Christians, why is your god real while all the other gods are not?
2010-11-28 14:59:45 UTC
Consider this: if you Christians had been brought up in Iraq, you would be believing in Allah; if you had been brought up in India, you would be believing in Krishna; and if you had been brought up in ancient Greece, you would be believing in Zeus.

You Christians just happened to have been born in a culture in which the majority religion is Christianity. So what makes your god is real while all the other countless gods are fake?
28 answers:
2010-11-28 15:51:20 UTC
others dont even exist and are figments of satans imagination.....BIBLE IS THE TRUTH....AND SO IS THE TRINITY...everyone knows those greed "gods" were myths...and it doesnt matter what humans think ONLY WHAT GOD SAYS!!!! you migh wish to read the new Testment.
2010-11-28 15:20:39 UTC
All other gods are physical beings - The Christian God is not.

What we can infer is that there exists a personal, and, hence, self-conscious, volitional being of inconceivably great intelligence who designed the universe. If people really believed that to be true, they would be wide-eyed and open-mouthed with astonishment, rather than mocking and derisive.

It’s plausible that any ultimate explanation must involve a personal being which is incorporeal. For any being composed of material stuff will exhibit precisely that specified complexity that we are trying to explain. The old “Who designed the Designer?” objection thus presses hard against any construal of the Designer as a physical object. That immediately rules out any other gods such as the ‘Flying Spaghetti Monster’ as a final explanation.

What about the other theistic arguments? The contingency argument, if successful, proves the existence of a metaphysically necessary, uncaused, timeless, spaceless, immaterial, personal Creator of the universe. That conclusion is also incompatible with the Sufficient Reason of all things being any of the other gods, since as a physical object (even if invisible to our senses) they can be neither metaphysically necessary, timeless, spaceless, nor immaterial.

The kalam cosmological argument, if sound, gives us grounds for believing in the existence of a beginningless, uncaused, timeless, spaceless, changeless, immaterial, enormously powerful, Personal Creator of the universe. Again, a being with such attributes cannot be anything like the other gods.

Finally, the ontological argument gives us reason to think that God, as the greatest conceivable being, is metaphysically necessary and maximally excellent, that is to say, omnipotent, omniscient, and all-good.
2010-11-28 15:18:48 UTC
Good question, I'll give you a star.

The problem with fundamentalist Christianity, or any other religion to exclusions of others is that each have spiritual texts written by man. Man have tendencies of hatred and prejudice that can taint, twist and contort beliefs based on the author's own belief (Glen Beck and Michael Moore are two polar extreme extremes of this).

The other problem is with every religion comes a time where the worshiper has to exercise belief in some thing that otherwise does not exist (or is contorted). It is the exact same faith that children have in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus. The faith is no different whether you believe God will answer prayers, or the great animals of the Native American religions, or the god of your choosing.

That's one of many reasons I am Agnostic.

Memo to NummerThirteen: Excellent points. Fundamentalists, especially Christians and Muslims are guilty of shushing questions with either threats or rudeness, yet laughably both worship the EXACT same God. They worship the same God, yet these two fundamentalist factions HATE each other to death.
2010-11-28 15:20:43 UTC
Wong Wong, they believe in their Gods because they are alone and they know it. This makes them afraid. They use myth to reason what they don't understand, rather than finding the answer themselves.

If they could only embrace that there is no God, but there is still something to connect to, they would find peace. You don't need a God to make it though life, telling you what you can and can't do in every single minute aspect, you need a path. A path where you can focus on your consciousness, awareness, and intuition so you can break the cycle of rebirth and not have to go through this again.

End your own suffering. You are the cause of it anyway. If you can become aware enough to get past these questions, maybe you won't have to relive it again, and again, and again.
2016-10-03 10:28:01 UTC
Listen, simply given that a few woman bought knocked up through any person who was once no longer her husband 2000 years in the past and claimed that she had the the son of god does no longer honestly imply that she was once telling the reality. God didn't come all the way down to earth in entrance of hundreds of thousands of individuals and verify this. How have you learnt that Jesus wasn't only a delusional compulsive liar??? There was once NO evidence that he was once telling the reality. I appreciate that everybody believes what they wish however do not pontificate your ideals on others.
miracle receiver
2010-11-28 15:09:23 UTC
Good question and comments I must say! But here is your answer...

