Satan believes in God. Is that enough? And enough for what? I'll presume you're asking what is enough to go to heaven, but that's a bit selfish, isn't it? "Just give me enough details so I can escape this 'hell' that everyone is talking about (if one even exists)."
That's called "fire insurance" and is not real salvation. That's the kind of religion with holes and gaps in doctrine. True salvation is whole and complete and complements itself throughout what we call the Word of God; the Bible.
There are basic fundamental truths that are out there, that so many in the world reject because they contradict their thinking. But why should the universe conform to our way of thinking? Why should our finite brains have any power over the power of God (or god)? But that's exactly what religion has done - attempted to explain or ignore basic universal truths in order to make people feel good about where they are. Mostly by giving them a vague promise of what is to come (heaven, reincarnation, 70 virgins, etc.).
So, what is truth? What is the truth without gaps and without holes and without man made rules? For any truth to be known, it has to be tested and evaluated and it needs to come out unblemished and just as complete and whole on the way out as it did on the way in.
When I ask my fellow scientists, "So one day, we had primordial goo, and the next day, we had goo that could think?" They shrug their shoulders at me. They don't have the answer, but they're sure that's how it worked. So, I put it through the test. A computer program to check the validity of chaos into order.
If you're not familiar with the "Infinite number of monkeys" thought experiment, it goes something like this. If you had an infinite number of monkeys all typing on an infinite number of typewriters for an infinite amount of time, eventually one of them would type the complete works of Shakespeare from start to finish without a single typo. So, take that principle and instead of applying it to writings, apply it to the human Genome. And instead of an infinite amount of time, you have what the scientists hold to; hydrogen turning into bonded hydrogen and having this conversation by pushing oxygen through meat in about 14 billion years.
I took 30 simple elements of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon and put them in a synthetic petre dish (this is a computer simulation), and I let time have its way - accelerated of course because I do not have 14 billions years to run this test. After 70.6 billion iterations of trying to randomly self assemble into a compound that I have predefined, they got 18 of the 30 letters in the right place. Mathematically, they would get all 30 correct a bit after the sun is expected to burn out.
Now, supposing it finished (around the time the sun burns out) and I get a chain of 30 elements together at random into the exact shape needed (because the primordial goo didn't know what its final shape was going to be, right?), I need to run that experiment successfully 246 million more times. That's about 246 million sun lifetimes.
So after that, congratulations! You have 1/24th of the human genome. You still need to run THAT complete set of runs successfully 24 more times in order to have the complete human genome come out the other end.
Now, if you're into math, you can figure this out on your own, but the odds of this happening even once is beyond astronomically rare.
This doesn't approach the issue of "Why do we think?" or "Where is the kindness gene?" or "Why do we feel bad when we hurt others?"
14 billion years isn't enough time to make goo that can reproduce, but science would have you to believe that it's enough time for hydrogen to have emotion. That takes more faith than I have.
On the other hand, you have religion, which attempts to convince its followers that they have the answer. But there's something that can't be explained away when science and atheism looks at it. While there are no scientists who were eyewitnesses of evolution (macro not micro), there are eyewitness accounts (Luke 1:1-4) in the Bible of those who saw the miracles performed by Jesus first hand. They saw him hang and die on a cross, and they saw him alive three days later. Eyewitness accounts!
So, are there gaps in my faith? No. Why? Because I know that I know that I know without a doubt that there isn't nearly enough time for hydrogen to become the tree you see outside your window. So, it must be something else. I know beyond a shadow of doubt that there is a higher reality beyond what you can see or touch or taste. That force, that power, that "creator" has a name, and we call Him, God.
Knowing that, there are further truths that I cannot ignore. God put on flesh and dwelt among us some 2,000 years ago. I know it because I have an eyewitness record of the events. But more than that, I know that I have deep rooted feelings that I can't explain with science or psychology. The miracle of life can't be answe