Why do atheist celebrate Christmas?
2015-10-18 21:14:22 UTC
Its a Christian holiday, and if you no religious beliefs whats really the point? Its a day to honor Jesus Christ. Not hating on anyone for what they believe in i'm just wondering, I know a Atheist that seems to have a hate on Christianity and they still celebrate Christmas, I just don't get it,
77 answers:
Just Kevin
2015-10-18 21:19:57 UTC
I may not celebrate it for the same reasons as the religious but it's a time of year that I donate the most money and really enjoy the lights and how people just seem to be a little nicer to each other.

Oh, the Christmas movies have always been one of my favorite parts of Christmas.
Steve B
2015-10-19 07:42:38 UTC
Last I checked, Christians took over a pagan holiday.

Also, you don't get to dictate my activities.

I celebrate Christmas for the same reason every other Holiday (or basically a day off work).

On Christmas and Thanksgiving, I typically have a rather large feast with family.

At some point during the day, I see friends and relatives. We used to do the same on Easter.

We would have picnics on Labor / Memorial day.

None of these events have religious content.

In 2014, my Jewish wife and I rented a cabin near Mendocino over Christmas.

Would it surprise you that the subject of your imaginary deity never arose?

I presently have no plans for Christmas 2015.

But, I suspect that I will involve a short trip somewhere along the California coast.
2015-10-18 22:49:24 UTC
Dec 21st is the Winter Solstice. It's the heart of winter for the Northern Hemisphere. The days after when "the sun starts to return" has been a feast of celebration for thousands of years before Christianity first arrived and will continue to be so long after Christianity fades away.

Oh and Jesus most probably was born around April/May. So no, Christmas has 100% nothing to do with Christianity. It's was only centuries later that the Christians moved the celebration to the Winter Solstice and renamed it in an effort to connect better with the Pagan traditions (which succeeded remarkably well, Christianity spread like a plague).
2015-10-18 21:38:39 UTC
Modern Christmas is just a result of early Christian cultures assimilating the pagan traditions of conquered peoples. For Christians, it's a religious holiday, but there's no rule saying that nobody else can observe it in some other way. Personally, I celebrate Christmas because I enjoy the family time. Your expectation that an atheist should cast off all connections in the interest of protesting a holiday is simply disconnected from reality.
2015-10-18 23:44:55 UTC
First off, Christmas is a holiday created by the Christian faith by stealing (as it did with many other things) from the Pagan religion. Christmas takes place around Dec 21, the Winter Solstice aka Yule, where the Northern Hemisphere begins to tilt back toward the sun where the Southern Hemisphere tilts away.

Second, there is evidence that points at the fact that Jesus (had he existed) was born in the late spring. (Some of these points have been pointed out before)

Third, ever since the Roman Emperor Constantine (the first I believe), any and all pagan religions had been driven underground. Either the pagans of that era had been 1. killed because they didn't convert 2. converted to save their lives. How do you think we have half of the days of the weeks named after Norse deities (Thursday = Thor's Day is a good example. Friday = Fyr's Day is another)
2015-10-19 08:40:07 UTC
Why perpetuate the silly Chrsitian lie?

Christmas is nothing to do with either Christianity or Islam but it does have it's origins in the midwinter festival and many other basically pagan rites but since much of it is a celebration of nature rather than religion everyone should be able to enjoy it and be happy together despite religion!!

The ancient European pagans celebrated the midwinter festival and a number of other festivals long before Christianity ever existed!

Babylonians celebrated the feast of the Son of Isis with gluttonous eating and drinking, and gift giving and the goddess of fertility, love, and war.

The Romans held a festival on 25 December called “Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, celebrating their own god Sol Invictas - PAGAN.

The Persian god Mithras, the Syrian sun god Elah Gabal, the German Sol, the Greek Helios and the Mesopotamian Shamash. But also Saturnalia, honouring Saturn, the God of Agriculture. The law courts and schools were closed. No public business could be transacted an this is where the holidays originated - ALL PAGAN!!!

