Bible word of GOD?
2006-07-16 09:04:31 UTC
If all this is false then how much of the bible is true?
74. A woman of Canaan besought Jesus
Matt 15:22
It was a Greek woman who besought Him
Mark 7:26
75. Two blind men besought Jesus
Matt 20:30
Only one blind man besought Him
Luke 18:35,38
76. Christ was crucified at the third hour
Mark 15:25
Christ was not crucified until the sixth hour
John 19:14,15
77. The two thieves reviled Christ.
Matt 27:44/ Mark 15:32
Only one of the thieves reviled Christ
Luke 23:39,40
78. Satan entered into Judas while at supper
John 13:27
Satan entered into him before the supper
Luke 22:3,4,7
79. Judas committed suicide by hanging
Matt 27:5
Judas did not hang himself, but died another way
Acts 1:18
80. The potter's field was purchased by Judas
Acts 1:18
The potter's field was purchased by the Chief Priests
Matt 27:6,7
81. There was but one woman who came to the sepulchre
John 20:1
There were two women who came to the sepulchre
Matt 28:1
82. There were three women who came
22 answers:
2006-07-16 09:09:46 UTC
you right the bible is the true word of God.......Bless you<><
2006-07-16 16:16:26 UTC
FAQ: What books are in the Word and what are apocrypha?

"The books of the Word are all those which have the internal sense; but those books which have not the internal sense, are not the Word. The books of the Word, in the Old Testament, are the five Books of Moses, the Book of Joshua, the Book of Judges, the two Books of Samuel, the two Books of Kings, the Psalms of David, the Prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi: and in the New Testament, the four Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John; and the Apocalypse. The rest have not the internal sense" (Arcana Coelestia n. 10325 or Heavenly Doctrine n. 266).

FAQ: Why different testaments and books in the Word?

"As regards the Word particularly, it has existed in every age, though not the Word we possess at the present day. Another Word existed in the Most Ancient Church before the Flood, and yet another Word in the Ancient Church after the Flood. Then came the Word written through Moses and the Prophets in the Jewish Church, and finally the Word written through the Evangelists in the new Church. The reason why the Word has existed in every age is that by means of the Word there is a communication between heaven and earth, and also that the Word deals with goodness and truth, by which a person is enabled to live in eternal happiness. In the internal sense therefore the Lord alone is the subject, for all goodness and truth are derived from Him" (Arcana Coelestia n. 2895).
Tom C
2006-07-16 16:21:59 UTC
The Bible is completely true, 100%.

People are always trying to pick out these ridiculous "contradictions" when they are actually NOT.

You MUST always remember that you are looking at different points of view to the same events. Let's look at the hour of crucifixion...

You state Mark says He was crucified the third hour and

John says the sixth hour. Is this a contradiction? I am sure it's not. I see here that John is assigning a "start" time that is three hours earlier than Mark. The point is, He was crucified.

When you come to a number of people involved with an event, some writers would simply write about only the primary person and not include their companions, other writers will include their companions.

The woman in your first example (74) This was a Greek woman who lived in Canaan. Still a contradiction?

The Bible is the infallible word of God.
2006-07-16 16:59:53 UTC
I don't see that there's any way to tell. Who knows what's true and what isn't anymore? Presumably there is an original basis of truth for these stories, but somewhere along the line, the details got changed by faulty memories or perhaps even deliberate lies. It certainly doesn't put the Good News in a good light, especially for those who claim that the Bible is the literal word of God. For anyone prone to natural doubt and cautious skepticism, it's more than sufficient to make one question if anything in the Bible is divinely inspired. Even giving the Bible the benefit of the doubt and admitting that there most likely are some stories told which are completely true and accurate, there's no sure way to know what's true and what is not.

