What will happen to Catholics who believe in so-called "heresies" or reading so-called "heretical Bibles?"?
2010-11-14 06:46:43 UTC
I'm also a Catholic and I'm wondering what will happen to Catholics that believe in so-called "heresies" but is still faithful to the Catholic Church and high Church officials and also to Catholics who are reading so-called "heretical Bibles" just like the NIV and KJV. Are they going to be excommunicated, not worthy of receiving Sacraments, or whatsoever? Please answer my question. Thanks to all who will answer my question! :D
Seven answers:
2010-11-17 14:27:15 UTC
Have you found Atheism YET?

Atheism is Love for all people, all sexualities!

Let LOVE fill your heart and mind by allowing the Atheist Love to pulsate through your body. With Atheist Love you will be able to shed the hate, oppression and tyranny of God and Religion.

Here is The God Morality Dilemma!

1. Does your morality come from God or the bible? Also you may asking where does their their morality come from but be prepared for a long, long answer that ends up as god or bible

Either answer works

1a. Do you believe in the 10 commandments?

This answer only shows if they rationally know that the new testament is part of the old testament

2. Can God Change his mind or rules for us to follow at any time, either now or in the future?

The only answer to this can be yes!

3. Do you believe your Gods word absolute?

The only answer they can give if they believe is "Yes"

4. Hypothetically if god ordered you to kill your own child, would you?

Only an irrational delusional mind can substitute evidence for acts of god or the bible.

All Gods must be tested and if they fail he/she/it does not exist or are not all powerful and do not deserve worship. If any human makes a claim about the existence of a god then extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Keep in mind that Omnipotence has too many logical fallacies, so a simple test like this will sufice.

Now we must test according to the person's claim that their little god is (omnipotent) and Worthy of our worship?


The God does not exist Hypothesis's


Hypothesis: Does your God Exist?

Data Collection and Test:

This test will show either the gods/devils are not as powerful as claimed or they do not exist at all, in either case they do not deserve anyones worship.

Here is a simple god/devil test

1. God you will post on every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category on the internet in exactly 30 seconds (GMT) after this post has been made. You will post world wide and your post will state the following:

"I am god, I exist"

A) In every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category must have the same exact time stamp based on human time GMT.

2. Mr. Devil you will post on every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category on the internet in exactly 30 seconds (GMT) after this post has been made. You will post world wide and your post will state the following:

"I am devil, I exist"

A) In every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category must have the same exact time stamp based on human time GMT.

This simple test shows the devil does not exist and god does not exist. Furthermore, there is nothing that states we can not test the devil or god for that mater.

The bible only states its believers do not test god.

On the other hand there is nothing written anywhere that states we should not or can not test the devil so we tested both for completeness.

Note that since god and devil are two dependent deities, if we show one does not exist then the other does not exist.

Theory God does not exist

**We have shown that gods of any kind do not exit exists

**There is no god and there is no devil ;-)

Now happier times are a head for all people
2010-11-15 05:11:23 UTC
I have an admittedly limited knowledge of Roman Catholic excommunication and heresy in history, but this is what I have gathered:

If you are indeed "loyal" and **do not**

* act in a way not permitted by the church

* teach others to act in a way not permitted by the church

then you will not be excommunicated. So - for example - if you believe the "heresy" that Jesus is not God, but in all ways worship in accordance with Roman Catholic requirements, your mere belief will not get you excommunicated. Indeed, you can publicly voice your opinion and - as long as you do not attempt to get other Catholics to disobey the Church's teachings - you would not be excommunicated. We see this in Luther's time, where Luther is permitted to write and even publicly debate a fellow theologian. It is when he writes urging Roman Catholics to "rebel" against papal authority that he falls into trouble and gets excommunicated.

The same is true of "reading heretical Bibles". Now: I've never heard of a "heretical Bible", but I know that there have been some Bibles - particularly during the Protestant Reformation - that were outlawed to Roman Catholics by political officials in agreement with the Roman Catholic Church. Naturally, **some Roman Catholic had to read those Bibles** before it could be determined that they were inappropriate for Roman Catholics. Indeed, there were several *approved* "vulgar language" Bibles available in the Roman Catholic Church (mainly those written in various Italian dialects) before the onset of the Protestant Reformation - so the Roman Catholic Church definitely did NOT have a problem with ALL "vulgar language" Bibles.

