christians whenever i post question like this yahoo answer is not showing my question ?
Innocent Boy !
2018-03-04 06:54:54 UTC
i posted 3 times hope it will work

Christians Can You Say there is only One God that is jesus ?
i want prove cuz muslims said it is their right to say God is one That is Allah how can you prove them wrong

if u say me and father are one So you are the most stupid person try another way to prove them wrong
or i will convert to islam
Ten answers:
Adullah M
2018-03-08 05:12:14 UTC
Convert to Islam then,since Islam teach the real Unitarianism but condemn polytheistic in its it true sense ie;calling any human being as being god.
2018-03-04 20:14:38 UTC
I know . They do that to me too . YA needs to stop that practice if they want customers .
2018-03-04 13:33:31 UTC
The religion of Islam has as its focus of worship a deity by the name of "Allah." The Muslims claim that Allah in pre-Islamic times was the biblical God of the Patriarchs, prophets, and apostles. . Was "Allah" the biblical God or a pagan god in Arabia during pre-Islamic times? The Muslim's claim of continuity is essential to their attempt to convert Jews and Christians for if "Allah" is part of the flow of divine revelation in Scripture, then it is the next step in biblical religion. Thus we should all become Muslims. But, on the other hand, if Allah was a pre-Islamic pagan deity, then its core claim is refuted. Religious claims often fall before the results of hard sciences such as archaeology. We can endlessly speculate about the past or go and dig it up and see what the evidence reveals. This is the only way to find out the truth concerning the origins of Allah. As we shall see, the hard evidence demonstrates that the god Allah was a pagan deity. In fact, he was the Moon-god who was married to the sun goddess and the stars were his daughters. Archaeologists have uncovered temples to the Moon-god throughout the Middle East. From the mountains of Turkey to the banks of the Nile, the most wide-spread religion of the ancient world was the worship of the Moon-god. In the first literate civilization, the Sumerians have left us thousands of clay tablets in which they described their religious beliefs. As demonstrated by Sjoberg and Hall, the ancient Sumerians worshiped a Moon-god who was called many different names. The most popular names were Nanna, Suen and Asimbabbar. His symbol was the crescent moon. Given the amount of artifacts concerning the worship of this Moon-god, it is clear that this was the dominant religion in Sumeria. The cult of the Moon-god was the most popular religion throughout ancient Mesopotamia. The Assyrians, Babylonians, and the Akkadians took the word Suen and transformed it into the word Sin as their favorite name for the Moon-god. As Prof. Potts pointed out, "Sin is a name essentially Sumerian in origin which had been borrowed by the Semites. In ancient Syria and Canna, the Moon-god Sin was usually represented by the moon in its crescent phase.During the nineteenth century, Amaud, Halevy and Glaser went to Southern Arabia and dug up thousands of Sabean, Minaean, and Qatabanian inscriptions which were subsequently translated. In the 1940's, the archaeologists G. Caton Thompson and Carleton S. Coon made some amazing discoveries in Arabia. During the 1950's, Wendell Phillips, W.F. Albright, Richard Bower and others excavated sites at Qataban, Timna, and Marib (the ancient capital of Sheba). Thousands of inscriptions from walls and rocks in Northern Arabia have also been collected. Reliefs and votive bowls used in worship of the "daughters of Allah" have also been discovered. The three daughters, al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat are sometimes depicted together with Allah the Moon-god represented by a crescent moon above them. The archaeological evidence demonstrates that the dominant religion of Arabia was the cult of the Moon-god.In Old Testament times, Nabonidus (555-539 BC), the last king of Babylon, built Tayma, Arabia as a center of Moon-god worship. Segall stated, "South Arabia's stellar religion has always been dominated by the Moon-god in various variations."The evidence reveals that the temple of the Moon-god was active even in the Christian era. Evidence gathered from both North and South Arabia demonstrate that Moon-god worship was clearly active even in Muhammad's day and was still the dominant cult. According to numerous inscriptions, while the name of the Moon-god was Sin, his title was al-ilah, i.e. "the deity," meaning that he was the chief or high god among the gods. As Coon pointed out, "The god Il or Ilah was originally a phase of the Moon God." The Moon-god was called al-ilah, i.e. the god, which was shortened to Allah in pre-Islamic times. The pagan Arabs even used Allah in the names they gave to their children. For example, both Muhammad's father and uncle had Allah as part of their names.The fact that they were given such names by their pagan parents proves that Allah was the title for the Moon-god even in Muhammad's day. Prof. Coon goes on to say, "Similarly, under Mohammed's tutelage, the relatively anonymous Ilah, became Al-Ilah, The God, or Allah, the Supreme Being." "Why is Allah never defined in the Qur'an? Islam is nothing more than a revival of the ancient Moon-god cult. It has taken the symbols, the rites, the ceremonies, and even the name of its god from the ancient pagan religion of the Moon-god. As such, it is sheer idolatry and must be rejected by all those who follow the Torah and Gospel.
2018-03-04 13:19:19 UTC
There has only ever been the One Being of God. The Bible says that before Jesus came to earth to be born as a man he was the Word of God, who was with God in the beginning and who is God.

