My respected elders and my dear brothers and sisters - I welcome all of you with the Islamic greetings - Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh - May peace, blessings and mercy of Almighty Allah be on all of you. The topic of this evening's talk is, ‘Qur'an and Modern Science - Conflict or Conciliation?’. The Holy Qur'an is the last and final revelation of Allah Subhanu WaTaala, which was revealed to the last and final messenger Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). For any book to claim that It is a revelation from Allah Subhana WaTala - for any book to claim, It is a word of Almighty God, it should stand the test of time - It should prove itself to be the word of God in all the ages. Previously it was the age of Miracles, ‘Moujaza’. A ‘Miracle’ is any unusual event, for which the human beings do not have any explanation. It is any unusual event which is attributed to a Super Natural Power or Almighty God. The Holy Qur'an is the ‘Miracle of Miracles’. But for a modern man to accept any Miracle, he will first analyze and verify it. Alhamdulillah, the Holy Qur'an proved itself to be aword of God 1400 years ago. Even today it can be analyzed and verified, and even in future, and it will always prove It itself to be a word of Almighty God – It is a Miracle of all times. Suppose a person says that he has done a Miracle – I would like to give an example of Baba Pilot who said, ‘that he stayed underwater in a tank, for three days’. And when the reporters, when they wanted to examine, the base of the tank, he said… ‘how can you examine the womb of the mother, which gives birth to the child?’ - And He prevented the reporters, from examining the base of the tank. Will a modern man accept such Miracles? . If such Miracles are the tests, then he has to agree with me, that P. C. Sorcar who happens to be one of the leading magicians of the world, he will be considered as the best god-man alive today. Later on, came the age of literature and poetry - Muslims and non-Muslims alike - they acclaim the Holy Qur’an to be the best Arabic literature available on the face of the earth. And the Holy Qur'an gives a challenge in Surah Al-Baqara, Ch. No. 2, Verse No. 23, and 24, where it says… (Arabic)… ‘And if you are in doubt, as what we have revealed to our servant from time to time…. (Arabic)… then produce a Surah some what similar to it. (Arabic)… and call forth your witnesses and helpers if there are any besides Allah, but if your doubts are truthful… (Arabic) …and if ye cannot. (Arabic) … and of a surety you cannot. (Arabic)… then fear the fire which is prepared for those who reject faith whose fuel shall be men and stones’. For any one to try and accept this challenge - but natural the Surah they produce should be in Arabic. There are certain Surahs which are hardly three verses hardly three sentences. The Surah they produce should be in Arabic - The language should be as divine as that of the Holy Qur'an as noble as the Holy Qur'an. The language of the Holy Qur'an is miraculous, is unsurpassable, intelligible, it has the highest rhetoric and at the same time it is very rhythmic. When any one wants to praise a person or wants to glorify anyone, he deviates away from reality - and the best example you can see is in the Hindi movies when the hero praises the heroine, and he tries to please her and says ‘Main tumhare liye chand tod ke leke aounga, mai tomhare liye sitare tod ke leke aounga’ ‘I will get for you the Moon I will get for you the star’. The more you try and praise a person, the more you deviate away from reality.
Alhamdulillah, though the Qur'an is rhythmic it does not deviate from reality.
There were many people who tried to produce a Surah like the Qur'an, but they failed miserably. No one has been able to do it so far, and no one InshaAllah will be able to do it till eternity. But suppose if I tell you that there is a religious scripture who says in a very poetic fashion that ‘the world is flat’ - Will a modern man today believe?. But natural no, because today is not the age of literature and poetry - Today is the age of science and technology. Let as analyze today the Holy Qur'an and modern science - whether they conflict or conciliate? The Qur'an and modern science whether they contradict or they are compatible? According to the famous physicist, Albert Einstein, who had got the Nobel prize, he said – ‘Science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind’. I would like to repeat it - Albert Einstein said that ‘Science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind’. I would like to remind you that the Holy Qur'an is not a ‘book of Science’… S-C-I-E-N-C-E; but it's a book of Signs… S-I-G-N-S; it's a book of Ayaats - and there are more than 6000 Signs or 6000 Ayats, out of which more than a thousand speak about Science. There are some people who would be satisfied just by acquiring one sign. Some people require 10 signs to accept the truth. Some may require a hundred, while the others even after you produce a thousand signs to them yet they will not accept the truth. As far as my talk today will be concerned, I will only be speaking about those scientific facts which have been established. I will not be speaking about theories which are based on assumptions and hypothesis, because we know very well that many a times science based on theories and hypothesis it takes U-turns. In the field of Astronomy - if you ask a scientist that how was our universe formed? - How did it come into existence? He will tell you about the Big Bang Theory - that initially the whole universe was one ‘Primary Nebula’. Then there was a secondary separation which gave rise to galaxies, which further split to form things such as our solar system, which gave rise to planets, the Sun and the present earth which we live in. I started my talk by quoting a verse of the Holy Qur'an from Surah Al-Anbiya, Ch. No. 21, Verse No. 30, which says. (Arabic)… ‘Do not the unbelievers see. (Arabic)… the heavens and the earth were joined together, and We clove them asunder?’ This verse of the Holy Qur'an speaks about the Big Bang Theory, in a nutshell. Imagine, what we came to know today, the Holy Qur'an mentions 1400 years ago.And the Qur'an also says in Surah Fussilat, Ch. No. 41, verse 11, that… ‘Moreover, in His design He comprehended the sky, and it had been smoke. And He said to it and the earth, come ye together willingly or unwillingly, and they said we come together in willing obedience’. The Arabic word used here is ‘Dukhan’, which means ‘Smoke’. If you ask a scientist, he will tell you that the, universe before it was formed, the celestial matter, it was in the state of ‘gas’, and the Arabic word ‘Dukhan’ which means Smoke, is more scientifically correct than mere ‘gas’. And according to Stephen Hawkins, who is a very famous scientist, he said – ‘the discovery of bridges of matter in the space, is the biggest discovery of this century which gives us indisputable evidence of the creation of the universe and the Big Bang Theory’. Previously the people thought that the world we live in - it is flat - and they were afraid to venture too far, lest they would fall over. It was only in 1597, when Sir Francis Drake - when he sailed around the earth he proved that the