Did Jesus die on a torture stake or a cross?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Did Jesus die on a torture stake or a cross?
24 answers:
2007-10-29 21:34:17 UTC
Yes. Stauros!!

...folks, you do know thats an instrument of gruesome death.

Dont think Christ would like his followers to remember him that way.

I wonder, did the Israelites make a little necklace/statue of Moses or the Tablets?...


Troll to Troll "Jesus stated that the Cross would be used."

...I guess the apostles and disciples must of missed that because, its nowhere mentioned in the scriptures...
2007-10-29 09:22:25 UTC
Since everyone want's to talk about the origins of the word cross here you go,

So you can see that the cross we have today (A big t) is what was used. Also I believe you are using the KJV and that website right there is the 1611 AV KJV, showing what the word cross means in greek.
2007-10-29 22:27:23 UTC
A cross............wherein His Hands and Feet were pierced. This was prophesied in Isaiah.........and it was the blood He shed from these wounds that purchased our salvation. "Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins". Heb. 9:22 - and don't forget the spear in Jesus' side.........where blood gushed out, and the crown of thorns on His Head, where blood dripped down. To say Jesus died tied to a stake is blasphemy.......untrue to the Scriptures, and its reason is devilish.....the devil hates Jesus' blood, and he tries his level best to discredit it, to wipe it out of folk's 'religion'. What hogwash. Oh, and don't forget the bloody back of Jesus, where the soldiers lashed HIm. Jesus' blood was NECESSARY for our salvation !! So simple, but so many folks deny it, and they call it 'religion'.
2007-10-29 03:54:26 UTC
The Bible clearly and undeniably teaches that Jesus died on a cross (Matthew 27:32,40,42; Mark 15:21,30,32; Luke 23:26; John 19:17,19,25; Acts 2:23; 1 Corinthians 1:17-18; Colossians 1:20; 2:14-15). The Greek words in those Scriptures specifically identify a cross, not a pole or stake. The most common method of execution by the Romans in Jesus’ time was crucifying a person on a cross, with nails through their hands/wrists and feet/ankles. Sometimes people were tied to the cross in addition to being nailed to it. There were instances where people were crucified to poles, stakes, trees, x-shaped crosses, etc. But this was not the case with Jesus – He was crucified on a cross.
2007-10-29 10:56:35 UTC
He died on a torture stake with a crossbar attached, which is why we refer to his death as a crucifixion.

The true cross was unearthed in the holy land during the 4th century, and positively identified as such.
2007-10-29 17:29:21 UTC

Ironically, pro-cross activists seem to ignore the fact that they themselves actually believe that Christ was impaled on a stake, albeit a stake with a crossbeam ("patibulum") attached.

It seems ironic also that the Greek term "stauros" was used to refer to either a plain or crossed stake, and the Latin term "crux" was used to refer to either a plain or crossed stake, and the English term "torture stake" can be used to refer to either a plain or crossed stake. Yet, pro-cross activists seem intent on shouting down any possibility other than their cherished but unsupportable tradition.

True Christians (such as Jehovah's Witnesses) do not behave in such a closeminded manner, and in fact true Christians (such as Jehovah's Witnesses) spend little time arguing about the exact shape of Christ's instrument of impalement. As true disciples of Christ, Jehovah's Witnesses do not distract from his message of the good news by going around denouncing the cross. Instead, Witnesses believe that the bible plainly forbids idolatry of any kind, including the worshipful use of icons such as crucifixes.;chp=5;vs=21;citation#bk21;chp=17;vs=29;citation#bk29

(1 John 5:21) Guard yourselves from idols.

(Acts 17:29) We ought not to imagine that the Divine Being is like gold or silver or stone, like something sculptured by the art and contrivance of man

The exact shape of Christ's instrument of death is hardly a central doctrine of the faith, but Jehovah's Witnesses do happen to believe that Jesus was almost certainly impaled on a simple stake, rather than a cross of two intersecting beams. Of course the Romans had the ability to create a cross, and probably did. But ask yourself: why they would have bothered when a simple stake would have worked just as well or better?

The bible most assuredly does NOT offer any proof that the stake was actually a cross of two intersecting beams. The actual facts of the bible may be enlightening to examine...