That is to say, Jesus is part of the One Being of God. He is "one with the Father" in spirit and purpose but Jesus is NOT the Father. Father and Son are NOT the same "person" but together with the Holy Spirit, make up the One Being of God.

I found an article that specifically addresses the issues Muslims have with the concept of Jesus as God. Hope it helps you.

P.S. Lots of questions are not showing up on Yahoo R&S these days - they disappear never to be seen, no-one knows where.
2018-03-04 10:12:16 UTC
i'm not a Christian -- tho i was from about 1957 thru 1969.

There are Christians who say that Jesus is God, the *only* True God. My dad used to talk about them and how he would debate them back in the late 1930's. He called them the "Jesus Only" people. i'm not sure if that was the exact name of their sect of not. (That was in Missouri.) About a half a dozen years ago on Facebook i crossed the path of a young woman (in her mid 20's then, she was a model) who was trying to convince me that Jesus *was* the Heavenly Father, the ONLY Supreme God.

i'd say that most Christians view the Trinity like a triangle. There's only *one* triangle. Calling that singular God "Jesus, the Son of God" is one side of the triangle, calling the ONLY God "God the Father" is another side of the triangle; calling the One God "the Holy Spirit" is just a different Name for the 3rd side of the triangle. They're just calling the same triangle by different Names. Most Christians relate more to just *one* side of the triangle -- usually to Jesus, he being more personally *human*.

Jesus is reported as saying, "I and the Father are One." This was, in reality, simply a *mystical* experience. He *experienced* a sense of spiritual oneness with God. Many others have experienced something very similar... Meister Eckhart being one prominent example. Perhaps the foremost Muslim example would be Mansur Al-Hallaj. Others have felt a mystical experience of oneness with the Universe. i can honestly say that "I and the Universe are One" -- that "You and the Universe are One" -- and it's *true*! We're not apart from the Universe, so we *have* to be *One* with it. But because i & the universe are *one* does not mean that i am the *entire* universe! And this is what Christians don't understand: just because Jesus had a mystical experience of Oneness with God does *not* mean that *he* is the entirety of God.

There *is* no proof that the "One God" is Jesus -- just as there is *no* real proof that the Islamic Allah is genuinely God! They're just claims made in the scriptures of the respective religions.

i think the probability is greatest that Yahweh (the Jewish God) and Allah are lying *false* gods -- who are really extra-terrestrial *aliens*. So convert to Islam and like all Muslims, you'll be worshipping an Annunaki *alien*! Convert to Judaism or Christianity and if you're worshipping Yahweh (of the 10 Commandments) you'll just be worshipping a *different* Annunaki alien. In *both* cases you'll be deceived, living your life, worshipping a *lie* -- just like the Satan worshippers are doing!

Convert atheist and you'll just be deluding yourself in another way!

In the Hindu sense (brahman and atman are one) every single *one* of us is God! (at least an aspect of God -- our soul-essence is like a molecule of God's Universal Spiritual Essence).

Islam has *lots* of mystics who have experienced a Oneness with Allah (like Jesus did with his Heavenly Father); they're generally Sufis who have had this kind of utter LOVE Oneness with Allah.