world was spherical. The Qur'an mentions in Surah Luqman, Ch. No. 31, Verse 29… (Arabic)…‘It is Allah that merges the night unto the day and merges the day unto the night’. Merging is a slow and gradual process. The night slowly and gradually changes to day, and the day slowly and gradually changes to night. This phenomena is only possible if the shape of the earth is spherical – It is not possible if it is flat. If it was flat there will be a sudden change. The Qur'an says in Surah Al Zumar, Ch. No. 39, Verse No. 5, it says… (Arabic)…‘It is Allah who has created the heavens and the earth in true proportion and he overlaps and coils the night unto the day and overlaps or coils the day unto the night’. The Arabic word used is, ‘Kawwara’ which means overlapping or coiling. How you coil a turban around the head - How you overlap a turban around the head. This phenomena of the night overlapping and coiling over the day is only possible if the shape of the earth is spherical. It is not possible if the shape of earth is flat - there will be a sudden change. The Holy Qur'an further says in Surah Naziat, Ch. No. 79, Verse No. 30…. It says. (Arabic)… ‘And thereafter, We have made the earth egg-shaped’. The Arabic word ‘Dahaha’ comes from root word ‘Duhya’, meaning an Egg-shape and it does not refer to any normal Egg. It specifically refers to the Egg of an Ostrich - and today we know that the world is not completely round like a ball- It is Geo Spherical. It is slightly flattened from the top and bulging from the centre - It is Geo Spherical. And if you analyze the shape of the Egg of an Ostrich - it too is Geo Spherical, slightly flattened from the top and bulging from the centre. So the Holy Qur'an describes the exact ‘geo spherical earth’ 1400 years ago. Previously we thought that the light of the Moon, is its own light. It is recently we discovered, that the light of the Moon is reflected light of the Sun. The Qur'an says in Surah Furqan, Ch. No. 25, Verse No. 61… ‘Blessed is He who has created the constellations in the sky, and placed therein a lamp, and Moon having borrowed light’. The Qur'an says in Surah Yunus, Ch. No. 10, Verse No. 5… ‘It is Allah who has created the Sun as a shining glory and the Moon having a reflection of light’. The similar message is repeated in Surah Nuh, Ch. No. 71, Verse No. 15 to 16. The Arabic word for Sun is ‘Shams’. It's always described either as ‘Siraj’ meaning a torch, or ‘Wahaj’ meaning a blazing lamp, or ‘Diya’ – ‘meaning a shining glory’. The Moon - the Arabic word is ‘Qamar’. It's always described as ‘Munir’, meaning borrowed light or ‘Noor’, which is a reflection of light. Nowhere is the moon light described as ‘Siraj’ or ‘Wahaj’ or ‘Diya’ - always as ‘Munir’ or ‘Noor’ - that's borrowed light or a reflection of light. The Qur'an says in Surah Tariq, Ch. No. 86 Verse No. 3… (Arabic)... The Arabic word for the Star is ‘Najm'. It is described as ‘Saqib’ - Its light is described as ‘Saqib’. It pierces the darkness and consumes itself. Previously the Europeans, they thought that the Earth stood dead, in the centre of the Universe and all the planets - including the Sun, it revolved around the earth. It was known as the theory of 'Geocentricism'. It was believed by Tolomy in the second century BC, and was believed till as late as 16th century, until Copernicus said that the Earth and the planets revolve around the Sun. And later on, in 1609 Yuhanas Kepler wrote in his book, ‘Astronomia Novia’… ‘that not only do the earth and the planets revolve around the Sun, they also rotate about their own axis’. When I was in school I had learnt that the earth and the planets they rotate about their axis, but I was taught that the Sun was fixed, it did not rotate about it is own axis. But the Holy Qur'an says in Surah Al-Anbiya, Ch. No. 21, Verse No. 33. It says: (Arabic)… ‘It is Allah who has created the night and the day, (Arabic)… the Sun and the Moon, (Arabic)… each one travelling in a orbit, with its own motion’. The Arabic word ‘Yasbahoon’, is derived from the word ‘Sabaha’, which describes the motion of a moving body. If I say that a man is doing ‘Sabaha’ on the ground, it will not mean that he is rolling - it will mean he is either walking or running. If I say a person is doing ‘Sabaha’ in the water, it will not mean he is floating - it will mean he is swimming. Similarly, when the Qur'an uses the word ‘Yasbahoon’ - derived from ‘Sabaha’, for a celestial body - it will not mean… it is flying, it will mean, it is rotating about its own axis. And today we have come to know with the help of an equipment, we can have the image of the Sun on the table top, and we see there are black spots - and it takes approximately 25 days for these black spots to complete one rotation - indicating that the Sun takes approximately 25 days to complete one rotation. Can you imagine the Qur'an speaks about the rotation and the revolution of the Sun 1400 years ago, which science has discovered today. The Holy Qur'an says in Surah Yasin, Ch. No. 36, Verse No. 40… ‘It is not permitted for the Sun to catch up with the Moon, nor the night to outstrip the day. (Arabic) …each one travelling in an orbit with its own motion’. What does the Qur'an mean by saying – ‘It is not permitted for the Sun to catch up with the Moon?’ Previously people thought that the orbit of the Sun and the Moon was same.
But Qur'an gives the indication – ‘No! the orbit of the Sun and the Moon, is different’. The question of catching up does not arise and each of them, the Sun and the Moon, they rotate as well as revolve. The Qur'an says in Surah Yasin, Ch. No. 36, Verse No. 38…(Arabic)… (Arabic)… ‘That the Sun is running its course to a place determined, for a period determined’. The Arabic word, ‘Mustakar’, means to a place determined, for a period determined. Today science has come to know that the Sun, along with the Solar system - it is going towards a point in the Universe - which the scientists call as the ‘Solar Apex’. And it's moving at a speed of 12 miles per second, and it is going to a point - which they call as ‘a point in the constellation of Hercules’. This same message is repeated in Surah Rad, Ch. No. 13, Verse No. 2; in Surah Fatir, Ch. No. 35, Verse No. 13; in Surah Luqman, Ch. No. 31, Verse No. 29; as well as in Surah Al-Zumar, Ch. No. 39, Verse No. 5. It says that… ‘The Sun and the Moon runs its course for a period determined’. The Qur'an says in Surah Dhariat, Ch. No. 51, Verse No. 47 that, ‘It is We who have constructed with power and skill, the firmaments - and It is We who make the vastness, and the expanding universe’. The Arabic word: ‘Musioona’ means, expanding universe, the vastness of space. Edwin Aero, who is a famous scientist, he discovered and said that ‘the universe is expanding’. The galaxies are receding from one another which the Qur'an has mentioned 1400 years ago. There may be some people who say… ‘It is nothing great that the Holy Qur'an speaks about Astronomy, since the Arabs - they were very well advanced in the field of Astronomy’. I would like to bring to their notice that it was centuries after the Holy Qur'an was revealed that the Arabs became advanced in Astronomy. So it is from the Qur'an, that the Arabs learnt about Astronomy, and not the vice versa.
