If God created the Universe, where did God come from?
2009-07-18 01:30:23 UTC
If God created the Universe, then where did God come from? I don't believe that God was "just there." A cup of coffee doesn't decide to make itself. (don't rash the analogy, you get the point.) People tell me to "just believe" or "have faith," but I just don't understand how God could have come out of nowhere, from nothing and decided to create everything.

I am not saying I believe in God or that I don't, and I am not saying I believe in the big bang theory, I am a floater I guess.

I am just curious to see what other people have to say about this.
40 answers:
2009-07-18 01:33:29 UTC
I am sure God will answer that one when we get to Heaven :)
a Real Truthseeker
2009-07-18 14:04:23 UTC
If God created the universe, then who created God?

A number of sceptics ask this question. But God by definition is the uncreated creator of the universe, so the question ‘Who created God?’ is illogical, just like ‘To whom is the bachelor married?’

So a more sophisticated questioner might ask: ‘If the universe needs a cause, then why doesn’t God need a cause? And if God doesn’t need a cause, why should the universe need a cause?’ In reply, Christians should use the following reasoning:

1. Everything *which has a beginning* has a cause.

2. The universe has a beginning.

3. Therefore the universe has a cause.

It’s important to stress the words in *in asterisks*. The universe requires a cause because it had a *beginning*, as will be shown below. God, unlike the universe, had *no beginning*, so doesn’t need a cause. In addition, Einstein’s general relativity, which has much experimental support, shows that time is linked to matter and space. So time itself would have begun along with matter and space. Since God, by definition, is the creator of the whole universe, he is the creator of time. Therefore He is not limited by the time dimension He created, so has no beginning in time—God is ‘the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity’ (Is. 57:15). Therefore He doesn’t have a cause.

In contrast, there is good evidence that the universe had a beginning. This can be shown from the Laws of Thermodynamics, the most fundamental laws of the physical sciences.

• 1st Law: The total amount of mass-energy in the universe is constant.

• 2nd Law: The amount of energy available for work is running out, or entropy is increasing to a maximum.

If the total amount of mass-energy is limited, and the amount of usable energy is decreasing, then the universe cannot have existed forever, otherwise it would already have exhausted all usable energy—the ‘heat death’ of the universe. For example, all radioactive atoms would have decayed, every part of the universe would be the same temperature, and no further work would be possible. So the obvious corollary is that the universe began a finite time ago with a lot of usable energy, and is now running down.

Now, what if the questioner accepts that the universe had a beginning, but not that it needs a cause? But it is self-evident that things that begin have a cause—no-one really denies it in his heart. All science and history would collapse if this law of cause and effect were denied. So would all law enforcement, if the police didn’t think they needed to find a cause for a stabbed body or a burgled house. Also, the universe cannot be self-caused—nothing can create itself, because that would mean that it existed before it came into existence, which is a logical absurdity.

2009-07-18 01:39:43 UTC
Maybe with time you will come to understand the concept of eternal, but in the belief that God created everything, God is eternal, and had no beginning.


Okay, how about instead of just saying what I did above, I'll give you a full answer and argument as to why something must be Eternal.

Using categorical syllogisms you will learn should you take a logic or philosophy class you will come up with four possible outcomes for the question "What is Eternal?"

Those four are, All is Eternal, Some is Eternal, Some is Not Eternal, and None is Eternal.

It's so far impossible to prove that All or Some is Eternal, so let's start with None is Eternal. This is how the argument plays out.

None is Eternal.

.: All is Temporal.

.: All had a Beginning.

.: All came into being.

.: All came into being from non being.

Being cannot come from non being as it violates the Laws of Reason.

.: None is Eternal is false.

Something has to be eternal. Which means, it or all of it did not have a beginning, and will not have an end. To Christians, that it is God. God is eternal, and did not have a beginning.

The only thing that can help you now is for you to try to grasp the concept of eternity, that when something is eternal, you cannot ask the question, "Where did it come from?" as it always was.

I hope that helped :)
2009-07-18 01:41:34 UTC
All gods came from our human need to understand the world around us. Thor and Jehovah and Aphrodite evolved through the development of myths and culture, in human imagination. Once a culture moves past the point where it believes that sacrificing animals will bring good fortune the gods change accordingly. Throughout history gods have always been specific to the time period and culture where people choose to believe in them. The Christian idea of God today is very different from the God of 500 years ago. He has evolved, like all other ideas. But, that is all any god is or ever has been, an idea. He doesn't exist.

