I have a dream spell that is easy to use and works well. The main focus of your energy is put in the physical motions of it so it is one that I recommend for beginners.
You will need to hit up your local grocery store:
Celestial Seasonings Sleepy Time Tea
Honey (if you take it in your tea, for this particular tea it is much better than sugar)
Milk (if you take it in your tea)
About 30 minutes before bed boil the water, add teabag. With a spoon, stir clockwise call any deity you wish to help you in this endeavor, and chant 'magic dream tea come alive, mingled energies now thrive, show me what I need to see, as I will not make it be.' Say and stir till you feel that it is done, focus only on the action at hand, not what happened earlier that day. Be sure to seal your spell that is doesn't cause any harm to you (nightmares, unclear dreams, etc) Add honey and milk as you like, drink it peacefully without speaking any further words.
Until you go to bed, no TV, radio, food, other drink, limit conversations as much as possible and try to stay under low lighting.
Write down your dream when you wake.
This is very easy, very basic and is almost out of the realm of being a spell. What it does do is train your mind to focus on a magical working and this skill will be indispensable to you in the future.
Dance to the rhythm of Fire