In the field of Physics, there was a theory known as ‘Atomism’. That ‘atom’ is the smallest part of matter, which cannot be divided. This theory was propounded by Democrats, the Greek, twenty-three centuries ago. And it was also known to the Arabs - and the Arabic word for atom, is ‘Zarra’. But today, after science has advanced, we have come to know that though ‘atom’ is the smallest particle of matter, having the characteristic of the element - it yet can be divided, into electrons, protons, etc. So people may think that the Qur'an is outdated. The Qur'an does speak about ‘Zarra’, and says It is a minute particle, but nowhere does it say that it cannot be divided. In fact, the Qur'an says in Surah Sabah, Ch. No. 34, Verse No. 3. It says that… ‘When the unbelievers say that the hour will never come - tell them… it will surely come with the permission of the Lord who has the knowledge of the unseen, who has in His record, the minutest detail of an atom in the heaven and in the earth - and in His record is perspicuous things, smaller and greater than the ‘atom’. The Qur'an says therefore – ‘things smaller and greater than the atom’. So Qur'an is not outdated… it is up to date. A similar message is repeated in Surah Yunus, Ch. No. 10, Verse No. 61 that… ‘In Allah's record is perspicuous things, smaller and greater than the atom’. In the field of ‘Geography’, we learn in school about the coherent water cycle. This was first described by Sir Bernard Palestine, in 1580. And he said - how does water evaporate from the ocean, forms clouds, the cloud move in the interior - how do they fall as rain, the rain water flows into the ocean and the cycle is completed. Previously people thought - in the 7th century BC Phase of Meletus - he said that ‘the spray of the ocean was picked up by the wind and it fell into the interior as rain’. People did not know - how did the underground water, the springs, where did they come from. So they thought that due to the pressure of the winds on the water, the thrust of the winds on the water - it fell into the interior as rain, and this rain water seeped into the soil, and returned to the ocean through a secret passage, ‘the Abyss’ which was known at the time of the Plato as ‘Tartarus’. People believed in this theory of Descartes, even till as late as 17th century. And philosophers like - Aristotle's theory was believed till as late as 19th century, that water vapor evaporated from the soil, it condensed in mountain caverns, and these mountain caverns formed lakes which fed the spring water. Today we know that the underground water, the springs, it is due to the seepage of the rain water. And the Qur'an says that in Surah Al-Zumur, Ch. No. 39, Verse No 21… ‘Sees't thou not that it is Allah who sends down rain from the sky, and seeps it in the sources in the ground - in the springs in the earth, and causes sown seed of various colours to grow’. The message is repeated in Surah Rum, Ch. No. 30, Verse No. 24… ‘Allah sends down rain - and the dead earth… He brings it back to life’. The Qur'an says in Surah Muminun, Ch. No. 23, Verse No 18, that… ‘It is Allah who sends down rain in due measure, we are able to store it, and We are also able to easily drain it’. The Qur'an says in Surah Al-Hijr, Ch. No. 15, Verse No 22, it says that… ‘We send fecundating winds, winds impregnating, and cause rain to descend from the sky, and give you water in due measure’. The Arabic word 'Lawaaqi' used here, is the plural of 'laqi' derived from ‘laqaha’ which means ‘to impregnate or to fecundate’. The winds carrying the pollen - they impregnate the cloud, and then rain falls. The wind causes the clouds to merge – there is condensation – there is lightning and rain falls from the clouds. The Qur'an describes the complete water cycle - how does the water evaporate, how it forms clouds, how it moves in the interior, how it falls down, how it flows back into the ocean in several places. In Surah Nur, Ch. No. 24, Verse No. 43, in Surah Naba, Ch. No. 78, Verse No 12 to 14, as well as in Surah Rum, Ch. No. 30, Verse No 48. The Holy Qur'an says in Surah Nur, Ch. No. 24, Verse No 43, that… ‘We send mountain masses of clouds’. What does the Qur'an mean by saying, ‘We send mountain masses of clouds’? Today if anyone has been travelling in an Aeroplane, he will realize that when the Aeroplane goes above the clouds, and he looks at the clouds beneath, he will see that the clouds appear as mountain masses. Qur'an has said this 1400 years ago. There wasn't a Aeroplane 1400 years ago. Qur'an describes ‘Hydrology’, and ‘Water cycle’ in several places in great detail. It's mentioned in Surah Al Imran, Ch. No. 3, Verse No 9, in Surah Araf, Ch. No. 7, Verse No 57; In Surah Rad, Ch. No. 13, Verse No 17; In Surah Furqan, Ch. No. 25, Verse No 48 to 49; In Surah Fatir, Ch. No. 35, Verse No 9; In Surah Yasin, Ch. No. 36, Verse No 34; In Surah Jathiyah, Ch. No. 45, Verse No 5; In Surah Qaf, Ch. No. 50, Verse No 9 to 10; In Surah Waqiah, Ch. No. 56, Verse No 68 to 70; as well as in Surah Mulk, Ch. No. 67, Verse No 30 - The Qur'an describes the Hydrology and Water cycle, in great detail. Let us discuss the field of Geology. Today the Geologists, they tell us that the earth we live on, the outer crust it's hard and solid, and the deeper layers they are hot and fluid and inhospitable for the existence of living creatures. The Geologists, they tell us that outer crust is very thin - hardly 1 to 10 miles - Less than one percent of the radius of the earth, which is 3750 miles. And the outer crust is very thin and there are high possibilities of it shaking. Today Geologists tell us, it is due to the ‘folding phenomena’, which gives rise to mountain ranges - and these mountains, they prevent the earth from shaking; they act as ‘pegs’ as ‘stakes’. The Holy Qur'an says in Surah Naba, Ch. No. 78, Verse No. 6 and 7. It says… ‘We have made the earth as an expanse’, (Arabic) … and the mountains as stakes’. The Arabic word ‘Avtaad’, means ‘Stakes’, means ‘Pegs’ - which we have discovered today. The Holy Qur'an says in Surah Jashiya, Ch. No. 88, Verse No. 19, as well as in Surah Naziat, Ch. No. 79, Verse No 32. It says… (Arabic) … 'We have made the mountain standing firm'. There is a book by the title 'The Earth' which is a very famous book - an authority in this field, which is referred by most of the universities throughout the world, in this subject. One of It is authors, name is Frank Press, and he gives the illustration of the mountain in this book called 'Earth', as wedge shaped, and he says… ‘the function of the mountain is to stabilize the Earth's Crust’. And Quran says that. The same information in Surah Anbiya, Ch. No. 21, Verse No 31, as well as in Surah Luqman, Ch. No. 31, Verse No 10, and Surah Nahl, Ch. No. 16, Verse No 15, that… ‘We have set on the earth mountains standing firm lest it would shake. The Qur'an gives the functions of the mountain 1400 years ago, which we discovered today. In the field of ‘Oceanology’, the Holy Qur'an says in Surah Furqan, Ch. No. 25, Verse No 53, ‘It is Allah who has let free two bodies of flowing water one sweet and palpable and the other salt and bitter, and between them there is a ‘Barzakh’, a barrier, which is forbidden to be trespassed’. The Qur'an repeats the message in Surah Rahman, Ch. No. 55, Verse No. 19 and 20, (Arabic)… that ‘It is Allah who has let free two bodies of flowing water which meet and between them there is a barrier which is forbidden to be trespassed’. The Arabic word ‘Barzakh’ means ‘a barrier’ and the Arabic statement… (Arabic) … means ‘the flowing bodies of water, they meet and mix’. Previously the commentators, they could not understand the two opposite description of the two bodies of flowing water. It says, ‘they meet and mix’, as well as it says… ‘there is a barrier between them’. The commentator of the Qur'an could not understand, explain, what did this verse actually mean - It was confusing. Today we have come to know, with the help of science, that there is a slanting barrier between the two bodies of salt water and sweet water - between the salt sea, and the sweet sea. And whenever water passes from one sea to the other sea, it looses It’s characteristics and gets homogenized into the water it flows. There is a barrier - but this barrier is called as ‘a transitional homogenizing space or area’. Both the waters though they meet and mix, but their characteristics yet remain the same. Salt water remains salt, the sweet water remains sweet. And this phenomena can be seen in Cape Point, southern most tip of South Africa, in Cape Town - where salt and sweet water meet, but they are distinct - They don't mix. When they flow across, the water changes it is characteristics. Similar thing can be observed in Egypt, when river Nile flows into the Mediterranean sea. As well as, the example of Gulf stream, which starts in the Gulf of Mexico - though it flows for thousands of miles, both the water, salt and sweet water, they are distinct. And if you are traveling in a boat, and if you pick up water from one side of the boat and water from the other side, you will find that both the waters are different. One is sweet and the other is salty. Even the temperature differ. Even in the area of Gibraltar, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean ocean, there is an unseen barrier, and this was confirmed. The phenomena which the Qur'an speaks about, was confirmed by Professor Hay, who is a leading marine of USA. The Qur'an asks the people, ‘that which of the favours of thy Lord will you deny’. In Surah Rehman itself, Ch. No. 55, this verse… ‘then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny’?… is repeated no less than thirty-one times. It speaks about the signs of Allah (SWT), about trees, about the heavens, and then asks you… ‘then which of the signs of your Lord will you deny’? It speaks about water cycle and then asks you… ‘then which of the signs of thy Lord will you deny’? It speaks about the barrier between the sweet and the salt water, and then asks you… ‘which of the signs, of thy Lord will you deny’? The Qur'an in one Chapter itself, it is asking its reader… ‘Which of the signs of God Almighty, will you people deny? It is prodding you - that all these signs, from where do they come? - Which is the signs you will deny? In the field of Biology, the Holy Qur'an says in Surah Al Anbiya, Ch. No. 21, Verse No. 30…. (Arabic)… ‘We have created every living thing from water - Will you not then believe?’ Imagine in the deserts of Arabia, where there was scarcity of water, the Qur'an says… ‘Every thing was created from water’ - who would have believed in it? Anything else the Qur'an would have said people could have believed. ‘Water’ - where there was scarcity - the Qur'an says 1400 years ago… ‘Every living thing is created from water’. Today we have come to know, that Cytoplasm which is the basic substance of the living cell contains 80% water. Every living creature contains 50 to 70% water, and without water, the living creature cannot survive - It is a must. Qur'an asks you… (Arabic) … ‘We have created from water every living thing - Will you not then believe?’ Allah is saying… ‘that everything is created from water’ - which you came to know today. Qur'an mentions that 1400 years ago… ‘Will you not then believe?’ It is asking you a question - It wants a reply. The Qur'an says in Surah Nur, Ch. No. 24, Verse No. 45, that… ‘We have created every living animal from water’. The Qur'an says in Surah Furqan, Ch. No. 25, Verse No 54… ‘We have created the man from water’. Imagine 1400 years ago, the Qur'an mentions this. In the field of ‘Botany’, we have come to know recently, that even the plants have got sexes - male and female - previously we did not know that. Even the Unisexual plant has got distinct characteristic of male and female. The Qur'an says in Surah Ta Ha, Ch. No. 20, Verse No 53… ‘It is Allah who sends down water from the sky and causes diverse pairs of plants to grow, each separate from the other’. That means, the plants have got sexes - Male and Female. The Qur'an says in Surah Rad, Ch. No. 13, Verse No 3… ‘We have created every kind of fruit, in pairs two and two’. Even the fruit has have got sexes - Male and Female. In the field of ‘Zoology’, the Holy Qur'an says in Surah Anam, Ch. No. 6, Verse No 38, that… ‘We have created every living animal that lives on the earth and every bird that flies on the wings in the air, to live in communities like you’. Today science has discovered that even the animals and birds live in communities, like the human beings. The Qur'an describes the flight of the bird in Surah Nahl, Ch. No. 16. Verse No 79… ‘Do you not look at the bird subjected in the midst in the air?’ None of them can hold them up except with the power of Allah (SWT)’. The Qur'an repeats in Surah Mulk, Ch. No. 67, Verse No 19… ‘Do you not observe the birds above you? They spread their wings and they fold it. None can hold them up except with the power of Allah (SWT). And He watches over all things’. This verse of the Holy Qur'an - there is a very striking resemblance with what modern science has discovered today, that the birds have got a certain migratory programming in their nervous system. That is the reason that young birds, without any prior experience, can take flights of thousands of miles without a guide and they come back to the departure point also. And a very good example is given by Professor Hamburger in his book ‘Power and fragility of the Mutton bird’. The Mutton bird lives in the Pacific - It has a journey of more than 15,000 miles, and it takes about six months, and it comes back to the departure point in a delay of not more than one week. How is it possible? Scientists say, ‘there has to be a certain programming of these birds’. Who is programming them? But natural, as the Holy Qur'an says ‘Allah (SWT) holds them up’ - The Arabic word 'Amsaka' meaning to seize or to hold. The Qur'an says in Surah Nahl, Ch. No. 16, Verse No. 68 and 69… ‘It is the Lord who has taught the bees to build cells, in hills, in trees and human habitations and to eat of what the earth produces, and to find the spacious path of the Lord, with great skill’. What does the Qur'an mean by… ‘Allah (SWT) has taught the bee to find the spacious path of the Lord?’ Fon Frisch, who is a scientist, he got the Noble Prize, in 1973, when he described the behavior of the animals, specially the communication method of the be. And today we have come to know, that when ever a worker bee finds a new flower or a new garden from where it can take nectar, it goes and tells its fellow bees, the exact direction and map of that new flower or garden - It is called as the ‘bee dance’. Only today, we have come to know by high photographic method - how is this communication given. The gender used in the Holy Qur'an in these Verses of Surah Nahl, Ch. No. 16, Verse 68, and 69 is a female gender ‘Quli’, or ‘Fasluki’ which means a ‘Female bee’. Previously we thought it was the male bee which was the worker bee. No wonder, Shakespeare in his play Henry the IV - he writes that the soldier bee, the male bee goes and reports to the king. Today we have come to know - it is not the king which they report to, It is the queen - and the worker bee is not the Male bee – It is a Female bee. *** 09 Sec
