2008-08-12 15:29:02 UTC
"LDS in Utah know more about the inner workings than those on the outside."
"They will take a grain of truth and twist it if they have been trained enough, or try to get you to their experts for brainwashing if they haven't been trained enough yet."
"However, while trying to convince you that your Church is wrong and the Mormon Church is right, there are several points they intentionally leave out."
"It hurts me to see people whom I love and care for be so "hoodwinked" by this false religion."
"Most mormons do not even know "what" they believe. A family has to be in a certain number of generations before they get to know the real doctrine!"
on and on....
I was a convert about 8 or 9 years ago, I go to the temple regularly and teach Sunday School. I didnt go on a mission, I have never been to any special training classes etc... I read many books and like to think of myself as well versed in the scriptures and doctrines of the church. Everything I know about the church can be found on LDS.org or in a bookstore. So would someone like to tell me what my church believes that I dont know about?
I dont mean to be argumentative, but I believe there has got to be quite a bit of misunderstanding for people to persist with these comments. Lets get them out in the open and discuss them.