How can Atheists justify their moral code?
2016-04-30 06:03:49 UTC
Since an atheist has no objective standard for morality their moral code is subjective. They have three options:

They can develop a moral standard out of their own opinions.
They can adopt the moral standards of society.
They can use a combination of his own opinions and the morals of society.

If they take the first option they are based on his/her opinions, so why should we take his/her moral opinions seriously? And what right does he/she have to say that anyone else's moral position is right or wrong?

If they take the second option then what makes one society right and another wrong? Haven't societies been wrong before? Think of Nazi Germany or America in the 1800's regarding slavery. Furthermore, who's to say that in the future a new moral majority might condemn atheism as an ethical danger to society?

Finally, if the atheist uses his/her own opinions in combination with those of society, then he is subjectively deciding what he/she thinks is right and wrong in the society around him/her. He/She is judging society's morals and deciding which ones are right and wrong, which ultimately brings us back to the first problem where he/she is deriving morality from his/her own opinions.

Although I am prepared for the side-stepping "BUT UR GOD IS IMMORAL FOR THIS REASON" I think this is a legitimate problem for atheists and would appreciate an intelligent answer if you can provide one.
64 answers:
Q The First Timelord
2016-04-30 14:54:44 UTC
I wouldn't classify myself fully as an atheist, although I've in the past identified myself with them.

But morally, what I tend to do is live by the philosophy of 'do unto others as I would want done to myself'. I don't kill, I don't steal, but there's a great deal of things I do do which society tends to disagree with such as have relationships with multiple women simultaneously (even married ones), and even breaking laws that align with my moral code but currently aren't working because of other factors (for instance, theft, if I am broke because of the system's heavy handed efforts which leave me poverty stricken, then I resort to being a thief- something I do NOT like doing, but if 'the system' forces me to - against my will - then I do what I gotta do to live)....

How do I justify my moral code?

Do you really need to?

I align - mostly - with society. When society's rules fail me, I'll selectively break them. My justification is pretty simple: I'm here to enjoy my life and when society becomes a burden to that enjoyment and/or causes me harm then I justify it because I, selfishly, deserve it and deserve better.

Now there's a counterlogical idiocy that might be thrown at me from there - and that's "What if everyone adopted that same philosophy". This would be like asking - what if everyone was a Lemming. And since this isn't realistic and just won't happen, it's not worth entertaining.

I justify my moral code by saying. I'm here in this life by choice and chose to be here to enjoy this life.

My morals support that. And when external factors change, my morals may change accordingly. But that's no guarantee. How can I justify it? Easy. I'm here.
2016-05-03 02:00:09 UTC
There are several ways justification can be achieved. If the moral code is in textual form, justification can be achieved by the insertion of spaces between each word to ensure both the left and right margins form a line parallel to the edge of the page.

That would definitely work with the question as stated in the header.

With regards your qualification in the details, there are a number of things to consider.

1. "Since an atheist has no objective standard for morality" - actually, that's an assertion. There is no reason an atheist wouldn't have a standard for morality that could be objectively evaluated. There are many such standards, they typically become ethics once codified into laws.

2. "their moral code is subjective" - since the premise is flawed, the conclusion does not flow from it. We could make a lesser argument by saying something like, "many have a moral code that is subjective," but that does soften the punch you appear to be trying to land here.

3. "They can develop a moral standard out of their own opinions" - actually most folk do this to a greater or lesser extent. For example, if you were to ever wear clothing made from two different sorts of fabric, then you would be going against the instruction stated in Leviticus 19:19. Unless you are fastidious in avoiding such fabrics, which would be quite a struggle in modern society, we could argue that you are developing your moral standard out of your own opinion. This is only one example, there are many others. Remember that when you point a finger at someone, then three fingers are pointing back at you.

4. "why should we take his/her moral opinions seriously" - see the response in point 3.

5. "And what right does he/she have to say that anyone else's moral position is right or wrong." Exactly. Now reread what was said in point 3.

6. You next seem to wish to indicate that your questions are governed by Godwin's Law and to get in before anyone else does. That doesn't really help to either state a question or make a compelling argument to encourage "intelligent answers."