Imagine! Qur'an speaks about the gender of the worker bee 1400 years ago, which we have discovered today. The Holy Qur'an says in Surah Ankabut, Ch. No. 29, Verse No 41, that… ‘As to those who take for protectors, anyone besides Allah (SWT) they build for themselves houses like that of the spider - and verily, the house of the spider is fragile, it is delicate’. Besides, the Qur'an saying, that anyone who takes for protectors anyone besides Allah (SWT), the physical nature of their house will be like that of the spider fragile, delicate, flimsy - it also gives a reference to their family life, which we have to know today, that many a times, the female spider kills the male spider. The Qur'an says in Surah Naml, Ch. No. 27, Verse No 17 and 18, that… ‘before Solomon marched, the hosts of jinns, men and birds, and when they reached a lowly valley of ants, one of the ants said ‘get ye into your habitation, lest Solomon and his horses unknowingly will trample you beneath the feet’. People will think… ‘What kind of a fairy tale book is the Holy Qur'an? - This book the Holy Qur'an… It is speaking about ants - Ants talking among themselves – It is a fairy tale book’. Today we have come to know, that any animal or any insect which has the closest resemblance to that of the human being… it is the ant. The ants bury the dead the same way as the human beings do. They have a sophisticated method and division of labour, where they have manager, supervisor, workers, etc. They very often meet to chat. They have a sophisticated method of communication. They have market places where they exchange goods. And when they store the grain in winter, and if the grain begins to bud, the ants cut the bud as though they knew that budding will cause rotting of the grain. And in Monsoon, if the grain gets wet, they bring it out in the sunlight to dry. Surely you might have seen the ants carrying grain in the sunlight to dry as though they knew that humidity will cause the development of root system, which will cause rotting of the grain. So Qur'an speaks about the advanced nature of the ants, 1400 years ago. In the field of Medicine, the holy Qur'an says in Surah Nahl, Ch. No. 16, Verse No. 68 and 69, that… ‘From the belly of the bee you get a drink of varying colours, in which there is healing for mankind’. It is recently we have come to know that the honey we have is derived from the bee. It is the bee which is responsible for the honey - We did not know about this before. And today we know honey has got high nutritive values. It is rich in vitamin K, and Fructose and it has got mild antiseptic properties. No wonder the Russian soldiers, they used honey to cover up their wounds which prevented the evaporation of moisture and left very little scar tissue. Any person suffering from an allergy of a particular plant - if honey produced from that plant is given, that person starts developing resistance to that allergy. In the field of ‘Physiology’, it was Ibne Nafees, who 600 years after the revelation of the Holy Qur'an, described the blood circulation. And 1000 years after the revelation of the holy Qur'an, that is 400 years after Ibne Nafees described the blood circulation William Harvey, he made it famous to the Western World. The food that we eat, it enters the stomach, it enters the intestine, from the intestine it goes into the blood vessels of the intestine and enters the blood circulation - and the blood circulation takes the foods substance to various organs including the mammary glands which produce milk. The Qur'an speaks about the blood circulation, and the production of milk in a nut shell, in Surah Nahl, Ch. No. 16, Verse No. 66, where it says, that… ‘Verily in the cattle is a lesson for you’. We give you to drink from what is within their bodies, coming from the conjunction of the constituents, of the intestine and blood, milk which is pure and pleasant for those who drink’. The Qur'an says in Surah Muminun, Ch. No. 23, Verse No. 21, which was also recited by our Qari, brother Ashraf Mohammedy. It says that… ‘Verily in the cattle, is an instructive sign for you. We give you to drink from what is within their bodies in which there is various benefit and of their meat you can eat’. Qur'an describes the blood circulation and the production of milk in a nut shell, 1400 years ago. In the field of ‘Embryology’, there were a group of Arab students who collected all the matter in the Holy Qur'an, dealing with ‘Embryology’. And they followed the guidance of the Holy Qur'an in Surah Furqan, Ch. No. 25, Verse 59, which says… ‘if you are in doubt, ask the person who knows - ask the person who is knowledgeable’. So they took all the data given in the Holy Qur'an dealing with ‘Embryology’, and presented it to Professor Keith Moore. Professor Keith Moore is the head and chairman of the department of Anatomy, in the University of Toronto in Canada, and is one of the leading authorities in the world in the field of Embryology. When Professor Keith Moore went through the translation of the various Verses No. of the Qur'an, dealing with Embryology, he said, that most of the things which the Qur'an speaks about Embryology is matching with the latest discoveries made in the field of Embryology, but there are a couple of things, which I cannot say that they are right. Neither can I say that they are wrong, because I myself do not know about it. And one such Verse, was from Surah Iqra, or Surah Alaq, Ch. No. 96, Verse No. 1 and 2 which says… (Arabic)… ‘Read, Recite or Proclaim - in the name of thy Lord, who created - who created the human beings from something which clings - a leech like substance’. So Professor Keith Moore said, I do not know whether the embryo looks like a leech or not. So he went in his laboratory and under a very powerful microscope, examined the shape of the early stage of Embryo, and compared it with a photograph of a leech, and he was astonished at the striking resemblance. And when he was asked about 80 questions on Embryology taken from the Holy Qur'an and Hadith, he said… ‘that if you would have asked me all these things 30 years ago, I would not be able to answer more than 50% of this. Because Embryology… the development of Embryology, is just recently, hardly 30 to 50 years, it is advanced’. And Professor Keith Moore, he had written a book - ' The Developing Human'… and in his new edition, the 3rd edition, he has incorporated the new things which he found from the Qur'an and the Hadith - for which he got an award for the best medical book written in that year by any single author. And when I was doing my MBBS in the first year, we referred to this book 'Developing Human' by Keith Moore. If we wanted to score high marks, in ‘Embryology’, we referred to the book by Keith Moore. If we wanted to get just passing marks, we referred to Inderbir Singh. But if we wanted to score, we had to refer to the book by Professor Keith Moore. And later on this book was translated into several languages of the world. Professor Keith Moore said, ‘I have got no objection, in accepting that Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him) is the… the messenger of God Almighty, and that the Holy Qur'an has to be a Divine Revelation’.
