How could you ever possibly ever prove it?
budding author
2006-05-25 10:17:36 UTC
Yes I know you have heard it all before, BUT put your mind into an extreme flight of fantasy!
How could it ever be possible to either prove or disprove the excistence of God?
If you think 'Never' just say 'Never' (you will get your 2 points for that pathetic reply)
I don't want a load of crap about 'Faith' etc. I've heard all that before!!
What I am looking for is some fantastic way to prove to the world that God does indeed exist, or better still that God does not exist! A few words found on an old parchment won't do the job, we already have loads of those.
The best answer will not only get 10 points (yipee)!! but I may even give them a share of my book profits!!
25 answers:
2006-05-25 10:23:53 UTC
Proof for would have to include a personal appearance. How about an other-worldly press conference, complete with burning bushes and a wine-tasting party after?

Proof against, by your criteria, would be more difficult. What we use for proof wouldn't be very exciting to read about.

I'll have to leave that scenario up to someone else.
2006-05-25 10:18:52 UTC
Ask a rock. Almost everything in nature screams of creation. Creation can only be accomplished by a creator. Starting with a "rock" shows the most basic starting point, then consider plants and animals.

According to evolution, what works best survives. OK, early on, what purpose could an eye have for an amoeba? The eye is a very complex part of a living organism but what started it's development? Why do we have such large brains if we use so little of them? Seems to me all things had a purpose in their creation (not evolution).

OK, this is NOT "Proof of" or of not. Still, one can not ask of a physical world for proof of a spiritual world. One can only extrapolate the available information and draw conclusions. Scientists do this all the time. We have never SEEN a black hole, yet data suggests it exists. So we say there is "Proof" of a black hole. But we DON'T REALLY have proof, just data to support the hypotheses.

So, I think God exists. Others don't. Oh well, can't please everybody.
2006-05-25 10:45:31 UTC
Take a look at the amazing universe all around you - The galaxies, stars and planets... the beauty of mountains and trees and everything that lives, grows and breathes on the Earth. No sane person believes that the great complexity of the natural universe in general and living organisms in particular could just exist fully formed with no cause and no origin.

So, how can any sane person possibly believe that all this amazing complexity is sourced in an intelligent designer who himself just exists fully formed with no cause and no origin? That would be completely absurd. The only possible explanation is that the universe had a natural origin, and that the order and complexity we observe in the universe has arisen over billions of years from simplicity and chaos by the effect of unthinking, undirected natural processes. Science, in the form of cosmology and biology, shows us that this is indeed the case.

The idea of a creator god has no explanatory value - It is intellectual laziness, a non-answer, not a solution to the question of existence but a way of avoiding the question. It should and will be consigned to history along with all our other naive superstitious beliefs.
2006-05-25 10:41:18 UTC
It depends on the definition of the term "God", and what attributes this God is assumed to have. God, as a very general concept, can't be proved or disproved, because as a general concept there's nothing to get a handle on, nothing you can point to and say, "this is real". But as soon as any characteristics are attributed to this God concept, it is possible through logical argument to show that certain characteristics are incompatible with certain other characteristics.

Here's a link to a page that discusses this:

It seems to me that if an omnipotent, omnipresent diety really did exist, there must be a method of observing it, or at least inferring its existence through observation of its effects on the universe. That this has so far not been done doesn't PROVE that such a being does not exist, but it very strongly suggests that such a being is unlikely to exist.
2006-05-25 10:26:42 UTC
I tend to believe proving God doesn't exist would be easier to disprove His existence since this entity is just that. There is no scientific proof this being still exists. It is faith that drives people, not the site of Him. Words in a book dating way back before any of us were alive that were written by man can hardly justify His position from a scientific standpoint. So, yes, not that I agree with this, I would have to say you cannot prove God exists. Good luck with the book!!
2006-05-25 10:26:14 UTC
I love the religious answer to proving that god exists. Their proof logic always contains these two invalid arguments:

1. The logic is cyclical. "God exists because we are here!" or "God exists because he is god!"

2. The always use ignorance as proof: "We as humans do not know how life or the universe started, therefore god must have created it"

Either way you put it, it is a riot to hear the same invalid points constantly being made. Now that I think about it, it is rather sad. :-( As a society we have come so far, yet religion is still tolerated. In fact, not only is it tolerated, people are killing in their god's name. How Ironic!
2006-05-25 10:19:07 UTC
We live on a planet teeming with life. Plant life with approximately 250,000 species. Animal life with over a million species. Scientist are learning just how complex life is. So complex that it requires design. The evidence of design requires a designer. Scientists are also learning the conditions for life, just how perfect conditions here on planet Earth are to support all this life.

