Trinitarians, how do you know you are going to heaven?
2010-09-19 18:04:49 UTC
Everybody I know who claim to be Christians and worship the trinity god believe they are going to heaven.

I asked this a couple times now and received some interesting answers. Not many actually answered and only some used scriptures.

1) How do you know you are going to heaven?

Someone answered that they were born again. What does this mean? Is this like Acts 2:3 where there was a flame over the disciples head. Or does it mean that you make your mind over like it says in Romans 12:1,2?

2) What does it feel like knowing only your group(s) are going to heaven and everybody else is going to hell?

Most evaded answering this question. One guy did say that going to heaven was not exclusive to just the Trinitarian worshiping Christians. What does this mean? Will hindu's go to heaven?

Another said that God does not "predetermine elect people". Explain. If you think only trinity worshiping christians will go to heaven, does that not mean only a select few are actually going to heaven?

3) What are you going to do when you get to heaven?

One person said that there is no sorry, death, grief pain. There is also no marriage. So, what are you going to when you get to heaven? Some said "worship God". What does that mean? Another said play bingo... not sure why... that is gambling and probably won't be in heaven.

4) What does the Bible says you will do when you are in heaven?

Most have said worship God. One person said that they will work on something. It seems to me that most do not know what the Bible says.

One said Worship, fellowship, eat, rule, reign, receive honors, cooperate with God's will in all things.

Ok. What does it mean by worship? Bow before God for all eternity?

Eat? You do not have a physical body. How you gonna eat?

Rule? Over what?

Reign? huh?

Receive honors? What for?

Cooperate with God's will? By doing what?
Eight answers:
2010-09-19 18:06:07 UTC
Look...all I wanted was a cup of coffee...not a lecture.
2010-09-20 01:30:47 UTC
1. Because God said so, and I believe He never lies. Is that enough for you? Somehow I don't think so. It will have to do. It's true and that's that.

2. What "group"? Christians? Jehovah Witnesses, mormons, SDA's, other cult groups who think they have the Special God and the rest of us are Satan's trash? Be more specific, like you expect everyone else to be.

3. Worship and learn about God which causes us to worship Him even more.

4. It says we will worship and learn about God which causes us to worship Him even more. You say "most have said worship God." Then you say "most do not know what the bible says." Make up our minds, will ya!? "Most" in my book are pretty much a majority--in the right. If most are spot on, then how can most "not" know what the bible says?

If you don't know what worship is, then we can't explain it. It's only from a true believers perspective that one can understand it.

Yes we will have bodies. Bodies that have changed from singularly human to spiritual as well. Just like Jesus did. He went to heaven, then came down to earth and ate fish with the disciples on a riverbank, didn't He? Even cooked the meal. Angels ate food with Abraham. (read your bible before asking questions) But then again, He died and rose again. There's very different things which happen to those Christians who survive the Tribulation, and those who die before Jesus's final return.

No one receives honors, reigns or rules in Heaven besides God. They are getting the 1000 year Reign of Christ on earth mixed up with Heaven.

We will be in the pefect center of God's will. In worshiping Him for who He is.

The End.
Disneys Mickey
2010-09-20 02:26:54 UTC
The door to which you seek the answer begins with 1 John 5:13

"These things have I written to you that believe on the name of the Son of God, THAT YOU MAY KNOW THAT YOU HAVE ETERNAL LIFE ......................"

Two things

1. You can "know" you have Eternal life................How?

2. 'THESE THINGS HAVE I WRITTEN UNTO YOU".................what things ??

If you will read All the writings of John that teach what it is "to believe into Jesus" will have your answers.

btw: to answer all your sub questions is prohibitive for lack of space,

Ergo: You have a choice. begin with 1 John 5:13, and go on a journey of discovery and discover that Jesus is incarnate Deity, or

2. to keep asking redundant questions, and not heeding or reading the scriptural answers

Rolando C I
2010-09-20 01:15:13 UTC
Very good question. I don't think you are going to get a straight answer. Only guesses. Romans 10:2 . I feel sorry for them.
2010-09-20 02:17:20 UTC
Wow, you actually ask very informed questions! But... to be honest im too lazy to type out all of would take me pages and pages to do thoroughly.... I do believe i have a good informed answer for you though. Im gonna do my best, but if I leave something out email me alright? I wouldnt mind at all :P Actually, not to sound like a creeper, but this is something i feel you actually need dialogue to talk about; i'd like to actually talk.... but like i said, i'll do my best.