It really doesn't matter where you live to find out who the true God is. I have known people who were born and raised in middle eastern countries and have grown up in Islam and have now known the true God. Even people raised in India have met the Lord and are now Christians.

The key is wanting to truly know who God is. He is a faithful God because he sees what is in your heart. He will know if someone wants to know the truth. It usually starts with a dissatisfied life and feeling empty even if you have everything tangible that you want. There is an emptiness in your heart that can't be filled by these objects, money or even other people.

So a person turns to God as says, "help me, I want to know who you are. I am so unhappy!" Mind you some of these people are already following the faith they grew up in like I mentioned before - Islam, buddhism, etc. But God is so good he will start revealing himself to them and then nothing can take away that love they have experienced. Now you have a person who knows why their God is the real God over other gods.

God bless you!
Mike M.
2010-11-28 15:19:45 UTC
Good observation. Our beliefs might be different (and equally wrong), but that should not change the facts, if there are any. And forturnately there are plenty of facts available in the age in which we live.

Just being born onto a genuine starship with radiation and meteor shields that are not Hollywood imagination, with its own completely safe, self-maintaining, free and non-polluting nuclear fusion-powered power source, perfectly recycling oxygen and water supplies, plenty of good food and space to move around and completely transparent walls so as to be able to view space from anywhere, is enough to convince many that it was designed and "built" by Somebody who knew and cared what they were doing.

And, while not defending fundamentalist "Creationism" with it's unscientific and unscriptural "7,000-year-old universe", you should know that there is plenty of evidence of an intelligent Creator in the world of living things.

For instance, ever tried to swat a fly? Not necessarily easy, right? Know why? It has to do with the fly's navigational system. It has a single vibrating rod in its abdomen, and as it changes direction in flight, it senses the changes in the vibrations of that rod and is able to dodge you, fly and land upside down and backwards. What would the Air Force pay to have flying and navigational systems that good?

How did the fly manage to evolve such a system? Even if it evolved a flopping rod, what good would it be without the muscles to vibrate it? And the unusual vibrating motion? And the nerves to send the signals from the rod to the brain? And the section of the brain to interpret the signals? And the correct instructions to interpret them? And the correct instructions to the part of the brain that controlled the wings as to what to DO about those signals? All AT THE SAME TIME. ALL USELESS UNTIL COMPLETE, giving natural selection no advantage to select during all the early "developmental stages". Wouldn't that be a remarkable coincidence? I ask people, "Could YOU sit down, right now, and write the code for such a set of instructions? And if your ten billion well trained and coordinated neurons put together can't do it with an education and a computer, is it really sensible to think that flies did it by themselves?"

The fly has a complete navigational system that is self-constructing (in its egg), self-reproducing, self-programming, self-correcting, that can fly upside down and backwards, avoiding dangers and locating and recognizing fuel (food), that requires even MORE entire, completely developed systems that even large groups of highly educated humans cannot or are only now beginning to be able to copy (and only by intelligent design), all microminiaturized into a space smaller than the head of a pin, with the code for it in characters that are the size of molecules (I wonder how many characters per inch that works out to? Pretty hi-tech data storage). No scientist can do anything like that.

So I ask people, "In your experience, how many complete flying and navigational systems do you know of that have happened completely by accident, with no intelligent thought or design?" "Did you ever read the story of all the thought and work needed to design and build a flying machine, as told by the Wright brothers themselves? So how scientific is it to say that it just happened by blind accidents in the case of the lowly, incredibly complex fly?"

All of the animal and plant world is full of examples like these. Your body is, too. Johns Hopkins University made the newspapers by making one enzyme. It must have been pretty hard to do. It was no accident. But your liver manufactures over nine hundred enzymes, all necessary for you to live, and no one thinks about putting THAT in the paper. "Could have happened completely by accident" (which is what evolution equates to, isn't it?) But if 900+ enzymes could happen so easily, simply by accidents of evolution, then why did the university make the news when it was finally able to produce ONE?

