Is bible is really true? why Evolution is believable? Why do people are arguing with these 2 topics?
2007-09-23 18:06:24 UTC
I really don't know beccause I'm not Christianity and I don't know much about evolution.
22 answers:
2007-09-23 18:20:17 UTC
these two topics are at war with each other!!!! let me put a spin on this.if you believe in evolution then YOU my friend are calling GOD a liar.your choice.personally evolution is a crock.
2007-09-24 01:22:43 UTC
The bible gives a creation story that says that the Earth was created in 6 days with humans, plants, trees, and animals all on it.

Evolution uses carbon dating and other scientific techniques to show that the Earth was probably formed about 4.5 billion years ago, and that it has gradually changed into the way it looks now, and that all the complex life forms on it developed from simple, one-celled living things (some of which still are around).

The problem is that there are people who demand money, respect and obedience based on the bible and creation story, so they don't want anyone to drop these beliefs even though what they say makes no sense.

The scientists who have demonstrated the likelihood of evolution want things too, like careful treatment of the environment and protection of the ecology so that humans are not responsible for making other species extinct.

I don't understand why there is even a debate. The same scientific methods that produced evolution theory also produced the computers and Internet we use, along with lots of other things. The benefits of religion are not quantifiable. On the basis of this alone, evolution makes a great deal more sense.
2007-09-24 01:28:23 UTC
Evolution(charles darwin) when he was still making his theory of evolution went to an island and saw natives and assumed they were less evolved than the white people. Evolution is a very racist theory...which has many facts proven. Yet so many facts have also been proven to be wrong. So, in Darwin's eyes no one is equal...humanity is not one colour determines your level of evolution.

Science says that matter cannot be created out of nothing. Evolution says other wise.

The eye of a squid is the same as the eye of a human. This goes against evolution because that means that there was no evolution involved.

There are also many other animals that would have seemed to have "devolved" instead of "evolved" which goes against evolution.

There are so many things that contradict evolution it's not even funny. Man's knowledge is only so great, we cannot even begin to understand the universe.

But I do believe that God creatives things so that they could evolve and adapt to their environment. For friend who is black came from Jamaica. He has never had a sun burn in his life. (it is very sunny there). He came to Canada for about 4 years then went back to Jamaica..being in Canada so long had weakened his natural (sunblock) and he got a sun burn. He and I both were shocked and I couldn't stop laughing at him :D.

Also there is a lot of science that proves that the world was created.
khetin l
2007-09-24 02:48:28 UTC
I agree with the statement of St Bonafice:)

Well, I also wanna add some thoughts of mine.

I do believe what Bible tell us...because God is real,even though i never see Him,but I can feel Him like the air :)

so,In God we trust, never doubt it,because He's the only one

way to the truth~

Speaking about Evolution...

Hm...People who agree with the theory of Charles Darwin are so poor....well, it's weird in this era people still can't use their logic...Let's think and imagine...if evolution is correct..then why don't we see or find a naked person runs out from the jungle and admit that he was a monkey and use sign language to communicate?? If the evolution theory is correct,I believe it's a continuously process and must be one day we can find a human runs out from the jungle and more and more..Right?But, let's see the fact is until today...2007,not a single human appears from the jungle.That;s why it's a theory that's all...A theory that are crossing one's mind is a stupid mistake.

But what we find in the Bible?One by one that is written in it,it's slowly but sure being approved and we're all can feel and see what happens in this world is just like what being written in the Bible,..the earthquake,floods,fire,disease,bla2..

Well, hope this answers may bring/leave no doubt again in your faith in Him and the Bible.

May God Bless Us.
Larry R
2007-09-24 01:53:20 UTC
Is bible is really true? YES... but you have to understand what the Bible is for.

The Bible was written to spread God's word, specifically the good news of the Gospel. In the Bible God teaches us who we are, how to live, and how we can be saved and get to Heaven.

The bit about how the world was made really isn't one of the important parts at all.

Now, if God had wanted to he COULD have said something like this

"In the Begining there was a singularity, and God said "Let there be Light" and and the singularity began to expand, and God saw that it was good, and approximately 10 to the neative 35th power seconds into the expansion, a phase transition caused a cosmic inflation, during which the universe grew exponentially, and God saw that it was good. And after inflation stopped, the universe consisted of a quark-gluon plasma, as well as all other elementary particles.Temperatures were so high that the random motions of particles were at relativistic speeds, and particle-antiparticle pairs of all kinds were being continuously created and destroyed in collisions. At some point an unknown reaction called baryogenesis violated the conservation of baryon number, leading to a very small excess of quarks and leptons over antiquarks and anti-leptons—of the order of 1 part in 30 million. This resulted in the predominance of matter over antimatter in the present universe, and God saw that it was good."