To think, people believe this all happened by chance. Yes the odds are 1 in 1(with a billion trillion zeros behind it). Yes it is a belief by many that this all just happened by chance. That belief takes a greater faith than believing in a Creator. A virtual impossibility is an impossibility.

There is no other explanation for plant life.

There is no other explanation for animal life.

There is no other explanation for YOU,

the entity that lives in a flesh body.

There is no other explanation for Earth,

a planet that supports all this life.

There is no other explanation for the universe.

There is no other explanation except God and His Word.

There are only man's theories and conjecture.

Man a very fallible entity.
2006-05-25 10:25:18 UTC
Religion(s) were created by men to explain away things they could not understand at the time. They were also created to control the minds and bodys of the people. You can't really prove or disprove these things. But common sense will tell you no-one cares. Almost 10,000 children die everyday from starvation and related causes. Would a "All-powerful" and loving "God" allow that to happen ? To me, letting a child suffer is unthinkable.
2006-05-25 10:31:46 UTC
Unfortunately there is no proof for either side. You simply look at the evidence and come to a can say that there was enough evidence to convince"you" that there is a God, or you might say that evidence leads "you" to say there is no God because it was simply not enough.

But to make an absolute statement as "There is a God" or " There is no God" is a matter of faith. Because if it were an absolute statement, we wouldn't be here, would we?
2006-05-25 10:21:10 UTC
Hmm. I suppose firstly, one would have to decide whether or not God had any physical presence. If he did, then quite simply, the only way to prove or disprove his existence would be to tour round all the universes until you found him.

If you determined that he wasn't a physical presence, but merely a big spiritual one, living in some 5th dimension, then the only way to realistically attempt to prove his existence would be to test him. (I'm on dangerous ground here, aren't I? I apologise in adviance to christians, I am merely speaking theoretically!)

But what tests? I suppose you just have to try to orchestrate really bad things to happen and see if anything happens that could be interpreted as divine intervention to stop you...
2016-10-14 04:11:32 UTC
"sigh" and back I say: that's the classic atheistic reaction. yet it feels extra like an attempt to stay away from rather having to delve into the subject. isn't technology predicated upon the cyclical skill of hypothesis? it is to declare an assumption is made, a attempt is carried out, the outcomes are recorded and the thought the two evolves or is dispelled. it kind of feels atheism in basic terms gets as far because of the fact the hypothesis as to the theory of God's existence yet can provide no qualitative archives to the two prepare or disprove His existence. in addition to, isn't between the tenants of authentic technology to locate ALL opportunities? Why is it that technology stubbornly refuses to locate the assumption of God? i be attentive to that the classic argument is that Darwinism, evolution, quantum physic, astrophysics and much extra at present string theory, all supply fairly some aspects of the anti-God argument. yet none of those theories clarify how the complicated amalgamation of remember/anti-remember/dark remember and void it is the universe got here into being with the aid of random happenstance. The threat of which defies mathematical computation. technology makes a speciality of the trunk, branches and leaves of the tree yet because of the fact it may neither see the roots nor attempt for them, it refutes that the roots even exist. If the basis of technology is to locate fact, then why don't you attempt to locate the reality approximately God. finally, technology, via its very nature, can no longer have any perception; in basic terms info. hence what i'm asking is for the info which you have that offer irrefutable info of God’s non-existence no longer your ideals.
2006-05-25 10:31:33 UTC
You ask us to prove that God that exist, prove it yourself, How? open your heart, look and learn. You say don't talk about faith, I don't believe that you have no faith, and I don't mean in God, to have no faith means you have no faith in yourself, or your loved ones. We don't need to prove that he is all around us, but if you find him don't do what lots do and blame him for all the horrible things that happen blame mankind were the ones killing each other, and killing the earth.

Love & Peace
2006-05-26 01:51:31 UTC
I believe what i can see hear and feel, the rest is poppycock. This so called book you are bragging about and profit sharing promise, bull is bull in any language, the fraise originated in the US and I am aware that it's still alive and kicking.

Humility is the word for today.