Again: as long as you are not teaching others that the "forbidden" Bibles are superior to the "approved" Bibles, I cannot believe that the Roman Catholic Church would excommunicate you.

As far as I know, neither the NIV nor the KJV have been identified as "heretical Bibles". My impression (not my certain knowledge) is that the Roman Catholic Church would rather you read those Bibles than none at all.

However, they've approved so many English Bibles that it's difficult to understand why a devout Roman Catholic would resort to the ones that you've mentioned:

(Note that The Living Bible does have an imprimatur - if you purchase the Catholic Edition)

Scott S
2010-11-14 12:16:38 UTC
The Wicca Bible is in a different class from the Protestant and Catholic Bibles you mentioned.

Wicca is witchcraft and revival of pagan practices. This is specifically forbidden in Catholic and Protestant Bibles in both the old and new testaments:

Deuteronomy 18:10 (NIV)

Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, . . .

Galatians 5:20-21 (NIV)

. . . idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Anyone believing Wicca is denying Jesus Christ and would not be a member in good standing in any Catholic or Protestant church.

Regarding the reading of protestant bibles you mentioned, why don't you go to an authoratative source, your priest? Your question is reasonable...

In the United States where I live, Catholics tell me that there priests have no big issue with the NIV and other protestant bibles. For example, here is a link to a Catholic website that discusses protestant translations in a way that is clearly not negative.

Regarding your larger question about the consequences of not believing everything that a church teaches. Don't you think that depends on which teachings are being denied? Is the issue central to the faith, e.g. the divinity of Jesus, or secondary such as not eating meat on Fridays? I assume you can see that the former is key to being Christian and the latter is not critical.

Here is a blog on distingishing between essentials and nonessentials of the Faith. It is from a protestant perspective, but perhaps it will be helpful to you.

2010-11-17 07:44:08 UTC
The Creed attributed to Athanasian includes two dogmas which are de fide. De Fide means such dogmas are "of the faith" and cannot be denied. The "damnatory" or "minatory" clauses are penalties to follow rejection of what is proposed for our belief. The Creed also is precise in what will happen to those who do not faithfully & steadfastly believe in these revealed truths. They are but the verbal equivalent of Our Lord's words: "He that believeth shall not be condemned," & apply only to the culpable & the wilful rejection of Christ's words & teachings. The absolute necessity of accepting the revealed word of God under the stern penalties here threatened, is so intolerable in the Anglican church that frequent attempts to remove it occur.

There should be nothing startling in the statement of our duty to believe what we know is the testimony & teaching of Christ, nor in the serious sins we commit in willfully refusing to accept it, nor finally with the punishments that will be afflicted on those who culpably persist in their sin."

pp. 34-5, Vol. II, Cath. Enc. 1907.

Traditional Catholics at
2010-11-14 06:48:46 UTC
I'm Catholic and use the NAB. But I know of many Catholics that read the NIV. They say a bible is a bible.

I don't know about the heresies you mentioned. You didn't give detail to what ones. So I can't comment on that. But if someone follows a heresy, God knows why and judges accordingly. He is fair.
2016-10-01 09:08:34 UTC
No the place in the bible does Jesus Christ call any guy his father. there is no account of Jesus calling Joseph his father. while ever Jesus refers to his and our father he's in basic terms ever concerning God. in an identical experience as Jesus Christ did not call any earthly guy father. that's my information that we could desire to constantly stick to his occasion and not call any earthly guy your father. Jesus Christ provides a reason we could desire to constantly not call all of us on earth your father and that's because of the fact we've in elementary terms one Father, and he's in heaven. we can verify with adult adult males as having fathered us or to different adult adult males as being a father and we can verify with ourselves as having fathered others or that we are a father to others yet to call all of us on earth your father is going against the classes of Jesus. we've in elementary terms one Father, and he's in heaven.
2010-11-14 06:57:57 UTC
Unless you want to get kicked out, just keep it to yourself...It also depends on the personality of the priest. Some welcome questions, others distrust anyone who has any.

There are over 35,000 Christian sects world-wide. You're fooling yourself if you think any particular one is 'the truth' and everyone else is wrong/going to hell. But, if you like a particular church, just don't 'rock the boat' too much.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.