Yep I'm with Crystal and Peachyon on this - what "code" of "white" magic?
Spell Book? You don't NEED a spell book,
Why ARE you doing spells so continuously, what is the point of them.
Spells should MEAN something, the desire, the hunger for it to succeed is in a large part what MAKES it succeed.
Eclectic wiccan eh? Well I'll leave my observations on THAT until I've covered off spells.
Magic, which is what spell work is, is not just a case of chanting some random words that someone else has written and hoping for an outcome. Like I said above, WHY do you want to do the spell, what are you hoping for, what is the OUTCOME you desire, have you thought of all the ramifications? You sure? Really? I doubt see you can NEVER know the way the universe is going to give you what you asked for........remember the old adage, be careful what you ask for, you might just get it.......and in ways you couldn't imagine.
Spell work is a responsibility, not a piece of fun. I don't understand your need for continual spell casting.....what is that all about. I have found that the longer one is in the Craft, the less magic one does - experience tells you that a lot of situations are best left to sort themselves out, and they do. You said your spells don't work - how do you know? Think about that for a moment....
Nor is spell work lighting a dribbly candle in your bedroom at midnight chanting words that someone else has written.
Spells are best written yourself, once you have properly considered what it is you are trying to achieve. Might I suggest a good book to get you started on not only spell work, but the ETHICS of spell work.
Do you understand the meaning of the word "ethics". A major part of Wicca is the non interference in another's life path, and by mucking about with spells on people without permission (if that is what you are doing) you are doing just that,'s not easy.
It is called "spells and how they work - Janet and Stewart Farrar" you can get it easily on Amazon. I seriously recommend that you get hold of a copy of this book and try to grasp what it is talking about. Reject it then if you wish, and on your own head be it, but read it first.
Magic is neutral, it is you yourself that decides its "flavour" you know a commonly used definition of magic " the art of changing consciousness at will" - Dion Fortune. Who? I hear you ask - to which my response can only be
....... You might want to investigate string theory if you want to see some scientific reasons why magical endeavours may work,
So you call yourself a Wiccan do you? actually I note you use the lower case. Really? You follow an initiatory path of service to the Old Ones do you, or have you just read Cunningham and Silver Raving Mouth, McCoy and other excrable Llewellyn authors. You can follow a wiccan-style neo-pagan path, but no initiation, no Wicca, sorry, that's just the way it is. Do you know what a Mystery Tradition is? No? Wicca is a modern Mystery Tradition, an experiential path. Methinks you have a little bit of work to do on understanding both Wicca as a faith system, and, if I may be honest, yourself.
If you had said eclectic witch, I might have had a little bit more respect for you, but I am sick and fed up of people reading one Llewellyn book and saying "I'm a Wiccan", no, you're not!!
You don't like "old traditions" - what old traditions, Wicca isn't an old religion it is a NEW one. You don't like the structure that a tradition like Gardnerian, Alexandrian or whatever gives you? The structure, the training, the group mind, the discipline - ah is that it? Discipline and the hunger to LEARN.......missing in so many aspirants these days. Listen, you NEVER stop learning, all of your life.
I can see you mentally rolling your eyes and going "whatever", I really can, and you have my pity.
Stop reading Llewellyn books, and broaden your reading matter away from fluffy one stop teen witch nonsense, into ethics, philosophy, mythology, folklore, comparative religion, moral decisions, herbalism, astronomy, and the myriad of other subjects that will support and challenge your belief system. Hermetic Qabalah is another wonderful subject to investigate.
If you don't do this sort of work, you're no sort of a dedicant to the Old Ones whatsoever.
Harsh words, yes perhaps, but they need saying from time to time.