You may be interested to see how your own copy of the bible translates Acts 5:30, Galatians 3:13, Deuteronomy 21:22, 23, and Acts 10:39. The King James, Revised Standard, Dyaglott, and Jerusalem Bible translate the instrument of Christ's death simply as "stake" or "tree" because the original wording simply does not support the idea that this was more than a piece of upright wood. The English word "cross" is an imprecise translation of the Latin word "crux". Note this image of crucifixion performed with a "crux simplex", such as seems to have been used to execute Jesus:

It is also eye-opening to examine how the first-century Christians felt about idols of any kind, much less one that glorified an instrument of death.

Learn more:
troll to troll
2007-10-29 04:50:06 UTC
Jesus stated that the Cross would be used.

John 3:


And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:


That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

What does Jesus say? He will be raised up as the brass serpent was raised!

This was on a pole or a flagstaff. A flagstaff has a cross bar from which a pendant was hung. Each of the twelve tribes had a banner that hung this way.

Moses hung a brass serpent on one of these by the order of God Almighty. So that if a person was poisoned by a viper they could gaze upon it, believe, and live.

Now Christians do not use a brass viper but a simple cross. Why? So they may look upon it, believe, and live.

There is a lot of poison out there we must keep our eyes upon the goal and run the race.

This is a symbol of a Christian’s beliefs and Redemption.

Satan the Devil does not want us to use this symbol. Matter of fact, Satan knew and knows the path of Redemption, he has known what Jehovah God's path was from the beginning and has done his best to imitate it and slander it by using various versions in pagan religions where and when he could sneak it in.

And to use that word - Interestingly - this verse is followed by John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Christians do not worship the cross they use it as a sign to others of thier faith. This is the same as people that are Jewish use the Star of David as a sign of being under the Mosiac Law. Christians use the cross as a symbol as being under the discipleship of Christ.
2007-10-29 03:54:05 UTC
Yes. The purpose of the cross was death by torture, so either description is accurate.


Dismal B - The cross was not a common method of execution? Ever hear of Spartacus and the slave's rebellion, and what finally happened to them?
2007-10-29 04:08:32 UTC
Any honest and respectable greek scholar will tell you that the word translated 'cross' in many bibles actually signifies and upright post.

Interestingly, crosses were not common forms of punishment in ancient Rome. Even the most extant artwork has depictions of people nailed to a stake or a tree.

Jehovah's Witnesses didn't rewrite the bible, they simply produced a translation that says in english what the original says in greek, hebrew, and aramaic. Reputable scholars, even non-Witness ones, will attest to this too!

- Bob
2007-10-29 07:37:53 UTC
The Bible says CROSS and according to 2 Tim. 3:1617 ALL SCRIPTURE (every word) is inspired by God and according to Titus 1:2, God can't lie. The jw's altered the bible or instead of reading the bible they are spending to much time in their watchtower books and awake magazines...additions to scripture.

You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. Deut. 4:2
2007-10-29 04:05:35 UTC
Unless Jesus is a liar in a stake according to John 3:14-15 Jesus told us that he would die the same way the serpent was raised in the desert in Numbers 21:7-8, are you suggesting that Jesus lie in that Nina?

Why do you think that story is in the bible Nina?

Numbers 21:7-8 "And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. " (KJV)

even in your own bible Nina says tha was in a stake in Acts 5.30? are you suggesting that is false that also?

Acts 5:30 "The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree." (KJV)

1 Corithians 1:17 "ου γαρ απεστειλεν με χριστος βαπτιζειν αλλα ευαγγελιζεσθαι ουκ εν σοφια λογου ινα μη κενωθη ο σταυρος του χριστου"

σταυρος= stauros look for in the vine Expositor dictionary and verify it, it is availabel in internet.

but of course if Jesus is a liar then he died in a cross, are you happy now cause we are telling what many christians says?

by the way many christians will be destroyed by Jesus Christ. (Matthew 7:21-23) maybe this is the reason for something as simple as this that is in the bible many christians insult Jesus suggesting that he told a lie cause instead of dying in an stake or pole he died in a cross ( a pagan Symbol that represent the male organ)

at the end the most important thing he died for our sins, Nisan 14 year 33 C.E you are invited next year in all kingdom halls around the world we will conmemorate his death as he command his followers in Luke 22:19. his followers know that date but the one that are not his followers even realize that information.
2007-10-29 04:23:49 UTC
On a cross
jafar sheikh
2007-10-29 04:58:11 UTC
Quran Sura 4. An-Nisaa


They even say: "We have killed the Messiah, Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam, the Rasool of Allah." Whereas in fact, neither did they kill him nor did they crucify him but they thought they did because the matter was made dubious for them. Those who differ therein are only in doubt. They have no real knowledge, they follow nothing but merely a conjecture, certainly they did not kill him (Jesus).


