Abraham was about to kill his “only son” Isaac, drain his blood and burn him by fire to “the LORD!” This is a clear case of an attempted murder! In the Bible stories God forced the Jews TO EAT their own children while at the same time gays were to be stoned to death along with any PREGNANT lady who was thought to have committed adultery or for not crying loud enough when raped!
Christians must expect to eat their own children when the “666” brand name will hit the market!
Ezekiel 5:10 - Therefore in your midst fathers WILL EAT THEIR CHILDREN*... (*THIS BULL CRAP IS ALL OVER THE BIBLE!)
It took Moses 2 men to carry a single cluster of gigantic size grapes on foot for over 200 miles to show the Israelites how plentiful was the Land of Palestine that they were going to invade (Num 13:23)! The Bible writers had well fed Jews in Egypt COVETING something that wasn’t theirs regardless of the “Thou shalt not covet” bit. After invading the “Promised Land Flowing with Milk and Honey,” the Bible writers say that the Jews NEVER FOUND THE GIANT GRAPES OR ANY MILK AND HONEY FLOWING ANYWHERE SO THEY WERE GOD LED TO EAT NOT FETUSES LIKE SOME CHINESE DO TODAY, BUT THEIR OWN CHILDREN AFTER THEY ARE BORN!
Lamentations 4:10 - With their own hands COMPASSIONATE WOMEN* (*Not lesbians or atheist ladies, BUT GOD LOVING HOLY WOMEN!) have cooked their own children...!* (*DONE, but relax all ye Christians, there is not a trace of evidence that any of these CRAPPY stories ever took place!)
No Bible teacher can explain away CANNIBALISM in the Bible stories except by ignoring them or saying that if the JEWS did it it was BECAUSE THEY ARE A VERY SINFUL PEOPLE!
Abraham was about to slash the throat of his ONLY SON Isaac drain his blood and burn him by fire to THE LORD! Today we all know that this is premeditated murder! The Bible writers have their God forcing the Jews TO EAT their own children while at the same time gays were to be stoned to death along with PREGNANT ladies who were thought to have committed adultery!
The Bible writers are predicting that someday there will be a “666” trademark to deal with. Christians WON’T BE ABLE TO BUY OR SELL ANY FOOD without it. Will they start eating their own children again like in the Bible stories?
It took Moses 2 men to carry a single cluster of gigantic size grapes on foot for over 200 miles to show the ex Egyptian slaves how plentiful was the Land of Palestine that they were going to invade (Num 13:23)! The Bible writers had well fed Jews in Egypt COVETING something that wasn’t theirs regardless of the “Thou shalt not covet” bit. After invading the “Promised Land Flowing with Milk and Honey,” the Jews NEVER FOUND THE GIANT GRAPES OR ANY MILK AND HONEY FLOWING ANYWHERE. They preferred to have a live birth than an abortion because “God” was FORCING them to eat their own children AFTER they were born.
2 Kings 6:26-29 As the king of Israel was passing by on the wall, a woman cried to him, “Help me, my lord the king!” The king replied, “If the LORD does not help you, where can I get help for you? Then he asked her, “What's the matter?” She answered, “This woman said to me, ‘Give up your son so we may eat him today, and tomorrow we'll eat my son.’ So we cooked my son and ate him* (*BTW, he turned out delicious!!!). The next day I said to her, ‘Give up your son so we may eat him, but she had hidden him* (*this lady WILL GO TO HELL for not sharing!)
They were all COMPASSIONATE Jewish ladies who according to the Bible writers HAVE SLAUGHTERED AND COOKED THEIR OWN CHILDREN FOR DINNER at the tune of, “The LORD is my Shepherd I shall not have any want” (Psalm 23, or 24 for the Catholics)!
Isaiah 49:15 “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I* (*God) WILL NOT FORGET YOU!* (*the Bible writers made it clear that the God that they put together would force their fellow STINGY JEWS refusing to support the Clergy TO EAT their own babies for dinner!)
In Deu 28, 14 verses tell the “blessings” of submission to the Clergy, while 54 describe the most sadistic punishment for not paying the full dues (10% of their gross income) -Deut 17:12-13, Mal 3:9-10, Mat 25:41, Acts 5:1-11, etc…
Our US Government officials, in this “ONE NATION UNDER GOD” still swear on and kiss this smutty Bible, BUT ONY FOR POLITICAL REASONS! Christianity and religion in general is a multibillion Dollar business!