7. The last two paragraphs are somewhat similar and resemble a declaration more than a knowledge seeking question. There is a good response. You can find it within the book that states “Do not judge, so that you may not be judged. For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get."
2016-04-30 16:55:06 UTC
I could provide a lengthy answer but I'll give you a short and simple one. Right vs wrong isn't just learned from religion. It's learned from stories. It's learned from experience. It's learned from instinct. Morals will always inevitably be up to each and every person.

For example. I'm not religious. My morals tell me that having more than one lover is very wrong.

In other religions, taking more that one spouse is okay and even considered normal.

Religion is not the ONLY way to gain a moral compass. How and where we are raised, how involved we are in society and how we interact with others can build on those morals as well. We learn from others just as much as we learn from books.
2016-04-30 10:08:04 UTC
Secular morality is the aspect of philosophy that deals with morality outside of religious traditions. Modern examples include humanism, freethinking, and most versions of consequentialism. Additional philosophies with ancient roots include those such as skepticism and virtue ethics. Greg M. Epstein also states that, "much of ancient Far Eastern thought is deeply concerned with human goodness without placing much if any stock in the importance of gods or spirits."[1]:45 Other philosophers have proposed various ideas about how to determine right and wrong actions. An example is Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative.

A variety of positions are apparent regarding the relationship between religion and morality. Some believe that religion is necessary as a guide to a moral life. According to some, this idea has been with us for nearly 2,000 years.[1]:5 According to others, the idea goes back as far as 4,000 years, with the ancient Egyptians' 42 Principles of Ma'at.[2] There are various thoughts regarding how this idea has arisen. For example, Greg Epstein suggests that this idea is connected to a concerted effort by theists to question nonreligious ideas: "conservative authorities have, since ancient days, had a clever counterstrategy against religious skepticism—convincing people that atheism is evil, and then accusing their enemies of being atheists
2016-04-30 08:19:09 UTC
I would accept that morality is subjective, and accept the problems that go with that. I would however argue that moral systems, such as utilitarianism, where the aim is to achieve highest possible pleasure and lowest possible pain are the best systems to build a well functioning society on.

I would also argue that there is no evidence of any God that could provide an objective moral framework and say that I'm skeptical that such a figure exists. The morality of a theist is just as subjective as the morality of an atheists the difference is that we are aware of this fact.
2016-04-30 06:21:07 UTC
It's not a problem at all, because morality is human-based, not objective.

If you want to dispute that, imagine a world without humans and tell me one thing which is immoral in that world.

Morals are what things HUMANS agree upon when they form a society. That's why they are different for every society. That's why they are different for the same society in different times. When enough people think that the rules should be changed, rules are changed, just like slavery was once moral but now isn't.
Pirate AM™
2016-04-30 06:24:54 UTC
Basically, morality is subjective and decided by the group or society that you're in. It is quite clear that Christianity and other religions have adjusted and changed their morality as society changes. Years ago when slavery was major contributor to our economy, churches and Christians use their belief in what the Bible said to justify it - even as others used the same scriptures to denounce it.

As I grew up in the 60's and 70's, divorcees were looked at (at least by Christians in my small town) as sinful people ("those non-Christian Smiths got divorced, too bad they don't have God in their lives...") but as each church learned more about people that were divorced and the reasons for it, they came to realize that there could be many reasons for divorce and that most of them didn't call for sin.

As for morality outside of religion, as we look at the tapestry of history we see common threads and it's easy to see that the reason why those are common is because they work for a group. For example, if we allow theft from stores or people, then costs rise, people are hurt and the ability to function as a society is impaired. Obviously, is a society where killing is accepted or encouraged, only the best killers survive. In societies where women are a form of property, marriage and fidelity are forms of protecting your property.
2016-04-30 11:03:19 UTC
"Since an atheist has no objective standard for morality their moral code is subjective"

that is meaningless

theist have no objective standard of morality, all you have is a book

problem is - that book is not "objective"

you can decide to follow it if you want, but that dont make it "objective", - it just makes it your choice

Tomorrow you can choose to just ignore it, ignore it and then confess you have ignored it, or pick another book, - and THAT makes it subjective

even worse - you personally have zero morality. If you did you would not need a book to tell you what it ought to be (which you can choose to ignore). you would have made your own mind up as to what your morality should be.