Wax tapers were given by the more humble to their superiors. The origin of the Christmas candle - PAGAN!!

In Rome groups of costumed went from house to house entertaining their people. And this was where the carolling Christmas tradition originated PAGAN!!

Statues of the Mother and lover or Mother and son were paraded through the streets not only in Italy but also in Africa, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany and Bulgaria. Thus, the symbolism of the Heavenly Virgin and the infant child paraded on a yearly basis are not of Christian origin. They stem from the Mother-goddess religion, which is very ancient ENTIRELY PAGAN!!.

Scandinavian countries celebrated Yule honouring Thor - PAGAN.

In Germania (not Germany) they celebrated midwinter night followed by 12 wild nights of eating and drinking. The 12 days of Christmas PAGAN!!

The church under Pope Julius I declared that Christ’s birth would be celebrated on December 25 in 350 AD in order to try to hijack the PAGAN festivals but it was largely ignored. Christians did not really celebrate Christmas until 378 but it was then dropped in 381 and not resurrected until 400.

The Christmas tree stems from pagan tradition and ritual surrounding the Winter Solstice, which included the use of holly boughs ivy and other foliage as an adaptation of pagan tree worship. Holly and ivy represented male and female. Mistletoe was considered a sacred plant, and the custom of kissing under the mistletoe began as a fertility ritual - all PAGAN!!

Santa Claus came from the Dutch “Sinterklaas” and was a tall figure riding a white horse through the air and usually accompanied by Black Peter, an elf who punished disobedient children. Also the origin of the reindeer, sleigh and the elves ALL PAGAN!!

The modern red coated Santa was brought about by coca cola!!

America actually banned Christmas several times and is the originator of the expression “Happy Holidays” which came about because of the pagan origins of Christmas to include all religions and traditions!!

The Venerable Bede, an early Christian writer pointed out that the Christian church absorbed Pagan practices when it found the population unwilling to give up the festivals. Thus a lot of what Christians now see as Christian’s practices are in fact pagan!!!

Christmas is the time of year Christians strive to prove just how pagan they have become!!!
2015-10-19 23:16:18 UTC
Christmas is nothing to do with either Christianity or Islam but it does have it's origins in the midwinter festival and many other basically pagan rites but since much of it is a celebration of nature rather than religion everyone should be able to enjoy it and be happy together despite religion!!

The ancient European pagans celebrated the midwinter festival and a number of other festivals long before Christianity ever existed!

Just because my birthday is March 11 and I do the same on that day, YOU CAN TOO!

It is not a day to honor an imaginary friend--and stories crammed into every elevator and every corner for 3 months. It is my day off, too.
2015-12-16 19:48:20 UTC
Just because it's a day to honor Christ Jesus' birth, doesn't mean that Atheists can't celebrate it. Sure, just take out the prayers, the angels on the tree, the Christian caroling, etc etc. But they can still do the gift-giving, spending time w/ people they love.

I'm a Christian and I have A LOT of friends who don't believe in what I do, but they still love Christmas as much as I do, just not the religious parts.
2015-10-19 16:05:17 UTC
Define celebrate Christmas - If you think about the actual way most people, including Christians, celebrate Christmas has nothing to do with believing in God or Jesus. What does people running each over in stores to buy that Playstation or big-screen TV on sale during Black Friday and decorating an artificial tree have anything to do with religion or God? Also, read your Bible more carefully. It would be unlikely that Jesus was born in December and more likely to have been born during the fall. So why are Christians celebrating in December?? Are they trying to take the focus away and steal other traditions?
2015-10-19 04:18:36 UTC
Why do Atheist "CELEBRATE" Christmas ?

Define Christmas . well according to you its a celebration of Jesus . OK if that is YOUR definition of Christmas

That being the case Then by that Definition I do not Celebrate YOUR Definition of Christmas

. What I do Is have a nice dinner at my home for my friends and family which happens to be a day I get off of work that happens to fall on December 25th

. I am not paying tribute to a Character named Jesus I am having a dinner party .

