Angels: Good or Evil: Different Archangels?
2011-06-11 13:31:03 UTC
I was waticg Angels: Good or Evil, & they said that during different time periods, there were different lists of Archangels, & that many of them aren't commonly known of today. They specifically mentioned two time periods, but didn't actually list any of the differences. Anyone know what the past Archangels were, or some links that would help? Thanks in advance:)
Nine answers:
2011-06-11 13:50:50 UTC
For the best info on the Archangelic Orders, research Ma-ha-El, Kha-Vir-El, Ra-fa-El, U-ra-El.
2011-06-12 02:59:45 UTC
If you were watching either the History Channel or Discover, you can never believe what they say about God, Jesus, or the Bible; because most of what they say are lies. If you want the truth, you have to read the Bible; all of it.

God created the angels before He created Humans. Some people call this the 1st earth age. The first angel that God created was named Lucifer which means the light bringer. The Bible says that God created Lucifer to be the most powerful, the smartest, and the most beautiful angel. Lucifer's pride corrupted him, he rebelled against God, saying he would no longer do God's will and he convinced 1/3 of the angels to follow him and obey him instead of God. Those angels are called "fallen angels" because God kicked them out of Heaven.

The only angels that the Bible says are archangels are Michael who fought and defeated Satan; and Gabriel who told Jesus mother Mary that she would get pregnant by the Holy Spirit and have a son that she should name Jesus. There might be writings that have names of other angels that aren't in the Bible but the reasons some writings weren't put in the Bible was that they contain error, not because the early church wanted to hide something as programs on the History Channel sometimes claim.

We are now in the 2nd earth age. When Jesus returns we will begin the 3rd earth age. There are some prophesies in the Bible that are translated into English as about the "end of the world". The Hebrew word in the Old Testament that is translated as "world" is olam. Olam can mean world but it can also mean, a long span of time, which is a definition of the word, "age"

The New Testament was originally written in Greek. The word in the Greek that is translated as world is the Greek word "eon" which we have in English also. It definitely means a long span of time. So never worry about the end of the "world" and the programs on the History Channel about comets or other things hitting our planet and destroying it. That will never happen. What will happen when Jesus returns is that it will be the end of this "age" and begin the 3rd earth age.

During that time Jesus will rule the entire planet and it will be a time of peace, happiness, and prosperity. This age will last for 1000 years. During that time Satan and all of his demons will be locked up in hell so that they can't spread lies about God or the Bible like they do now. After the 1000 years Satan and the demons will be let out of hell for a short time and then God will judge everyone who ever lived and decide who will go to Heaven and who will go to hell. There are some people who already have gone to Heaven but no one is in hell, yet. Not until the final judgment which is sometimes called, "The Great White Throne Judgment".

So there you have it, everything that will happen in the future except the details. I hope that I have written some things that have been helpful to you. I cannot encourage you strongly enough to read the entire Bible, starting with The New Testament so you will know what's in the Bible and what is not. You will not only hear lies and ignorance from the History Channel but also from the pulpit. It is a great blessing to go to a church where the minister or Priest knows the Bible and teaches the Bible, and sadly, these churches can be hard to find.
2011-06-11 20:40:17 UTC
Not sure what you mean, but Lucifer (Satan) was one of the Morning Stars (God's first creations) and he was good, the morning stars were created around the first or second day. By the 7th day, everything was good. After some time, (unknown when) Lucifer, the Leading Choir angel, most beautiful angel, corrupted, wanting to be in charge, he also turned some angels evil. I don't think there is any other archangel than Micheal.
2011-06-11 20:38:19 UTC
When Lucifer was kicked out of heaven he took a 1/3 of the angels with him, so there is good and bad angels. Archangels don't fly. Google it. I think there are 9 or ten oders of angels acording to the bible.
Goblyn Queen
2011-06-11 21:04:02 UTC This really is the best thing to do. There are very few named angels in Judaism and Christianity. However, there are many other angels mentioned, but not named, so some "divined" their names. The study of angels, their history and their powers is called Angelology, btw.
2011-06-11 20:38:17 UTC
The only archangel mentioned in the Bible is Michael. He's in Daniel and in Jude.,%20Jude%201:9&version=NASB&interface=print

This link has the 2 verses and references with it.
2011-06-11 20:44:07 UTC
I do not know about the Bible, I'm Muslim but I can still answer that.

first Angels are ALL goods, the ones that are good or evil are the demons, they are creature of fire.

They reside here in earth, they do reproduce,

There are good demons (follower of god) and evil demon (follower of satan).

Also demons are split into categories with different names depending their strength and abnormal abilities.
Bεεbe ❀Tяee
2011-06-11 20:35:42 UTC
Micheal is one archeangel talked about in the bible.. another important thing to remeber is that make sure, what ever information you hear matches up w/ God's word , if it doesn't than its false.
John 3:16
2011-06-11 20:36:53 UTC
Michael is the only one.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.