briefest of information He whets our appetites.

In the “new heaven” and “new earth,” those who have qualified and who will by then have been changed into the God kind, will still be living on this earth. “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband” (Revelation 21:1-2). Also in verse 24, it is stated, “The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it.” But with all this said we must understand that God also reveals, “Man will not be forever limited to the earth. “You [God] have put all things [and “all things” means all things!] in subjection under his [man’s] feet. For in that He put all in subjection under him, He left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him” (Hebrews 2:8).

What are “all things”? God tells us in the book of Hebrews 1:10 (quoting Psalm 102:25): “…In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands.” “The heavens—the entire universe—is” “all things.” And “all things” will eventually be put under man’s subjection and control. Man is destined to assist God in administering the whole universe.

What will we (“the saints” in Biblical language) do with the universe? As an initial project, we under the Father’s and Christ’s direct and personal authority, of course, will “restore all things” (Acts 3:21), the whole universe to its originally created orderly arrangement. “I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and who say to Zion, ‘You are my people’” (Isaiah 51:16). In the future, after the universe is put back into order, the God family will begin implementing the next stage in the Father’s overall plan. We can only guess at just what that will be because God does not reveal what we do not yet need to know. However, there are certain concepts that establish and set the main purpose and fundamental character of the Kingdom of God.

The Increase of His Government

The greatest goal God can set His will to achieve is the reproduction of “Himself,” the creation of new sons and daughters in His God family. God is working toward this goal on earth at this time. That is the great purpose being worked out here below. There is no greater work. God the Father will literally beget billions of sons and daughters on this earth. “Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty” (2 Corinthians 6:17-18). It is entirely possible that the Father will continue to beget children even after His 7,000-year plan for earth has been completed. God the Father by begetting children expresses and manifests the very highest form of spiritual love—giving, sharing, selflessness, outgoing concern. Creating new God-plane Beings is the supreme act of selfless, outgoing love.

It is difficult for human beings to imagine an eternally increasing number of members in the God family. It is also impossible for us to comprehend eternity. Even though we can’t comprehend an eternally increasing number of children in the God family, we must understand that we are still faced with an eternity of time. The Scriptures seem to indicate there will be no end to the increase of God’s family. “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end” (Isaiah 9:7). What this verse emphasizes is the increase of God’s government shall have no end. The key word is increase—the family of God forever increasing in number, area, power, responsibility, creativity, happiness, excitement, and fullness of life.

Is it possible, then, that this is what the enormity of this universe is for; territory, or growing room for the continually expanding family of God?

An Occupied Universe

No matter how large the family of God becomes, we needn’t worry about the Universe being over crowded. It is possible the known Universe is infinite in size.

If it is not, we can be sure there is nothing too hard for the Lord and there is nothing impossible for God. He could, if He desired, stretch out the heavens even more and create even more stars. Jesus looked at them and said, “with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). God and His family are spiritual. Therefore all physical reality becomes inconsequential. Remember, all physical reality is temporary. “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:18).

We realize from the verse we just read that physical reality is patterned after, and perhaps even formed from the much more real spiritual reality. We do not have to limit God’s overall spiritual plan by the confines and limitations of His own physical creation as comprehended by our finite human minds. “Now we see but a poor reflection; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12). Psalm eighty nine alludes to the unending plan of God to increase His family throughout the Universe: “I will sing of the love of the Lord forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself. You said, ‘I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to David my servant, “I will establish your line forever and make your throne firm through all generations”’ The heavens praise your wonders, O Lord, your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones” (Psalm 89:1-5).

We must take special note of the following words and phrases: “forever” and “to all generations” in verse 1; “stand firm forever” and “in heaven itself” in verse 2; “establish your line forever” and “through all generations” verse 4; and “the heavens” and “the assembly of the holy ones” in verse 5.

“The assembly of the holy ones,” spoken of here are the converted human beings who will have been born into God’s family. The assembly or the congregation of the saints (God’s family) is mentioned as “continuously increasing” and forever (eternity). In other words, a continuous, unending process of forever building up, and this could well be the magnificent future of God’s family. God’s government is never ending and is characterized by Peace! i

Our purpose is to fulfill God’s purpose.

God’s Purpose:

A people who will reflect His glory...Revelation 4:11

To conform us to Christ...Colossians 1:27

To love His people...I John 3:1

To establish His Kingdom...Isaiah 46:9-10

To accomplish His plan for good...Romans 8:28-29

To carry out His ways in our lives...Isaiah 55:8-9

Our Purpose:

To love God and others...I John 4:21

To wait on God with hope...Isaiah 64:4

To trust God through suffering...Phil. 1:29-30

To serve God with reverent fear...Deut. 10:20

To fulfill God’s purpose...Phil. 3:12

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.