It is about the same as Having a BIRTHDAY PARTY I am Positive there are Thousands upon thousands of people Born on December 25TH WHO HAVE A PARTY Who are Muslim , Hindu Buddhist Jewish or any other religion


What makes one think iff Jesus is not mentioned or part of the festivities that they are Celebrating what you define as "Christmas"

I know at least 5 people born on Dec . 25th if I give them a party am I celebrating "christmas" ? no

. If one thinks they OWN a day and has AUTHORITY over my actions they suffer from a sense of arrogance and delusion

Have a great day .. Try this go to congress ask them to ban all people except Christians from having any parties on December 25th .. won't work it was Congress who declared it a SECULAR LEGAL HOLIDAY

Here is a REALITY Check for you I love to Yard sale Each July the LOCAL JEWISH SYNAGOGUE has a yard sale That is where I have gotten my best "Christmas" decorations Does that tell you anything about the Reality of the "holiday Season"
2015-10-19 03:26:01 UTC
Why do atheist celebrate Christmas?

Its a Christian holiday, and if you no religious beliefs whats really the point? Its a day to honor Jesus Christ. Not hating on anyone for what they believe in i'm just wondering, I know a Atheist that s

~~~ It has become a secular holiday.

Xtians play their Xtian game.

Everyone else just has a good time without your religious crap.
2015-10-19 14:49:45 UTC
I think a better question would be "Why do christians celebrate Winter Solstice and its attendant festivities?" - singing, yule logs, presents, candles, wreaths,feasting, putting a tree in your house, and dancing? Santa - ?? elves? Sleigh, egg nog

I get bored to death hearing about a babe in a manger - as if that was what the whole thing is about! Silly!

So much of the traditional xtian festivities are pagan - based and I enjoy them.

December 25 doesn't BELONG to anyone. I get off work like you do and I lay around in my PJs and eat too much. I am allowed.

Just because my birthday is March 11 and I do the same on that day, YOU CAN TOO!

It is not a day to honor an imaginary friend--and stories crammed into every elevator and every corner for 3 months. It is my day off, too.
2015-10-19 13:44:12 UTC
Christmas was a Pagan tradition that's evolved and changed over the years. Christmas trees coming in way after the birth of Christ 1700's

Santa based on St Nicholas who was known for giving gifts in secret. Merged with the tradition of gift giving on Christmas. I believe from Turkey.

I also find the birth of Christ was not known and placed on December 25th for the winter solstice and other traditions at that time with the Romans.

My question would be why do Christians celebrate it?
2015-10-18 21:24:55 UTC
Many Jews celebrate a secular Christmas. Why is this question never directed to them? The simple fact is that if you have children it's much easier to celebrate it in some form than it is to deal with gloomy and disappointed kids; plus, most of use were raised celebrating it and it's a custom. That we no longer believer that the mythology behind represents historical fact is irrelevant- the myths were never intended to be interpreted that way in the first place, it's the "historical fact" part of it that's a perversion of the true intent.
2015-10-20 16:05:48 UTC
I'm a 15 year old teenage boy (atheist). The rest of my family celebrates Christmas, and I do too, just because it's a joyful time for everyone, even if you don't believe in Jesus/God. What else am I supposed to do, sulk in the corner because I don't believe in Christmas?
2015-10-18 21:17:32 UTC
You think so? The way I celebrate Christmas, with a tree, ornaments, lights, Santa, reindeer, elves, gingerbread men, etc. I really don't see having a lot to do with Jesus. I think there are many ways to celebrate Christmas. Just because it started of as "Christ mass," does not mean that is what it is for some people today. My celebrating has more to do with the way my ancestors in Northern Europe celebrated/marked the winter solstice. If I had another name for it, it might be neat to use that, but alas, I do not
2015-10-20 17:15:37 UTC