Nay! The fact is that Allah took him up to Himself. Allah is Mighty, Wise.


There is none of the People of the Book but will believe in this fact before his death; and on the Day of Resurrection Jesus will bear witness against them.

Quran Sura 4 . An-Nisaa.


O People of the Book! Do not transgress the limits of your religion. Speak nothing but the Truth about Allah. The Messiah, Isa (Jesus) the son of Maryam (Mary) was no more than a Rasool of Allah and His Word "Be" which He bestowed on Maryam and a Spirit from Him which took the shape of a child in her womb. So believe in Allah and His Rasools and do not say: "Trinity"." Stop saying that, it is better for you. Allah is only One Deity. He is far above from the

need of having a son! To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the Earth. Allah Alone is sufficient for protection.


The Messiah (Jesus) never disdained to be the worshipper of Allah nor do the angels who are nearest to Allah. Whosoever disdains His worship and is arrogant will be brought before Him all together.

Quran Sura 5. Al-Maida.


After reminding him of these favors, Allah will say: "O Isa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Marry), Did you ever say to the people, "worship me and my mother as gods beside Allah?" He will answer: "Glory to You! How could I say what I had

no right to say? If I had ever said so, you would have certainly known it. You know what is in my heart, but I know not

what is in Yours; for You have full knowledge of all the unseen.


I never said anything other than what You commanded me to say, that is to worship Allah, Who is my Rabb and your Rabb. I was a witness over them as long as I remained among them; but when You called me off, You were the

Watcher over them and You are a Witness to everything.


If You punish them, they surely are Your servants; and if You forgive them, You are Mighty, Wise."

Bible ,Matthew 26:39

The author describes an incident which took place when Jesus pbh went with his disciples to Gethsemane: "And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, 'My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will , but as thou wilt."

All the prophets from Abraham, moses till Jesus pbt fell on their faces in worship . This method of prayer has been commanded by THE LORD which is followed by the muslims.

Why dont you see the TRUTH.

Check the Quran, verify if it is the word of God or not. You have one life to do it.
2007-10-29 03:53:27 UTC
Cross...Because of if it was just a stake, then all those people who have cross tattoos would have to have them
2007-10-29 03:59:31 UTC
Stauros never meant "Cross", but stake, tree ect. . It was injected into Christianity as a pagan teaching.
Bible warrior
2007-10-29 03:52:44 UTC
A cross unless of course you are JW who rewrote the Bible.
2007-10-29 03:52:16 UTC
The bible says that it was a cross
2007-10-29 03:56:06 UTC
2007-10-29 13:07:33 UTC
no difference..I dont sweat the small stuff....He died and rose again period
2007-10-29 03:56:49 UTC
Royal Racer Hell=Grave ©
2007-10-29 03:53:13 UTC
Roman execution was Crucificion
2007-10-29 05:08:54 UTC
2007-10-29 03:52:07 UTC
a cross, nina.
2007-10-29 03:57:05 UTC
Was Christ Hung on a Cross?

TO MANY millions of people the answer to this question seems as simple as the three-letter word "Yes". To serious students of both ancient history and the Bible the answer is even simpler, as simple as the two-letter word "No!" But two answers as far apart as these open up between them a great gulf that all truth seekers must be able to bridge in order to stand on the solid ground of truth.

It is common knowledge in this enlightened age that the Bible was not first set down in English. Consequently, to settle the question as to whether Christ was hung on a cross or not it is necessary to consult the original Hebrew and Greek languages in which the Bible was written. By God's grace manuscript copies of the original accounts, some of which copies date back to within fifty years of the originals, are available to scholars. Besides these, the original words are defined and explained in dictionaries or lexicons written in modern English, if that is the only language you read. And, in addition, there are dependable encyclopedias, histories, etc., to which reference can be made.

