Who here doesn't believe in evolution?
2014-11-12 16:10:48 UTC
If so, why not? Please insert explainations and proof below. I'm not trying to prove a point, I'm just curious what your thoughts are.
99 answers:
2014-11-14 16:04:30 UTC
I don't believe it because it can't be proven. There is no missing link and the fossil record doesn't support it. Every time there is a newspaper article touting some amazing find, at the very bottom it adds that other scientists disagree with the interpretation put forward. But the headlines make it seem like it is an established fact.

Established facts, are observable. Evolution can not be observed because people don't live long enough to do so.

Supporters of evolution say "It is peer reviewed" and act like peer reviews are so magical. Well I researched them and they are not very accurate.

They also offer supposed proof that when looked at another way, can be interpreted very differently.

I am a Bible believer and evolution is not consistent with the Bible.

1 Corinthians 3:19 says that "The wisdom of the world is foolishness with God."
2014-11-14 15:39:05 UTC
I am open minded about the existence of a creator. A God, thing is when i ask a person of religion if they are open minded they say yes, then i say well you must believe there might be a chance there is no God. The answer i get is not one from an open minded person. But i respect their beliefs, its their right to believe.

Who knows if evolution is real, is it the same as cell structure changing like a tadpole into a frog, what i want to know is when are humans going to change from our current form, we have been the same for an extremely long time now. what will we look like when we do change?

Why are other primates not catching up with us and becoming more intelligent like us? there are many questions. with the religion side of things, it seems inconceivable that a creator could create our planet in the seven days it says in the bible, i also don't understand the Adam and Eve story, how did so many people come to be? so many questions need answers, so many theories need explaining. i don't think we will ever know the real facts. to me the mystery is the whole universe. its best we don't know anyway. just enjoy it, and be thankful you had the chance to wonder at the mysteries of this life and hopefully beyond.
2014-11-13 09:14:05 UTC
How can the universe create itself out of nothingness? Doesn't it make sense to assume the existence of a Creation. This statement is tricky because it sneaks in the false assumption that GOD came from somewhere and then asks where that might be. The answer is that the question does not even make sense. It is like asking, “What does blue smell like?” Blue is not in the category of things that have a smell, so the question itself is flawed. In the same way, GOD is not in the category of things that are created or caused. GOD is uncaused and uncreated—He simply exists.

We know that from nothing, nothing comes. So, if there were ever a time when there was absolutely nothing in existence, then nothing would have ever come into existence. But things do exist. Therefore, since there could never have been absolutely nothing, something had to have always been in existence. That ever-existing being is what we call GOD ,GOD is the un-caused Being that caused everything else to come into existence. God is the uncreated Creator who created the universe and everything in it.

The universe requires a cause because it had a beginning, GOD unlike the universe, had no beginning, so he doesn’t need a cause. Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which has much experimental support, shows that time is linked to matter and space. So time itself would have begun along with matter and space. Since GOD is the creator of the whole universe, he is the creator of time. Therefore He is not limited by the Reality, Time dimension He created..

You can't see the wind, but you know it is there because you can see what the wind is doing. You can know that the wind is there because you can feel it.GOD is like the wind, you can't see him.

The mystery's of faith an GOD are beyond our ability to understand.
2015-01-28 17:31:04 UTC
Try throwing your watch on the floor hard enough to shadder it. Now pick up the pieces, put it together and make it tick again. That is what Darwin's theory is, just an idea (theory). It has never been proven and never will be.

Authorities argued and evolution is taught to our children in school. This, though, does not make evolution any more than it was when Darwin thought of it, his theory.

Let me illustrate; If you drove 100 miles into the Sahara desert and found a beautiful two story house with a generator for electricity, a well with a pump for water, and everything needee for a vacation, you would neve think it just happened, but that someone built it and furnished it. That is the same with our earth.

The earth is perfectly positioned in the solar system for life to exist. If the sun were a pin point closer we would bake and if a pin point farher away we would freeze. Our life is protected by a magnetic field and an atmosphere that serve as a dual shield. Did that just happen, or did someone have the intelligence needed to create it. The earth has natural cycles that replenish and cleanse the planet's air and water supply. Did a theory make this happen? You have a brain and a conscience that took much intelligence to create. It took much more intelligence for these things than to build a house in the desert, don't you think?

Why not look into the Bible online on the international website, Look into Bible Teachings > Bible Questions Answered. I believe you will like what you learn. You can, if you like what you learn, request your FREE personal Bible study. John 17:3 tells us: "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.
2014-11-14 12:08:42 UTC
A better question would be, is evolution true science ? There are many scientists who know evolution didn't happen. How many people realize that the earth and life were not created in a week of 24 hour days either ? This is another misconception by some who are referred to as "creationists" who try to assert that those creative days were only 24 hour days. Making a study, not just a casual reading, of Genesis will find that those periods of time were longer than 24 hours each, in which the earth that was already here was prepared for life, the earth's surrounding atmosphere was penetrated by the light that was already there from the sun/moon/stars, then seeds/plants, then life was formed with "kinds" of living creatures, finally the first human pair at the last. The earth itself and the universe are likely billions of years old, but the life on it was created in long periods of time called "days" in Genesis. What has already been found in layers of the earth containing remains- fossils/bones of living creatures, that appeared suddenly then died and left their remains in the earth harmonizes and does not contradict the findings of true science or with Genesis. Evolution is a theory that is not agreed on as to how it supposedly happened, it keeps changing and not all scientists even believe it. Theory itself that is believed and taken as 100% accurate is putting trust in imperfect man and what they interpret or want to interpret. There have been parts and pieces of bone reconstructed to appear to be a certain thing and a chart with drawings made up which is not proof but assumption of what some think might have been. Biology shows that living creatures and humans cannot reproduce outside of their" kind" and mutations are not productive. So, no, I never have believed in evolution and never will.
2014-11-13 03:03:48 UTC
I dont. Its amusing how some on here claim the non educated are creationists, yet I have always found its those with least education that will readily take on the idea of the vast variety of living creatures in this wonderful world, not to mention the laws, the way water continually replenishes, ditto the gases we need to breathe and live and of course the food magically growing in the ground and hanging from trees - fantastic - as all being by chance.

