As many as 40 authors wrote the Bible over a period of more than 1,500 years (from 1500 B.C. to about A.D. 100).
The 40 authors differed widely in their culture and education, and with personality and intellectual perception, and yet the books they wrote do not contradict one another.
The first books of the Bible were written by Moses, and the last by John. Moses wrote the first 5 about 3,500 years ago, and John the last, 1,600 years later.
Some 30 authors wrote the books of the Old Testament. Their lives covered a period of about 1,200 years.
The New Testament was written by 8 men in a period of about 50 years: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, James, and Jude. At least 4 of these men were disciples of Christ.
The Bible deals with the subjects of history, biography, poetry, speeches, proverbs, songs, parables, prophecies, romances, drama, tragedies, sermons, dialog, and ethical teachings.
The English Old Testament in the Greek, or Septuagint, version is divided into 4 parts: The Pentateuch, History, Poetry, and Prophecy. The Hebrew is traditionally divided into 3 parts: The Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms. Jesus so referred to it in Luke 24:44.
The New Testament has 3 main parts: history (the 4 Gospels and Acts), doctrine (in the Epistles), and prophecy (Revelation).
The New Testament may also be grouped into 4 Gospels, one book of history, 21 letters to churches and individuals—or 14 Epistles of Paul and 7 General Epistles—and one prophetic book.
The Old Testament was written in the Hebrew language, except that portions of Ezra and Daniel were written in Aramaic. The 27 New Testament books are Generally acknowledged to have been written in Greek, the universal language of that time.
The early Bible was written by hand on rolls of papyrus. The Jews later wrote them on leather rolls. The pens were finely-beaten reed brushes, or sharp-pointed reeds; the ink was made from soot, gum, and water.
In some cases the Bible authors did their own writing. In other instances they dictated to scribes (Exodus. 24:4; Jeremiah. 36:4)
Up to the fifteenth century copies of the Bible were made by hand.
The Protestant Bible has 66 books, the Catholic 73, and the Jewish 39
It was not until the fourth century A.D. that the Bible was circulated as one complete volume or unit.
The Bible was divided into chapters in the middle of the thirteenth century by Stephen Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury.
The verse divisions were introduced in 1551 by Robert Stephanus a Paris publisher of the Greek-Latin edition of the New Testament
There are more than 4,000 known manuscripts, preserving all or part of the text, dating from about A.D. 200. There are some 8,000 manuscripts of the Latin Vulgate, and at least 1,000 versions into which the original books were translated.
David is ascribed as writing 73 of the Psalms, but 8 different persons are mentioned as being their authors or compilers. Psalms 90 was written by Moses.
Gospel/Acts dates of writing:
Mark............ 50-70AD Usually attributed to 'John Mark', a disciple of Peter
Matthew....... 55-75AD Usually attributed to Matthew/Levi, the Apostle
Luke............ 59-75AD 'Luke' is generally thought to be the same person referred to by Paul in his letters.
John............ 53-95AD Usually attributed to John, the 'disciple whom Jesus loved'
Acts............ 63-70AD Written by the same author as 'Luke'. Could be much later than 70, but no earlier than 'Luke'
The bible was written 100% by men and 100% by God. This is what we call a paradox. Both statements are true.