The Catholic Digest magazine, May, 1948, page 108, had the following to say on the subject of the cross: "Long before the birth of Christ the cross was a religious symbol. On the site of ancient Troy discs of baked clay stamped with a cross, were recently discovered. Two similar objects were found at Herculaneum. The Aztecs of ancient Mexico carved the cross on amulets, pottery, and temple walls. Many traces of use of the cross by North American Indians have been discovered. Buddhists of Tibet see in the cross a mark of the footprint of Buddha. The Mongolians draw a cross on paper and place it on the breasts of their dead. Egyptian inscriptions often have the Tau (T) cross. They considered the scarab (beetle) sacred because markings down the back and across the thorax form a T. A cross of this form was used as a support for the arms of Hindu ascetics in India who were wont to sit for days and nights in a Buddhalike attitude. The crux ansata (handled cross) has a loop serving as a handle. For the Egyptians this cross was a symbol of life and in their sign language meant 'to live.'" See also The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 4, page 517; the footnote on pages 312, 313, of Gibbon's History of Christianity, Eckler's edition, 1891.

But how was the cross a "symbol of life" to the pagans? Well, a father, the male, is life-giver to his children by and through the mother. Hence, those sex-worshiping pagans, under the inspiration of the Devil and his demons, constructed a phallic image of the erected male genitive organ, with a crossbar toward one end to represent the testes. Carrying the symbolism a step further in the crux ansata, the loop on the top, which pious religionists choose to describe as a "handle", represented the female genitive organ joined to the masculine symbol. That these diabolical facts are true, see the following references: Funeral Tent of an Egyptian Queen, by Villiers Stuart; Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship, by Sha Rocco; Two Babylons, by Alexander Hislop; Essays on the Worship of Priapus, by Richard Payne Knight.

Reference to the original languages in which the Bible was written will show beyond a question of doubt that Christ was never hung on any pagan cross. Hence, the use of the word "cross" in the English-language Bibles is a mistranslation. On this, the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, in its appendix, on pages 768-771, in commenting on Matthew 10:38, where the Greek word ??????? (stau·ros´) first appears and which is translated "cross" in most Bibles, states:

"This is the expression used in connection with the execution of Jesus at Calvary. There is no evidence that the Greek word stau·ros´ meant here a 'cross' such as the pagans used as a religious symbol for many centuries before Christ to denote the sun-god. On the ancient sculptures of Egypt may be seen representations of their gods bearing the so-called crux an·sa´ta, a T-cross with a loop at the top, it being a phallic symbol of life. In Babylonian inscriptions Tammuz was signified by a heart from which sprang a single or a double cross.

"India, Syria, Persia, as well as Babylon and ancient Egypt, have all yielded objects marked with crosses of various designs, including the swastika among the early Aryans. This betrays the worshiping of the cross to be pagan.

"In the classical Greek the word stau·ros´ meant merely an upright stake or pale, or a pile such as is used for a foundation. The verb stau·ro´o meant to fence with pales, to form a stockade or palisade, and this is the verb used when the mob called for Jesus to be impaled. To such a stake or pale the person to be punished was fastened, just as when the popular Greek hero Pro·me´the·us was represented as tied to a stake or stau·ros´. The Greek word which the dramatist Aes´chy·lus used to describe this means to fasten or fix on a pole or stake, to impale, and the Greek author Lucian used a·na·stau·ro´o as a synonym for that word. In the Christian Greek Scriptures a·na·stau·ro´o occurs but once, at Hebrews 6:6. The root verb stau·ro´o occurs more than 40 times, and we have rendered it 'impale', with the footnote: 'Or, "fasten on a stake or pole.'"

"The inspired writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures wrote in the common (koi·ne´) Greek and used the word stau·ros´ to mean the same thing as in the classical Greek, namely, a stake or pale, a simple one without a crossbeam of any kind or at any angle. There is no proof to the contrary. The apostles Peter and Paul also use the word xy´lon to refer to the torture instrument upon which Jesus was nailed, and this argues that is was an upright stake without a crossbeam, for that is what xy´lon in this special sense means. (Acts 5:30; 10:39; 13:29; Galatians 3:13; 1 Peter 2:24) At Ezra 6:11 we find xy´lon in the Greek Septuagint (1 Esdras 6:31), and there it is spoken of as a beam on which the violator of law was to be hanged, the same as at Luke 23:39; Acts 5:30; 10:39.