And they will say "its proven" - yet it hasnt been! They see the silly diagrams oft shown of a monkey developing into an ape man finally becoming the upright man we see today. Where is the evidence? There is none. The few missing links that scientists have claimed have all been disproved as scams or bits of arthritic bone :)

The Bible tells us the way life came about, it gives the "days", eras in which they were created. These eras are absolutely correct with the evidence we have scientifically. There are no slow changes, but big changes suddenly. There are no apes slowly growing into man, there are no giraffes with short necks getting necks longer and longer, there are no whales that are tiny and decide to be huge and still eat plankton is the way to go.

Satan's biggest lie and people take it on board without question. No scientists can create any living matter - they use living matter already available because no one but Jehovah can give life.

Open your eyes now. Look round you and the beauty of the world even polluted as it is by man, it carries on renewing itself, look at the varieties of beautiful birds, the colours, the songs - why would they need to be such colours and sing so beautifully and dont tell me its because of mating rituals, if so, they would have all died off before these colours and songs developed.

Accept that Jehovah created this world for us to live on eternally. He has said so, he will see his purpose fulfilled.
2014-11-14 07:09:05 UTC
"The Good Thing About SCIENCE Is That It's TRUE Weather Or Not You Believe In It"

Those Who Believe Otherwise Are Nothing More Than Mythguided Fools And Decievers...

Get A Life People For There Is No Afterlife!

Thumbs Down's Are Meaningles When The Truth Is Blatantly Obviouse. They Can Not Change Anything!
2014-11-12 17:44:49 UTC
Many who do not believe in the Bible embrace the theory that living things emerged from lifeless chemicals through unknown and mindless processes.

Supposedly, at some point a bacteria-like, self-replicating organism arose, gradually branching out into all the species that exist today. This would imply that ultimately the mind-bogglingly complex human actually evolved from bacteria.

The theory of evolution is also embraced by many who claim to accept the Bible as the word of God. They believe that God produced the first burst of life on earth but then simply monitored, and perhaps steered, the process of evolution. That, however, is not what the Bible says.

The Bible account of creation does not conflict with the scientific observation that variations occur within a kind

According to the Bible, Jehovah God created all the basic kinds of plant and animal life, as well as a perfect man and woman who were capable of self-awareness, love, wisdom, and justice.

The kinds of animals and plants created by God have obviously undergone changes and have produced variations within the kinds. In many cases, the resulting life-forms are remarkably different from one another.

The Bible account of creation does not conflict with the scientific observation that variations occur within a kind.
2014-11-12 22:04:56 UTC
John 5:46-47

46 If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. 47 But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?”-Jesus Christ

It takes just as much faith to believe in evolution as it does salvation. It takes just as much faith to believe in aliens as it does salvation. But in the end, only salvation benefits me and if I'm wrong. So what. I'm dead. But I do not say that because I doubt that I am right, I say that because you doubt. I know God and his Holy Ghost. I know there is deception going on in this world and many of you are just pawns playing along. But God wants to make every one of you Knights armed with swords to defend his truth and keep it. A legacy which is an honor to be a part of. Not this fading fad which when it is gone so will be the memory of all those who defended it. But those who have defended the faith are Saints and Martyrs and are never forgotten. That's the legacy I would rather have and that is the torch I carry. I am a knight and will never be a pawn for the schemers.
2014-11-12 16:57:06 UTC
I don' evidence. All we see is variation within a kind. Cats have different looking cats, dogs have different looking dogs etc etc but we never find one type of creature becoming some completely different type of creature. For example in the fossil record you might find an ancient shark but it's still a shark, or you find an ancient bat but it's still a bat, etc. You don't find a mouse starting to develop little wings as it becomes a bat. You don't find reptiles developing fur as they become mammals. What you find is that there are LIMITS to how different something can become from it's original form which spits in the face of Darwinian evolution. I know some of you will want to go on a rant about "define a kind" which tells me you don't even know that scientists have no definition for species. Some define a species based on morphology, some by genetics, some by ability to reproduce....some ornithologists (bird scientists) actually define species according to the songs birds sing! So give me a break with your supposed need for a concrete scientific definition lol.

Simply put all you find in the fossil record is variation of kinds. Old bat looks a little different, old goat looks a little different...but as far as finding all these intermediary forms as one creature slowly becomes something completely different over millions of years...there is simply no evidence.

And to anyone who disagrees put forth some information and I'll happily refute it. I know most you are ignorant cowards who will simply resort to "you're stupid" or "you're such a moron" or "OMG I can't believe you're so dumb" or "the truth of evolution is obvious" i.e. you will sound so sure, yet have NOTHING to back up your certainty with. And I assure you anything that you think of as proof like "Lucy" or "whale evolution" is embarrassingly easy to refute.
2014-11-14 14:14:30 UTC
I don't! It's a ridiculous fallacy, and takes more 'faith' to believe that rubbish than it does to believe the truth, that God created the universe exactly as the Bible says! The Almighty, Omnipotent God can do anything He chooses - regardless of whether or not you choose to believe it or can understand it; the human brain is incapable of understanding it. Yet I would rather believe God, who CANNOT lie, than any number of sinful, imperfect, human beings! Evolution is the lie which atheists prefer to pronounce as being the truth; in the words of one atheist,"We do not believe in evolution because the evidence is overwhelming, but because the alternative is unthinkable."

I believe the Creator, not the created!

I KNOW and trust God!
2014-11-15 22:04:44 UTC
I definitely believe in evolution. I'm a strong atheist, and I just think that the scientific basis is there for evolution. Over time, mutations in DNA happen randomly, and mutations that benefit those individual creatures help them survive for longer, allowing them to pass on their mutation to their children. Eventually, the mutation will spread to the whole species, as long as it's a mutation that can aid in survival. Creationism simply has no foundation in what we truly know about our universe and planet.
2014-11-13 16:42:20 UTC
There are several definitions when it comes to evolution, the two most common ones are 1. Change over time, and 2. Accumulation of beneficial mutation over time.

Well 1. is just pure rubbish, I can arrange sticks on the ground and show it changed over time. That's exactly what evolutionists are doing with the fossils and bones. "Lets see... this bone is straight... this bone is a little bit bent and this one is very bent.... Tadahh evolution of the hind leg."