And since YOU made the decision then what would be the point of deciding something then ignoring your own decision?
2016-10-31 22:53:33 UTC
you don't know a single atheist, so how do you justify claiming you know what an atheist's moral code is? besides, it is evident you don't even have a moral code, particularly not one based on biblical principles...

after all,if you did, you would not spread your lies and your puffed up disdain... bearing false witness is against the biblical moral code, as is making judgment, so exactly where do you get your moral code from? satan, the spreader of lies?
Donut Tim
2016-04-30 07:01:16 UTC
"Morality" does not come from religion, but the reverse.

There is a natural basis for knowing right and wrong and for the desire to help others. It is a product of our evolution.

Humans along with many other species are social animals. The chances of survival are improved because of social interactions, complete with all the inherent urges, inhibitions, empathy and desires – many of which are what we call morals. Each species on average would have a different range of what is considered acceptable behavior (individuals vary widely).

The biologically induced urges and inhibitions affect our actions within society and also cause us to have animosity toward those whose behavior is beyond acceptability or the norm (desire for justice).

Those supposedly "human" traits have been observed in many animal species other than humans.

No magic is involved.
Anne Arkey
2016-04-30 06:18:45 UTC
You don't know a single atheist, so how do you justify claiming you know what an atheist's moral code is? Besides, it is evident you don't even have a moral code, particularly not one based on biblical principles.

After all,if you did, you would not spread your lies and your puffed up disdain. Bearing false witness is against the biblical moral code, as is making judgment, so exactly where do you get your moral code from? Satan, the spreader of lies?
2016-05-02 08:47:18 UTC
Atheists, being a non-homogenous group, share no moral code but rather individual sets of moral precepts conducive to themselves, suited to themselves and adapted to their own understanding of the world. I am sorry but you are clearly some sort of idiot if you do not understand that. The moral code of Christians always has been dependent upon personal introspection which is the problem with assuming 'one-size-fits-all' solutions to complex problems. True Christians do not do that.
2016-04-30 06:59:05 UTC
You got your morality from a book. Books are written by people. So technically, you got your morality from other people who lived long, long ago. We got our morality from ourselves, and what we believe is right. Unlike you guys, we (I'm pretty sure I'm speaking for most atheists when I say this.) believe rape is wrong under any circumstance (Would you want to be raped?). Murder is wrong. Stealing is wrong. Treat others how you'd like to be treated. It's that simple.
2016-04-30 06:09:53 UTC
Atheists greatly lack morals! Look at back when ALL were going to church, early 1960s on back, crimes were rare and then in big cities. As Atheism has increased, Crimes have increased! Back in the early 1960s and before the worst a teacher had to write/report was "paper missed trash can". Now a days rapes and murders are even happening in schools!
2016-05-01 07:43:13 UTC
Well I suppose I could go with a standard moral code like Christians so I could justify punishing women for not understanding their place is under a man just like the Bible says at the beginning in genisus. Or I could use it to hate homosexuals even though they never stole from me, attacked me, or even said anything bad to me apart from trying to defend their existence. Oh the joys of standard morality written by ancient sand people who thought a disobedient son should be stoned to death. By the way, god has a section on the proper treatment of slaves so I guess that would make you a nazi according to your rant.
Doug Freyburger
2016-05-04 12:22:34 UTC
In Christianity there is unlimited unearned forgiveness for immoral acts. It is impossible to have a moral code in that system.

Moral codes don't need justification. They just need to exist, like atheists have, and not have cancelling loopholes.
2016-04-30 06:18:34 UTC
Easy to justify our 'moral code', as we have agreed as a group what that code is.

We have a law that is paramount. Everybody is accountable under that law.

Religion got it's "moral code" from secular sources too. The religious just refuse to admit it, though it is provable enough.

How do you religious bigots justify your hatred and your dishonesty? Please do explain that to us, it is a much bigger mystery that what you posted.