The Holy Qur'an says in Surah Tariq, Ch. No. 86, Verse No. 5 to 7… ‘Let now man think from what he is created - he is created from a drop, emitted from a space between the backbone and the ribs’. Today we have come to know, the genital organs - the testes, in the males, and the ovaries in the female, in the Embryonic stage - they develop from a space, where the kidney is present today, between the backbone and the 11th and 12th rib. Later on the testes they descend to the inguinal canal, into the scrotum - and the ovaries in the female to the true pelvis. But in the Embryonic stage, It is in the space which the Qur'an speaks about… ‘between the backbone, the spinal column and the 11th and 12th rib’. Even in the adult life after the Genital organs they descend - yet they receive the blood supply - the nerve supply and the lymphatic drainage from the same space between the spinal column and the 11th and 12th rib. The holy Qur'an mentions in Surah Muminun, Ch. No. 23, Verse No. 13, as well as Surah Al Hajj, Ch. No. 22, Verse No. 5 that… ‘We have created the human beings from a ‘Nutfah’ . The Arabic word ‘Nutfah’ - that the human beings have been created from ‘Nutfah’, is mentioned in the Qur'an no less than 11 times and the word ‘Nutfah’, is mentioned 12 times, but human beings created from ‘Nutfah’ is mentioned 11 times. The Arabic word ‘Nutfah’ means a minute quantity of liquid. The Holy Qur'an says in Surah Sajdah, Ch. No. 32, Verse No. 8, that… ‘We have created the human beings from a quintessence of liquid’. The Arabic word is ‘Sulala’ meaning a minute quantity, or the best part of the whole. And today we have come to know, only one sperm actually - it penetrates the ovum, and only one sperm is required to fertilize the ovum, out of the tens of millions of sperms, which the man ejaculates. Qur'an refers to it as ‘Sulala’, the best part of the whole or ‘Nutfah’ a minute quantity. The Qur'an says in Surah Insaan, Ch. No. 76, Verse No. 2…(Arabic) … The word means ‘Nutfanmsaj’ means… ‘We have created the human being from a minute quantity of mingled fluids’. ‘Nutfanamsaj’, minute quantity of mingled fluids. This can refer to the male and female gametes - after they are formed… the ‘Zygote’ - it yet remains a ‘Nutfah’ - a minute quantity of liquid. It can also refer to the spermatic fluid, which contains several secretions from various glands, like the testis, the ‘Sero fluid’, which contains the ‘Spermatozoons’ - it also includes the secretions from the Seminal ‘Vessicles’, the seminal fluids, which is a reservoir of ‘Somatel Zoones’, but does not contain the fertilizing agent. Also it refers the secretion of the Prostatic glands, which gives the creamy texture and the characteristic odour to the sperm, as well as glands attached to the Urinary tract - the Coopers gland or the Litters gland, which gives the specific texture of mucous, to the sperm. The Qur'an refers to as 'Nutfanamsaj'… to minute quantity of mingled fluid - male and female gametes surrounded by these fluids which are responsible, for the birth of the human being. The Holy Qur'an says in Surah Al Zumur, Ch. No. 39, Verse No. 6… ‘We have created the human beings in the wombs of their mother, in stages - one after the other in three veils of darkness’. Professor Keith Moore said these three veils of darkness refers to the Anterior Abdominal wall of the mother, the Uterine wall, and the Amnio - Chodionic membrane. The Qur'an also speaks about ‘Genetics’. The Qur'an says… in Surah Najm, Ch. No. 53, Verse No. 45 and 46, that… ‘We have created the human beings and made them into male and female through minute quantity of liquid which is ejaculated’. But natural if it is ejaculated, it has to be a male fluid. Qur'an says it is the male which is responsible for the sex of the child. The Qur'an repeats this message in Surah Qiyamah, Ch. No. 75, Verse No. 37, and 39, that… ‘We have created the human beings from a minute quantity of sperm and then made it into an ‘Alaqa’ - a leech-like substance - then gave it due proportion, then made it into sex male - and female’. The Arabic word ‘Nutfatam Minmani Yumna’, means a minute quantity of sperm. Qur'an says a minute quantity of sperm is required for sex of the child. Today science has come to know that the sex of the child depends upon the 23rd pair of Chromosome, and it is the sperm which is responsible for deciphering the sex of the child. If it is 'XX'… it is a female. If it is an 'XY'… it is a male. Qur'an has mentioned this 1400 years ago. In a society, specially in the Indian society, for reasons known best to them, people prefer having a male child. And suppose the daughter in law, if she gives birth to a female child, the mother-in-law normally blames the daughter-in-law. If the mother-in-law has to blame anyone, she should blame the son, not the daughter-in-law… because the Holy Qur'an and science tells us, that it is the male which is responsible for the sex of the child and not the female. The Qur'an describes the various Embryological stages in great detail. In Surah Muminun, Ch. No. 23, Verse No 12 to 14, it says… ‘We have created the human beings from a quintessence of clay, then made it into a drop, placed it into ‘Qarare Makeen’ place of security, then made it into an ‘Alaqa’, something which clings, a leech like substance, made that ‘Alaqa’ into ‘Mudga’, a chewed like lump, made that ‘Mudga’, into ‘Izama’ bones, then clothed the ‘Izama’, bones with ‘Lahem’ that is flesh and then made it into a creature – Blessed is He, the best to create’.
This verse of the Holy Qur'an, from 12 to 14 of Surah Muminun, Ch. No. 23, describes the Embryological stages in great detail. It starts with saying… ‘We have placed the ‘Nutfah’ the minute quantity into ‘Qaraare Makeen’, a place of security’. Today Embryology tells us, that the Embryo is protected posteriorily by the back bone and the posterior muscles of the mother - anteriorily by, the anterior abdominal wall, by the uterine wall as well as the Amnochodianic membrane. It continues… ‘then we made it into an ‘Alaqa’, a leech like substance, something which clings’. The Arabic word ‘Alaqa’, has got 3 meanings: something which clings, a leech like substance, as well as blood clot. Alhamdulillah, all three meanings are applicable here, because the Embryo, in the initial stages - it clings to the uterine wall of the mother. It looks like a ‘leech’, as confirmed by Professor Keith Moore. It also behaves like a ‘leech’, it behaves like a blood sucker, it derives the blood supply and the nutrition from the mother. And at this stage - if an abortion takes place, the concept is, it looks like a blood clot. It looks like a blood clot as well as a leech. So Qur'an, in one word it implies three meanings, which all are applicable. Qur'an mentions this word ‘Alaqa’ no less then six times. Twice in Surah Muminun, Ch. No. 23, Verse No. 12 to 14; Surah Hajj, Ch. No. 22, Verse No 5; Surah Ghafir, Ch. No. 40, Verse 67; Surah Qiyamah, Ch. No. 75, Verse 38; as well as in Surah Iqra, Ch. No. 96, Verse No 2. Six times it is mentioned. Previously, in the 17th century people thought that the sperm, it walled a miniature human being. A miniature human being was present in the head of the sperm, which later on developed into the uterus of the mother, as a new born baby. This was believed by Swamadamm, who proposed the ‘Perforation theory’. Later on, when they discovered that the ovum is bigger than the sperm - De Graaf and others, they said it is not the sperm which walls a miniature human being - It is the ovum which walls a miniature human being. Later on, Mophartus in the eighteen century, he proposed the ‘Bi-parental theory’ - that both are responsible. As the Qur'an says, both the sperm and the ovum is responsible for the birth of the child. Qur'an says, we made that ‘Alaqa’, into a ‘Mudga’. ‘Mudga’ means ‘chewed like lump’, or something tacky which can be put in the mouth. Professor Keith Moore said, ‘both these meanings are applicable, because it is something tacky which can be put in the mouth’ - and later on he took a plaster seal and bit it between his teeth, to look like a Mudga, ‘a chewed like lump’. And he was astonished that the teeth marks resembled the ‘Somites’, from which develops the spinal column. The Qur'an says, 'We made that ‘Mudga’ into ‘Izama’… bones. We clothed the ‘Izaman’ with ‘lahem’… flesh, and muscles. Allah says… ‘Then, We create the ‘Al-Nasha’ stage, We create a new creature’. What does the Qur'an mean … ‘We have created a new creature’? - Science today, tells us that the embryological stages of development, before this stage, in the rabbit, in the fish, in the other animals, it is similar to that