This isn't defending the indefensible things done and taught supposedly in God's name...

Best regards,

2010-11-28 15:18:23 UTC
Simple. There is a Democracy Index used for mesuring democracies on Earth. It is called the London Economist Democracy Matix.

There are 30 full democracies on Earth. 28 are Christian Dominant in Religion. Of the two which are NOT Christian Dominant in religion, the first one Maritius, was ADMINISTERED for 300 years by a Christian Dominant country, Great Britain. Of the second country, Japan, its constituiton was writen by an Army of Occupation whose culture was Christian Dominant (USA.)

So basically there are 30 full democracies on Earth, and all thirty got that way from Christian Culture.

Case closed. My point.
2010-11-28 15:10:38 UTC
What you believe is greatly impacted by where you grow up. However, it doesn't change what is real and true. It is possible that all Gods are not real, but they cannot all be real.

I believe that God the Father of Jesus Christ is real because the Bible shows itself to be reliable, and it tells me about God. (It is historically accurate. It is internally consistent. It fulfills prophecy.) It is eminently reasonable to believe what the Bible says. The same cannot be said about other so-called revelations of God.
2010-11-28 15:09:00 UTC
DUE TO OUR GOD BEING REAL AND ALL OTHERS BEING FALSE/BACTERIA, THERE ARE UNCLEAN SPIRITS WHICH ARE ACTUALLY FROM THE RED DRAGON/DINOSAUR AS MENTIONED IN THE BIBLE, AND THERE ARE 8 UNCLEAN SPIRITS THAT HAVE acted like deities for many years {{Literally appearing before man and women for centuries and making shapes and shadows and saying that they are gods, yet are merely bacterial phages and certain bacteria from the sea is why the Bible calls them the beasts of the sea}} but science has now found them and they are soon destroyed by the return of the ONE TRUE GOD He is the only pure SPIRIT AND THE CREATOR OF THE HEAVENS ABOVE, AND THIS EARTH BELOW...For proof of these filth's now found by Science go google Adam and Eve seed gathering medical ministry and on the about page and services page are literally images of death/satan/red has begun...{{BUT remember its okay to be Wong, as long as you realize it in time...}}
2010-11-28 15:10:09 UTC
every prevalent culture has their own "faith". like you said, many examples: Egyptian, Persian, Norse, Greek, Roman, Hindu, etc.

Even today, we have tons of different religious beliefs. thus is the frailty of humanity- we look for something to cling to because we cannot explain our world. thats how religion began.

hopefully the world of the future will no longer have need for religion. it just causes conflict. christianity will die off eventually.
tree top
2010-11-28 16:17:08 UTC
(read 1 john 5:11,13 here is you answers!) our God is big enough to get his salvation message to anyone in the world. we will all stand before God if we have not come to Jesus for life. great white throne judgment. if we have come to Jesus we have been made alive spiritualy together with Christ we will go before the beema seat it is where we will receive rewards for things we have allowed Jesus to do in and through us here and now, any thing else will be wood hay and stuble and be cast into the fire to be burned up. we as christians can't live the christian life but as we abide in Jesus he live his life in and through us today Jesus he is the holy one and we sand in his rightiousness because we have no rightiousness of our own, it is all of Jesus and none of us we live by faith in him.
2010-11-28 15:03:39 UTC
There's a sucker born every minute. In fact judging from the number of religious cultists. There's more than one sucker born every minute. With the cult leaders looking on waiting to begin the brainwashing and indoctrination process.
2010-11-28 15:04:37 UTC
The funny thing about this question is that Muslims, Jews, and Christians all believe in the same God.

To the person who said that if they were brought up in Iraq they would just kill themself, get an education!!!!
2010-11-28 15:04:46 UTC
Of course.... but they can't think that far.

Ever have a discussion with one of these fundie Christians, or fundie Muslims?

They can barely write.

And ya know, as long as they keep that crap out of my government and public schools, they are harmless...