In even the least bit of critical light, the whole thing falls apart as being total genuine truth "Oh, but it's a matter of faith", some say. Faith in a system that can't even keep it's own stories straight? Faith in a system that contradicts simple common sense? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that if you're going to spread lies as truth and hope to be taken seriously, you at least need to keep your lies consistant with each other.
2006-07-16 16:25:43 UTC
Here is a question for you - actually a few questions. First off which version of the Bible are you reading? The Books of the Apostles are individual accounts of what Jesus did while here on earth. You have to understand not all the apostles were with Jesus every living moment. They had lives too. They might have been eating or sleeping or doing something else not recorded by any of them.

Hypothetically - If I were to take the four books of the Apostles as well as Acts and line them up, I would see differences in perspectives of the life of Jesus. Remember the Apostles were men and they were viewing things that God wanted them to see. Those four books are not going to be exact, but they are going to support one another and the great works that happened. They are human testimonies.

I do have to let you understand something the sixth hour was not the cricifixion time it was the third hour and there is no contradiction. In the sixth hour Pilate was handing Jesus over tobe cricified on the third hour in the afternoon. (The witching hour - the hour of satan and death is the third hour in the morning).

Next, the potters field was purchased with the blood of Judas. He hung himself.

Satan did enter Judas and Jesus allowed Him to do the things that would allow Jesus to spill His own blood to reconcile the world to God.
Rich E
2006-07-16 16:19:55 UTC
You read but do not listen. God does not cast his pearls before swine. The Bible has many lessons to be learned. They are for everyone, but unfortunately we are not all ready to hear them. Some of us will be confused and concentrate on the wrong thing. The story is what is important. O.K. I did not even look up your examples but just for the sake of argument I'll accept them for now. He was crucified in the third or sixth hour? YOU MISSED THE POINT if you are worried about what hour he was crucified. The point is HE WAS CRUCIFIED! Concentrate on the message not on proving it wrong, it is not wrong. There is only one path to heaven. You will find NO inconsistencies here. That path is the savior Jesus Christ.
2006-07-16 16:45:47 UTC
74. A woman of Canaan besought Jesus Matt 15:22 It was a Greek woman who besought Him Mark 7:26

Caanan is a place, Greek is a race. There is no contradiction that a Greek woman may be from Caanan.

75. Two blind men besought Jesus Matt 20:30 Only one blind man besought Him Luke 18:35,38

In Matthew the story is told of two blind men, in Luke only one. There is no contradiction here because Luke does not mention the other man. Luke does not say that there is ONLY one blind man, he simply told the story of only one of the men.


A car runs off the road and plows into a crowd of thirty people, injuring twenty. Two news reports are filed:


Is either story false?

76. Christ was crucified at the third hour Mark 15:25 Christ was not crucified until the sixth hour John 19:14,15

John 19:14 mentions when he was before Pilate, NOT when he was crucified.

Joh 19:12 Upon this Pilate sought to release him: but the Jews cried out, saying, If thou release this man, thou art not Caesar's friend: every one that maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar.

Joh 19:13 When Pilate therefore heard these words, he brought Jesus out, and sat down on the judgment-seat at a place called The Pavement, but in Hebrew, Gabbatha.

Joh 19:14 Now it was the Preparation of the passover: it was about the sixth hour. And he saith unto the Jews, Behold, your King!

Joh 19:15 They therefore cried out, Away with him, away with him, crucify him! Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King? The chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar.

Joh 19:16 Then therefore he delivered him unto them to be crucified.

77. The two thieves reviled Christ. Matt 27:44/ Mark 15:32 Only one of the thieves reviled Christ Luke 23:39,40

Neither account tells the ENTIRE conversations that were spoken by the two robbers. One account mentions some of the events, another tells other. No contradiction here.

(Did you bother to look ANY of these up or are you just copying and pasting from a book of "contradictions"?)

78. Satan entered into Judas while at supper John 13:27 Satan entered into him before the supper Luke 22:3,4,7

You left out a verse, John 13:2 And during supper, the devil having already put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him,

John 13:27 is a continuance of the prior verse

Luk 22:3 And Satan entered into Judas who was called Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.

Luk 22:7 And the day of unleavened bread came, on which the passover must be sacrificed.