And maybe you should read a little about the Big Bang. Too many people don't understand the scientific definition of "theory."
2009-07-19 23:27:10 UTC
I am also a floater, but I do remeber one thing from Sunday School. If you are a true believer you're not supossed to ask quesions about Him or specifically question Him in general. Once you get past the child-hood curiousity stage it's just not okay, apparently. I could never get over that myself though. I was naturally a very curious person, especially as a child and I couldn't just take for granted that the things he tells us to do or that he has always existed was truth. I wanted proof, and the Sunday School teacher didn't appreciate that much. I had a wonderful biology teacher in public high school who would constantly bring up questions to the whole class about God and Adam and Eve, etc., and try to get us really thinking, and it really ticked off the religious kids and often times embarrassed them, too. Like one day he started out our class by asking "How many of you here know that men have one less set of ribs than women? Raise your hands." Of course the kids that had previously spent their years at a religious school and some not raised their hands, in total about half of my class or about 14 kids! It's amazing what happens when you just take for granted that He's always been there and that everything in the bible is truth and must be followed. Again, I am on the line also, as you may have noticed I always capitalize Him or He when in reference to God, just in case, but I also find it very hard to believe that there was this divine spirit hanging out in our galaxy for who knows how long and then all of a sudden he just decides one day that he's going to create this thing called Earth. And all of these creatures on earth, and all of the details one would have had to go through just to create the planet and all of the things on it, and then we don't ever see or hear from Him again.... It just doesn't make sense. Have you ever seen Star Trek, the episodes from the early to mid 1990's. The creature they called "Q"? Well, if you're a Trekky like myself, you may notice the many similarities between our God and this Q "person". Besides I believe the bible only mentions him creating Heaven and Earth, not Universe. Mind you the bible was written at a time when people still believed that earth was flat and had no concept of Milky Way Galaxy or Universe or even that the earth revolves around the sun and the moon around us, not the other way around. If you really think about it most of it doesn't make sense not to mention that Jesus was Jewish, the bible was originally written in Arabic or something and has been translated in to English the best as possible, and then the grammar has changed sooooo much in the last 2000 years that there really is no accurate way to decipher what the word of God means or how it applies to us in the year 2009. Where the majority of us grow up in broken homes, and watch crime and poverty prevail around the world. Where's the faith in that?
Still Thinking
2009-07-18 01:38:45 UTC
It is possible that God is a teenager learning the ropes in a whole superior species, it is possible that our universe is collectively a molecule in someones boot and none of these things can be verified because we are inside a closed system speculating about a creator outside it. The simple answer is we are not able to know at this time so any proposals are more belief than fact. What we do know about God is what he has told us in the bible so where you stand on that comes into play. He says he is self sustaining and always was. When he created the universe he created time with it so he obviously lives in a dimension outside time. This makes it difficult for a human mind to grasp but at least we have an indication of what he is like and what he expects from us. All the best in your search.
2009-07-18 01:53:06 UTC
Sorry to tell you this but at this time your question cannot be answered. The answer that most people give( concerning the Abramaic gods( those of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) will end up leading to an infinite regress, which is basically an infinite " well, then who created him" cycle. It gets pretty bad even if you can get passed one or two levels and I have never seen a convincing argument that shows with out a doubt who created( if he does exist) the current god

We just don't have enough info on ancient( i'm talking billions of years ago) history to know if that is even the right question
2009-07-18 01:53:29 UTC
Why is it that we, human beings, who spend most of our pathetic life trying to figure out its purpose, fantasize with the idea that we can put our arms around God, Who is so much more than we are ; either God is or He isn't ; if He is, there is no way that He came to exist because that would make Him a creature of some Arch-God and then we would have to figure out where the Arch-God came from and so on. The chain of causality has to stop somewhere or the quest for the ultimate God would never end. Face it: if God is, then He just IS ; there is no cause of Him, there is no where He is from, no origin ; He just IS ; otherwise He isn't anything more than a creature ; otherwise He isn't God.
2009-07-18 01:40:45 UTC
If there is no god how does matter just form. Isnt it a theory that states that matter cant be created nor destroyed, so i think that if scientist are going to say their isnt a god, then they need to fix their own rule of matter, to the point that matter can be created.