Of course the response of Moses and the Israelites would have been "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT????" and that talk about anti-Leptons would have gotten in the way of what God was trying to accomplish ...(which was to get across things like "Thou shalt not kill", "thou shalt not commit adultery"... Jesus's message of salvation).

So the Bible is TRUE but it is NOT a physics text, neither is it an anthropology text, nor is it an evolutionary biology text... for that matter it isn't a cookbook and it doesn't contain any cupons either.

Lots of good sincere people don't seem to understand that... they try to use the Bible in ways it was not intended... which is sort of like trying to get into the Super Bowl using last years tickets... yes they are real tickets... they are "True" in that sense... but getting into THIS years game is not what they are intended for.

why Evolution is believable? Yes... there is tons and tons of genetic and fossil and genetic data to show that it is true. I'm sure lots of people will detail it here better than I can.

Why do people are arguing with these 2 topics?

Because people do stupid things... its part of who we are.

When evolution first came out people who disliked the Bible in the first place (there are always people who dislike the Bible because it says things like "do not commit adultery" and they don't want to hear that) jumped on evolution as a way to attack Christianity.

There reasoning was that if the first part of Genesis wasn't totally scientifically correct then the entire book must be false from end to end. This of course does NOT follow logically. (Just because I find a typo in the Classified Ads of my Sunday Newspaper does not mean the whole thing is fake from end to end.)

Still that was their argument... it wasn't an honest argument, or even a logical one, but it was one they wanted to make because they disliked the Bible for other reasons.

Christians reacted in different ways. Some of them, like I said above, are good, sincere Christians that have a hard time with the concept of what "true" is. They don't like seeeing the Bible attacked and they can't get their heads around the idea that the first chapters of Genesis may just be an allegory for real events.

On both sides this is largely an emotional reaction, rather than a rational one. That is why it is so vicious and so few people are ever persuaded.
Dreamstuff Entity
2007-09-24 01:12:04 UTC
* Evolution is every much a fact as the theory of gravity.

* Over 99.8% of scientists in relevant field accept evolution.

* There are no alternative scientific theories.

* There is a huge amount of evidence in support of evolution...

* And zero evidence against it.

* The 'discussion' is actually educated people trying to educate others.

* The more intelligent a person is, the more likely they are to understand and accept evolution.

* The "discussion" only happens in backward places like Turkey and parts of the united states.

On the other hand...

Nobody has ever provided any evidence that any gods, much less a specific god, exist. People believe in specific gods because of indoctrination from an early age, tradition, hallucinations, fear of torture (for gods sadistic enough to threaten it) and other similarly illogical reasons. But no gods exist in reality; these are all stories, created for people who were scared of the world long before we understood it. Now we have no more reason for these superstitions.
2007-09-24 01:16:34 UTC
A seminar is coming up dealing with the topics of creation and evolution. Visit and try to watch the four nightly programs starting Sept. 28. You will learn a lot and understand the topic much better.
one eye
2007-09-24 01:45:14 UTC
There is room for both Christianity and evolution. Example:

at one time the middle east, Israel, Jordan, Syria, etc., were covered with forests, but through over usage by man, the trees were used up and not replaced, but men in that area changed their ways of living to survive without the trees, thus we have evolution. They probably had eaten fruits that grew on trees, but evolved to eating dates and other crops grown in arid areas. By losing the trees and changing their eating habits, Christians living at that time did not have to choose between Christianity and evolution.......they endured both.

Simply because ancient man may have descended from the ape in Africa,

doesn't mean he couldn't become a Christian after millions of years of 'evolving.'
2007-09-24 01:32:46 UTC
Putting it all in a nutshell:

Some atheists have concluded that evolution accounts for the appearance of man and thereby eliminates any need for belief in God as the Creator.

Some Christians maintain a strict literal interpretation of the events of Genesis and discount the many discoveries of science without seeing how those discoveries serve as evidence rather than denial.

Both sides are absolutely wrong.

Men of God take great delight in understanding the workings of His creation and see each intricacy as evidence of His existence and greatness, but reject the final conclusion espoused by some atheists.


a little humor? atheists insist that their ancestors were actually LESS than apes.
2007-09-24 01:10:55 UTC
The Bible is the word of God in the words of men.