2. Accumulation of beneficial mutation... Hmmm let Richard Dawkins tell you this instead shall we?

Yes there are none. He went back to his turtle shell again, "millions of years and not observable"

Just no matter which way you approach it from, there is no evidence for macro evolution.

@Lighting the Way to Reality

Again you don't seems to get the point, it doesn't matter what Richard Dawkins thinks of the interview. It was a simple question, and he couldn't answer it. If evolution is proved to such an extent I'm sure he'll have no problem answering that. Instead Richard Dawkins gave us a bunch of rubbish and had a cry afterwards like a little girl.

The website you provided the link to... I would hardly call that an increase in genetic information. I'm sorry but that's not increasing in genetic "information". Information can be interoperated and are meaningful and random scramble like what was describe on your website is at best what you call "noises." A process like that can only result in "mutation" not "evolution" if your body went through a process such as that you would of died in a few seconds.

Typical Atheist Fundamentalist, all talk and no brain. You just copy and paste what the previous ape did and think you know things now. And please~ You're the definition of LSoS

@ Lighting the Way to Reality

You mean millions of years? Nice answers, that seems to be universal answer for all evolutionists when they get asked a question. Well not observable now but it all happened Millions of years ago.

How about this, without copy and paste from another website. YOU give me an example of increase in genetic information. And I do mean genetic INFORMATION not meaningless addition genetic materials that causes harmful mutations. Come on give me an example~ You can't can you, you LSoS

@ Lighting the Way to Reality

Oh here we go again~ The evidence smacked across my skull, what evidence? LMAO you atheists call us Christians pigeons, look who's the pigeon now? You only take advantage of the less talented Christians in debate and then flip the board like you are doing now when people point out what a load of bull crap you are!
2014-11-14 03:27:40 UTC
I don't believe in evolution.

I'm certain it has occurred.

No belief necessary.
Lighting the Way to Reality
2014-11-13 18:32:19 UTC
Who here doesn't believe in evolution? I'll tell you who! Those who are totally ignorant about the process of, and evidence for, evolution and get their misinformation from LSoS creationist web sites and books.

The despicable promoters of creationism in their web sites and books have shown themselves to be liars and deceivers, and willing to do whatever it takes to mislead their gullible lay followers into rejecting evolution.

The video presented by @Psychology is a prime example. In that video, a film crew asks Richard Dawkins about a process that would increase the information in the genome.

Note that Dawkins seems perplexed and hesitates to answer for a short time, and then there is a break in the video and the conversation takes up again, but on a different subject.

Now, keeping that in mind, here is what Dawkins said about the filming of that video.

"In September 1997, I allowed an Australian film crew into my house in Oxford without realising that their purpose was creationist propaganda. In the course of a suspiciously amateurish interview, they issued a truculent challenge to me to “give an example of a genetic mutation or an evolutionary process which can be seen to increase the information in the genome.” It is the kind of question only a creationist would ask in that way, and it was at this point I tumbled to the fact that I had been duped into granting an interview to creationists — a thing I normally don’t do, for good reasons. In my anger I refused to discuss the question further, and told them to stop the camera. However, I eventually withdrew my peremptory termination of the interview as a whole. This was solely because they pleaded with me that they had come all the way from Australia specifically in order to interview me. Even if this was a considerable exaggeration, it seemed, on reflection, ungenerous to tear up the legal release form and throw them out. I therefore relented.

"My generosity was rewarded in a fashion that anyone familiar with fundamentalist tactics might have predicted. When I eventually saw the film a year later 1, I found that it had been edited to give the false impression that I was incapable of answering the question about information content 2. In fairness, this may not have been quite as intentionally deceitful as it sounds. You have to understand that these people really believe that their question cannot be answered! Pathetic as it sounds, their entire journey from Australia seems to have been a quest to film an evolutionist failing to answer it."

So, the creationists who made the film resorted to whatever despicable tactics they needed to in order to get people to reject evolution.

The fact is that Richard Dawkins, as an evolutionary biologist, knows full well the ways in which genetic information can increase.

This link is from the scientific journal Nature and provides descriptions of several processes that can result in an increase in genetic information.


AH! Thumbs down by someone who thinks it is perfectly OK to resort to lies, deceit, and whatever else is necessary in order to get people to reject evolution.


@Psychology, you are totally out of touch with reality. He most certainly was quite capable of answering the question because he knows full well what processes can increase genetic information. In his account of the filming, he went on to say:

"With hindsight — given that I had been suckered into admitting them into my house in the first place — it might have been wiser simply to answer the question."

Seeing as how the despicable, lying, deceiving film crew edited the film, he probably should have.

But then, you apparently think that it is perfectly OK to resort to lies, deceit and whatever else is necessary to discredit evolution.


It is clear that you wouldn't accept any evidence for evolution no matter how hard it was smacked across your skull. And I am not going to waste my time and what limited text I have left except to post this.

And if you think you know more about genetics and the evidence (or lack thereof) for evolution than the professional geneticists and evolutionary biologists do, why don't you take it up with them and show them your brilliance on those matters and prove them wrong?
2014-11-12 16:14:32 UTC
1)Apemen and elephantmen are cursed masons from tower of Babel. Read Book of Jasher, Chapter 9, verse 35. And the Lord smote the three divisions that were there, and He punished them according to their works and designs; those who said, We will ascend to heaven and serve our gods, became like apes and elephants...

2)According to Russian Orthodox Christian Vyatcheslav Krasheninnikov: Humans were created about 7525 years ago. Birds participate in time creation. It's a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves.

3)Only animals that knelt before Noah went inside the ark. Other animals and 700 000 people drowned.

4)God promised Adam and Eve that He would die for them on the cross in 5 and a half days (5500 years). He did 2000 years ago. So, we're 7500 years old.

5)Demons live inside clones. Jesus died for all sins committed by all.

Jesus said that you have to drink His blood.

All people have soul, body, and spirit.

In animals, blood substitutes soul.

That's why you're forbidden to drink animal blood. Animals don't have spirit.

You're forbidden to drink human blood (like during blood transfusion) because sins transfer.

You're told to drink blood of Jesus (because He's sinless) so that your sins are forgiven.