"The fact that stau·ros´ is translated crux in the Latin versions furnishes no argument against this. Any authoritative Latin dictionary will inform the examiner that the basic meaning of crux is a 'tree, frame, or other wooden instrument of execution' on which criminals were impaled or hanged. (Lewis-Short) A cross is only a later meaning of crux. Even in the writings of Livy, a Roman historian of the first century B.C., crux means a mere stake. Such a single stake for impalement of a criminal was called crux simplex, and the method of nailing him to such an instrument of torture is illustrated by the Roman Catholic scholar, Justus Lipsius, of the 16th century. We present herewith a photographic copy of his illustration on page 647, column 2, of his book De Cruce Liber Primus. This is the manner in which Jesus was impaled.

"Religious tradition from the days of Emperor Constantine proves nothing. Says that monthly publication for the Roman Catholic clergy, The Ecclesiastical Review, of September, 1920, No. 3, of Baltimore, Maryland, page 275: 'It may be safely asserted that only after the edict of Milan, A.D. 312, was the cross used as the permanent sign of our Redemption. De Rossi positively states that no monogram of Christ, discovered in the catacombs or other places, can be traced to a period anterior to the year 312. Even after that epoch-making year, the church, then free and triumphant, contented herself with having a simple monogram of Christ: the Greek letter chi vertically crossed by a rho, and horizontally sometimes, by an iota. [Artwork-Greek characters] The oldest crucifix mentioned as an object of public worship is the one venerated in the Church of Narbonne in southern France, as early as the 6th century.'

"After showing the pagan origin of the cross, The Encyclopædia Britannica, Vol. 7, of edition 11, page 506, says: 'It was not till the time of Constantine that the cross was publicly used as the symbol of the Christian religion.' That was but logical, for Emperor Constantine was a worshiper of the pagan sun-god, whose symbol was a cross. Other experts have pointed out that 'before the fourth century the cross was not used as a Christian emblem in the East any more than in the West'.

"Rather than consider the torture stake upon which Jesus was impaled a relic to be worshiped, the Jewish Christians like Simon Peter would consider it to be an abominable thing. At Galatians 3:13 the apostle Paul quotes Deuteronomy 21:23 and says: 'It is written: "Accursed is every man hanged upon a stake.'" Hence the Jewish Christians would hold as accursed and hateful the stake upon which Jesus had been executed. Says the celebrated Jewish authority, Moses Mai·mon´i·des, of the 12th century: 'They never hang upon a tree which clings to the soil by roots; but upon a timber uprooted, that it might not be an annoying plague: for a timber upon which anyone has been hanged is buried; that the evil name may not remain with it and people should say, "This is the timber on which so-and-so was hanged." So the stone with which anyone has been stoned; and the sword, with which the one killed has been killed; and the cloth or mantle with which anyone has been strangled; all these things are buried along with those who perished.' (Apud Casaub. in Baron. Exercitat. 16, An. 34, Num. 134) Says Kalinski in Vaticinia Observationibus Illustrata, page 342: 'Consequently since a man hanged was considered the greatest abomination-the Jews also hated more than other things the timber on which he had been hanged, so that they covered it also with earth, as being equally an abominable thing.'

"The evidence is, therefore, completely lacking that Jesus Christ was crucified on two pieces of timber placed at a right angle. We refuse to add anything to God's written Word by inserting the pagan cross into the inspired Scriptures, but render stau·ros´ and xy´lon according to the simplest meanings. Since Jesus used stau·ros´ to represent the suffering and shame or torture of his followers (Matthew 16:24), we have translated stau·ros´ as 'torture stake', to distinguish it from xy´lon, which we have translated 'stake', or, in the footnote, 'tree,' as at Acts 5:30."

The gulf of speculation having thus been bridged, Christians today stand on the solid ground of provable facts when they emphatically declare that Christ was never hung on a pagan cross of phallic origin.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.