How do I help stop younger people from turning away from the Faith?
Barbara †
2012-10-25 12:55:36 UTC
I am truly worried about the state of our nation. I feel as though more and more young people do not believe on God or any religions. Now you may think I'm being selfish, but it realy saddens me when I see young people that don't understand the love that Jesus has for them. It also breaks my heart when I see Churches, small or big, that are being destroyed and turned into parking lots.

Even if you don't agree with my relgion or you don't respect me as a person that is fine, but I want to know of a way that I can contribute to the support of Jesus and His message of Christianity. Going to Service just isn't enough anymore. Can a start some sort of cyber web page in support of Christianity? What do you think?
25 answers:
2012-10-25 13:11:06 UTC
I don't understand why you would want to hold them back. I was a younger person myself when I realised that the Faith was based on myth (I'm now 60). And I have taken part in and organised charity events myself; belief in supernatural beings isn't needed for compassion - that's natural to us as humans.

I was religious from childhood, and have always been interested in religions, mythology and science; I was a devout, practising Catholic; I read the Bible, both Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha, several times; and was taught about it in school.

After studying and thinking deeply about faith, I realised in mid-teenage that faith was based upon nothing but itself, that science explained nature satisfactorily without needing supernatural beings, and that religious beliefs were no different to those of ancient beliefs in gods and goddesses.

When I first had doubts about my faith I thought that maybe this was a test of it, which was an idea planted in my mind by those teaching us about our faith. So I made the effort to accept it even more so. But the doubts came again, and I wondered what would happen if we took faith out of the equation; the world and nature still made sense, so I saw no reason to get back into it. And my understanding is that there's no theoretical or mathematical need for a god or gods, and there's no valid evidence of it or them; so there's no reason to believe. At the time this was difficult intellectually and emotionally (I was a teenager, after all).

That was over 45 years ago, and my escape from faith has freed me to embrace what science has to offer, which I consider far more plausible than belief in the supernatural, and is the nearest we can get to the truth about how nature and the universe work. I've felt a sense of freedom ever since, and am happy and at peace with this. And I've found the humility to admit that I don't know everything, rather than masking this by invoking a deity.

I still have an interest in religions, mythology, folklore and related matters, and am fascinated that people still believe in things that to me are clearly just not true.
VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps!
2012-10-25 13:11:21 UTC
You can go ahead and create all the websites you want and do what you want in support of your religion, but that doesn't mean people are going to buy what you're selling. I don't know why you CARE what people believe or why it makes you sad that not everyone believes in the Jesus myth.

And the street I live on has plenty of churches (and a synagogue or two), so I don't know where they're destroying churches for parking lots. In my city, the problem is people driving from the suburbs to go to church and double-parking. Luckily, I don't own a car, but I would be pretty unhappy if it were blocked in by someone who thinks his attending church gives him the right to break traffic laws.

As for the good some religious people do, they shouldn't need the promise of heavenly rewards to do good works. Why can't people do good for the sake of doing good, because it's the right thing to do? If the only reason someone does charitable works is because his religion suggests he should, then he's not truly a good person.

As for Mother Teresa, the dogma of the Catholic Church that she implemented made poverty worse. Encouraging contraception and spacing children would have gone a long way toward alleviating poverty, but her religion doesn't allow that. The suffering of those she worked with was her "gift" to her god--which she began doubting, by the way.
2012-10-25 13:10:55 UTC
Babs. There is nothing you can do your religion is going down the pan slowly but surely. Do you really think mother theresa was a good ambassador for your religion? Did she not say 'suffering was a gift from god'? All the millions she made from caring people around the world was not spent on hospitals and food for the suffering it was given to the already criminally wealthy catholic church in the vatican and the starving just starved to death.