Joh 13:2 And during supper, the devil having already put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him,

Joh 13:27 And after the sop, then entered Satan into him. Jesus therefore saith unto him, What thou doest, do quickly.

I'm not a Greek linguist and can not elucidate on the exact tenses, verbs and predicates, but the gist of it is that Satan had put upon Judas' heart the idea of betraying Jesus before the supper and that during the supper Satan gave Judas a more explicit and heightened purpose. This is NOT an example of demonic possession, but of demonic oppression and influence.

79. Judas committed suicide by hanging Matt 27:5 Judas did not hang himself, but died another way Acts 1:18

From Barnes commentary:

And falling headlong - The word here rendered “headlong” - πρηνής prēnēs (Latin “pronus,” whence our English word “prone”) - means properly “bent forward, head-foremost”; and the idea is, that his position in hanging himself was such that when the cord broke he fell headlong, or fell forward on his face. This can easily be supposed if he threw himself from a rock or elevated place. He first hanged himself, and then fell and was burst asunder.

80. The potter's field was purchased by Judas Acts 1:18 The potter's field was purchased by the Chief Priests Matt 27:6,7

again from Barnes commentary:

Act 1:18 - Now this man ... - The money which was given for betraying the Lord Jesus was thrown down in the temple, and the field was purchased with it by the Jewish priests. See Mat_27:5, Mat_27:10, and the notes on that place. A man is said often to do a thing when he furnishes means for doing it.

81. There was but one woman who came to the sepulchre

John 20:1 There were two women who came to the sepulchre

Matt 28:1 82. There were three women who came

Joh 20:1 Now on the first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, while it was yet dark, unto the tomb, and seeth the stone taken away from the tomb.

Mat 28:1 Now late on the sabbath day, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.

Mar 16:1 And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, that they might come and anoint him.

John 20:1 is focused on Mary

Matt 28:1 also mentions the second Mary

Mark 16:1 mentions Salome as well

No contradictions are present in any of these instances. Just like any other good book ,especially murder mysteries, it is needful to look at ALL the facts before rendering a conclusion.

Peace to you all!
2006-07-16 16:16:21 UTC
Conceptions of God can vary widely, despite the use of the same term for them all. Theologians and philosophers have studied countless conceptions of God since the dawn of civilization.

The God of monotheism, pantheism or panentheism, or the supreme deity of henotheistic religions, may be conceived of in various degrees of abstraction:

as a powerful, human-like, supernatural being, or as the deification of an esoteric, mystical or philosophical category;

the Ultimate, the summum bonum, the Absolute Infinite, the Transcendent, or Existence or Being itself;

the ground of being, the monistic substrate, that which we cannot understand, etc.
2006-07-16 16:42:00 UTC
All that is written was subject to the imbeded beliefs way down deep of the transcriber. Most of it is true, but to think that it was another human who transcribe it w/o preducice is simple minded. It's like the game "telephone"...where one person says something then it is passed the end of the line, the original message is somewhat altered. So, take it for what it is and take it with a grain of salt and take it because there is truth that lies withing.
2006-07-16 16:09:15 UTC
Getting truth from a bible is like trying to squeeze custard out of a weasel's a$$
2006-07-16 16:13:45 UTC
You are taking these phrases out of context..You have to read the whole passage and understand the meaning of it all. These things all happened and is translated by humans so there are going to be some misinterpretations by all who do not understand.
2006-07-16 16:32:52 UTC
These are the things that Christians have to realise. They are seeing the mistakes, but yet accept it to be the word of God.
2006-07-16 16:15:04 UTC
Not the word of god at all. Most of it is completely fabricated.
2006-07-16 16:10:39 UTC
You are just another fault finder,I'd classify you with most Christians.
2006-07-16 16:08:05 UTC
at least 99%
2006-07-16 16:21:43 UTC
five percent at the most.
2006-07-16 16:09:18 UTC
none. it is the ramblings of a bored lunatic
2006-07-16 16:09:13 UTC
five percent sounds right.
2006-07-16 16:07:36 UTC
most of it is false
2006-07-16 16:07:51 UTC
five percent
St Lusakan
2006-07-16 16:11:33 UTC
2006-07-19 02:00:50 UTC
Because in other posts you have lied to us, does that make all of Islam a lie? Don't be silly. The Bible has lies in it? You say that makes it false? How about the lies in the Qu'ran? Here's what the holy texts of Islam say about lying and science. Let's see what Muhammed and Allah themselves say:

