Well I actually need some advice on 2 things so I'll put them both together. First of all I'm a Christian & im Facebook friends with this other Christian who judges me pretty often. Like when I was gothic ( after going through some really tough times) I was addicted to vampires & he reminded me very often that vampires are demonic demons from Satan which I knew that but I didn't care because I had another Christian friend who was also gothic but she also loves Jesus. & he also thought that my Halloween costume was demonic as well but it wasn't because I was Edward scissorhands & he's not demonic. Anyways but then a few months later I went on this Christian trip with my youth group which changed me because I told everyone what I've been through & how I've sinned & what caused me to be really dark & gothic. But the only thing that didn't change about the gothic part is that I still love Tim burton movies & I was gonna go see his new movie dark shadows & I get a Facebook message from him asking me "please tell me your joking about going to see this movie" & I told him "yes I'm going to go see it because it looks funny & my favorite director made it & my 2 favorite actors are in it as well" & then he told me it dosnt matter if it's a comedy & that he was afraid that seeing it was gonna make me go back to being gothic & what not & he was trying to force me to get down on my knees & ask god to forgive me & to make my moms mothers day great by not seeing the movie & I told him you can't judge me like that & I can go see this movie if I want to because my favorite director made it & my 2 favorite actors are in it. & now he's judging me about the fact that I swear. I don't swear that much depending on my mood & plus I've heard other Christians swear as well. But no matter if it's like 1 or 2 cuss words he still judges me about it. I usually don't delete my fb friends but I really feel like I wanna tell him "you know what? Your not my father! You can't tell me what to do & what not to do! You judge me all the time & I've had enough! So please back off!" it just feels like he's trying to get me to change but that's not his choice that's mine but if God wants to change my heart that's fine I'll let God do it no one else.
But yeah what should I tell him without being mean? I mean dosnt it say somewhere in the bible to not judge others? Because I think that judgemental is just wrong & it's not nice either