Why do religious people question their cell phone service more than their own religion.?
2006-08-21 16:44:42 UTC
It disturbs be greatly that people will question, intensely, their cell phone service, a new car, Comcast Cable and even the style of clothes they wear more than their own supposed religion. Why is this? There seems to me to be only two explanations…1) You are afraid to question or 2) You were told it’s a sin to question.
I just don’t understand how a religious person can just blindly accept, without question, something they supposedly dedicate their lives to. You’ll question the performance of your laundry detergent more than your religion. That scares the **** out of me.
Five answers:
2006-08-21 17:05:09 UTC
It's a good observation. I think the simple answer is, most religions are unquestionable by design. I'll use Christianity as an example (only because I'm somewhat familiar). From a very early age, children are taught that they must accept Christ as their lord and savior. The consequences for not accepting him are severe (lake of fire, eternal damnation, bla bla). Once that child believes, he is then taught not to question. Should he question his lord and savior, he'll face hellfire, damnation, etc.

Obviously, many folks do question their religion. Those are the ones that become agnostic. I think it's the more intelligent minds that eventually question the dogma and zealotry of their upbringing. The less apt continue to live in fear and have a tendency to push their religion every chance they get.

Seldom will you hear from those that have questioned their faith because they will no longer believe in it.
2006-08-21 17:03:09 UTC
You're not talking about me, my friend.

I don't own a cell phone. I haven't bought a new car since 1987. I don't have a television, so obviously I don't have cable. I own six shirts and four bottoms.

This is by choice. It is because, primarily, I have seen through the illusions of this world and know, intimately, how the promise of money and status is a false promise. I gave away most of what I owned and kept only what was necessary. (And, yes, the computer is necessary for supporting myself. And, yes, I do support myself by working.)

None of this came about by "not questioning." I questioned far and wide, high and low, and ultimately found the answer--after a long and strenuous search--in Jesus.

Jesus said that I could not serve two masters, and I take him literally.

Not without question. It is just that the question of whether or not he is the Son of God has been resolved for me. The answer is "yes." And so I submit my will to God so that he may conform me to his son.
2006-08-21 16:58:58 UTC
That is a very interesting point of view. If you were correct I would be right there with ya. I know there are many who ignorantly follow what they were raised with. However, please don't confuse faith with ignornace. It is not a sin to question or challenge your faith. From a Christain point of view, the Bible asks us to be wise, to pray for wisdom, and to study study study so we KNOW, not just blindly follow. However, we are also told to have faith. It is hard for me to "prove" to you the existence of God in my life. I can freely admit that. However, I have been witness to many answered prayers. I have studied the bible and bible history enough to know why it seems like the bible contridicts yet it does not. I had questions. I wondered why all the time. So, I prayed for wisdom. I studied the Word. I studied bible history. I studied history. I even studied religions around the world. I took Buddest Philosophy, World religions and a host of philosophy classes in college. I did not shy away from questions or challenges. I had faith that those questions could be answered. Because you are not a religious person yourself, please don't assume that all who are religious are ignorant. I questioned until I was questioned out. I see God in my life everyday. I can feel God in my life. If you could walk with me for just a short time there would be no way you could deny God. Yes, it takes faith. It takes an open mind---wait---did a Chirstian just use that word! LOL. A closed mind is one that only believes what he can see, touch and prove. That is sad and one dimensional.
2006-08-21 16:52:56 UTC
Because there is not as much of an emotional attachment to their cell phone. Arguments for the existence of a god are inevitably emotional arguments loosely gilted with loose logic. Their most fervent mantra is "You have to have faith", which at its core is just wishful thinking, just another emotional argument.

People don't question as much what they want to believe.
2006-08-21 16:52:21 UTC

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