Dogs are not allowed in your home and your church because the Holy Spirit will leave.
2014-11-12 16:18:09 UTC
Evolution is a complex subject to discuss here. It has many elements, including: (1) adaptation, (2) natural selection, (3) mutation, (4) common ancestry, (5) genetic drift etc. Of the many elements, my research says that only 1, and 2 are true. The others are a mixture of truth, and falsehood. For example, while mutation occurs (true) it is statiscally improbable to account for speciation. Another example, is the concept of commmon ancestry. Many scientists are quietly ditching this concept.

Please read the fine articles below.
2014-11-14 01:47:41 UTC
I don't believe in evolution.

I'm certain it has occurred.

No belief necessary.
2014-11-14 05:33:10 UTC
i dont because evolution is just another religion,think atheists believe that only matter exists in the universe while theists believes that there is more than just matter that exsists in the universe,they because that consiousness also exsists and that when we die we live on through consiousness,now evolution can be real in the sense that things can evolve over time to fit the environment ,but that doesnt mean god does not exsist,to say that there is nothing els out there but matter is one bold statement to make.'wink'
2014-11-12 17:47:59 UTC
Well...being technical here...

I accept the theory of evolution as a scientific theory.

I do not **believe in** that theory, and it would do me no good to believe in that theory. I accept it for what it is - a scientific theory. What I believe regarding that theory is that it is more likely to be the correct explanation for the formation of species on Earth than any alternate explanation.


- I believe that the theory of evolution is more likely to be correct than any alternate explanation

- but I don't bother believing in the theory of evolution; there is no advantage (for me) in doing so
2014-11-12 18:08:13 UTC
I don't.'s a bunch of bologna. Life coming from non life nonsense...jesus all that science stuff is more complicated than accepting a big guy in the sky said boom and the world existed. I'll take the less headache causing version please.
2014-11-17 00:36:23 UTC
I don't believe in evolution.
2014-11-12 16:17:20 UTC
I don't believe in evolution. I accept that all observable evidence indicates evolution is reality.
2014-11-14 03:22:57 UTC
Evolution is just an unproved hypothesis. I don't even consider it to be a part of Science.
2014-11-14 13:44:29 UTC
Evolution is logicaly impossible because an organism can not contain the elements of something greater than itself. All the element necessary for the organism are contained within it. Human beings cannot imagine or construct a being greater than they themselves are, we cannot even produce a living organism lesser than ourselves, not even very slowly. If we, with all our technological advances cannot make the leap to a greater, more advanced form of life, then, what hope does a lesser form of life have?
2014-11-13 13:28:01 UTC
With regret I must admit my girlfriend does not believe in evolution. It makes me sad.

Teacakes, anyone? Another thought that comes to mind is the glowing orange thing in the sky is not a sun, but a spaceship. Sometimes you just have to take a punch to the face. Who here likes legos? I have a sandbox in my office.
2014-11-13 21:52:22 UTC
I don't believe in evolution.

I'm certain it has occurred.

No belief necessary.
2014-11-12 16:13:42 UTC
"Hurr durr it don't say nothin' about us coming from no monkeys in the Bible" - Average Creationist.
2014-11-13 04:03:07 UTC
Not me. Good science can’t support it. There are a series of videos produced by Prof. Walter Veith that are quite compelling. For most of his teaching career he was a zealous evangelist for evolution. Taught it to his medical students. But when push came to shove he had to admit that good science can't support it.

Check it out at and decide for yourself.
2014-11-12 16:31:30 UTC
Evolution isn't a matter of belief or opinion. It happens continually. You either accept reality or deny it. I accept it.
2014-11-12 20:09:27 UTC
so some goo somehow existed, somehow came to life, somehow developed into complex organisms over billions of years and somehow did this without leaving RIDICULOUSLY overwhelming fossil evidence. Think about would be a billion times more likely for one of my turds to develop into a nation of people than what is proposed currently. At least my turd has living matter in it already. Go create life from non-living matter and get back to me.
2014-11-12 16:22:20 UTC
Evolution requires no belief. It is just a fact of life.

Absolutely, provably everything that lives evolves.

In branches we understand, here-to-there just like clockwork, evolution.

So it is whether you believe it or not,
2014-11-12 16:13:33 UTC
I don't believe in evolution.

I'm certain it has occurred.

No belief necessary.
2014-11-14 16:37:51 UTC
That depends on which evolution you are talking about, there is current evidence of micro evolution that is changes within a species. Macro evolution has less evidence.
2014-11-13 22:37:14 UTC
I know God created the earth and all the species - but I don't know how he did it.
mark h
2014-11-13 07:40:49 UTC
I believe in God.

But to what end should I believe in evolution?

I mean, no one ever asks me if I believe in gravity. So I am puzzled as to why I am called upon to believe in evolution.

What is it that evolution is going to do to me if I believe or do not believe in it?

Hope that helps.
2014-11-14 19:17:25 UTC
Only you and I exist nothing else except for God and his angels.
2014-11-13 22:11:25 UTC
I know God created the earth and all the species - but I don't know how he did it.
2014-11-13 19:25:55 UTC
I was what you would call a "technical" kind of personality before I accepted Christ and what he did for me. For years I have listened, studied and looked at science vs the Bible and unlike many, I researched things on my own and took facts from unbiased sources, refused to listen to the anti god types as well as the zealots and when I decided to look into Quantum Physics, that's when the facts took over. I based the FACT that God was, is and always will be when I look at the scientific law that states "DNA Cannot Co-Exist outside itself, how then did DNA come into existence?
2014-11-20 08:17:57 UTC
2014-11-19 06:37:55 UTC
adam and eve
2014-11-18 04:55:15 UTC
2014-11-17 14:36:48 UTC
2014-11-16 22:54:10 UTC
I don't believe in evolution.
2014-11-16 02:19:22 UTC
2014-11-15 21:04:40 UTC
I do not believe in such a stupid thing.
2014-11-15 15:44:54 UTC
2014-11-15 08:23:52 UTC
2014-11-15 06:23:36 UTC
i believe in god and i believe he created evolution
Outer Limits
2014-11-14 21:37:03 UTC
I do, but there is also startling evidence that suggests our evolutionary line was helped along physically millions of years ago. As nuts as it initially sounds, if one researches enough with a neutral mind, one will find some very interesting answers that potentially tie religion, myth and science together.
2014-11-17 15:54:52 UTC
adam and eve
2014-11-17 06:41:06 UTC
2014-11-17 00:36:34 UTC
Troll Hunter
2014-11-16 14:37:32 UTC
Since when did they start putting comments in Yahoo answers? Anyway, since this is a science question, lets stick with science. It has nothing to do, NOTHING to do with what you believe in, or what you don't. Theory is the basis for this question. Evidence is abundant in the world pointing at evoloution of organisms throughout history. This is purely academic, not opinion. It's quite laughable that all of the commenters on here would miss this question (or fail the assignment entirely) because you don't even see that you are off topic. There is a place to discuss opinions and beliefs, and then there is science class.