Xmas 25th December. Is the celebration of the sun god Ra. Also strongly linked to Semaramis who claimed life had sprung from a dead tree. Christ's birth date is not mentioned, anywhere in the Bible. It was definitely wasn't December: flocks were in the fields. Early Christians did not celebrate birthdays, pagan NON Christians did. The last Passover Christ had with His disciples is to be held yearly in remembrance of Him and His sacrifice: some prefer to call it the Lord's Supper/ communion. So atheists are merely celebrating a truly NON Christian and pagan holiday, which to me, regarding atheists and their dogma. Is appropriate!
2015-10-19 21:10:05 UTC
I can honestly say I would not if I were an atheist. Neither would I celebrate Easter. I'd feel hypocritical. It might have been a pagan holiday at one time but it is not now. I would take time off work though!
2015-10-19 12:15:09 UTC
I could direct this question to christians.."why do you celebrate a holiday that is pagan in origin and has nothing to do with biblical teachings?"

Clearly athiest celebrate Christmas due to the traditions certain societies that keep Christmas and yes you can celebrate it without the the belief.
2015-10-20 14:04:54 UTC
Christmas has nothing to do with religion when it really comes down to it. Think about it. Sure Christ is in Christmas, but christmas itself is the Holliday where people set aside their anger and regretions and get along for one day with positive output. Who wouldn't want to celebrate such a holiday? Saying you own it because of your religious outputs is a very selfish act especially for your savior. He would be bowing his head in shame you could not just let everyone celebrate such a positive Holliday regaurdless of religion and beliefs. Christmas gifts are all about the thought that counts. The thought someone cares about you. You don't own it because your Christian. It is for everyone. Jesus would of encouraged positivity and love because he is just that way. You are defying your God by making such assumptions. I am right here and you know it. He is going to have a talk with you for future references when you get to the afterlife.
2015-10-20 13:38:50 UTC
I’m a Christian and I celebrate Christmas. But, honestly, it is pagan holiday that originated in northern Europe. My family comes from Sweden. My parents were Christians. But at Christmas we danced around the Christmas tree singing. You can’t get much more pagan than that.
2015-10-19 09:29:32 UTC
Its a Christian holiday,

- It is a pagan hiloday, Sol Invictus, celebrated for millenia before fundies came along.

if you no religious beliefs whats really the point?

- Santa, presents, parties, things like that.

Its a day to honor Jesus Christ.

- For people who believe in that fantasy, yes.

i'm just wondering,

- Try thinking.

I know a Atheist that seems to have a hate on Christianity

- No, just the psychopaths.

I just don't get it,

- Obviously.
2015-10-19 13:04:01 UTC
I don't. The fact that it falls on the same day and is celebrated in almost the same way is becouse you stole the holiday from the pagans. I say we can share. Isn't that the better solution? It's not just about you and your beliefs. And I wonder, why do Christians put up Christmas trees? Jesus clearly talks against them. And yet, every year millions of devote Christians put one up.
2015-10-18 21:28:01 UTC
Christmas is fun, I love the music, the sales, being off of work and spending time with family and friends, and i really enjoy the traditional foods. The holiday for me, has nothing to do with your fantasy jesus daddy and his birthday, you should read about where christians stole Christmas from and stop worrying about your life being intruded upon by nonbelievers, you are being paranoid and childish...besides the Santa character, even though, fantasy, does a lot more good and is a whole lot nicer than the god daddy character,10 fold, Santa has never killed anyone, he brings joy and togetherness throughout the world and he isn't even real just like your fantasy caregiver in the sky. Ho ho ho!
2015-10-19 09:26:39 UTC
Do you know how many times this question has been asked? There was a pagan winter festival which was held when villagers had got their harvests in and put the fields "to bed".....Christians came long, stole it and called it Christmas. Mo University Lecturer Atheist
2015-10-20 11:50:38 UTC
I'm a Christian but i can understand the reasons non-Christians celebrate Christmas ~~~ it is simply a fun and happy and positive holiday.especially when the focus is on Santa Claus instead of Jesus Christ.