Problem is, we had one of those for President of the US., and he about ruined this country......(God told him to attack Iraq.... and did so thru Donald Rumsfield.... youtube it..something like "Bush said god told me to attack Iraq" or something similar......and we will be digging out of the two wars and debt the man put us in for several decades.................. Thank you dubya.
Martin S
2010-11-28 15:06:56 UTC
The God whom you refer to is not the "Christian" God. He is the Creator God besides which there is no other.

Isaiah 43:10 "You are My witnesses," says the LORD, "And My servant whom I have chosen, That you may know and believe Me, And understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, Nor shall there be after Me. 11 I, even I, am the LORD, And besides Me there is no savior. ... 15 I am the LORD, your Holy One, The Creator of Israel, your King."

The above passage was given by inspiration to the Jewish prophet Isaiah. As to other so called "gods" here is what is written about them showing that while they are "real" they are not God or gods.

Deuteronomy 32:16 They provoked Him to jealousy with foreign gods; With abominations they provoked Him to anger. 17 They sacrificed to demons, not to God, To gods they did not know, To new gods, new arrivals That your fathers did not fear.
2010-11-28 15:56:03 UTC
The word "god", simply means "image of worship", or, to the benefit of a more modern understanding, "image of focus". The human mind works by imagery. Everything in existence, how we relate to it, is represented or associated somehow or other, in imagery in our understanding. This or that image of focus throughout all creation, are a matter of created things The God without an image( "No man hath seen God at any time") is an image of focus that makes for an environment in the mind and understanding, to unify understanding of the relationships of all things in existence, without hindrance or limitation. He is real, because He is not an image of focus that limits vision of the entirety of truth and understanding throughout all existence. While, in fact, all other gods(or lies about the real one) cause mental focus to be merely upon an aspect or aspects of creation. Even not having a god causes mental focus to be merely upon an aspect or aspects of creation. The real point to vision, is not an aspect or aspects of creation, but a full sharing relationship with Creation's Creator, relating with all Relativity, without limit to positive vision and expectation in the singular and unified truth of all things, of which, Jesus Christ, is the key(means of access) to all understanding. My God is real, because The full sharing relationship to Himself He Proposed in life to us, is the very, "Meaning of life", that other people find to be such a mystery. All I can say for myself that I believe such things, is that I just don't know why everybody finds the meaning of life to be such a mystery, it makes perfect sense to me. I don't know why they ask "Why, Why, why?", when their life sucks. Its meaning is Love, and believing in The God( who is Love) causes my life to be, that positive experience, of me seeing and acting upon it all , when it comes down to it, being about Love. That means, even when things suck in life, that's how I am set to focus on it overall, on the positives of matters. For the matter, my experience of life, is just plainly, more positive and far less of a torment(a cut back). I simply know, quite plainly, that my beliefs are simply not based upon my geographic location or culture. My personal beliefs of Christianity, actually tend to be extremely uncommon in the world.
2010-11-28 15:06:50 UTC
standard christian answer...

"all 10,000 gods are the abrahamic god... all gods! including the gods and goddesses that pre-date him with thousands of years"

every hunter-gatherer tribe, every civilization pre-dating the abrahamic god talks about gods having created their world...

epic fail
2010-11-28 15:13:22 UTC
Us Christians thank you for your opinions.
2010-11-28 15:03:26 UTC
Because I get to communicate with God everyday and he works in ways in my life that could only be Him - Yes, God answers my prayers. My very precise prayers. It's not just random chance.
2010-11-28 15:01:29 UTC
If I was brought up in Iraq, I'd just go ahead and kill myself.
craig b
2010-11-28 15:03:16 UTC
Sometime go to some volunteer work at Teen Challenge.

Then tell me that there are many gods.
2010-11-28 15:02:00 UTC
"cuz some mentally ill person wrote it in the bible"
2010-11-28 15:01:09 UTC
you got this from Richard Dawkins, didn't you?

it's ok. but just cite your sources next time X_X
2010-11-28 15:01:52 UTC
There's only one God.
2010-11-28 15:00:56 UTC
There is only ONE God, called by many names.

I love it! You guys are so bigotted! God forgives you anyway.
2010-11-28 15:01:28 UTC
Bibble says so.
2010-11-28 15:01:19 UTC
Then prove they are, & I will believe you.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.