of the human beings. It is only at this stage of ‘Al-Nasha’, that the particular characteristics of the human beings are seen - the head, the hands and the feet. The Qur'an says… ‘We have made a new creature’, and ends by saying – ‘Blessed is He, who is the best to create’. Imagine, Qur'an gives the various Embryological stages in great detail. There was a person who put forward an argument – ‘It is nothing new; may be some Arab - he opened up the abdomen of a pregnant woman and checked the shape and wrote in the Qur'an’. He did not realise that all these stages, which the Qur'an describes, it cannot be observed with the naked human eye - you require a very powerful microscope. When Professor Marshall Johnson was asked to comment of these Verses - He is the head of the department of ‘Anatomy’ in the Daniel Institute, in Sir Thomas Jefferson's hospital in Philadelphia, USA. He said – ‘It can be possible that Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him) - he had a microscope and he observed it’. Then, he was reminded that… ‘Microscope was not invented 1400 years ago’. So, Professor Marshall Johnson laughed loudly, and he said – ‘Yes, I know that - and I have seen the first microscope with my own eyes - It hardly enlarges to ten times and the picture is not even clear’. Then he said – ‘These stages has to be a Divine Revelation’. He was further asked to comment, on the verse of the Qur'an from Surah Hajj, Ch. No. 22, Verse No 5, which says… ‘We have created the human beings from dust then made it into an ‘Alaqa’, made it into a ‘Mudga’, partly formed and partly unformed’. When you take an incision at this stage, and analyze the Embryo - and cut up the internal organs, you will find out that the internal organs at this particular stage, some of the organs are formed while the other organs - they are not formed. So Professor Marshall Johnson said – ‘If I said, that it is a complete creation, I am only describing those organs which are formed’ - If I say It is an incomplete creation, I am only describing those organs which are not formed. There can be no better description than the Holy Qur'an, saying… ‘Partly formed and partly unformed’, because some organs are formed, the others are not formed - some cells are differentiated, the others are not differentiated’. Professor Keith Moore said, that… ‘Today in Embryology we have got several stages of the Embryological development, but it is so difficult, to understand it, because it has got numerical stages - stage 1, stage 2, stage 3. The Qur'an bases the stages on shapes, and predated development, which is far superior and easy than what modern Embryology has done today’. If the Embryologists… they describe according to the stages of the Qur'an, it is far more easier for them to describe and understand, than what modern Embryology has done - stage 1, stage 2, stage 3. The Qur'an says in Surah Abasa, Ch. No. 80, Verse 19 and 20… ‘We have created the human beings from minute quantity and We have made the passage of birth easy’. People normally wonder, that how can the birth canal which hardly admit is 3 to 4 fingers - how can a baby come out of it? The bony structure is so rigid, it has got Ligament - How is it possible? Qur'an says… ‘Allah makes the pathway easy’. And today we have come to know that how is it possible. Relaxin is being secreted by the ovaries and the placenta which loosens the ligament of the pelvic joints and softens the cervix. The uterine contraction that take place, it pushes the baby downwards in the birth canal. The bag of water which ruptures, it provides a slippery surface for the baby to come out, to slide and the various movements of the baby, while birth facilitates the movement through the irregular pelvic joints. Qur'an say that… ‘Allah makes the pathway easy’. Qur'an is giving you signs. It is showing you various Embryological stages. Who could have described all these stages? They are asking you a question – ‘Will you not then believe? … Will you not then believe in the Holy Qur'an?’ The Qur'an says in Surah Sajda, Ch. No. 32, Verse No 9… ‘We have given the human beings the faculty of hearing and sight’. It is repeated in Surah Insaan, Ch. No. 76, Verse No 2… ‘We have given the faculty of hearing and sight, to the human being’. Today we have come to know the first sense to develop, is the sense of hearing - Qur'an says… ‘First hearing then sight’. By the fifth month of pregnancy It is complete - the ear, later on in the seventh month of pregnancy, the eye split is open. Imagine Qur'an gives the order - first comes hearing, then comes sight. Professor Durgarao, who is an expert in the field of ‘Marine Geology’ who is teaching in the university of King Abdul Aziz in Jeddah, he was asked to give his comments on a verse of the Holy Qur'an. From Surah Nur, Ch. No. 24, Verse No. 40, which says that… ‘The state of the unbeliever is like the depth of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with waves topped with waves, topped with dark clouds, the depths of darkness, one layered over the other. When a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it, Allah gives light to whom He wishes. If He does not give light you cannot see’. Professor Durgarao, he said that… ‘This verse of the Holy Qur'an is not speaking about a normal sea – It is speaking about a deep sea. And today, only with the help of things like submarines, we have come to know the depths of the oceans - It is dark. Previously, we did not know that, because a man cannot go unaided, more than 20 to 30 metres under water - And if he goes more than 200 metres unaided, he dies. It is today, we have come to know, by the instruments that we have, that the depths of ocean is dark’. And he said… ‘This darkness is due to two phenomena - first is due to successive absorption of the colours in layers’. As we all know, the light has got Seven colours - And we learnt in school for remembering easy: VIBGYOR, the colours of the rainbow. Vibgyor - V for violet, I for Indigo, B for blue, G for Green, Y for Yellow, O for Orange, and Red… R for Red – Vibgyor… Seven colours. Professor Durgarao said, that ‘When the light enters the ocean - by the first 15 to 20 meters, the Red colour is absorbed’. And if a man goes under water about 30 meters deep, and if he bleeds, if he has a wound, he will not be able to see his own blood - because Red colour does not reach there. Later on, 30 to 50 metres absorbs Orange. Yellow is absorbed by next 50 to 100 metres, green by 100 to 200 metres, and blue beyond 200 metres, and violet and indigo much above 200 metres. Therefore, the layers of darkness you see in the ocean, is due to the absorption of light in successive layers’. ‘The second reason for these layers’, Professor Durgarao said… ‘is due to barriers, like the clouds’. When the sunlight hits is the cloud, the cloud absorbs the light - therefore there is darkness below the cloud, then the light is scattered. After getting scattered, it hits is at the superficial waves of the ocean. This is the second barrier, the waves reflect the light further, the superficial waves of the ocean. Those light rays which are not reflected, they enter the ocean. Therefore, you have two types of layers in the ocean: ‘the superficial layer and the deep layer’. The superficial layer is warm and lit up, the deep layers, they are dark. And this superficial and deep layer of the ocean - it is divided by internal waves. We human beings did not know, that even there were internal waves - We only knew of superficial waves. It was only in 1900, that we have come to know that there are even waves deep in the water. They are known as internal waves, which divide the superficial part of the ocean and the deep part of the ocean. Imagine the Qur'an mentions that… ‘the unbelievers' state is like the depth of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with waves topped with waves’. That means - deep waves are there, internal waves are there, topped with superficial waves. And it further continues… ‘topped with dark clouds’. The clouds are the barriers, and even the clouds are in layers. And when a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it. ‘Only if Allah gives light, can they see’. Even the fish that swim in the deep part of the ocean, they cannot see unless they have their own light with them. They have their own lights with them. Even the submarine that goes underwater, it carries its own light, otherwise they cannot see underwater. So when Professor Durgarao was asked, how come this is mentioned in the Qur'an 1400 years ago, he said – ‘It is impossible for any human being to mention this verse - This Qur'an has to be a Divine Revelation’.
