You're not talking about me, my friend.
I don't own a cell phone. I haven't bought a new car since 1987. I don't have a television, so obviously I don't have cable. I own six shirts and four bottoms.
This is by choice. It is because, primarily, I have seen through the illusions of this world and know, intimately, how the promise of money and status is a false promise. I gave away most of what I owned and kept only what was necessary. (And, yes, the computer is necessary for supporting myself. And, yes, I do support myself by working.)
None of this came about by "not questioning." I questioned far and wide, high and low, and ultimately found the answer--after a long and strenuous search--in Jesus.
Jesus said that I could not serve two masters, and I take him literally.
Not without question. It is just that the question of whether or not he is the Son of God has been resolved for me. The answer is "yes." And so I submit my will to God so that he may conform me to his son.