Maybe if your religion didn't keep threatening us all with being tortured for eternity in hell and stopped preaching the disgusting lies about 'heaven' you could survive for maybe another 50 years but the younger generations of had enough of your lies. Watch this space.
Wonder Wowzie
2012-10-25 13:12:30 UTC
With all due respect sister, who the hell are you to tell others what to believe? preaching is bad. If your churches are being converted into parking lots it means that few or no people are going, which in turn translates to people not caring any more.

If your faith works for you, that's fine... but ot's precisely overzealous preaching that drives people away. Just leave people be. You're not in control of the world and you can't manipulate the way things are.

BTW charity is not exclusive of your particular religious denomination. Lots of people, religions and institutions do charities. The avst majority are not christian. You don't have the exclusive rights over charity.
2012-10-25 13:36:02 UTC
Egypt's first born. Amalikites. Flood. She bears sent to murder 42 children.

It's a baby killer. You christians derive your morality immoral baby murdering book god that murders babies to force adults into subjugation.

That is why, after 4500 years in existence...the bible is a FAILURE at bringing any peace to this world, a FAILURE at even making a dent in the amount of sin.

Your religion is a CONVENIENCE and it SUPPORTS continued never ending sin with it's "forgive EVERYTHING" god.

You even have people out there claiming "once saved, always saved" which to them means SIN AT WILL!!!

Yeah it does good...ON A PERSONAL LEVEL ONLY.

If there is a is responsible for ORGANIZED religion which hands out 1000 times the amount of bad over any good that comes.

Do I want your religion to disappear? Yes...disappear back into your homes and churches where it belongs. Stop trying to force your failed religion onto MY KIDS in public schools...stop trying to push your baby killer derived morality on my children.

"see young people that don't understand the love that Jesus has for them."

Well maybe you should have Jesus explain it to them? Oh yes...he is dead isn't he?

I do the opposite...I show the young people Leviticus 26:14-40 so they know what kind of a murderous, selfish, evil and cruel book god they are dealing with and I tell them if Jesus was this baby murdering god's son you know the apple never falls far from the tree.
2016-10-04 16:26:34 UTC
good day, I also have a splash bit an prolonged answer...because of the fact i'm quite wordy. i'm a freshman in intense college, and in my own own adventure i think of I basically wasn't drawn to Catholicism because of the fact i became into in order that used to it, you be attentive to? I mean, we went to mass each Sunday and all that heck i've got basically ever long gone to Catholic faculties, yet I neglected the entire vast meaning. i might pay attention somewhat an analogous concern daily, "Christ died for us." It did no longer fairly get to me however. Then, final year I went in this retreat with my buddies. I have been given faraway from my mom continually beating the Bible over my head (no longer actually, do no longer hassle.) and that i've got been given to pay attention some human beings my age or a splash older communicate their ideals, and that they've been having exciting. It wasn't basically somber churchie became into having exciting, yet in a very good way. compliment and Worship is my absolute widespread thank you to glorify our Lord. This year i'm completely into my faith...going on retreats, and compliment and worship nights at 2 distinctive church homes a week. i think of that is basically being waiting to % for myself what i wanted, and actually looking the sweetness and glory of each little thing. Now I understand what's so stunning approximately it, and that i basically won't be able to get sufficient. wish I helped. :)
Mortify The Flesh And You Shall Live
2012-10-25 13:10:36 UTC
My dear friend, understand that this is the last days and all is happenign according to the prophecy of the scripture

1 Timothy 4:1: Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

The violence, political and economic trouble are prophesied. The climatic disasters are prophesied. And Christ said when we see these things happen we should know the end is near. Never have there been such evil in the history of man and it will not reduce but increase. And sin and lust, apostacy evil will increase. You can only pray and preachthe Word to as many as you can reach. And prepare for the rapture that happens suddenly.

You can print tracts. Goto and see what you can do.. Also see

After giving them, pray for themthat the power of the holyghost will touch them.

A woman who died and went to heaven said she saw another woman who was so glorious and when she asked the angel the said that this woman used to give tracts and pray for those she gave them to and she prayed for the brethren and swept the house of God.

