Question for Athiests...?
Aisha M
2009-12-25 07:39:51 UTC
Ok, athiest don't believe in God. But i have to ask something. WHen u see a camel footprint on thee ground. You'll atomatically know a camel had to be there to create the footprint. So now you see this huge earth filled with people, animals, and food. You have to believe someone had to have created it, which is God. What do u say to that. This isn't a fight or anything, it is a little arguement to see what you think
26 answers:
Donut Tim
2009-12-25 07:44:26 UTC
When you don't know something it is a poor idea to say, "This is proof of magic".

2009-12-25 08:00:30 UTC
First of all, I live in Montana USA. I wouldn't know what a camel footprint looked like.

Secondly, just because I don't know how something is made, I don't need to come up with some magical plan to explain it. Being an atheist means I can say "I don't know" about a lot of things, and be happy just leaving it at that.
Captain Klepto
2009-12-25 07:53:32 UTC
I've never seen a camel footprint, so that means camels don't exist, right?

And when I see the universe around me, I see no evidence to suggest there was ever a time when there was nothing and it had to be created. There was always something, even if its form changed drastically over the eons. It's the Bible that says it was created and there was a time when there was nothing. I don't believe that. I have no reason to.
The Curmudgeon
2009-12-25 07:45:47 UTC
I've seen camels. I've seen them leave footprints. So when I see the random camel footprint I use knowledge that I've already gained to make the assumption that a camel left that print. However, I've never seen god. Nor have I seen god making anything. So there is no knowledge for me to go on in making the assumption that a god had anything to do with making anything. Besides, even if a god made the universe how do you know it was your god?
2009-12-25 08:11:29 UTC
The camel doesn't have to be there to create a footprint. It can happen entirely by chance, the way the Big Bang happens 'by chance', for some reason nothing in the Big Bang went wrong because chance is chance, it has no error.

When you see a book, you don't think it came into being by book bang theory when it did come by chance.

You've never seen the Big Bang take place as described exactly by scientists.

People die by chance. Why some people die all of a sudden, why Brittany Murphy should die at 32 instead of 78 perhaps, it's all chance.

The world came by chance.

You either believe in Mr.Chance as your god & reject science or take Science as your god & chance & superstition fly out of window.
2009-12-25 08:15:23 UTC
Sorry, but this argument is considered by those with intellect to be a child's argument. For one thing, if I see the light of a star, I do not need to think that someONE created it. Not all things were created by living things. So, your argument is false there. Why, I repeat why, must your silly analogy hold that the world was created by a magical fairy? Let me say for a moment that I agree with your logic and assume that the world was created by a fairy. According to your own logic, that fairy itself must have been created. After all, if your fairy need not have been created, if it is an exception to your rule, then why can't we break the chain arbitrarily elsewhere, and say that the world did not need a creator. If your rule must apply to everything, then it must apply to your fairy. What do you think created it?
2009-12-25 07:47:31 UTC
We can see many of the natural processes that have led to the natural world we have today. Much of it remains a mystery, but the only people who are going to figure it out are people who use the scientific method.

Saying "God did it" doesn't explain anything to anyone. If you believe in a creator god, then it's already a given. If you don't believe, then it's myth. The only way to figure out a meaningful and useful explanation to anything is to approach it as though God doesn't exist.
Because Forehead
2009-12-25 07:53:51 UTC
Let me get this straight...

You can't believe the universe was not created by somebody.... But you believe that GOD - who is infinitely powerful and intelligent - came from absolutely nothing?

The Big Bang Theory makes a little more sense than saying God was there from the beginning.
2009-12-25 07:49:05 UTC
People have actually seen camels. I have seen camels. I have seen their feet. There is nothing supernatural about it.