Why are you guys like that?
2016-04-30 06:18:18 UTC
You get them all the time here without invoking the immorality that is espoused in the Bronze Age mentality of the Bible. You're just too obstinate to look at things from an alternate view point.

I won't argue with you. Seeing as I was raised by Christians, used to be a Christian and married a Christian, I find it highly doubtful that your morality is much different than mine.

I can't hold a candle to your self-righteousness and prejudice though. Well done God-boy.
2016-04-30 06:14:16 UTC
As a member of society, an atheist is allowed to contribute to whatever that society considers moral.

One doesn't have to follow any particular faith in order to follow or contribute to the moral standards of the society in which they live and participate in.

Besides the god of the bible isn't all that moral to begin with, certainly not enough so that I would base my morality on his!

He floods a whole planet and kills millions, including innocent children... not to mention all the other forms of life, and I am supposed to accept that he is moral or righteous?
2016-04-30 18:28:12 UTC
Slavery was in place and backed by southern white christians. Nazi Germany was again, in place and backed by white christians. Fascist immoral animals who based their morals on the holy bible.

I am not atheist, but I can tell that you are noth very wrong and brainwashed. You are conceited and closed minded. How can an atheist have morals?

Well I have to ask you this; How did christians who murdered people & enslave people have morals? I mean they DID base their actions on the YOUR HOLY BIBLE.

2016-04-30 07:03:53 UTC
For me, I believe that death is bad, and life is good.

In life, there is possibility; in death, there is naught.

Anyway, there is no objective moral code, and, even if a deity existed, their code would be no less subjective than that of anyone else.
2016-04-30 06:34:18 UTC
no one has to justify a moral code. they only need to have the maturity to know right from wrong and do what is right.
2016-04-30 12:53:52 UTC
Feel free to demonstrate the "objective" moral standard of Theism, that's right you can't! You don't even understand what morality actually is.
2016-05-01 20:51:58 UTC
I think my moral code is a mixture of a few things 1) Genetics - being a pack animal, I am engineered to try and fit in, and stay within the pack as much as possible (pack=greater chance of survival), so I will reduce my actions that bring harm and take more action to be a supportive member of the pack.

2) Self preservation - by contributing to a pack, I get a lot of benefits which I want to keep, so I will follow the rules and treat others kindly.

3) Realization of Self and Universe - By becoming aware of just awesome universe is, and how amazing life form is, and how long things take to evolve I have a new found appreciation of life, people and the cosmos and the beaty of it all.. Once one comes to this realisation one can not help but love and respect everything living.
2016-04-30 08:25:05 UTC
How do the majority of the Christian prisoners justify their moral code?
2016-04-30 06:14:32 UTC
@Selina - from what book do you take your morals? 2.Now why do you think that morals should be taken from a book like the bible? Couldn't life be better if no book told things that order people to believe ignorant things?

please think about question 2 more than twice. Atheist don't think a book should dictate morals.

How can Atheists justify their moral code?

We justify it by empathy, (empathy is not god).

So, does that mean Moa didn't have empathy, no. the golden rule is older that jesus, because if it weren't no civilization could have survived for this long.

What basis does do these come from though?

Slave owners had no empathy for slaves, but they based their morality on empathy surely.

-They didn't care about another person, if they cared that would be empathy.
2016-05-01 06:37:41 UTC
I am sardonically amused at this entire screed. Were I to subscribe to the beliefs and the bigoted intolerance bordering upon hatred of many of the people who consider themselves Christians, I would be ashamed to consider myself a follower of Christ. What a travesty these sanctimonious Cretans make of His dictates to love one another. I am tempted to quote the words ascribed to Him, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."

Since all your suppositions are based upon the assertion that an atheist's moral code is subjective, I find them categorically wrong.

So an atheist's code is subjective but theist's code is not? What planet are you from?

It has been argued that logic dictates,(and logic is objective), that an atheist's abhorrence of violence, and the belief that honesty, truthfulness, compassion, and the consideration and tolerance of others, is justifiable solely upon the premise that any viable society cannot exist without these considerations being uppermost. I submit that basing your moral code upon these objective considerations is superior and nobler than basing your behavior on the fear of damnation.

