Have you found Atheism YET?
Atheism is Love for all people, all sexualities!
Let LOVE fill your heart and mind by allowing the Atheist Love to pulsate through your body. With Atheist Love you will be able to shed the hate, oppression and tyranny of God and Religion.
Here is The God Morality Dilemma!
1. Does your morality come from God or the bible? Also you may asking where does their their morality come from but be prepared for a long, long answer that ends up as god or bible
Either answer works
1a. Do you believe in the 10 commandments?
This answer only shows if they rationally know that the new testament is part of the old testament
2. Can God Change his mind or rules for us to follow at any time, either now or in the future?
The only answer to this can be yes!
3. Do you believe your Gods word absolute?
The only answer they can give if they believe is "Yes"
4. Hypothetically if god ordered you to kill your own child, would you?
Only an irrational delusional mind can substitute evidence for acts of god or the bible.
All Gods must be tested and if they fail he/she/it does not exist or are not all powerful and do not deserve worship. If any human makes a claim about the existence of a god then extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Keep in mind that Omnipotence has too many logical fallacies, so a simple test like this will sufice.
Now we must test according to the person's claim that their little god is (omnipotent) and Worthy of our worship?
The God does not exist Hypothesis's
Hypothesis: Does your God Exist?
Data Collection and Test:
This test will show either the gods/devils are not as powerful as claimed or they do not exist at all, in either case they do not deserve anyones worship.
Here is a simple god/devil test
1. God you will post on every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category on the internet in exactly 30 seconds (GMT) after this post has been made. You will post world wide and your post will state the following:
"I am god, I exist"
A) In every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category must have the same exact time stamp based on human time GMT.
2. Mr. Devil you will post on every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category on the internet in exactly 30 seconds (GMT) after this post has been made. You will post world wide and your post will state the following:
"I am devil, I exist"
A) In every Forum, Blog, FAQ and Yahoo Answers Category must have the same exact time stamp based on human time GMT.
This simple test shows the devil does not exist and god does not exist. Furthermore, there is nothing that states we can not test the devil or god for that mater.
The bible only states its believers do not test god.
On the other hand there is nothing written anywhere that states we should not or can not test the devil so we tested both for completeness.
Note that since god and devil are two dependent deities, if we show one does not exist then the other does not exist.
Theory God does not exist
**We have shown that gods of any kind do not exit exists
**There is no god and there is no devil ;-)
Now happier times are a head for all people