First, deception:

Bukhari:V7B67N427 “The Prophet said, ‘If I take an oath and later find something else better than that, then I do what is better and expiate my oath.’”

Qur’an 9:3 “Allah and His Messenger dissolve obligations.”

Qur’an 66:1 “Allah has already sanctioned for you the dissolution of your vows.”

Bukhari:V4B52N268 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘War is deceit.’”

Qur’an 4:142 “Surely the hypocrites strive to deceive Allah. He shall retaliate by deceiving them.”

Bukhari:V7B71N661 “Magic was worked on Allah’s Apostle and he was bewitched so that he began to imagine doing things which in fact, he had not done.”

Bukhari:V6B60N8 “Umar said, ‘Our best Qur’an reciter is Ubai. And in spite of this, we leave out some of his statements because Allah’s Apostle himself said, “Whatever verse or revelation We abrogate or cause to be forgotten We bring a better one.”

Qur’an 33:11 “In that situation the Believers were sorely tried and shaken as by a tremendous shaking. And behold! The Hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease said: ‘Allah and His Messenger promised us nothing but delusion; they have promised only to deceive us.”

Qur’an 33:14 “Say: Flight will not avail you if you flee from death, killing, or slaughter. In that case you will not be allowed to enjoy yourselves but a little while. Say, ‘Who will screen you, saving you from Allah if he intends to harm and injure you?’”

Qur’an 33:21 “You have in (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern of conduct for any one to follow.”

Qur’an 74:31 “We have appointed nineteen angels to be the wardens of the Hell Fire. We made a stumbling-block for those who disbelieve and We have fixed their number as a trial for unbelievers in order that the people of the Book may arrive with certainty, and that no doubts may be left for the people of the Book, those in whose hearts is a disease. And for those to whom the Scripture Book has been given, and the believers, there should be no doubt. The unbelievers may say, ‘What does the Lord intend by this?’ The Lord will lead astray whomever He pleases, and He will guide whomever He pleases: and none can know the armies of your Lord except He, and this is no other than a warning to mankind.”

Qur’an 74:52 “Each one of them wants to be given scrolls of revelation spread out! No! By no means! Nay, this is an admonishment. Let them keep it in remembrance! But they will not heed unless the Lord wants them to. He is the fountain of fear.”

Bukhari:V2B24N555 “I heard the Prophet say, ‘Allah hates for you for asking too many questions.’”

Qur’an 89:5 “There surely is an oath for thinking man.”

Qur’an 92:8 “We will make smooth for him the path to misery.”

Ishaq:519 “Hajjaj said to the Apostle, ‘I have money scattered among the Meccan merchants, so give me permission to go and get it.’ Having got Muhammad’s permission, he said, ‘I must tell lies.’ The Apostle said, ‘Tell them.’”

Qur’an 8:58 “If you apprehend treachery from a people with whom you have a treaty, retaliate by breaking off relations with them.”

Qur’an 47:24 “Do they not understand the Qur’an? Nay, on the hearts there are locks preventing them from understanding.”

Ishaq:548 “By Allah, the black mass has spread. Abu Bakr said, ‘There is not much honesty among people nowadays.’”

Qur’an 5:41 “Whomever Allah wants to deceive you cannot help. Allah does not want them to know the truth because he intends to disgrace them and then torture them.”

Qur’an 5:101 “Believers! Do not ask questions about things which if made plain and declared to you, may vex you, causing you trouble.”

Qur’an 5:102 “Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account they lost their faith and became disbelievers.”