Anyone who beleives in god would tell you that its the opposite, were wouldnt be here at all if god didnt want us to be on this earth. God gave us a privelage to live on this earth. To go back to your cofee example actually im pretty sure coffe makers can make coffee on their own. "A cup of coffe dosent decide to make itself"

Any one who believes in god would say "why make coffee if there is noone to drink the coffe" I dont know im just trying to relate it to coffee
2009-07-18 01:43:45 UTC
God is the uncaused cause. God is the name given to the one who is a higher being than everything.

If we try to go back, and back, and back, trying to conceptualise a being before a being, before a being, and on and on and on, we go mad.

Therefore, there must be a being beyond existence, who brought all into existence. We can't understand how this can be, but it must be so, because otherwise we have to accept nothing into infinity.

Either a higher being created what there is, or it didn't. Since there is something, and not nothing, that means that something, way beyond our comprehension, must have caused it.

God couldn't have created God, either, because the highest of all beings is the only one who can be called God.
2009-07-18 01:38:11 UTC
Everything that is created had to have a creator, so who created the creator? Ah the gazillion dollar question. If you keep going backwards in time to try and figure it out, your brain will start to hurt. No one knows the answer to this, this is why it's a mystery. But nothing moves without some force making it move, so someone had to be there always. Must be God.
2009-07-21 11:29:46 UTC
Hebrews 13:8 (Amplified Bible)

8Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is [always] the same, yesterday, today, [yes] and forever (to the ages). GOD IS IMMUTABLE.

Revelation 1:18 (Amplified Bible)

18And the Ever-living One [I am living in the eternity of the eternities]. I died, but see, I am alive forevermore; and I possess the keys of death and Hades (the realm of the dead).

Exodus 3:14 (Amplified Bible)

14And God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM and WHAT I AM, and I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE; and He said, You shall say this to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you!

GOD is ETERNAL SELF EXISTING SELF SUFFICIENT---that is what makes Him GOD. He was not Created....He Created Everything, Everybody, seen, unseen in every time zone and every dimension. GOD IS OMNIFICENT, OMNIPRESENT, OMNIPOTENT OMNISCIENT SOVEREIGN TOTALLY AWESOME ALMIGHTY GOD LORD OF HOSTS. He is A Spirit--A Light Being---He Lives in the Supernatural Realm. 1 Timothy 1:17 (Amplified Bible)

17Now to the King of eternity, incorruptible and immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever (to the ages of ages). Amen (so be it).

You can not comprehend this because you are in the physical realm. Ask GOD to open your "spiritual" eyes so that you may be able to see.
Procrastinated Valor
2009-07-18 02:04:19 UTC
hi sound like a pensive guy....don't know either it is the right word or wrong for it.....Dear,as a matter of fact,God has enabled a man to explore everything and he has directed the the Man to gain knowledge as much as possible about the universe and thats the reason that our world has made a lot of progress for centuries....Some scientists would also think about it that if child comes out of mother's womb then from where did God come Galileo and Addison.....In this 21st century,man can do anything because of the most advance technology but there is also a limit of a Man's mind or you know sense......But its only according to our religion and that is Islam....There are a lot of historic stories about our Holy Prophet that he even met God in heavens....Yea,I believe it because I am a muslim but when I think about it Technically and with comparison to the present time,It just makes me confuse that how he managed to go there in those ancient times...Dear,It is good to think about the Universe and yeah i really prefer it but It is also a fact that no one knows about how God came....and who is he....all we know about him is that he created us....I am not saying that he was always here...but trying to understand you that no one knows....Even your pope....And that is the truth....and dear please don't ask it from any one face to face because if the person is religious or something then he would mind it....they just believe it and they do not think things like fact i am also confused about it but i just let it go....Have a great time.....
2009-07-18 01:35:36 UTC
Harry Potter....ha ha ha. I love it. A thumbs up for that answer.

Dude we are all floaters (even the wizest scientist and the most religious person alive). If there is a god (or gods) then we can't understand stuff like where he came from. Hell man, just a couple centuries ago people couldn't even understand engines, airplanes or a lotta stuff we understand today.
2009-07-18 01:35:23 UTC
Dunno how everything got here w/o a God so there must be one. We can talk evolution and big bang all night but neither of these theories discuss the origins of matter or the origins of life. They just talk about what happened after everything was already miraculously created.