The Holy Qur'an says in Surah Qiyamah, Ch. No. 75, Verse No. 3 and 4… ‘The unbelievers ask, that how will Allah (SWT) be able to reassemble our bones’. Allah says… ‘We can not only reassemble the bones, We can even reconstruct in perfect order the very finger tips’. When the unbelievers say… ‘After we are buried, after our bones have got disintegrated, how will Allah (SWT) on the day of judgment, reassemble our bones’. So Allah says… ‘He will not only be able to reassemble the bones, He can even reconstruct your very fingertip in perfect order’. It is referring to the finger printing method, which was discovered by Sir Francis Gold in 1880, and he said that - ‘No two finger prints, of two individuals are equal even in a million people’. No wonder the police, the CID, the CIA, the FBI - they use the finger printing method to identify the culprit. Qur'an speaks about that 1400 years ago… ‘Allah can not only reassemble the bones, he can even reconstruct in perfect order the very finger tips’. Allah (SWT) is asking you in Surah Nisa, Ch. No. 4 Verse 82… (Arabic)… ‘Do not you consider the Qur'an with care? – Do not you ponder over the Qur'an with care? that if it had been from any one besides Allah, there would have been many contradiction - there would have been many discrepancies’. Qur'an is giving you a challenge - Here is the Holy Qur'an, try and take out a single discrepancy - try and take out a single fault in the Holy Qur'an. It is giving you a challenge, an open challenge…. ‘Why don't you analyze the Qur'an with care - had it been from anyone besides Allah, there would have been many contradictions’. I would like to end my talk by giving the example of Professor Tagata Tagashon. Previously, the doctors they thought that only the brain was responsible for feeling of pain. It is now we have come to know that there are certain receptors in the skin, called as ‘pain receptors’, which are also responsible of feeling of pain. No wonder when a patient of burn injury comes to a doctor, he takes a pin and he pricks it in that area. If the patient feels pain, doctor is very happy - It means It is a superficial burn, the pain receptors are intact. If he does not feel pain, It is a deep burn, the pain receptors have been destroyed. The Qur'an says in Surah Nisa, Ch. No. 4, Verse No. 56, ‘As to those who reject our signs, We shall cast them into the hell fire, and as often as their skins are roasted, We shall give them fresh skins, so that they shall feel the pain’. Qur'an says… ‘If your skin is roasted, We shall give you fresh skin, so that you'll feel the pain’. Giving an indication… there is something in the skin which is responsible for the feeling of pain – Indication is the pain receptor. When Professor Tagada Tagashon, who is the head of the department of Anatomy, in Shangma University in Thailand - he was given the translation of this verse. And he has spent a lot of time in doing research on pain receptors, he said… ‘It is impossible that Qur'an can mention this. We discovered it recently – How is it possible?’ - He did not agree with it. Later on, after checking with the Holy Qur'an, after verifying the Holy Qur'an, he was so impressed, that in the 8th Medical Saudi Conference, in Riyadh in the Conference, he said the Shahadah … ‘La Ilaha Il Allah, Muhammadur Rasulallah’. ‘There is no God but Allah, and Prophet Muhammed is the messenger of Allah (SWT)’. Wa Aakhirudawana Anil Hamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen.
(Glimpses of Question and Answer session)
(Q). Assalaamalaikum - I am Kausar Shaikh, a product of Darul Qur'an, Kuwait - Presently, I am teaching Arabic in Anushakti Nagar. My question is: it is mentioned in the Qur'an that… ‘One day in the sight of Allah is equal to a 1000 years, and in another place it is mentioned that one day is equal to 50,000 years’. Is not the Qur'an contradicting itself? Please explain.
(Q). Assalaamu Alaikum, Zakir Bhai - My name is Shakir, and I am a Mechanical Engineering student. I would like to ask you a question, that how can you prove to an Atheist scientifically the existence of God.
(Dr. Zakir) The first thing I will do, is that I will congratulate that Atheist. I will congratulate him - You know why? If you look around us - he is a Hindu, because father is a Hindu - He is a Christian, because father is a Christian - Some Muslims, are Muslims because their fathers are Muslims. This person, though he may be coming from a religious background, he does not believe in the false god which his parents attribute to - So he does not believe in God. I am congratulating him because, he has accepted the first part of the ‘Shahadah’, the first part of the Islamic creed, 'La Ilahaa'… ‘There is no God’. Now, my job is to prove 'Illallah'… ‘but Allah’ - which I shall do InshAllah.
(Q). At one place, the Holy Qur'an states that… ‘Man is created from sperm’, which is in conciliate with modern science - but at another place it also states that… ‘Man is made from dust’. Now isn't the Holy Qur'an contradicting itself? - or is it conciliate with modern science?
(Q). Qur'an in several places has mentioned that… ‘The heavens and the earth were created in six days’, but in Surah Fussilat, it says… ‘The heaven and the earth was created in eight days’ - Isn't this a contradiction? In the same verse also says that… ‘The earth was created in six days, and then later on the heaven in two days’. This is against the Big Bang Theory that… ‘The heavens and earth were created simultaneously’.
(Q). With regard to the evolution of Homo Sapiens - you have Charles Darwin in Science, giving an explanation that… ‘It is because of the process of natural selection, that the human beings have evolved’. Now this it seems to be in contradiction with the Islamic belief, that we have… we are the children of Adam Alaihissalaam - Now how can this be reconciled?
(Dr. Zakir) I have not come across any book which says, ‘Fact of Evolution’. All the books say…‘Theory of Evolution’ - There is no book I have come across saying ‘Fact of Evolution’. If I have to insult someone that… ‘If you were present Darwin's time, this theory would have been proved right’ - trying to insinuate, that he looks like an Ape. It is a joke we make.
(Q). In the Qur'an, it is stated that ‘the hearts of the unbelievers are sealed’.But according to science it is the brain that thinks - and not the heart - Your comments please.
(Q). When Qur'an speaks so much about Science, then how come the Muslims are so backward in the field of Science?
(Dr. Zakir) I do agree with you – today… today the Muslims are getting backward in Science - You know why? The Europeans are being advanced - You know why? The Muslims are becoming backward, because they are going away from the Holy Qur'an - they are going away from the Religion. And do you know why the Europeans are getting advanced? They too are going away from their Religion.
(Q). I am a student of Saboo Siddik - My name is Harsh Waghela.
I want to ask a question that after the death of human being, dead body should be burnt out or should be buried?
(Q). It is mentioned in one verse of …of the Qur'an that… ‘Allah is the Lord of the two Easts, and two Wests. How can you explain this verse of the Qur'an, scientifically?