So what you are thinking of is a blessing and will profit you greatly if you are diligent to do it. You can also create a facebook account and add friends and then feed them daily. You can put motivating videos to CD and distribute.
2012-10-25 13:38:57 UTC
You may question what it is about Christianity that puts off people today.

I'm not religious, but not necessarily an enemy of religion. On the contrary, I'm happy to be supportive of religious movements if I feel their hearts are in the right place and in harmony with human rights. Just today I was more than happy to give a donation to the Salvation Army because I know they'll do the right thing with the money.

A couple of years ago some polls conducted here in the UK on religion amongst the youth came back with some interesting results. I was working for a news agency at the time so had to spend time editing the sound bytes for it from vacuously expressioned spotty teens.

A big turn off for them was that they perceived many churches being hate-factories. A depiction is drawn of rows of old angry people hating against homosexuality, hating against women or hating against alcohol and popular music. The religious are seen as rulebook ticking soured self-deprivators without joy or spontaneity. The highlight of their week is watching "Antiques road-show" or meeting a bunch of alzheimer grannies for a dusty coffee morning.

Now even I know this is an unfair view. I was Christian myself for 20 years and my time spent in church wasn't like that at all.

The thing is though, I can see how they have developed that image. In the UK especially the religious population has an average age of 58 and youngsters always have problems relating to their elders. The main reason though is news media. Whenever religion is on the news, it's because of some atrocity in the Muslim world, some Christian nutter with a Gun or controversial campaigns against gay rights or abortion. There's never any good news about religion getting widely circulated.

News media is like that though, it poisons as well as informs. It convinces you that every foodstuff will give you a heart attack, any activity will increase the risk of cancer, that every politician is a crook and that paedophiles lurk on every street corner.

When you're not religious, you no longer differentiate automatically between separate faiths. Even my girlfriend's youngest sister recently said "Christians, Muslims, they're all the same!" They see one religion behave badly, they see all religions behave badly. All are tarred with the same brush.

Even I laugh heartily at the infighting between Christian denominations.

So the newsmedia image of religion being imprinted from the world on young minds is: fighting, in-fighting, protesting, arguing, disagreeing, divisive, sectarian, violent, jihad, crusade, purification, indoctrination, dogmatic, campaigning, overturning, banning, blocking, hating, betraying of trust and antiquated.

What 15 year old without knowledge of religion wants to knowingly associate with a list like that?

You have your work cut out for you certainly. Most churches these days seem to strategically focus on keeping the members they have rather than plying for new ones.

You need to focus on two fronts.

One is the positive knowledge front, which seeks to remind people of the good religion does, and the positive effect it can have on a person or family. This is to help counter an otherwise constantly negative flow of information. Do not put down other faiths to aggrandise your own because to an outsider, that looks foolish. Don't try to use controversial measures like sexual or gender inequality to attract attention because quite frankly, all you'll attract is misogynists and bigots. It's hard enough not seeing religion as being that already without making it worse. Stay out of politics, focus on caring for all and on love.

The other is relevance. You need to remind or reassure people that your message matters. Some questions are timeless but what have you got to offer to the ipod generation? What's going to be better or right as a result of joining you? Most religions sell themselves on the line of purpose - that they can answer the question of "what's life all about?" It's not bad but it's a saturated market. Besides, not everyone gets too metaphysical, especially in an age of scientific megawonders dazzling from all quarters. What can religion give that's unique and precious to the individual?

I personally say if your denomination hasn't already, it must move with the times. Equality is here to stay, abortion is here to stay, civil rights and liberal freedoms are all here to stay. There's no fighting against secularism, all it does is result in what you've observed - driving youngsters further and further away from faith. If you resist the flow of the world for too long, you get left behind by it.
2012-10-25 13:02:44 UTC
Well, to keep young people from leaving your faith you can:

(1) Keep them uneducated. The uneducated are far more likely to be Christian.

(2) Keep them poor. The poor are far more likely to be Christian.