Chew on that long enough and you'll realize that how God got where he doesn't matter. All I know is he isn't a creation and doesn't need a creator.
† Wiking Ŧ Thor
2009-07-18 01:45:09 UTC

I'm a Lutheran from Brazil ... i'll try ...

God is uncreated and it's 'causa sui' (cause of itself in latin)

As Aristotle, from Aquinas described in his Summa Theologica, God is potency which every act is come from.

Try Anselm and Augustin in "credo ut inteligam" (Faith under reasoning).

There is a lot of proofs of God. See Ontological Arguments ... You'll see Kant, Hegel, Schelling, usw ...

Christians like Anselm, Augustine, Aquinas, Albertus Magnus ...

Been a Christian is hard, demands a lot of study!

Soli Deo Gloria
2009-07-18 01:32:04 UTC
God always existed - he told us he did, and he also said he does not lie. No doubt you agree with that.

God is not a physical person nor does he exist in the physical realm as we do - as all matter and energy we understand does.

It can be hard to understand that God existed forever, that he was not created. However, being in the spirit realm, we can understand that what is possible for those beings is much different than for us in the physical realm.

Being physical, we can't be in every place at the same time, we cannot create life, and we can't change time. However, from the Bible and our physical universe we can see how things are different - such that God can hear the prayers of people all over the world all at once, the he can see and be in any or all places at once - he is not limited by physical constraints as we are.

Now, understanding the difference between the spirit realm and th physical realm, you may be able to see how God can really have existed forever.
Dan -E-
2009-07-18 01:39:51 UTC
The argument from first cause is a tricky one!

That is to say, if everything was created by something, then what created that something? If nothing created that "something," and if it is eternal and without cause, then why can't the natural universe be eternal and without cause?
2009-07-18 01:53:27 UTC
God was always there,

or the universe and physical laws were always there.

Which hypothesis hold true ?

Well...with no god, we got science, and it describes reality pretty well.

On the other hand, with god(s), you cant make nuclear powerplant produces anything.
2009-07-18 01:34:36 UTC
Well.. You get a 10/10 for observation...

You've saw it from a logical point of view, now try to deal with the thousands of brain-washed Christians that try and use fear-tactics to tell you that our brain is too small to understand..

There's probably a few on this page in fact...
2009-07-18 01:43:16 UTC
Didn't God like come from the bizzaro world or something where Gods actually exist?
2009-07-18 01:53:14 UTC
if god created the universe, how can you question Him? he is the creator and He creates everything around us including energy. as einstein mentioned in his energy relative theory, energy can't be created nor destroyed. so does god. so what's the matter?
2009-07-18 01:33:30 UTC
Well the universe could well be infinite. To believe in creation something else must create that creator.
2009-07-18 01:43:12 UTC
Humankind created god.
2009-07-18 01:33:35 UTC
2009-07-18 01:33:34 UTC
Chuck Norris copulated with J. Lo
2009-07-18 01:35:48 UTC
God transcends time. God is at a deeper level.
2009-07-18 01:34:10 UTC
god came from mans deepest fears , the universe has always been there
2009-07-18 01:32:43 UTC
The Christian god is an imaginary entity until Christians prove it is real.
2009-07-18 01:32:16 UTC
Harry Potter.
Liu Tao
2009-07-18 01:34:47 UTC
The First Cause has no beginning.

God can have no beginning or change. That's the centre of monotheism.
2009-07-18 01:33:21 UTC
God is a concept of mankind
2009-07-18 01:32:50 UTC
His been there always, he has no beginning and no ending, our mind is to small to understand that.

What makes no sense is you trying to get God's origins, a god with origins is no god.
2009-07-18 01:33:52 UTC
in heaven
2009-07-18 01:35:08 UTC
HE HAS NO BEGINNING...we are small but its the truth. Human minds have trouble cuz we are physical..HE IS ETERNAL..
2009-07-18 01:33:22 UTC
That question has already been resolved and triangulated. God is so great that he created himself.
2009-07-18 01:34:26 UTC
just like dogs can't read. we are not wired to understand.

the human brain is too small to possible understand.
2009-07-18 01:32:39 UTC
His moms vagina
super SHANTI
2009-07-18 01:33:29 UTC
2009-07-18 01:33:27 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.