. I've kept Santa Clause and the other fun aspects of Christmas in Christmas just because they are fun and happy and joyful ....... even though i still remember the REAL meaning of Christmas (Jesus Christ's birth .... and His eventual giving Himself to free us from sin and death)

2015-10-18 21:21:50 UTC
I am not an "atheist" as such. I am a Buddhist. My employer forced me to take the days off. I did not volunteer to take the holiday. While we recognize Christ as a Bodhisattva we tend not to engage in commercialized holidays that are based on the birth of the god Myrthos.

So the answer is, society forced us.

Now that I have left the USA, and settled in Singapore, my wife and I do not celibate Christmas at all.

Incidentally, while I do not mind looking at the pretty decorations and stuff, I do not care for the disruption it creates. Honestly, I have to plan around holidays.
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2015-10-20 16:11:10 UTC
I celebrate christmas for cultural reasons. It's for families to spend time together and exchange gifts.
2015-10-18 21:31:40 UTC
Actually, it is a pagan holiday. Christians adopted the indoor tree, the feasting, the gift exchange, the yule log, the mistletoe. Atheists celebrate christmas as acknowledgement of pagan traditions. Christians do likewise, even if they don't realize it.
2015-10-20 10:51:29 UTC
Sense when was Christmas Christian? Last I checked It was always Pagan. the Catholic church added Jesus to it to get more followers. It was Illegal in the United states till 1820. It didn't become a national Holiday till i think 1870.
Brigalow Bloke
2015-10-18 22:11:20 UTC
Christmas has traditionally been a family celebration as well as a religious one, and the festival around the time of the northern hemisphere winter solstice predates Christianity by thousands of years.
2015-10-19 08:37:42 UTC
Childhood upbringing mostly - my family celebrated Christmas so I still do.

Good food, getting together with family and friends - what's not to like?
2015-10-18 21:50:31 UTC
Decorated trees: Nothing to do with Christianity.

Wrapped presents under said tree: Ditto.

Turkey dinners with friends and family: Ditto.

Are you starting to see a pattern here, oh willfully ignorant one ? That you don't get it, doesn't mean that it's not true.

Plus, Tuesday to Thursday commemorate Norse deities, and Friday an old English one. Yet, you use those names, thus giving worship to those deities.
2015-10-19 00:38:54 UTC
Actually it is not a Christian holiday for they do not know when jesus was born. It was and still is a very Pagan holiday as most of that associated with Christmas is Pagan in origin.
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2015-10-19 22:00:23 UTC
2015-10-18 21:26:17 UTC
It is both a Pagan winter festival, and a secular holiday.

Far as I can tell, it hasn't got anything to do with christianity.

Christians hijacked that along with the rest of their religion.

Nothing about christianity is unique, it was all done before,
2015-10-18 21:16:31 UTC
Leaving aside that Christmas has been hijacked by Christians from earlier religions, why have you got a problem with a person (of any or no faith) enjoying a celebration with their own family on a public holiday?

Grinch much?
2015-10-19 13:55:44 UTC
I do because it's tradition and fun to spend time with family. Christmas is more commercialized rather than religious.
2015-10-18 21:25:36 UTC
They don't, they just adapt to society and want to maintain a good relationship with their family. I believe, deep down, they don't really care. In some secular countries (example China) they have secular holidays to celebrate and to spend time with their families.
Doug Freyburger
2015-10-19 14:41:35 UTC
Yule was lifted from ancient Asatru. Saturnalia was lifted from ancient Roma. Together they were made into Christmas.

Definitely not a Christian holiday.
2015-10-19 10:20:07 UTC
It's a day to honor Christ, you must live on another planet. The only thing we honor is Santa, presents, after Christmas sales and not to forget to stuff our self's. I do not know what that has to do whit Christ?
2015-10-19 09:45:31 UTC
they dont celebrate the birth of Christ, just how families and friends can come together and enjoy a special time with gifts and food.