I try really hard to follow Christ's dictates to forgive one another, and I usually ignore the diatribes that both theists and atheists hurl at each other, but your question, and the intellectual superiority implied in your explication, was more than I could stand. Why cannot all of you, both theists and atheists, learn tolerance. The dislike, often tantamount to hatred, that you both hurl at each other sickens me and makes me ashamed, at times, to be human.
2016-05-02 13:42:36 UTC
Atheist just look at the logical side of things. We have been to space. There is no such thing as a god. I've got one Christian friend. I asked her one question: Hov the hell do you explain the tailbone?

And , if there somehow is a god, why does it let some people suffer? Why is he so wonderful? Why can't it accept people who is homosexual, or black?

Give me an answer to that, and I'll be impressed.
Dennis K
2016-05-01 09:31:38 UTC
You do not need dogma to have a moral code. Being a secular humanist I do not need the imaginary threat of going to hell to keep a moral code.
2016-04-30 06:16:47 UTC
Just doing what you are told is not a moral code, it is just obedience.

Doing what you think is right because you have thought it out is only evil if you are religious.
2016-04-30 13:56:33 UTC
They can't justify it, but if you dare telling them that they'll get angry. If an atheist gets angry with us, you know they're doing it because they're backed into a corner.
2016-05-01 00:32:25 UTC
as a christian are you really knocking slavery witch jesus himself fully endorsed? he even gave you guidelines on how to beat your slaves really christians are supposed to learn but are free from any religious laws/morals there only directives are to act justly and with righteousness this was decided because christian ranks were being bolstered with people from other societies and cultures whose ideas of what was just and right didn't conform with the jew's so more or less christians just like atheists must draw their ideas of what is moral from the society and culture of there time
2016-04-30 06:20:33 UTC
Oh dear, Morals are not objective, they are entirely subjective. For instance to quote one of your "Morals" a totaly expicit one "Thou shalt not kill". Now that is unequivocal if ever I heard a statement. Yet christian Musim Hindu etc all bless their soldiers, before they go out to kill. Justify it as you will, but dont say it is objective obedience, when it is plainly subjective.
Neckbearded Atheist
2016-04-30 06:06:24 UTC
I don't care if anybody takes me seriously, I'm going to live my life how I see fit regardless of whether anybody likes me or not.

I know I'm a good person, and that's all that matters.

You want to sit there and call me immoral after condoning the following of a man who said to chop off body parts if they made you sin, that's your perogative, but don't expect ME to take YOU seriously.
2016-05-02 09:10:42 UTC
No serious moral code out of religion...
2016-05-01 18:49:58 UTC
Atheists don't have a moral code.

They don't have a specific point of reference to get morality from, since they don't believe in God, so they can't have a moral code. They claim that the "social contract" is their moral code, but even that is meaningless, because, which social contract? There is more than one.
2016-04-30 15:59:00 UTC
Atheists will not suffer punishment in an after life for their misdeed, so, why not do any thing you feel like doing? that's why their atheists
2016-08-11 01:11:26 UTC
you got your morality from a book... books are written by people... so technically, you got your morality from other people who lived long, long ago... we got our morality from ourselves, and what we believe is right... unlike you guys, we (i'm pretty sure i'm speaking for most atheists when i say this...) believe rape is wrong under any circumstance (would you want to be raped?)... murder is wrong... stealing is wrong... treat others how you'd like to be treated... it's that simple...
Steve B
2016-05-02 07:54:37 UTC
According to the bible, the following immoral

Picking up sticks on the Sabbath

Pork, Shrimp, Figs, and blended fabric

Adultery. Divorce. Marriage after divorce.

Gluttony, Tattoos. Psychics. Witches. Beard trimming. Rounded Haircuts.

Sex before marriage, Sex with women on their periods. Masturbation.

Women speaking in Church. Left handed people.

Construction tall buildings that may see GoB (God of the bible).

According to the bible, the following is moral


Rape and Incest.

Treating women as objects. Multiple wives.