BIblical references are off-topic, and have nothing to do with the question. But I'll ask you this, and I ask my students the same thing "If you cannot prove evolution, and because you cannot prove it then it is therefore not true, how can you prove your Biblical references? Were you there? Did you decipher the Dead-Sea Scrolls personally? Or, are you taking someone else's word for it, that this is what happened?"

I entertain this each year, it's a lesson in doing your schoolwork, and to leave your other lessons in other classes, which includes Church.
2014-11-16 14:23:39 UTC
If there was really evolution would crocodiles and alligators be the supreme being on Earth because they existed way before the dinosaurs and had millions of years to evolve.........................
2014-11-16 10:03:48 UTC
i dont. i believe god created us
2014-11-16 07:34:13 UTC
2014-11-16 04:41:34 UTC
All you have to study is the Eye. Yes...The Eye.

Google and study the Eye.

Intellegent design would be the only answer.
2014-11-16 00:01:44 UTC
I do not believe in such a stupid thing.
2014-11-15 23:20:02 UTC
I do not believe in such a stupid thing.
2014-11-15 13:40:07 UTC
2014-11-15 07:01:35 UTC
There is always a source to everything. Even if we say that the big bang did everything there has to be a source for the big bang. I believe in creation. The Holy Book told us about stuffs we know and have now eras ago which is the ultimate proof of creation. I am a student of science. I do believe in science. I do believe in big bang theory and evolution. For ****'s sake I have seen proof of evolution of certain creatures. I am just saying that there is a source for all of this theory which is creation. I know there will be people saying or thinking that I am stupid and I believe in magic. Religion is not about magic it's about sprituality. So I believe that in the big bang theory and evolution and I think the source of all this is God.
2014-11-15 05:01:50 UTC
I believe in evolution in the sense that I believe in genetic mutation and natural selection. I do not believe in evolution or anything else as a valid, scientific theory of origin. Those who believe otherwise, scientists included, are missing one very important part of the scientific method. It requires that something be tested. The moment you move beyond what can be tested, you are not talking science anymore. You have moved into the realm of philosophy and debate.

If a crime is committed and no one is there to record it, we can never prove that we put the right person in prison for said crime. That is why forensic scientists, other than perhaps a request to testify, stop working on a case once they had what scientifically obtained evidence they have, over to the police to in turn be given to the prosecutor. The prosecutor is not a scientist and deals in the gray area we call "beyond a reasonable doubt." If the prosecutor cannot eliminate reasonable doubt, or if the defense finds it, the suspect is acquitted and whatever opinions anyone holds about the case are just that - opinions. The truly intelligent are the ones who refuse to give their opinions and simply say we will never know.

There is scientific evidence for evolution being the origin of life. The big bang is a separate theory that has to do with physics and chemistry, not biology, but there is evidence for that, too. There is evidence that the universe was created. There is even evidence that can be used to argue that advanced extraterrestrials put the first life here and then stood back to observe as organisms differentiated in the ultimate cosmic experiment. None of those things can be tested in a laboratory, so while the evidence-gathering process might have been scientifically based, the discussion is a matter of debate and will therefore, in this life, never be anything but opinion.

It is that lack of satisfaction that drives people to religion, not ignorance. Religion is the human default. We have a natural drive to worship and serve. Those who do not choose a deity still seek a religion of sorts in the sense that they want a purpose outside of themselves. That's what practically every secular charity is, from Green Peace to Habitat for Humanity to the Humane Society. To fault others for seeking a purpose when it is our natural drive and calling them ignorant because their chosen purpose is different than yours is about as ridiculous, self-serving, and short-sighted as it gets. People whose opinions about the universe differ from yours are not hurting you, and those who proselytize gracefully rather than zealously are simply offering purpose to those who have not yet found theirs. Society is better with diversity because it forces us to acknowledge that different people have different needs. So stop trying to force everyone to think like you and calling them stupid when they don't. It is when people start thinking the same way that they become dangerous to themselves and others. Learn to mind your own business and stop caring about what happens in other peoples' heads. Seriously, you all should have gotten over that in kindergarten.
2014-11-14 21:11:09 UTC
Yes i believe in evolution,it is part of human nature, if i am not able to adjust to the change i will be the sufferer
Pradeep Dwivedi
2014-11-14 20:28:38 UTC
Z A45Dm SWE8898 887 D North

A M2Fg SXE00123 283 F South for where u stand...
2014-11-14 19:53:05 UTC
i believe in god and i believe he created evolution
2014-11-14 18:27:17 UTC
I do not believe in such a stupid thing.
2014-11-14 15:26:40 UTC
It isnt about belief and faith it is science. Most people have no idea how Natural Selecton works (Darwin and Wallace joint publication) but is not so different from Human Selection. This is how we get different breeds of dogs, crops, horses pigeons and cattle etc., even varieties of yeast for bread and beer. Darwin did not invent Evolution or discover it. Languages evolve, organisms evolve, technology evolves and so do chemicals but the MECHANISMS are quite different in each case. It is well worth your study. Ths queston is now passe with the complete genome of many organisms known in our life time. Move on.
2014-11-14 06:33:35 UTC
I don't believe in evolution.
John Christi
2014-11-14 03:30:12 UTC
I think the biggest problem with comparing Creationism to Evolution is most only have the very short period of time in which homo sapiens have existed in mind. If you want to know how "man" came to being then you have this debate.

But there is hard scientific evidence that the earth has existed for billions of years and it has been inhabited by many living creatures before mankind.

And there is no question that man is evolving as we can see from expected life spans and the improvements in sports records continuously as the human body becomes more adept.