The Americans brought in the ideas of presents, its not a Christian thing
2015-10-20 04:47:10 UTC
The christers stole that from the ancient Egyptians as well as the virgin birth you ******* idiot, I celebrate it because its a nice occasion to hang out with friends and family.

Also when there's more than one of something you add an S on the end, you'll regret you got kicked out of kindergarten because your IQ was to ******* low.
2015-10-18 21:26:37 UTC
There is nothing Christian about Christmas or Easter. Both are collections of pagan traditions.
2015-10-19 23:21:21 UTC
For the same reason YOU celebrate someone else's birthday you are invited to, even though you don't think they are divine.
2015-10-19 01:47:56 UTC
Try putting the word "some" or "many" in front of atheists please.

I personally avoid it, and if the public authorities where I now live would make allowances for the people who do avoid it, I would not notice it at all. It is though an imposed public holiday, like it or not!
2015-10-20 08:01:30 UTC
I asked a nigh on abstract version of that question on a forum once about what server n hi from that server etc. I later redacted my aim at uplifting it with the God thing because all the comments were back at me like nah. Horribly misunderstood. Cursed I was blessed as J****. He died on a crucifix trying to care, bless, pray.

Thanks be to God though. Choose AG, not J****.
2015-10-20 14:47:52 UTC
Because it's still a nice day, to give people gifts and enjoy family
2015-10-19 07:51:28 UTC
Because it's about fantasising to children about santa. Santa is a fantasy character based on a man called st Nicolas who gave gold coins to his died friend daughters. They got married and he left gold coins on their door step. - his generosity.

Hence why we give presents.

I'm a non believer of santa and god/jesus.

I give to people to say thank you, I really appreciate all the time you've given to me !
2015-10-18 22:15:42 UTC
Why do christians celebrate the winter solstice, since they don't worship Sol Invictus? And does "Good will to all men" really mean "Good will to all christian men, and f*ck everyone else?"
2015-10-18 21:19:06 UTC
Because societal and cultural power so exceed the influences and defenses of the individual. It just goes to show how weak humans are, and how easily their vacuous belief systems are destroyed.
2015-10-20 05:30:59 UTC
Depending on this years prophecy, I celebrate groundhog day.
2015-10-19 19:19:29 UTC
It's more of a cultural/American thing now more so than a religious holiday.
2015-10-19 12:16:49 UTC
Christmas is Santa Claus is Satan in disguised haha !

Satan = Santa
2015-10-18 21:27:45 UTC
It used to be a Christian holiday, Now is just a commercialized holiday like all the rest.
2015-10-20 15:46:28 UTC
Any excuse to gather in good fellowship with those we care about.

Weddings, funerals, birthday parties, picnics, watching the trees grow... ANY excuse.
2015-10-18 21:25:54 UTC
You do realize, of course, that the days of the week are named for various gods? Why would you use those names if you don't worship those gods? I just don't get it.
2015-10-20 07:15:14 UTC
The only explanation I have is that the climate of brotherhood is contagious, and the person unconsciously opens the closet doors where hides feelings reserved their spiritual side.
2015-10-19 02:59:14 UTC
They Might be Atheists but not stupid they Love the presents
2015-10-18 21:20:15 UTC
why do christians celebrate it. where is the command in the bible? why does the bible tell christians not to learn the way of the heathens but they celebrate what would be considered a heathen holiday.
2015-10-19 05:00:33 UTC
funny thing is you say its a Christian holiday yet you bible say not to deck a tree with silver and gold..bty its a pagan holiday just like ester.
2015-10-19 16:23:12 UTC
They love to get stuff

It's not Christian in the least.
2015-10-19 22:32:27 UTC
Doesn't matter really, we can twist any holiday to fit our beliefs.
2015-10-18 21:38:30 UTC
Because it was originally a pagan holiday.
2015-10-20 10:10:19 UTC
This one doesn't. Hope that makes you happy.
2015-10-20 06:16:06 UTC
They also celebrate easter. And they also say "Oh my god." They have severe identity issues.
2015-10-19 09:22:50 UTC