God is the author of Sacred Scripture because it has been written under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Church accepts as sacred and canonical all of the books of the Old and New Testament, whole and entire, with all their parts.

God chose and inspired certain men who used their own powers in writing. The Spirit showed them what he wanted written and no more. They were still true authors.

Because all that the human author wrote was affirmed by the Spirit, these books teach faithfully and without error what God wanted to reveal for our salvation.

Nevertheless, the Christian faith is not a "religion of the book" but of the living Word of God (Jesus).

If you would like an in-depth presentation on this topic please go to this link.

Regarding evolution, God may have used that process to create life forms on earth.

To "create" means to put and keep something in existence. God is Creator because He puts and sustains everything in existence. He is the maker and final goal of everything that exists, all things visible and invisible.

The truth of creation means that God's loving creativity builds into each of us a meaning, purpose and destiny which nothing can take away from us.

Does the Genesis account of creation contradict the scientific theory of evolution? No. In affirming that God is the ultimate cause of all that exists, Genesis gives its ultimate meaning and purpose - "Why" the world exists. It does not explain "how" the physical world came to be in its present condition, which the theory of evolution tries to explain.

The Catholic Church does not have an official position on whether various life forms developed over the course of time. However, it says that, if they did develop, then they did so under the impetus and guidance of God, and their ultimate creation must be ascribed to him.

Concerning human evolution, the Church has a more definite teaching. It allows for the possibility that man's body developed from previous biological forms, under God's guidance, but it insists on the special creation of his soul.

Edit: What was that thumbs down for?
Steve Amato
2007-09-24 01:55:30 UTC
It's a false dichotomy to claim there is necessary a contradiction between the two. Take myself for example. I'm an evolutionary creationist. I believe the Bible and evolution, and fail to see a contradiction.
2007-09-24 01:21:30 UTC
Some groups have the Doctrine of Biblical Literalism, that the Bible is the true and unerring word of God. By this doctrine, the pastors have massive control over those to whom they are the source of interpreting confusing and conflicting passages. This power is undercut if page 1 is shown to be allegory. Creationism is merely a collection of lies used to preserve power.
2007-09-24 01:11:00 UTC
Some enjoy evidence, others state the idea that one doesn't always need evidence if you "believe" hard enough...

Children believe in the closet monster but there isn't one in there. We use reality to prove such a thing but when it comes to God, that is unacceptable. Just believe - it's very blind.

Likewise, with evolution, you're left with a question of what initially started everything. Of course, one would most likely believe that the universe, itself, is infinite and, therefore, has no beginning.
the only 1 hobo
2007-09-24 01:46:22 UTC
Evolution is fact to a point , things do evolve but only in thier own kind People think that humans came from apes or what ever and that's wrong Most that belive diff or completly in Evo dont belive in God .
Chi Guy
2007-09-24 01:14:09 UTC
Both claim to be the truth about the origins of man. Often, those who believe in science only are unable to explain half of what they claim to believe. They too often simply repeat something they saw on NOVA.

Ask an evolutionists how did one magic organism evolve into the billions of species alive today to include plants, viruses, bacteria, fungi, sea creatures, and animals.

Ask them where did all of the matter in the universe originate and why did it explode and magically create life on Earth.
2007-09-24 01:13:30 UTC
The Bible is mythological fiction mixed with ethical rules.

Evolution is believable because of the overwhelming evidence.

People argue the two topics because they are mutually exclusive (they can't both be right).
James O
2007-09-24 01:12:26 UTC
I find no conflict between Genesis and Evolution when both are rightly interpreted and keep to their own spheres of academic discipline
2007-09-24 01:16:13 UTC
why is it so far fetched to believe evolution through creation,it makes sound sense that plant and animal alike have had to change through time according to its surroundings,and environment which is in constant change.use your good mind not books.
Sal D
2007-09-24 01:19:16 UTC
Keeps us off the street Hon.
Nina, BaC
2007-09-24 01:11:43 UTC
I believe the Bible is true. I believe in evolution. I just think that evolution theory is a theory. I believe in the bible record.
2007-09-24 01:11:17 UTC
Because if the Bible is true and Darwinian evolution is false, there will be no where to hide.
Ryan, Atheati Magus
2007-09-24 01:11:11 UTC
try getting a hold of some grammar, maybe then can you comprehend the hard things in this world.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.