Ishaq:567 “Muhammad informed Umar [the second Caliph], and he called the Prophet a liar.”

Tabari IX:36

Ishaq:596 “‘Prophet, this group of Ansar have a grudge against you for what you did with the booty and how you divided it among you own people.’ ‘Ansar, what is this talk I hear from you? What is the grudge you harbor against me? Do you think ill of me? Did I not come to you when you were erring and needy, and then made rich by Allah?’ ‘You came to us discredited, when your message was rejected by the Quraysh, and we believed you. You were forsaken and deserted and we assisted you. You were a fugitive and we took you in, sheltering you. You were poor and in need, and we comforted you.”

Bukhari:V6B60N662 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Some eloquent speech is as effective as magic.’”

Tabari VI:110 “When Muhammad brought a revelation from Allah canceling what Satan had cast on the tongue of His Prophet, the Quraysh said, ‘Muhammad has repented of [reneged on] what he said concerning the position of our gods with Allah. He has altered [the bargain] and brought something else.’ Those two phrases which Satan had cast on Muhammad’s tongue of were in the mouth of every polytheist. The Messenger said, ‘I have fabricated things against Allah and have imputed to Him words which He has not spoken.’”

Qur’an 40:32 “O my People! I fear a Day when there will be mutual wailing. No one shall defend you against Allah. Any whom Allah causes to err, there is no guide. That is how Allah leads the skeptic astray.”

Ishaq:248 “Allah has sealed their hearts and their hearing, blinding them so that they will never find guidance. And that is because they have declared you a liar and they do not believe in what has come down from their Lord to you even though they believe in all that came down before you. For opposing you they will have an awful punishment.”

Qur’an 2:6 “As for the disbelievers, it is the same whether you warn them or not; they will not believe. Allah has set a seal upon their hearts, upon their hearing, and a covering over their eyes. There is a great torment for them.”

Qur’an 2:9 “They deceive Allah and those who believe, but they only deceive themselves, and realize (it) not! In their hearts is a disease; and Allah has increased their disease. Grievous is the painful doom they (incur) because they (lie).”

Qur’an 8:18 “This and surely; Allah weakens the deceitful plots of unbelieving infidels.”

Qur’an 8:30 “Remember how the unbelievers plotted against you (Muhammad). They plotted, and Allah too had arranged a plot; but Allah is the best schemer.”

Ishaq:323 “I am the best of plotters. I deceived them with My guile so that I delivered you from them.”

Qur’an 8:49 “When the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease said: ‘The religion has deceived and misled them.’”

Qur’an 8:71 “If they try to deceive you, remember they have deceived Allah before.”

Tabari VII:85

Ishaq:363 “The Jews of the Qaynuqa replied, ‘Muhammad, do you think that we are like your people? Do not be deluded by the fact that you met a people with no knowledge and you made good use of your opportunity.’”


Tabari VII:94 “Muhammad bin Maslamah said, ‘O Messenger, we shall have to tell lies.’ ‘Say what you like,’ Muhammad replied. ‘You are absolved, free to say whatever you must.’”

Bukhari:V5B59N369 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Who is willing to kill Ka’b bin Ashraf who has hurt Allah and His Apostle?’ Thereupon Muhammad bin Maslamah got up saying, ‘O Allah’s Apostle! Would you like me to kill him?’ The Prophet said, ‘Yes,’ Maslamah said, ‘Then allow me to say false things in order to deceive him.’ The Prophet said, ‘You may say such things.’”

Qur’an 61:5 “Moses said: ‘O my people, why do you annoy and insult me, when you well know I am Allah’s Messenger?’ Then when they turned away, Allah caused them to be deceived.”

Bukhari:V4B52N233 “Allah’s Apostle forbade the people to travel to a hostile country carrying copies of the Qur’an. [He said:] Unbelievers will never understand our signs and revelations.”

Ishaq:248 “Allah increases their sickness. A tormented doom awaits the Jews. Allah said, ‘They are mischief makers. They are fools. The Jews deny the truth and contradict what the Apostle has brought. I will mock them and let them continue to wander blindly.’”