Stoning a woman if she is not a virgin before her marriage

Genocide. Infanticide. Killing unbelievers. Killing disobedient children.

Human and animal sacrifice

And, my favorite:

Killing of mostly every man, woman, child, and animal on the planet with the great flood.
2016-04-30 06:24:45 UTC
Your Mister Jesus told His followers to love their neighbors as much as they love themselves.

But he was quoting a philosophy which was in place, CENTRUIES before He was either BORN or INVENTED

"Do not treat others in a manner in which you would not wish to be treated."

I love how it feels when nobody pokes a sharp stick in my eye.

So, I refrain from poking sticks in the eyes of my neighbors.

(And I refrain from the uninvited poking of anything else into any of their other body parts.)

I love how it feels, when nobody comes into my home and messes with, breaks, or steals my stuff.

So, I refrain from going into other people's homes, and breaking or taking their stuff.

I love how I feel, when nobody injures, rapes, or murders me.

So I refrain from injuring, raping, and murdering others.

All based on a philosophy older than Jesus, and not dependent on the existence of ANY Gods or Goddesses to be a valid way for a society to function.
2016-04-30 06:13:42 UTC
If you have any data to show that atheists as a group are less moral than other group, kindly provide a link to it. If not, then go fúck yourself.
2016-04-30 06:13:53 UTC
If you need religion to be moral, you've got some dire problems.
2016-04-30 06:09:03 UTC
' atheist has no objective standard for morality...' - no, we use the Bible!

Kill disobedient children (Ex 21:17, Mk 7:10)

Kill witches (Ex 22:18)

Kill those who curse father or mother (Lev 20:9)

Kill men who have sex with other men (Lev 20:13)

Kill those who worship the wrong god (Num 25:1-9)

Kill adulterers (Lev 20:10)

Kill those who work on the Sabbath (Ex 31:15)

Kill any bride discovered not a virgin (Deut 22:21)

Kill blasphemers (Lev 24:14)

Kill false prophets (Zech 13:3)

Kill fortune-tellers (Lev 20:27)

Kill non-Hebrews (Deut 20:16-17)

Kill sons of sinners (Isaiah 14:21)

Kill nonbelievers (2 Chron 15:12-13)

Kill anyone who curses God (Lev 24:16)

Kill all males after winning battles (Deut 20:13)

There's your 'objective standard for morality'.
2016-05-02 18:17:46 UTC
They can't.
2016-04-30 06:16:25 UTC
You can pose any questions you want, Selina, but I have a couple for you:

How many people have been killed in the name of god?

How many people have been killed in the name of atheism?

You're a joke and so are your hypotheses.
Anne Campbell
2016-05-01 06:55:13 UTC
Why do I need to justify myself to anyone. I live a life in good conscience and that is good enough for me.
2016-04-30 15:36:52 UTC
They don't need justification
2016-04-30 06:06:14 UTC
Atheists are wise enough not to believe in some sky god that causes floods and famines to punish people.
2016-04-30 06:12:29 UTC
I keep it simple: i use harm as a measurement. If i am not harming others or myself, that is moral in my worldview.
2016-05-01 21:46:06 UTC
They can't. It's called the "moving the goalposts" fallacy- which you can see from most of the "answers". You will get everything EXCEPT a real answer.
2016-05-01 23:08:21 UTC
if the only thing keeping a person decent is some expectation of some divine reward then that person is a piece of sh*T
Gaia’s Garden
2016-04-30 17:28:57 UTC
I take mine from the medical code "First do no harm".
2016-05-01 10:56:11 UTC
I don't need a book to know killing is wrong
2016-04-30 07:03:26 UTC
They can't dear, not without God.
2016-05-01 03:41:17 UTC

so one ACKNOWLEDGES that HUMAN Beings formulate moral codes .

.. Do you ACKNOWLEDGE HUMAN BEINGS wrote the BIBLE and any other Holy books or religious codes of any other religion the Commonality of ALL religions is they are ALL presented by a Human being who CLAIMS they have Received SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE from some source spirits gods goddesses Angels .