Master. Brit.
2006-05-25 10:35:04 UTC
1. Disciples denied Jesus when they took him to crucify, they said they don’t know who Jesus is, peter lied three times, but after they saw him risen, they believed he is God, Most of the disciples were killed because of their faith. Before they denied but later they gave their life, what brought such a change?

2. They never found his body.

3. The impact that Jesus made on this world.
Atheist Eye Candy
2006-05-25 10:25:23 UTC
Look around you. All the suffering that you see in this world. If there is a god why would there be so much suffering. I am talking about kids. What wrong have they done? THERE IS NO GOD! GET OVER IT.
2006-05-25 10:24:08 UTC
well in my oppinion he does exist, cant you just look around you and see all the wonderful things that he has given you? if you dont have time to read the bible, just look around you and see all that he has made. and maby just maby you will understand. God has don a lot foer me, and you. he first of all brought us into this world. and keepd us safe every single day. so just do me a favor and try if anything to beleave that he is real. because if you dont, you will be screwed.
2006-05-25 10:32:57 UTC
Simply put, you can't use sceintific methods to prove or disprove matters of faith. You're wasting time you could be using to do something constructive and useful for society.
2006-05-25 10:26:04 UTC
If you are proving God's existence or nonexistence, then you are losing faith. If you have faith in God, then it will be easier for you to know the answer.
Some Dude
2006-05-25 10:29:39 UTC
Mountains and mountains of evidence leads me to my beliefs, and I couldn't dream of typing them all up. I'll let Epicurus speak to the biggest piece:

"Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but does not want to. ... If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent. If he can, but does not want to, he is wicked. ... If, as they say, God can abolish evil, and God really wants to do it, why is there evil in the world?" (Epicurus, as quoted in 2000 Years of Disbelief)

God, by definition, is omnimpotent and all-loving. This is proof that God is neither, therefore he is not God, therefore God does not exist.

Also, your question is somewhat illogical, in that there is no "proof for the nonexistence of god" required. I would like for you to prove that there is not a Flying Spaghetti Monster? There's no burden of proof required of an atheist.
2006-05-25 10:24:30 UTC
i have seen miracles

so therefor i know

the koran was written by a jew named Ibrahim who was mohommeds secretary

mohammed was illiterate like most people those days

on the other hand the talmud based on mosiac teaching is over 2000 years old it discusses every subject

science math anatomy etc

way before 'modern science' proved it
2006-05-25 10:24:31 UTC
God does need to be proven that s/he existes. Stop complaining. If you don't like our answers, don't ask the question. Period.
2006-05-25 10:22:20 UTC
I was jogging near the coast the other morning, and saw one knockout of a sunrise.

That's proof enough for me.
Danica O
2006-05-25 10:27:55 UTC
i don t want 10 points....I just want to tell you this....

Yesterday tree was break and fall down on a man on a bicycle....Man have 71 year and doctors are fight for his life now....More then 25 years same man drive bicycle same way below that tree and never have problem with that....

Yesterday he go from route he know,but tree break and fall down.....That tree is not putrid....

That is your proof......

Why don t that tree break above some child,or not break at all...Why that tree wait 25 years to break above that old man?

I don t know he will survive....I wish that...
2006-05-25 10:27:05 UTC
2006-05-25 10:20:51 UTC
By the Koran.

Islam is proven by science.

Why are these things proofs? Because the Koran is revealed more than 1400 years ago. Science haven't discovered much at that time. And most of these proofs require advanced telescopes and microscopes that weren't available until just recently.

"Have not the disbelievers seen that the Heavens and the Earth were one piece and we parted them? And We made every living thing from water. Will they not then believe?" (Koran,21:30).

The universally accepted theory of the origin of the universe is now the Big Bang theory. It maintains that at one time all of the universe were one piece, the monoblock as it is called. At a particular point in time, this "monoblock" burst and it continues to expand. This gives us the universe we have today. This was a recent discovery, a recent comfirmation.

"And it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it." (Koran,51:47)

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian physicist Alexander Friedmann and the Belgian cosmologist Georges Lemaitre theoretically calculated that the universe is in constant motion and that it is expanding.