In my relationship with him, Jesus has *never* made the claim to be "God". He *did* say, one time, that he was my older (spiritual) brother. Jesus actually *speaks* to me (telepathically). Can Mohammad speak to *you*? How many Muslims are claiming Mohammad speaks to them -- and are sharing what he's said? How many Muslims is *Allah* speaking to and are sharing what *he's* said? Jesus speaks to *lots* of Christians (& even to a *non*-Christian, like *me*)! If Mohammad is *not* speaking (telepathically) to Muslims, if Allah is *not* speaking directly to Muslims (i mean *every* day -- what he has to say *now*, not what's in the Qu'ran), then Jesus is *clearly* a far more *advanced* spiritual Power, in *reality*, than are *either* Mohammad and Allah!

Believe whatever most seems to be the truth to you; follow whatever religions speak *meaningfully* to you -- that provide valid answers (as best you can determine) to the Most Important Questions in your own personal existence. *If* that's what you want to do.

i think it *wiser* to follow a *spiritual* path (like Jesus, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Krishnamurti, Sri Aurobindo & Osho *actually* did) -- *if* you are *able* to -- rather than depending upon *any* religion to (pretend to) give you "all the Answers"!

As for me, my devotion is to *Goddess* -- to Jesus's Divine *Mother* -- since the Real God has *no* intention to be on this planet for the next 2,100 years! He's taking a "vacation" in the Pleroma -- the Highest Heaven. (How do i *know*? He actually *told* me so! *i* don't care if you nor anyone else believes me!) All the wrangle-tangles of humanity, their unending prayers going to Him at about the average rate of 45,000 *every* single *second* -- He *deserves* a vacation! i feel especially *graced* that He took the few moments required to actually *tell* me that... *and* to tell me how many incarnations i've had across the course of a *very* long time!

i think i can safely say that as far as the *Real* Ultimate God (*not* Allah, *not* the Biblical Yahweh) and Supreme *Goddess* are concerned -- choose to *learn* whatever you *want* to! That's why the Gift of Life was *given* to you. And when this life is done for you, *GODDESS* will *judge* you -- to whatever follow-up life that is "to your own best interests". *Nothing* to worry about. She *loves* you -- regardless of what Islam, Christianity and Judaism (mis)teach!
2018-03-04 07:59:34 UTC
Probably because that's NOT a question. It's a statement.

But to answer, there are no gods at all. None are real.
2018-03-04 07:36:07 UTC
Yes, maybe I see problem.

It seems Islam is a physical religion: notice their paradise after life is the same as here but more, better, more sex with Virgina, Virgina become Virgina again? Sounds very strange, magic, but excellent food, wine. Like wealthy people here on earth.

So the belief in God is a PERSON.

The Bible doesn't say that. It says God is Spirit. Spirit can divide, recombinant like clouds in the sky. Together, apart.

Jesus transformed Himself to come here to save everyone from eternal death.

One tree, several branches, One God, several Spirits that are One, fit perfectly.

It's not God in 3 persons, it's 3 spirits, Holy, righteous.

If you have ONE family: John SMITH, Lily SMITH, Joey junior SMITH, are they ALL SMITH?

You could say it's group theory.

One triangle has THREE sides.

Can you see this at all?

Pose another question if not.

One thing, though, Christianity SEPARATES you from blood family, so don't go too fast.
2018-03-04 07:33:52 UTC
Why do people ask random questions to christians?

Its like "christians how to tie a tie".

"Christians how do i fix my yahoo account"
2018-03-04 07:07:27 UTC
I'm pretty sure there are filters which sort questions. Your English seems shoddy at best, so maybe something you wrote got picked up and flagged. If it happens again try rewording your question and reposting.

Also, I hope Islam works out for you. Good luck with that.
2018-03-04 06:56:35 UTC

When you post a question and it doesn't show up, you should move it to another category (sometimes to more than one different category) before moving it back to the category you want it in, then you can seek if it shows or not by looking in the main secti0n you are posting the question in.

with regards to answers that aren't popping up (you can see by switching ids or signing off), you have to edit your answer, remove a link or photo and then repost it, or sometimes adding one comma or changing one letter in the post, then the post will show.

Y/a is messed up.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.