I'll start with what it means to be "born again". The problem is, most christians dont know how to answer you so they revert to their "christianese" and parrot back what they hear in church. So.. Born Again...

Scripture says that we are spiritually dead in sin (for the sake of time, I'm not going to include references, but i encourage you to look it up, or email me in you cant find it). Birth marks the start of a life so thats a metaphor for saying that person is finally freed from the bondage of sin (because scripture tells us we were slaves to our sin—dead to anything spiritual) and can start their life in Christ. Born again... get it?

Now... how do you know if you're going to heaven?... Don't you think you'd know if something like that happened to you? The rebirth is when you surrender your old life. You are dead to that life—no longer the person you were. Everyone's done wrong. Everyone has sinned. Everyone's done something their ashamed of... God cannot tolerate sin because that would violate his perfect, sinless nature so sinners cannot be with him. So basically we're all screwed because we have to die to pay for our sins (the wages of sin is death—thats in romans 7 i think, without looking). However, God sent his son, the perfect, blameless sacrifice to carry the sin of the world. We were given jesus's good credit, his righteous life, while he was marked by the sin of the world. And he died for it and satisfied the law. (think of aslan on the stone table :P) However... Death has no power over the might of christ and he conquered the grave.

If you have ever done anything wrong ever—just one thing—you're a sinner. In fact, thanks to Adam, you were born with a sinful nature. Its part of who you are to sin.

"We aren't sinners because we sin, we sin because we're sinners." --(my bible teacher)

Just like fish will swim, man will sin.

So, now you realize that you need atonement and you surrender your life to serving the perfect will of Christ. I don't know about you, but when I think about the love God's showed us, dedicating my life to him is the least I can do... besides that, he can probably run it better than me. So now, after the rebirth, a christian spends the rest of their life going through sanctification.

Rebirth: the absolute rule/ power of sin is broken, but NOT totally removed, by the atonement of God.

Sanctification: The life long process a christian goes through in which they try and live their life more like christ's example. They cling to every word that comes from the mouth of God and walk with him daily and the power of sin is lessened with time (this is usually what it means to "grow as a christian") , but still not totally gone.

The Death Of Sin: Comes with our death when we rejoin the father in heaven. It's the final transformation. Our wills are perfect, our hearts and minds are perfect, we are completely rid of sin.

Now... What will we do in heaven? Well, Earth is God's creation and he said "it was good"..... GOOD. Imagine what perfect is like! Our spiritual bodies will be just as real and vibrant as our earthly bodies. More so even. We are "vapors in the wind" on earth; we are fleeting. We are called to glorify God by all we do and we will be forever worshiping God. But does that mean praying 24/7? Singing all day and night? No! God gave us talents! God gave us personalities! Is it glorifying God any less if a soccer player is using the body God made him to worship him? of course not! I'm not sure what God will be like, no one is, but it talks about a city.... Would there be a city if all heaven was was an eternal choir practice?

The difference is that, in heaven, there is no sin. Sin hurts people. The wages of sin is death.

Oh yeah! And im not sure where it says in in the Bible... but somewhere along the way, I heard that there would be feasts even though we wouldnt NEED to eat. We will cuz we want to :P Who says our bodies wont be physical? maybe they wont, but they'll be more real than our bodies now.

Oh thats right... you asked something like... 'How do i feel knowing christians are going to heaven and everyone else is going to hell?" Right?
2010-09-20 01:18:18 UTC
When l ask a question along these lines- l hear crickets.
Gruntled Employee
2010-09-20 01:14:06 UTC
By grace through faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins.
2010-09-20 01:09:48 UTC
Here. you go.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.