This notion was confirmed by the use of observational data in 1929. While observing the sky with a telescope, Edwin Hubble, the American astronomer, discovered that the stars and galaxies were constantly moving away from each other. This discovery is regarded as one of the greatest in the history of astronomy. During these observations, Hubble established that the stars emit a light that turns redder according to their distance. That is because according to the known laws of physics, light heading towards a point of observation turns violet, and light moving away from that point assumes a more reddish hue. During his observations, Hubble noted a tendency towards the colour red in the light emitted by stars. In short, the stars were moving further and further away, all the time. The stars and galaxies were not only moving away from us, but also from each other. A universe where everything constantly moves away from everything else implied a constantly expanding universe. The observations carried out in the following years verified that the universe is constantly expanding.

It is He Who created everything on the earth for you and then directed His attention up to heaven and arranged it into seven regular heavens. He has knowledge of all things. (Koran,2:29)

Then He turned to heaven when it was smoke. In two days He determined them as seven heavens and revealed, in every heaven, its own mandate. (Koran,41:11-12)

The word "heavens," which appears in many verses in the Qur'an, is used to refer to the sky above the Earth, as well as the entire universe. Given this meaning of the word, it is seen that the Earth's sky, or the atmosphere, is made up of seven layers.

Today, it is known that the world's atmosphere consists of different layers that lie on top of each other.19 Based on the criteria of chemical contents or air temperature, the definitions made have determined the atmosphere of the earth as seven layers.20 According to the "Limited Fine Mesh Model (LFMMII)," a model of atmosphere used to estimate weather conditions for 48 hours, the atmosphere is also 7 layers. According to the modern geological definitions the seven layers of atmosphere are as follows:

1. Troposphere

2. Stratosphere

3. Mesosphere

4. Thermosphere

5. Exosphere

6. Ionosphere

7. Magnetosphere

The Qur'an says, "[He] revealed, in every heaven, its own mandate," in Surah Fussilat 12. In other words, Allah is stating that He assigned each heaven its own duty. Truly, as will be seen in following chapters, each one of these layers has vital duties for the benefit of human kind and all other living things on the Earth. Each layer has a particular function, ranging from forming rain to preventing harmful rays, from reflecting radio waves to averting the harmful effects of meteors.

The verses below inform us about the appearance of the seven layers of the atmosphere:

Do you not see how He created seven heavens in layers? (Koran,71:15)

He Who created the seven heavens in layers… (Koran,67:3)

The Arabic word "tibaqan" in these verses, translated into English as "layer" means "layer, the appropriate cover or covering for something," and thus stresses how the top layer is well suited to the lower. The word is also used in the plural here: "layers." The sky, described in the verse as being in layers, is without doubt the most perfect expression of the atmosphere. It is a great miracle that these facts, which could not possibly be discovered without the technology of the 20th century, were explicitly stated by the Qur'an 1,400 years ago.

We made the sky a preserved and protected roof yet still they turn away from Our Signs. (Koran,21:32)

This attribute of the sky has been proved by scientific research carried out in the 20th century: The atmosphere surrounding the Earth serves crucial functions for the continuity of life. While destroying many meteors-big and small-as they approach the Earth, it prevents them from falling to Earth and harming living things.

In addition, the atmosphere filters the light rays coming from space that are harmful to living things. The most striking feature of the atmosphere is that it lets only harmless and useful rays-visible light, near ultraviolet light and radio waves pass through. All of this radiation is vital for life. Near ultraviolet rays, which are only partially let in by the atmosphere, are very important for the photosynthesis of plants and for the survival of all living beings. The majority of the intense ultraviolet rays emitted from the Sun are filtered out by the ozone layer of the atmosphere. Only a limited and essential part of the ultraviolet spectrum reaches the Earth.

The protective function of the atmosphere does not end here. The atmosphere also protects the earth from the freezing cold of the space, which is approximately -270oC.

It is not only the atmosphere that protects the Earth from harmful effects. In addition to the atmosphere, the Van Allen Belt-the layer caused by the magnetic field of the Earth-also serves as a shield against the harmful radiation that threatens our planet. This radiation, which is constantly emitted by the Sun and other stars, is deadly to living things. If the Van Allen belt did not exist, the massive outbursts of energy called solar flares that frequently occur in the Sun would destroy all life on Earth.

We placed firmly embedded mountains on the earth, so it would not move under them… (Koran,21:31)

Have We not made the earth as a bed and the mountains its pegs? (Koran,78:6-7)

The verse states that mountains perform the function of preventing shocks in the Earth. This fact was not known by anyone at the time the Qur'an was revealed. It was, in fact, brought to light only recently, as a result of the findings of modern geological research.