Bukhari:V4B52N147 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘A man may seem as if he were practicing the deeds of Paradise while in fact he is from the people of Hell.’”

Qur’an 13:27 “Say, ‘God leads whosoever He wills astray.’”

Ishaq:383 “One of the young men’s fathers confronted Muhammad and said, ‘You have robbed my son of his life by your deception and brought great sorrow to me.’”

Qur’an 3:24 “They have been deceived by the lies they have themselves fabricated; their religion has deceived them.”

Ishaq:397 “Then Allah said, ‘It is not for any prophet to deceive.”

Ishaq:442 “By Muhammad’s order we beguiled them.”

Tabari VIII:23 “The Messenger and his Companions continued in the fear and distress that Allah has described in the Qur’an. Then Nu’aym came to the Prophet. ‘I ‘ve become a Muslim, but my tribe does not know of my Islam; so command me whatever you will.’ Muhammad said, ‘Make them abandon each other if you can so that they will leave us; for war is deception.’”

Ishaq:496 “‘By Allah you lie,’ one said to another. ‘Liar yourself!’ ‘You are a disaffected person arguing on behalf of the diseased.”

Bukhari:V4B53N453 “When the Prophet wanted to perform the Umrah, the Quraysh stipulated that he could not preach (Islam). So Ali started writing a treaty. ‘This is what Muhammad, Apostle of Allah, has agreed to.’ The (Meccans) said, ‘If we believed that you were the Apostle of Allah we would have followed you. So write, ‘This is what Muhammad bin Abdallah has agreed to.’ The Apostle could not write, so he asked Ali to erase the expression: ‘Apostle of Allah.’ On that Ali said, ‘I will never erase it.’ Muhammad said, ‘Let me see the paper.’ The Prophet erased the expression with his own hand.”

Now, science:

Bukhari:V4B55N546 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Gabriel has just now told me of the answer. If a man has sexual intercourse with his wife and gets discharge first, the child will resemble him, and if the woman gets discharge first, the child will resemble her.’”

Tabari I:258

Qur’an 15:26 “Allah created Adam from sticky clay, meaning viscous and sweet smelling slime, being stinking. It became stinking slime after having been compact soil.”

Qur’an 80:17 “Be cursed man! He has self-destructed. From what stuff did He create him? From nutfa (male and female semen drops) He created him and set him in due proportion.”

Tabari I:258 “Allah sent Gabriel to the earth to bring Him some clay. The earth said, ‘I take refuge in Allah against you mutilating me. Then He sent the angel of death. He took some soil from the earth and made a mixture. He did not take it from a single place but took red, white, and black soil. Therefore, the children of Adam came out different.”

Bukhari:V4B54N430 “Allah’s Apostle, the true and truly inspired said, ‘Regarding the matter of the creation of a human being: humans are put together in the womb of the mother in forty days. Then he becomes a clot of thick blood for a similar period. He becomes a piece of flesh for forty days. Then Allah sends an angel who is ordered to write four things: the new creature’s deeds, livelihood, date of death, and whether he will be blessed or wretched. He will do whatever is written for him.’”

Tabari I:293 “When Allah cast Adam down from Paradise, Adam’s feet were on earth while his head was in heaven. He became too familiar with the angels and they were in awe of him so much so that they complained to Allah in their various prayers. Allah, therefore, lowered Adam. But Adam missed what he used to hear from the angels and felt lonely. He complained to Allah and was sent to Mecca. On the way every place where he set foot became a village, and the interval between his steps became a desert until he reached Mecca.”

Bukhari:V4B54N482 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘The Hell Fire complained to its Lord saying, “O my Lord! My different parts are eating each other up.” So, He allowed it to take two breaths, one in winter, the other in summer. This is the reason for the severe heat and bitter cold you find in weather.’”

Bukhari:V1B10N510 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘If it is very hot, the severity of the heat is from the raging of the Hell Fire.’”