They like the big dinners, family gatherings, presents and most of all the "days off" for those who actually work.
2015-10-19 09:14:36 UTC
The presents

Its sad

I dont want anyone to go to hell
2015-10-19 07:05:49 UTC
Just for fun.
2015-10-19 15:25:02 UTC
Its the last holiday of the year
2015-10-18 21:16:18 UTC
Because they happen to be hypocrites.
2015-10-19 03:01:48 UTC
because santa is awesome
2015-10-18 21:19:25 UTC
because i can
2015-10-18 21:43:31 UTC
axial tilt is the reason for the season....
2015-10-19 14:36:54 UTC
No offense , but its a silly question, especially near Halloween, which is a Wican holiday. And actually, the person who answered before me about Christmas trees is right. Christmas trees are a pagan fertility symbol in tradition. Yep, Christians gather the kids on Christmas eve, to decorate the giant penis in their living room. A much about Christmas traditions are based in the winter solstice with is also, pagan tradition. "The 12 days of Christmas"? Who do you know who has 12 birthdays? By the way, Jesus the Christ was born in what is now, September. Oddly enough in fact,on what would had been, September 11th, in 3 B.C.(ya, he was even always a person, quite ahead of his times Christians? Well, not so much. Especially when it comes to their, "traditions/traditional values" Jesus, knew the inevitable future. Christians, no matter even how much history shows their conservative views don't stand against civil rights campaigns, they still fight the even inevitable. This on top the fact their "traditions " quite hypocritically do quite different things with penises than some, they are just an often merely blinded to the matter, or at least hide it and don't talk as much about it. Yep, a church steeple, that a really big pagan penis they got there all up on their roof,too, to share with the whole town's skyline. Yep, "Christian, traditional values") "The beautiful people, the beautiful people

It's all relative to the size of your steeple. You can't see the forest for the trees. And you can't smell your own s**t on your knees. There's no time to discriminate. Hate every motherf***er that's in your way "- the Prophet Merilyn Manson. Hey, when someone is right, they are right. These lyrics describe, exactly, how Christians are toward their fellow mankind. That's, Christian tradition/traditional values and supposed moral high ground in our society today. Why do atheist celebrate Christmas? No, more like, why do even Christians, celebrate it? God, is a Grinch? Now I know why my father throughout life has always made jokes at claiming to be famous villains at for being made to seem as the villain. It was God's lesson about, Himself, and how Christians treat Him and make Him look as a father, at by demonizing their fellow mankind, and denying benefits and liberties to them. oh call me, "UNORTHODOX", I aim at to be a misbehaving, for "the traditions of men", ARE NOT MY RULES! If Christians will teach a "God-zilla", well than , I am His child, and I will come in His likeness, unto them and their church. Come, not the monsters, but those, YOU HAVE MADE FOR! I will be a very bad boy, because actually, I AM A VERY GOOD, GIRL! That day I was born, I had no calendar with me in the womb, and I guess I just thought, it was Halloween? Hey mistakes happen. They might not be God's doing, but, they still happen. Nah, I'm just kidding, God doesn't make mistakes, at all. That's why, I'm transgender. No mistakes at all, I mean, God made Adam so perfect, He could even make Eve, out of him. God didn't make no fuss about, how they were, "born". Turns out, even from the very beginning, God wasn't so interested in people telling, Him, what He's allowed or not to do, with and among mankind. MERCY, WAS MY MAKER!, and with even everything that even draws breath, for such is, FRUITFUL! For love peace joy, longsufering, kindness, etc, are the ACTUAL fruits of the spirit and can be MULTIPLIED. I guess that why God made it a sin at not being a respecter of persons, when he commanded "Let not the eunuch say, behold I am a dry tree", at to consider even anyone in planet earth as something wrong, at for not producing children. Turns out, that Jesus guy, being conceived of a virgin, is a VERY strong precedent for an utter break with "traditional" roles of gender and sex. Dude,was just seriously, not into being "traditional". Turns