Formerly, it was thought that mountains were merely protrusions rising above the surface of the Earth. However, scientists realised that this was not actually the case, and that those parts known as the mountain root extended down as far as 10-15 times their own height. With these features, mountains play a similar role to a nail or peg firmly holding down a tent. For example, Mount Everest, the summit of which stands approximately 9 km above the surface of the Earth, has a root deeper than 125 km.

In another verse it is revealed that Allah "made the mountains firm." (Qur'an, 79:32) The word "arsaha" in this verse means "was made rooted, was fixed, was nailed to the earth." Similarly, mountains extend to the surface layer joining lines on and below the surface, and nail these together. By fixing the Earth's crust they prevent any sliding over the magma layer or amongst the layers themselves. In short, mountains can be compared to nails holding strips of wood together. The fixing effect of mountains is known as isostasy in scientific literature. Isostasy is the state of equilibrium between the upward force created by the mantle layer and the downward force created by the Earth's crust. As mountains lose mass due to erosion, soil loss or melting of glaciers, they can gain mass from the formation of glaciers, volcanic explosions or soil formation. Therefore, as mountains grow lighter they are pressed upwards by the raising force implemented by the liquids. Alternatively, as they grow heavier they are pressed into the mantle by the force of gravity. Equilibrium between these two forces is established by isostasy. This balancing property of mountains is described in these terms in a scientific source:

G.B Airy in 1855 suggested that the crust of the earth could be likened to rafts of timber floating on water. Thick pieces of timber float higher above the water surface than thin pieces and similarly thick sections of the earth's crust will float on a liquid or plastic substratum of greater density. Airy was suggesting that mountains have a deep root of lower density rock which the plains lack. Four years after Airy published his work, J.H Pratt offered an alternative hypothesis... By this hypothesis rock columns below mountains must have a lower density, because of their greater length, than shorter rock columns beneath plains. Both Airy and Pratt's hypothesis imply that surface irregularities are balanced by differences in density of rocks below the major features (mountains and plains) of the crust. This state of BALANCE is described as the concept of ISOSTASY.

Today, we know that the rocky external layer of the Earth's surface is riven by deep faults and split into plates swimming above the molten lava. Since the Earth revolves very quickly around its own axis, were it not for the fixing effect of the mountains, these plaques would shift. In such an event, soil would not collect on the Earth's surface, water would not accumulate in the soil, no plants could grow, and no roads or houses could be built. In short, life on Earth would be impossible. Through the mercy of Allah, however, Mountains act like nails, and to a large extent, prevent movement in the Earth's surface.

Professor Siaveda, a world-renowned underwater geologist, made the following comment in reference to the way that mountains have root-like stalks attaching them to the surface:

The fundamental difference between continental mountains and the oceanic mountains lies in its material... But the common denominator on both mountains are that they have roots to support the mountains. In the case of continental mountains, light-low density material from the mountain is extended down into the earth as a root. In the case of oceanic mountains, there is also light material supporting the mountain as a root... Therefore, the function of the roots are to support the mountains according to the law of Archimedes

Furthermore, a book titled Earth, by Dr. Frank Press, former president of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, which is still used as a text book in a great many universities, states that mountains are like stakes, and are buried deep under the surface of the Earth.

Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High: He Who created and moulded; He Who determined and guided; He Who brings forth green pasture, then makes it blackened stubble. (Koran,87:1-5)

As we know, petrol forms from the remains of plants and animals in the sea. Once these have decayed on the sea bed after millions of years, all that is left are oily substances. These, under layers of mud and rock, then turn into petrol and gas. Movements in the Earth's crust sometimes lead to the sea petrifying and to the rocks containing petrol being buried thousands of metres deep. The petrol that forms sometimes leaks through the pores in the rock layers from several kilometres down, and rises to the surface, where it vaporises (turns into gas), leaving a mass of bitumen behind.

The three elements identified in the first four verses of Surat al-A'la parallel the formation of petroleum. It is quite likely that the term "almaraa," meaning pasture or meadow, refers to the organically-based substances in the formation of petroleum. The second word of note in the verse is "ahwa," used to describe blackish-green, greenish-black, dark or sooty colours. This word can be thought of as describing the waste plant matter accumulated underground gradually turning black, since these words are supported by a third word, "ghuthaan." The word "ghuthaan" translated as stubble, can also mean flood-water plants, plants brought together by waste matter being collected and dispersed around valleys, rubbish, leaves or foam. In addition to the connotation of "vomiting out" implied in the word, it may also be translated as "to flood forth vomited matter," and describes the way that the earth "vomits" forth petroleum. In fact, in the light of the formation of petroleum, the way it emerges, its foam-like appearance and its colour, one can better see with what wisdom were employed the words in the verses.