In another 5,000 years I am sure that life forms will look much different. Some of the stuff these genetic scientists can already pull off can really accelerate things if not in check.
2014-11-18 01:30:56 UTC
2014-11-17 09:00:03 UTC
adam and eve
2014-11-16 14:18:56 UTC
2014-11-16 07:09:15 UTC
Once again, it all comes down to those who require the proof as shown by the investigations of Darwin and others, or those who simply believe, "that's the way it is, that's how it has always been and will always be". I think that the former group will thrive and the latter will diminish as they fail to adapt to the changes and challenges that face them. I would say to the latter group that they will not suffer because of their intransigence, but their off springs will, and they have no say in the choices currently made on their future prosperity. It has nothing to do with God or religion, only dogma and a closed mind.
2014-11-15 21:14:47 UTC
2014-11-15 14:44:15 UTC
If we all originate from Apes, then why are there so many different languages? And why are Apes still around? Did those ones just decide not to evolve? Did Jack say to Bob: "Hey look! Arnie decided to start evolving into a human and has started to try walking up right. He's also spanking his monkey so much he may be able to light fire soon! Maybe we should try too?" Bob replies "Nah screw it! I enjoy hanging out in trees, eating bananas, and putting my stick into termite mounds! I'm not evolving into a human! Life is good!" Jack "Okay Bob me neither"

Putting drawings next to each other and saying that the design of a man looks similar to a monkey is asinine. It is not proof.

In the Bible God makes it clear that he formed the heavens (universe) and the earth and created man. He also states that he confused the languages at the Tower of Babel.

Atheists and those who believe in Evolution need to have a religious "faith" in their belief because their is simply no proof for it. It isn't called The "THEORY" of Evolution for no reason.

The Bible on the other hand is its own proof. Nothing in the Bible has ever been disproved. Every prophesy that has so far come to pass has come to pass as precisely and detailed as it was predicted.

Atheists mocked the Bible and the Story of the Hittites for many decades and accused the Bible of being a fairy tale. Then in 1959/60 the greatest archaeological find of the century, tens of thousands of clay tablets detailing the Empire of the Hittites. It was one of the largest empires in history but man did not know of it. Overnight all the Atheists books that accused and mocked the Bible had to be cleared from the shelves of bookstores. If they had trusted the Bible in the first place there would have been no need for such embarrassment.
2014-11-15 06:34:47 UTC
I do not believe in such a stupid thing.
2014-11-15 03:46:35 UTC
I don't believe in evolution.
2014-11-14 15:00:10 UTC
I do believe in micro evolution, but I dont believe in the big bang theory. The reseaon I dont believe the big bang theory is that it's just a theory. You can't prove it, I know that it's a strong theory, but scientist can't fully prove it. So... I think that the question here is, how do you think everything was made or how it started and what is the purpose of it. And what is up with good and bad??

I think that there are 3 "theories". All these theories have one thing in common, you cant prove them. So I guess that you will have to choose one. But I'd like to zoom in, in all three theories.

The first theorie is the big bang theorie. I could talk about this for hours and write a book about it, but the conclusion is, that you can not prove it. So, I don't I want to believe a theory that is made by scientist who want to believe things they can prove but they actually can't prove it.

The second theory is the blind men and elephant theory. This theory isn't really known so, here's a link to wikipedia if you want to know more about it.

Anyway, this theory can't be true neither because you are not in the posision of the men/women who can see the whole elephant!

So, that brings us to the last theory. The religion one. There are so many things in religion you can prove. And I'd love to name them all, but we will never be able to proof (scientificly or in any other way) that there actually is a God.

But I do know that I felt God in my heart, and that might seem silly and I know that, many people tell me that because I'm only 15 and so "naive and stupid', but I did feel it, just like love/ being in love. You can't really prove or describe the feeling but if you have t, you just know what it is and where it came from.

So let's say that there is a God. But whaaaaat, there are so many options! You can believe in Allah, Jesus, Carma and that kind of indian stuff. So what now?

Okay, I'm just going to say it. Let's believe in Jesus and His Father and the Holy Spirit. Why?

Well, I already looked at those other two options, I know that there are so many other religion things you can believe but these are the main ones.

But why wasn't Allah an option for you? I learned a lot about the Islam and I found out that Allah is actually pretty selffish, all he wants is for you to do "good" things so you can maybe go to heaven once you die. And there are a lot of laws that don't make sence.

So, then why didn't you choose the carma/boedah?

First of all, carma is all about yourself. Because if you do something good, you'll get something good. And stuff like revenge is totally carma. I don't think it makes sence because isn't love way more beautiful than revenge. You may live a nice life with that, but does that make sence if you die some day?

And what about boedah? Well, I think that boedah is the same as allah, both selfish because they want you to worship them, but what did they give you?

So, there's only one thing left, Jesus.

I'm just going to say it right away. I believe this one because this one is all about love. And kindness, selflesness, wisdom, honesty and bravery. But the main one is love.

God made the world and he made the people. He putted them in a beautiful and peacefull place. They didn't know about death or good and bad. But God didn't want them to be robots, He wanted to give them a choice. Unfortunatualy the people chose for death and knowledge about good and bad. But even though the people chose to leave God, He still loved them so much. So He made a promise. He would send His own son who was without sins and was good, could die for the humans who had chosen bad.

It's hard to explain that, here's a link to a video that perfectly explains that without many words.

So I guess that that's kind of why I believe in Jesus. Because Jesus was smart, honest, kind, brave and slefless. And wouldn't the earth be a beautiful place if everybody was like that! LIke heaven, and that's how God wanted us to be, that's why he made us. He made us to be beautful. But we didn't want that. We said no, go away. But God still wanted us.

( I'm really sorry for my bad english, I'm only 15 and I live in the Netherlands so my English isn't really good xD)
2014-11-14 09:37:28 UTC
i believe in god and i believe he created evolution
2014-11-14 07:19:10 UTC alone does not favor the existance of man.....

In other words, examine in a telescope to see if you can find a planet like ours...they are all too hot, too cold..too dry ...we are a special place where man can thrive,When science is left to itself, it doesnt create a world of water and had to be created to be such.

2.............animals eyes glow in the dark................mans does not. This means our eyes were created in a different manner. Anaimls eyes glow to allow them to be hunt in the dark to eat and survive. Mankind was not to eat meat alone for the urine in the meat causes arthritis in the joints of man......making it needful, to eat the fruit of the tree and the herb of the feild and to TIL the ground for veggies......which means he will cause to grow his own diet...animals purely hunt for survival.

