People who ,do not have the wisdom to protect themselves or to flee - are putting themselves in danger
wisdom is what God has given us and nif we do not use wisdom-we die.
hurricanes is a natural order of things and if you live in a certain region for a number of years, you should know what to do to avoid mand to be safe.
My people are destroyed for lacke of knowledge: because thou hast reiected knowledge, I will also reiect thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the lawe of thy God, I wil also forget thy children.
- King James Version (1611) - Compare to scan of original Hosea chapter 4
Sometimes, God permits natural disasters to test your faith and to stop giving yourself the credit instead of giving God the credit.
Natural disasters brings out the best in people; a certain togetherness, love, sharing- and God is watching and taking notes of those who helps the weak, the hungry, and the desolate./ and those who don mt.