As has been discussed, the plant in the verse turning into a dark and viscous liquid bears a strong resemblance to the formation of petroleum. The description of such a formation over many years, at a time when the formation of petroleum was unknown, is without doubt another proof that the Koran is the revelation of Allah.

Your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then settled Himself firmly on the Throne... (Qur'an, 7:54)

One example of the harmony between the Qur'an and modern science is the subject of the age of the universe. Cosmologists estimate the age of the universe as 16-17 billion years. The Qur'an states that the entire universe was created in six days. These two time frames, which may seem contradictory, are actually surprisingly compatible. In fact, both these figures concerning the age of the universe are correct. In other words, the universe was created in six days, as revealed in the Qur'an, and this period corresponds to 16-17 billion years in the way that we experience time.

In 1915 Einstein proposed that time was relative, that the passage of time altered according to space, the speed of the person travelling and the force of gravity at that moment. Bearing in mind these differences in the passage of time, the period of time in which the universe was created as revealed in seven different verses of the Qur'an is actually highly compatible with scientists' estimations. The six-day period revealed in the Qur'an can be thought of as six periods. Because, taking into account the relativity of time, a "day" refers only to a 24-hour period experienced on Earth under current conditions. Elsewhere in the universe, however, at another time and under other conditions, a "day" could refer to a much longer period of time. Indeed, the word "ayyamin" in the period of six days (sittati ayyamin) in these verses (Qur'an 32:4, 10:3, 11:7, 25:59, 57:4, 50:38, and 7:54) means not only "days," but also "age, period, moment, term."

In the first period of the universe, the passage of time took place much faster than that with which we are familiar today. The reason for this is that, at the moment of the Big Bang, our universe was compressed into a very small point. The expansion of the universe and increase in its volume ever since the moment of that explosion has extended the borders of the universe to millions of light years. Indeed, the stretching of space ever since that moment has had very important ramifications for universal time.

The energy at the moment of the Big Bang slowed down the flow of time 1012 (one million million) times. When the universe was created the speed of universal time was higher up to a million million times, as time is experienced today. In other words, a million million minutes on Earth is the equivalent of just one minute in universal time.

When a six-day period of time is calculated according to the relativity of time, it equates to six million million (six trillion) days. That is because universal time flows a million million times faster than time on Earth. Calculated in terms of years, 6 trillion days equates to approximately 16.427 billion years. This is within the estimated range for the age of the universe.

6,000,000,000,000 days/365.25 = 16.427104723 billion years

On the other hand, each of the six days of creation equates to very different periods, as we perceive time. The reason for this is that the speed of the passage of time declines in proportion to the expansion of the universe. Ever since the Big Bang, as the size of the universe doubled, so the passage of time halved. As the universe grew, the speed at which the universe doubled increasingly slowed down. This rate of expansion is a scientific fact acknowledged the world over and described in the text book The Fundamentals of Physical Cosmology. When we calculate every day of creation in terms of Earth time, the following situation emerges:

-Looked at from the moment when time began, the first day of creation (first phase) lasted 24 hours. This period, however, is the equivalent of 8 billion years in Earth terms.

-The second day of creation (second phase) lasted 24 hours. This, however, lasted half as long, in our terms, as the preceding day, in other words 4 billion years.

-The third day (third phase) lasted half as long as the second day, in other words 2 billion years.

-The fourth day (fourth phase) lasted 1 billion years.

-The fifth day (fifth phase) lasted 500 million years.

-the sixth day (sixth phase) lasted 250 million years.

-Conclusion: When the six days of creation, in other words the six phases, are added together in Earth terms, the resulting figure is 15 billion 750 million years. This figure displays an enormous parallel with modern-day estimations.

This conclusion is one of the facts revealed by 21st century science. Science has once again confirmed a fact revealed in the Qur'an 1,400 years ago. This harmony between the Qur'an and science is one of the miraculous proofs that the Qur'an is the revelation of Allah, the Creator, the Omniscient.