I do not have to believe someone had to have created it. That's absurd. And why do you assume it's your god? Or that your god has an Earth shaped foot? That's pretty arrogant of you.
2009-12-25 07:52:13 UTC
That's just not a valid argument to me. Unconscious, natural forces, far beyond the ken of finite beings, over vast time and space have resulted (at least here on earth and for only a tiny fraction of Time/Space), what we think of as a "vast array" of life. I don't see anything miraculous in that. Astounding, maybe. Amazing, maybe. Wonderful, even. But not worshipful.
2009-12-25 07:50:13 UTC
Proof of a creator does not prove that creator to be the god of the bible. All we have proof of is mother nature. There is no reason to think it incapable of creating what we see.

Question for you. Does belief in god make you unable to think things thru? You made this statement like it meant something. All it means to me is that you cannot think critically.
2009-12-25 07:50:59 UTC
Ok, now let me ask you a question. You obviously believe in God right? I don't know how old you are but in all your time on earth have you ever seen God? Has he ever spoken to you? (I'm not referring to those little voices inside your head now. Schizophrenics have those and they are not necessarily believers in God) I mean have you ever actually, physically, seen or heard God? How about a ghost or other spirit not of this world? Ever seen one? Yet you still believe. So who has the more logical, realistic, mindset here? HMMmmmm??
2009-12-25 07:52:34 UTC
You can make a camel hoof print without a camel. All you need is a camel hoof and a desire to convince a camel has been there. Kind of like they do with Big Foot prints.
2009-12-25 07:43:33 UTC
God created camel toe
Gabby Johnson
2009-12-25 07:51:06 UTC
I know a camel made it because I've seen camels make similar tracks. Sorry, but that isn't much of an argument.
2009-12-25 07:50:36 UTC
"You will not find any flaw in the creation of the All-Merciful. Look again—do you see any gaps? Then look again and again. Your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted! ) (Qur’an, 67:3-4)

From the force of the Big Bang explosion to the physical values of atoms, from the levels of the four basic forces to the chemical processes in the stars, from the type of light emitted by the Sun to the level of viscosity of water, from the distance of the Moon to the Earth to the level of gases in the atmosphere, from the Earth's distance from the Sun to its angle of tilt to its orbit, and from the speed at which the Earth revolves around its own axis to the functions of the oceans and mountains on the Earth: every single detail is ideally suited to our lives. Today, the world of science describes these features by means of the concepts of the "Anthropic Principle" and "Fine-Tuning." These concepts summarise the way that the universe is not an aimless, uncontrolled, chance collection of matter but that it has a purpose directed towards human life and has been designed with the greatest precision.
2009-12-25 09:10:40 UTC
All your post says is that you are unable to accept reality and need an invisible friend to support you!!

No offense intended but reality requires no supernatural explanation!!

Strike a match and it ignites through a chemical reaction. Nothing to do with magic!!
Libertas Sumptus
2009-12-25 07:44:30 UTC
Anthropic Principal.

There are natural explanations for the formation of the universe and the diversity of life which do not require a supernatural entity.
2009-12-25 07:44:42 UTC
Well there is a huge difference between a foot print and a whole world, but I'll explain it in the dumbest way I can.

You see when mummy and daddy love eachother very much... They plant a tree and BOOM! out pops the world.
2009-12-25 07:50:56 UTC
The flaw in your argument is that we've seen camels, not God.
Grumpity AM Troll Doll
2009-12-25 07:53:41 UTC
All proof points toward mere chance events... I find it much more wondrous and amazing than the hand of god...

Chance is miraculous... much more so than the hand of some god.
2009-12-25 07:47:11 UTC
So how in the heck you know this universe is created by someone.
2009-12-25 07:49:56 UTC
Following your logic, then who or what created god?
2009-12-25 08:20:01 UTC
If you see a mountain do you think someone put it there or do you think of tectonic plates?

If you think someone put it there, then you are probably home schooled.
Rawr! it means i love u in dino
2009-12-25 07:45:46 UTC
and who created your god?

and who created the guy who created your god?

and who created the guy who created the guy who created your god?

jupiter FIVE
2009-12-25 07:56:44 UTC
lmao. that isn't an argument - it's simply ridiculous.

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