3.....................animals breed piggy back style.......they do not express love but rather satisfy their own sexual needs out of instinct from the female giving off a scent which causes genital arousal in the and woman can face each other during nomral intercourse and breeding. The woman doesnt give off a scent to cause is aroused by sight and feelings.....and can breed anytime...during the month where animals can only breed when the female is in heat and giving off a scent. can bring an ape to class all thro school from K-12 and then to college and you never have an animal able to pass the tests and graduate...or come to speak english or french or any other langauge to communicate with man. They have a cognitive level to allow us to know what they want..but they do not and never will have the inteligence to SPEAK a language of man has free will and ability to choose.animals have only

the need to eat

the need to breed

the need to thrive in the invironment suitable for their species

case and point
2014-11-14 04:13:33 UTC
I believe in power of God Jesus Christ is the Risen Messiah
2014-11-13 23:55:17 UTC
i refuse to accept evolution because i hate monkeys. i do believe we all evolved from fish or whatever that thing was that crawled out of the ocean and started breeding with everything it saw but i believe humans evolved from an entirely different branch - or tree even - than those stinking, rotten monkeys. i especially hate chimps.
2014-11-13 21:11:27 UTC
I believe in power of God Jesus Christ is the Risen Messiah
Ernst S
2014-11-15 02:11:49 UTC
First we have to define the term EVOLUTION. If you understand the term EVOLUTION as the model that is taught in univeristies and schools describing how life of animals and mankind has evolved from "simple" to "complex" over hundreds of million of years, then I have to say that I do not believe in that model, because hard scientific facts do NOT support that model. There is no PROOF that there was ever an evolution from "simple" to "complex" from "primitive" to "advanced and higher" in animals. The never evidence of what we know about the genetic information that is inhertited from generation to generatin and it's working and error-correction is giving a lot of evidence that accidential change in genetic informantion does not produce new addittional and "higher" of "better" information - but is destroying good information. We can see a kind of "micro-ecolution" in animals. This is a form of adapting to a changing environment - a pre-programmed ability to oprimize that kind of animal to whatever environment it may live in. But this "micro-evolution" has never been observed to cross the boundary from one animal kind into another kind. Furthermore it must be recognized that the men who proposed this therory of evolution first were not learning it by going through scientific biologic facts. (Darvin was NOT a biological scientist) The theory was the product of minds who searched for an alternative explanation of what we see as a fact, while rejecting the belief in GOD as a creator. In his book "Origins of Life" Darwin uses several times the term " ... I think ... " and not " there is scientific evidence". Another remark to the person who put up that question here: You ask for "proofs" for thinking that the model of evolution is not describing the real facts as it happened in the past. The duty of bringing proofs is on the side of those who propose evolution as a fact. Many scientists would love to have proofs. But so far there is just evidence that can be interpreted either as supporting the model of evolution - or on the other hand being stron evidence against evolution.

Another remark: In the past most of the successful and great scientists where believing in GOD as the creator of the unviverse, the earth and all formy of life (Newton, Farady, Einstein, and many more) - nowadays the "scientific establishment" in universities are allowing ony scientists with atheistic belief to publish new scientific papers while being members of their universities. "BigBang" and "Evolution" are taught as facts and as base of all other scientific studies. Pointers against the probability of accidential and blind starting and "self-evolution" of nature into its present form are never published by the "scientific" establishment. This is NOT honest scientific behaviour. It is also NOT neutral religious behaviour. It is just the follow-on of the spirit of Darwin, who wanted to get rid of GOD. But every open-minded and honest scientist who is able to observe and interpret scientific facts, measurements and statistics can see that there was an "intelligent being" who has created all waht we see in all the forms of life. Futhermore there was the French scientist in biology who has pooven in 1860 that life can only come from life, and is never spontaneously generated in an optimal environment out of non-living matter. Fith his finding he was crushing the theory of spontaneous self-generation of life (e.g. worms in a rotting compost) . His thesis that life is only generated from life - was newer disprooven of overthrown in the 150 years since it stands. Now, if life can not start by itself, some atheistic dreamers still think, then there is also no need for a theory that would "explain" how those "worms" gradually became cats, dogs, fish, birds, elephants monkies and even men. Today we have so many pieces of evidence that apes and men did never have common ancestors. The sum of all evidence is so overwhelming that I KNOW that the theory of Darwinisst evolution is NOT desribing the pocesses of the past. It's not a disbelief. It's a firm rejection on grounds of wide evidence.
2014-11-13 20:18:59 UTC
I believe in power of God Jesus Christ is the Risen Messiah
2014-11-13 03:07:29 UTC
Bc we believe Adam and Eve where first human that Allah create them and they are perfect human both mental and physical
2014-11-13 17:14:55 UTC
I believe in power of God Jesus Christ is the Risen Messiah
2014-11-13 09:38:29 UTC
To many half-truths, holes, inferences being made, etc.. for me to believe it is a fact of science.
Physis Prostatis
2014-11-12 16:17:51 UTC
evolution is a fact! It is proven! get that through your head!
2014-11-13 00:20:30 UTC
I only strongly support it. Belief does not do anything for me.
2014-11-13 17:02:45 UTC
🤔 Jay
2014-11-12 16:20:04 UTC
Please, no one "believes" in evolution!

Minimally educated people understand and accept evolution.
2014-11-13 21:13:59 UTC
i dOnT BelIVe iN EvoLUTiON BeCUz BibLe
2014-11-16 11:23:55 UTC
2014-11-16 04:36:31 UTC
2015-01-28 16:41:24 UTC
2014-11-12 17:03:55 UTC
Definition: Creation, as explained in the Bible, means that Almighty God designed and brought into existence the universe, including other spirit persons and all the basic kinds of life upon the earth.

In this modern, scientific world, is it reasonable to believe in creation?

“The natural laws of the universe are so precise that we have no difficulty building a spaceship to fly to the moon and can time the flight with the precision of a fraction of a second. These laws must have been set by somebody.” —Quoted from Wernher von Braun, who had much to do with sending American astronauts to the moon.