He has created both sexes, male and female from a drop of semen which has been ejected. (Qur'an, 53:45-46)

The Y chromosome carries characteristics of masculinity, while the X chromosome carries those of femininity. In the mother's egg, there is only the X chromosome, which determines female characteristics. In the semen from the father, there are sperms that include either X or Y chromosomes. Therefore, the sex of the baby depends on whether the sperm fertilising the egg contains an X or Y chromosome. In other words, as stated in the verse, the factor determining the sex of the baby is the semen, which comes from the father. This knowledge, which could not have been known at the time when the Koran was revealed, is evidence to the fact that the Koran is the Word of Allah.

Recite: In the name of your Lord Who created man from alaq. Recite: And your Lord is the Most Generous. (Koran, 96:1-3)

The meaning of the word "alaq" in Arabic is "a thing that clings to some place."

In the first phase of its development, the baby in the mother's womb is in the form of a zygote, which clings to the uterus in order to take nourishment from the mother's blood. In the picture above is a zygote, which looks like a piece of flesh. This formation, which has been discovered by modern embryology, was miraculously stated in the Koran 14 centuries ago with the word "alaq," which means "a thing that clings to some place" and is used to describe leeches that cling to a body to suck blood.

[We] then formed the drop into a clot and formed the clot into a lump and formed the lump into bones and clothed the bones in flesh; and then brought him into being as another creature. Blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators! (Koran, 23:14)

The bones of the baby completing its development in the mother's womb are clothed with flesh during one particular stage exactly as stated in the Koran.

Embryology is the branch of science that studies the development of the embryo in the mother's womb. Until very recently, embryologists assumed that the bones and muscles in an embryo developed at the same time. Yet, advanced microscopic research conducted by virtue of new technological developments has revealed that the revelation of the Koran is word for word correct.

These observations at the microscopic level showed that the development inside the mother's womb takes place in just the way it is described in these verses. First, the cartilage tissue of the embryo ossifies. Then, muscular cells that are selected from amongst the tissue around the bones come together and wrap around the bones.

This event is described in a scientific publication titled Developing Human in the following words:

… [T]he shape of the skeleton determines the general appearance of the embryo in the bones stage during the 7th week; muscles do not develop at the same time but their development follows soon after. The muscles take their positions around the bones throughout the body and therefore clothe the bones. Thus, the muscles take their well known forms and structures..The stage of clothing with muscle occurs during the 8th week..

In short, developmental stages of man, as described in the Koran, are in perfect harmony with the findings of modern embryology.

Allah created every [living] creature from water. Some of them go on their bellies, some of them on two legs, and some on four. Allah creates whatever He wills. Allah has power over all things. (Koran,24:45)

Do those who disbelieve not see that the heavens and the earth were sewn together and then We unstitched them and that We made from water every living thing? So will they not believe? (Koran,21:30)

And it is He Who created human beings from water and then gave them relations by blood and marriage. Your Lord is All-Powerful. (Koran,25:54)

The words "Water is the main component of organic matter. 50-90% of the weight of living things consists of water" appear regularly in encyclopaedias. Furthermore, 80% of the cytoplasm (basic cell material) of a standard animal cell is described as water in biology textbooks. The analysis of cytoplasm and its appearance in textbooks took place hundreds of years after the revelation of the Koran. It is therefore impossible for this fact, now accepted by the scientific community, to have been known at the time the Koran was revealed. Yet, attention was drawn to it in the Koran 1,400 years before its discovery.

Yes, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers. (Koran,75:4)

The emphasis on fingerprints has a very special meaning. This is because shapes and details on everyone's fingerprint are unique to each individual. Every person who is alive or who has ever lived in this world has a set of unique fingerprints. Furthermore, even identical twins having the very same DNA sequence have their own set of fingerprints.

Fingerprints attain their final shape before birth and remain the same for a lifetime unless a permanent scar appears. That is why fingerprints are accepted as a very important proof of identity, exclusive to their owner. The science of fingerprints has been used as a non-erring identity determination method.

However, what is important is that this feature of fingerprints was only discovered in the late 19th century. Before then, people regarded fingerprints as ordinary curves without any specific importance or meaning. However in the Koran, Allah points to the fingertips, which did not attract anyone's attention at that time, and calls our attention to their importance. This importance has only been fully understood in our day.

This proves the Koran came from a Divine Source, the One True God, Allah. Since Islam is based on Allah's words, ir shows that Islam is the truth.

I don't think other religions can show proof like this.

Now, I wish for 70% of your book profit and I want it in CASH.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.