Cerridwen,Caridwen,Ceridwen Wales: The Dark Moon Goddess; Great Mother
Goddess of the Grain and of Nature.Welsh Bards called themselves Cerddorion (sons of Cerridwen).
Her cauldron and the white corpse eating sow represents the moon.
Conected with Knowledge,spells,poetry,science,herbs,aastrology,Death,fertility,regeneration,inspiration,magick,enchantment,and divination.
I also connect her to the welsh faery's
Edit: Please do not put Welsh into the same cater gory as the Irish and Scot ts. My Background and Blood carry the Irish and Scottish lines yet Irish is where the Scot ts originated and the Welsh are quiet different those many Aeons ago.
Tuatha Dannaan the Irish Faery Raide who taught the celts and Picts etc the Magick of the Fae who seemed almost human yet of High rank. Welsh have a darker realm added to this. Althogh there is hardly any documentation. My past life regressions have affected me and I have remembered many things. Calleach is Irish nothing to do with the Welsh. Love and light.