(3) Keep them from accessing information. Young people today are far more likely to be nonreligious because they have access to far more information than the previous generations- they ask more questions and are exposed to more points of view than older generations, and thus do not simply believe what they were taught growing up.

(4) Stop having fundamentalists sects discriminate against women, gays, other religions, and other nationalities. Young people today are far more diverse and EXPOSED to more diversity- they don't care much for the exclusionist policies of fundamentalist and evangelical Christianity.

Also- there are thousands of websites promoting Christianity. The thing is, there are many sites with other information too and young people are savvy enough to look at all sides and make an educated choice. And the big problem with America today is the rise of fundamentalist religious insanity, not secularism. The most secular nations in the world are the ones that are the most successful- America is the only significantly religious developed nation, and we rank in the bottom in crime, poverty, education, and standard of living.


BTW- Mother Teresa was a HORRIBLE person who didn't help anyone. Actually look up the information on her "charities"- you will see that her "hospices" were tenements that provided no medical treatment or even pain medication to the dying, had deplorable conditions, and that the vast majority of the money sent to her "charity" actually ended up in the Vatican BANK. Even Catholics know this (which I was at one time).
Citrine Dream
2012-10-25 13:03:55 UTC
I think the church leaders were correct in their fear of public literacy, and the bible translated into the vernacular. If anything, the internet makes fact-checking easier. I don't know if the church will ever be able to put that toothpaste back into the tube.
2012-10-25 14:23:32 UTC
Help yourself to understand the Faith byond confusions and contradictions.

Why Vatican does not accept that God is one! He has no image! He is immortal!
2012-10-25 13:03:34 UTC
There are millions of web pages in support of Christianity already.

The biggest issues I see are..

the fracturing of the church over minor issues,

the church compromising the word of God in the Bible with contemporary secular thought, compromising standards and commandments (e.g. marriage = 1 man + 1 woman only, prosperity gospel, social gospel, etc)


spending way too much time confronting non-Christian sinners in their sins and not enough time preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
2012-10-25 13:02:13 UTC
None of us can know who IS, or ISN'T of the faith. That is a work of the Holy Spirit. If you are concerned as I am concerned, the best thing to do is go into your prayer closet and PRAY for the younger generation. That they would have an awakening...a quickening of faith. That the gospel would touch them in a profoundly intimate way. I pray that for my agnostic daughter and son. I can't guilt them or brow-beat them into attending services or being "Christians". That is a work of the same Holy Spirit that turned me from agnosticism/atheism to faith 30 years ago.
2012-10-25 12:59:20 UTC
I would share your worry about the american nation, but for different reasons. Your country appears to be sliding into religious insanity and you are a part of that problem in my view
Alpha and Omega
2012-10-25 13:07:56 UTC
Light and Truth
2012-10-25 12:58:53 UTC
It happens on a one on one basis where they have to be part of a spiritual experience. When that happens, many become strong, without they drift. That is why I and others have spent so much time planning events that would cause this to happen.
2012-10-25 13:10:27 UTC
No good is ever going to come from this.
2012-10-25 13:05:07 UTC
Don't let them get an education.
Hell Kitty
2012-10-25 12:59:01 UTC
Provide evidence for your god
2012-10-25 13:11:46 UTC
Return to the dark ages....????

EDIT: Charity does not require a religion... please research your Mother Theresa, she wasn't the kind old lady you think she was... her 'charity' required a cost, and that is not charlty..

2012-10-25 12:59:05 UTC
Education will crush your religion soon enough.
2012-10-25 12:58:51 UTC
Jesus has been dead for two thousand years. Leave him in peace.
2012-10-25 13:02:20 UTC
I just reported this question for chat.
2012-10-25 13:02:53 UTC
I don't I encourage it! Your religion does no good out of altruism, and the vast majority of preachers are crooks and charlatans.
2012-10-25 12:57:36 UTC
you cant, your religion is doomed

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.