out, he could change things up, whenever, or however, he'd even want. Ain't no "Christian" gonna be telling him, he ain't allowed. I assure you all, HE IS ALLOWED! "At an end your rule is, and not short enough it was"- the Prophet Yoda. Go ahead and say, but he lost the fight. No,no he didn't, yo. In Return of the Jedi, it was just like he said, the Emperor's rule was over and not short enough it was. That's how things can work with Prophets, you see. Inevitable is inevitable, and Mercy's Way, is inevitable. there's simply no reason for Christians to keep up this "tradition" of fighting civil rights campaigns, in which their losing at having fought them, is inevitable. Come on now, "What would Jesus do?"(lol, like Christians would know that of a dude that turned water into wine as a wedding guest?). He'd know the future, and not fight, so stupid. I don't want to live like Yoda in some swamp at the edge of the galaxy until i die of old age waiting for freedom to be allowed, so, I'm warning all you Christians not to underestimate my power, because i can in fact move in people to declare war on you, and kill you. Thank you in advance for your wiser and excelled support. Oh Christians you tell me it will be, your way, or the highway, but NO! I TELL YOU it will be Mercy's Way or NO WAY! and my saying shall be found true, because it is INEVITABLE. No oppressive empire can continue at to stand. Not even, a Christian one. You try to dictate at God, what of His Own Good He is allowed to do or not, but I assure you, HE IS ALLOWED! You know NOTHING of His service if you would not know of to be merciful. I you would not find of to be merciful at for your fellow mankind, neither will you find of it, for yourselves. Did you not hear of it "Judge not, lest ye be judged"? Atheist celebrate Christmas, because God is no thief of from the celebration of life. He takes no pleasure at who and what is destroyed in His name, Neither shall anyone find the favor of Him, for it. As it is rhetorically written of in new testament scripture, saying, "Who's damnation is just?", and even commanded of in even the old testament, saying, "Oppress not the stranger".(It is a sin to shame and/or harm and/or kill people, limit their lives even at all, because they do not agree with your faith's belief system or its principles/ideologies. There is only one right motivation in the things of God and it is, LOVE.)(Yes,I love my fellow mankind enough, I'd perhaps, even kill you, at to protect their lives, even if yo call yourself, a "christian", I'd might kill you, to protect an atheist, that hates my guts. Theirs is a human life, and their is no righteousness in you to would rob God of the of Good in it. Oh find whatsoever sin you even will, yours were no better. It was not even the hypocrite to be seen of that was the lesson, but the lesson was on at, for you, to "see better". You can not even think the lesson were on at focus for finding out the hypocrite, without, being a hypocrite. For the thing of Good and Life, are not about a focus upon what will or does go wrong, but the things that can and will, GO RIGHT.) Indeed, I am transgender, but are you so sure, I have a nothing of Good, to show unto the world? Are you so sure, at even any human life, what God, is not allowed to do at it? Well, the common life expectancy of a transgender person and for the shames against it in the world, is still only a mere 32 years old. That is less than the life expectancy of people in the days Jesus walked the Earth. What should I do? Just be quiet already, and let you murder me in peace? Wonder at nothing in this present evil world, why that even any life in it would lodge its complaints, for Mercy works in the balance of the full diversity of among and in the hearts of all mankind. Therefore, if you would love, Love and Mercy, than you would love, THEM ALL. How can you love The Giver or the Gifts of life, and also would hate such? Are you so sure, I show you nothing at would be enough familiar? Why do you so struggle to put the Christ back, in Christmas. God's and my struggle is a very quite clearly, that the Christ would be put back, in the Christian. As or the atheists, we love them, too, and would celebrate it with them, any day of year, you could want..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.