Qur’an 56:58 “Then tell Me the semen that you emit, throwing out. Is it you who create it, or are We the Creators? [It’s only natural—the god of lust is the god of semen.] We have decreed/predestined/ordained Death for you all, and We are not to be frustrated from replacing you with others in (forms) that you know not.”

Ishaq:255 “Jewish rabbis came to the Apostle and asked him to answer four questions saying, ‘If you do so we will follow you, testify to your truth, and believe in you.’ They began, ‘Why does a boy resemble his mother when the semen comes from the father?’ Muhammad replied, ‘Do you not know that a man’s semen is white and thick and a woman’s is yellow and thin? The likeness goes with that which comes to the top.’ ‘Agreed,’ the rabbis proclaimed. ‘Tell us about your sleep.’ ‘Do you not know that a sleep which you allege I do not have is when the eye sleeps but the heart is awake?’ ‘Tell us about what Israel [Jacob] voluntarily forbade himself.’ ‘Do you not know that the food he loved best was the flesh and milk of camels or perhaps two lobes of liver, kidneys, and fat?’ ‘Tell us about the spirit.’ ‘‘Do you not know that it is Gabriel, he who comes to me?’ ‘Agreed,’ the rabbis said. ‘But Muhammad, your spirit is an enemy to us, an angel who comes only with violence and the shedding of blood, and were it not for that we would follow you.”

Qur’an 33:72 “We did indeed offer the opportunity to the Heavens, the Earth, the Mountains, but they refused to take it, being afraid (of Allah’s torment). But man undertook it. He was unjust and foolish. Lo, he has proved a tyrant and fool, ignorant. Allah has to punish the Hypocrites, men and women, and the Unbelievers.”

Tabari I:232 “Gabriel brings to the sun a garment of luminosity from the light of Allah’s Throne according to the measure of the hours of the day. The garment is longer in the summer and shorter in the winter, and of intermediate length in autumn and spring. The sun puts on that garment as one of you here puts on his clothes.”

Tabari I:233 “When the Messenger was asked about that, he replied, ‘When Allah was done with His creation He created two suns from the light of His Throne. His foreknowledge told Him that He would efface one and change it to a moon; so the moon is smaller in size.”

Tabari I:234 “Allah thus sent Gabriel to drag his wing three times over the face of the moon, which at the time was a sun. He effaced its luminosity and left the light in it. This is what Allah means: [in Qur’an 17:12] ‘We have blotted out the sign of the night, and We have made the sign of the day something to see by.’ The blackness you can see as lines on the moon is a trace of the blotting.”

Tabari I:244 “Allah then created for the sun a chariot with 360 handholds from the luminosity of the light of the Throne and entrusted 360 of the angels inhabiting the lower heaven with the sun and its chariot, each of them gripping one of those handholds. Allah also entrusted 360 angels with the moon.”

Tabari I:234 “Then the Prophet said: ‘For the sun and the moon, Allah created easts and wests on the two sides of the earth and the two rims of heaven. There are 180 springs in the west of black clay-this is why Allah’s word says: “He found the sun setting in a muddy spring.” [18:86] The black clay bubbles and boils like a pot when it boils furiously.’”

Qur’an 18:83 “They ask you about Dhu’l-Qarnain [Alexander the Great]. Say, ‘I will cite something of his story. We gave him authority in the land and means of accomplishing his goals. So he followed a path until he reached the setting place of the sun. He saw that it set in black, muddy, hot water. Near it he found people.”

Tabari I:236 “‘When the sun rises upon its chariot from one of those springs it is accompanied by 360 angels with outspread wings…. When Allah wishes to test the sun and the moon, showing His servants a sign and thereby getting them to obey, the sun tumbles from the chariot and falls into the deep end of that ocean. When Allah wants to increase the significance of the sign and frighten His servants severely, all of the sun falls and nothing of it remains in the chariot. That is a total eclipse of the sun. It is a misfortune for the sun.’”

