I'd prefer answers from Protestant Christians. I want to know if animals go to Heaven. They are not sinners, so they don't need to be saved or redeemed. They have to have souls. They have personalities and are unique. I truly believe they have souls and also deserve to go to Heaven. Unlike humans, they can't learn the religion. I believe they are just the way they are. Dogs are loyal and loving. Cats are protective and loving. My cats, especially, are unique and have different personalities. They have likes, dislikes, quirks, and are not all that different from people(besides the obvious). So, do you feel cats go to Heaven? Where else would they go? We only believe in Heaven and Hell. Why would they go to Hell? They can't think like that because they can't understand us. Maybe in their own way they do. God's love is limitless. He doesn't just love people. He loves all of His creations. Shouldn't that include our pets? They stick by us and love us more than people do often times! And Heaven is supposed to be like a paradise.
Well, it most certainly will not be without my baby. And I believe in God and Heaven and I am trying to get there, so maybe my cats will too because of me?? Someone please help me understand this. And do not tell me I am being childish or it's just an animal, he could be dying and I am hurting and I honestly just need to know he will be okay so that i can do what's right for him if I have to. Please. Any pastors? And Merry Christmas, btw.