Physical universe: If you found a precision timepiece, would you conclude that it was formed by a chance blowing together of some dust particles? Obviously, someone with intelligence made it. There is an even more magnificent “clock.” The planets in our solar system, also the stars in the entire universe, move at a rate that is more precise than most clocks designed and manufactured by man. The galaxy in which our solar system is located includes over 100 billion stars, and astronomers estimate that there are 100 billion of such galaxies in the universe. If a clock is evidence of intelligent design, how much more so is the far more vast and complicated universe! The Bible describes the Designer of it as “the true God, Jehovah, . . . the Creator of the heavens and the Grand One stretching them out.”—Isa. 42:5; 40:26; Ps. 19:1.

Planet Earth: When crossing a barren desert, if you came to a beautiful house, well equipped in every way and stocked with food, would you believe that it got there by some chance explosion? No; you would realize that someone with considerable wisdom built it. Well, scientists have not yet found life on any of the planets of our solar system except the earth; available evidence indicates that the others are barren. This planet is, as the book The Earth says, “the wonder of the universe, a unique sphere.” (New York, 1963, Arthur Beiser, p. 10) It is at just the right distance from the sun for human life, and it moves at just the right speed to be held in orbit. The atmosphere, of a kind found only around the earth, is made up of just the right proportion of gases to sustain life. Marvelously, light from the sun, carbon dioxide from the air, and water and minerals from fertile soil combine to produce food for earth’s inhabitants. Did it all come about as a result of some uncontrolled explosion in space? Science News admits: “It seems as if such particular and precise conditions could hardly have arisen at random.” (August 24 and 31, 1974, p. 124) The Bible’s conclusion is reasonable when it states: “Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God.”—Heb. 3:4.

Human brain: Modern computers are a product of intensive research and careful engineering. They did not “just happen.” What about the human brain? Unlike the brain of any animal, the brain of a human infant triples in size during its first year. How it functions is still largely a mystery to scientists. In humans, there is the built-in capacity to learn complex languages, to appreciate beauty, to compose music, to contemplate the origin and meaning of life. Said brain surgeon Robert White: “I am left with no choice but to acknowledge the existence of a Superior Intellect, responsible for the design and development of the incredible brain-mind relationship—something far beyond man’s capacity to understand.” (The Reader’s Digest, September 1978, p. 99) The development of this marvel begins from a tiny fertilized cell in the womb. With remarkable insight, the Bible writer David said to Jehovah: “I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, as my soul is very well aware.”—Ps. 139:14.

Living cell: A single living cell is sometimes referred to as being a “simple” form of life. But a one-celled animal can catch food, digest it, get rid of wastes, build a house for itself and engage in sexual activity. Each cell of the human body has been likened to a walled city, with a central government to maintain order, a power plant to generate energy, factories to produce proteins, a complex transportation system, and guards to regulate what is permitted to enter. And a single human body is made up of as many as 100 trillion cells. How appropriate the words of Psalm 104:24: “How many your works are, O Jehovah! All of them in wisdom you have made”!

Does the Bible allow for the idea that God used evolution to produce the various kinds of living things? Genesis 1:11, 12 says that grass and trees were made to produce each “according to its kind.” Verses 21, 24, 25 add that God created sea creatures, flying creatures and land animals, each “according to its kind.” There is no allowance here for one basic kind to evolve or change into another. Regarding man, Genesis 1:26 reports that God said: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness.” So he was to have godlike qualities, not traits that were simply a development of those of a beast. Genesis 2:7 adds: “Jehovah God proceeded to form the man [not out of some preexisting life form but] out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life.” There is no hint of evolution here, but, rather, description of a new creation.

Did God create all the millions of varieties of organisms that exist on earth today? Genesis chapter 1 says simply that God created each “according to its kind.” (Gen. 1:12, 21, 24, 25) In preparation for the global Flood in Noah’s day, God directed that representative members of each “kind” of land animal and flying creature be taken into the ark. (Gen. 7:2, 3, 14) Each “kind” has the genetic potential for great variety. Thus there are reportedly more than 400 different breeds of dogs and upwards of 250 breeds and types of horses. All interfertile varieties of any animal are just one Genesis “kind.” Similarly, all varieties of humans—Oriental, African, Caucasian, those as tall as the seven-foot Dinka in the Sudan and as short as the four-foot-four-inch Pygmies—stem from the one original pair, Adam and Eve.—Gen. 1:27, 28; 3:20. What accounts for the basic similarities in the structure of living things? “God . . . created all things.” (Eph. 3:9) Thus everything has the same Great Designer. “All things came into existence through him [God’s only-begotten Son, who became Jesus Christ when on earth], and apart from him not even one thing came into existence.” (John 1:3) Thus there was one Master Worker through whom Jehovah performed his works of creation.—Prov. 8:22, 30, 31.What is the origin of the raw material of which the universe is made? Scientists have learned that matter is a concentrated form of energy. This is demonstrated with the explosion of nuclear weapons. Astrophysicist Josip Kleczek states: “Most and possibly all elementary particles may be created by materialization of energy.”—The Universe (Boston, 1976), Vol. 11, p. 17. From where could such energy come? After asking, “Who has created these things [the stars and planets]?”, the Bible states regarding Jehovah God, “Due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he also being vigorous in power, not one of them is missing.” (Isa. 40:26) So God himself is the Source of all the “dynamic energy” that was needed to create the universe. Was all physical creation accomplished in just six days sometime within the past 6,000 to 10,000 years? The facts disagree with such a conclusion: (1) Light from the Andromeda nebula can be seen on a clear night in the northern hemisphere. It takes about 2,000,000 years for that light to reach the earth, indicating that the universe must be at least millions of years old. (2) End products of radioactive decay in rocks in the earth testify that some rock formations have been undisturbed for billions of years. Genesis 1:3-31 is not discussing the original creation of matter or of the heavenly bodies. It describes the preparation of the already existing earth for human habitation. This included creation of the basic kinds of vegetation, marine life, flying creatures, land animals, and the first human pair. All of this is said to have been done within a period of six “days.” However, the Hebrew word translated “day” has a variety of meanings, including ‘a long time; the time covering an extraordinary event.’ (Old Testament Word Studies, Grand Rapids, Mich.; 1978, W. Wilson, p. 109) The term used allows for the thought that each “day” could have been thousands of years in length.
2014-11-16 00:38:51 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.