Tabari I:235 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Allah created an ocean three farakhs (918 kilometers) removed from heaven. Waves contained, it stands in the air by the command of Allah. No drop of it is spilled. All the oceans are motionless, but that ocean flows at the speed of an arrow. The sun, moon and retrograde stars [planets] by which Allah swears in the Qur’an [81:15], run like the sun and moon and race. All of the other stars are suspended from heaven as lamps are from mosques, and circulate together praising Allah. The Prophet said, ‘If you wish to have this made clear, look to the circulation of the sphere alternately here and there.’”

Tabari I:236 “Allah created two cities out in space, each with ten thousand gates, each 6 kilometers distant from the other. By Allah, were those people not so many and so noisy, all the inhabitants of this world would hear the loud crash made by the sun falling when it rises and when it sets. Gabriel took me to them during my Night Journey from the Sacred Mosque [the Ka’aba] to the Farthest Mosque [the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem]. I told the people of these cities to worship Allah but they refused to listen to me.”

Bukhari:V4B54N421 “I walked hand in hand with the Prophet when the sun was about to set. We did not stop looking at it. The Prophet asked, ‘Do you know where the sun goes at sunset?’ I replied, ‘Allah and His Apostle know better.’ He said, ‘It travels until it falls down and prostrates Itself underneath the Throne. The angels who are in charge of the sun prostrate themselves, also. The sun asks permission to rise again. It is permitted. Then it will prostrate itself again but this prostration will not be accepted. The sun then says, “My Lord, where do You command me to rise, from where I set or from where I rose?” Allah will order the sun to return whence it has come and so the sun will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the statement of Allah in the Qur’an.’”

Qur’an 36:38 “The sun keeps revolving in its orbit at the dispensation of the All-Knowing. And the Moon, We have measured for her mansions till she returns like dried date stalks. It is not permitted for the Sun to overtake the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day. Each (just) swims along, floating in (its own) orbit as a Sign as in a race. And we made similar vessels [chariots] for them to ride. But we could have drowned them if we pleased.”

Tabari I:332 “The sun and the moon were in eclipse for seven days and nights.”

Qur’an 67:3 “We created seven heavens, one above the other. Muhammad, can you see any fault in Ar-Rahman’s creation? Look again: Can you see any rifts or fissures? Then look again and yet again. Your gaze turns back dazed and tired. We have adorned the lowest skies with lamps, and We have made them missiles to drive away the devils and against the stone Satans, and for them We have prepared the doom of Hell and the penalty of torment in the most intense Blazing Fire.”

Qur’an 38:27 “We have not created the heavens and earth and all that lies between for nothing.”

Qur’an 21:26 “Don’t the unbelievers see that the heavens and earth were joined together in one piece before we clove them asunder? ...Will they not believe? And We have set on the earth mountains as stabilizers, lest the earth should convulse without them. And We have made therein broad highways for them to pass through, that they may be guided. We have made the heaven a roof well guarded. Yet they turn away from its Signs! All (the celestial bodies) swim along, on a course, floating.”

Qur’an 2:189 “They ask you about the New Moons. Say: They are but signs to mark fixed seasons in (the affairs of) men, and for Hajj Pilgrimage.”

Tabari I:204 “I asked the Prophet, ‘Where was Allah before His creation?’ Muhammad replied: ‘He was in a cloud with no air underneath or above it.’”

Tabari I:219 “When Allah wanted to create the creation, He brought forth smoke from the water. The smoke hovered loftily over it. He called it ‘heaven.’ Then He dried out the water and made it earth. He split it and made it seven earths on Sunday. He created the earth upon a big fish, that being the fish mentioned in the Qur’an. By the Pen, the fish was in the water. The water was upon the back of a small rock. The rock was on the back of an angel. The angel was on a big rock. The big rock was in the wind. The fish became agitated. As a result, the earth quaked, so Allah anchored the mountains and made it stable. This is why the Qur’an says, ‘Allah made for the earth firmly anchored mountains, lest it shake you up.’”

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.