Have you PROVEN any gods goddesses spirits or Angels ? so their Claims are SUBJECTIVE . lets start with definitions

OBJECTIVE based on OBSERVABLE PHENOMENA observation of Measurable Facts Objective information or analysis is FACT based and measurable

Subjective is based on personal opinion point of view interpretation emotions and judgements and BELIEFS

Are Gods OBSERVABLE measurable and proven a FACT ? No they are based on BELIEF so by definition they are SUBJECTIVE

so are we talking about HUMAN MORALITY so all human morality is SUBJECTIVE because its about the interest of humans can you NAME another kind of Morality ? is there GOD MORALITY ?

so is there a Code that Gods Follow ? to answer you must first Demonstrate and present a SELF EVIDENT independent of Man projection or belief or assertion God .. because gods if not demonstrated or proven it is a Belief ONLY PRESENTED by CERTAIN Humans and there is no UNIVERSAL God but many Beliefs ABOUT gods so it is DEPENDENT on opinion point of view EMOTIONS and interpretations of certain humans for their self or group interest highly SUBJECTIVE .

The next issue JUSTIFY ones moral code TO WHOM ? Theist Do Theist Justify their moral code ? their answer is "GOD SAID IT " Did you Demonstrate the god YET ? so what you got are men writing their belief interpretation opinion and view and who's Goal in many cases to impose or project that on to other members of society

Justify defined as to give a GOOD reason for I can give you a lot of good reasons and the Theist will say BUT MY BOOK SAYS GOD SAY .. this is wrong this is right Proved the God YET ?

I can give you a list of things that one can uses as a basis of forming a moral code related to humans

Life is preferred to death

Health is preferred to sickness

Happiness is preferred to sadness

Pain free is preferred to pain

you may occasionally find individuals that my be the exception due to some alteration

Objective is without Opinion deals with facts and requires demonstration as in proven Fact that which is the case indisputable its related to EVIDENCE sufficient to demonstrate something to be INDISPUTABLE ( WOW sounds like SCIENCE )

I have EVIDENCE of HUMANS PLANTS ANIMALS the EARTH .. But we have no PROOF of GODS never have

. we INVENT them . what we like to do is RENAME things Gods Wind thunder lightening volcanoes

.. If i say to a Hawaiian thats some volcano they will agree its a volcano and it produces lava a REGULAR EVENT and then they will want to PERSONIFY it suddenly its no longer a volcano NOW its a GOD called PELE its got INTENT EMOTIONS it does behaviors its angry

.. and why because of THINKING and IMAGINATION of Humans nothing about the volcano changed in REALITY ONLY what the HUMANS did they want to PROJECT their human traits on to it So In the BIBLE they are CONDITIONED that GOD is GOOD no mater WHAT So its not WHAT is said ITS WHO Said it so when god says stone your kid its good

Morality is doing WHAT is RIGHT regardless of WHAT we are told

RELIGIOUS Dogma is doing What we are told no Matter what is right

POST JUSTIFIED defined as to give a GOOD reason for something as per the dictionary Life is preferred to death Promotes human survival health is preferred to sickness so you promote health reason maintains human well being and human survival

well being and survival those are POSITIVE so they are GOOD and do not cause conflict among society
2016-04-30 06:18:27 UTC
You forgot, they also have the option of changing their minds if their morals don't suit the way they want to live.

In the end, if there is no God, it doen't matter if you live like Hitler or Mother Teresa. There is no ultimate standard.

Anyway, Jesus came for us sinners. If they aren't sinners, then Jesus isn't for them. ;)
Fields of Dreams
2016-05-01 10:35:11 UTC
Worse auto select ever
2016-05-01 13:22:08 UTC
That's not any of your business anyway.
2016-05-01 12:29:06 UTC
Obviously we are right .. we dont base our ideas on Fiction
2016-05-01 04:30:35 UTC
still this code. tc <73, tp <73 etc
Repent and
2016-05-01 01:29:59 UTC
2016-05-01 09:19:38 UTC
Why the **** is this under home and garden?
2016-05-01 11:03:20 UTC
they cant
2016-05-01 11:28:23 UTC
This is the PET RODENT site.

Please keep it relevant.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.