Evolutionists! If birds evolved from dinosaurs, then why aren't there still dinosaurs?
2009-06-06 01:05:07 UTC
You say we evolved from monkeys even though there are still monkeys. By this logic, if birds evolved from dinosaurs, there should still be dinosaurs. Well, where are they?
Twenty answers:
the real Jared
2009-06-06 01:09:01 UTC
Ehhhh... troll. Real creationists don't have grammar this coherent.
2016-05-25 02:12:30 UTC
You said... "First, in the transition, you would have an animal whose front legs are part legs and part wing. It wouldn't be able to walk or fly." Birds can both walk AND fly so why would a transitional form not be able to do either?? think about what you are saying with at least a modicom of logic... The theropod dinosaurs birds are believed to be descended from walked upright in a bipedal fasion anyway, so during the transition it wouldn't affect the animals ability to walk if its front legs were becoming more wing-like. Also look at birds such as the Ostrich, they can't fly but they can walk... Another note.. For crying out loud modern birds have scales on thier legs today, and many dinosaurs had feathers... Finally dinosaurs were NOT reptiles.... PS The evidence you cite says there is no fossil evidence of the STAGES... there are however dinosaurs with feathers. Now name one other creature besides birds which have feathers today.. NONE. How could there not be a connection?
Ray G
2009-06-06 01:44:29 UTC
Humans did not evolve from the extant species of monkeys. According to Robert T. Bakker, dinosaurs may have evolved into birds, and that would perfectly explain why you don't see any more dinos. If they were still around, then birds would have had to come from something else. You should do a little deeper study of the subject.
2009-06-06 01:14:30 UTC
Doe it really matter what evolution supporters answer to this question? It gets asked over and over again and answered with due diligence over and over again. Maybe theists who don't read about evolution should learn to type "wiki evolution" into a search engine first before asking this question and then ask for clarification once they understand the process of evolution? Also, the reason there aren't any dinosaurs like t-rex but dinosaurs like birds is not to do with evolution, it's to do with a natural disaster wiping the dinosaurs out, the current theory being a meteorite. But this is also freely available and easily understood. If they hadn't been wiped out, the ecological gap that allowed mammals to eventually dominate would almost certainly not have happened and we would not be having this banale inane conversation.
Barking Toad
2009-06-06 01:15:13 UTC
Sigh... Dinosaurs died out. There are several theories on how and why this happened, but all we know for sure is that it did.

And humans did not evolve from extant monkeys, we share a common ancestor with them.

And one last thing: There's no such thing as an "evolutionist", any more than there are "gravitationists" or "electromagnetists". You can either deny the facts, or you can learn from them.
2009-06-06 02:15:01 UTC
I think they evolved from one of the smaller dinosaurs, if I remember right. The big guys were killed by a meteor. Or something like that.

The really amazing thing is that whales and dolphins evolved from a little dog like creature with hooves. Isn't science wonderful!
2009-06-06 01:11:04 UTC
Technically, birds are still dinosaurs. And, we didn't evolve from monkeys, that's a common misconception. The consensus is we've evolved from a common ancestor as our primate cousins.

wiki: "Most paleontologists regard birds as the only clade of dinosaurs that survived the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event approximately 65.5 Ma."
2009-06-06 01:24:44 UTC
go watch a reliable video on the the theories of the demise of the large dinosaurs.--- like national geographic or PBS nova
mysterious ghost
2009-06-06 01:09:48 UTC
um, first of all, there are more than one species of monkeys, genius. not ALL monkeys evolved into humans, just the one species.

get your facts straight before you go around asking stupid questions like this.
2009-06-06 01:10:39 UTC
'Evolutionists' don't believe that we evolved from monkeys.

We evolved along side monkeys, we have a common ancestor that does not exist anymore.
2009-06-06 05:01:46 UTC
Ever seen a Komodo Dragon. Look it up.
2009-06-06 01:20:58 UTC
This is one of the many reasons why evolution is flawed, how can a theory with so many flaws be regarded as fact..

If science claims it then atheists believes it, even if evolution claimed we evolved from giraffes and are direct descendants of ostriches they'd believe it..

Well put ZG, they'll believe any hypothesise as long as it does not involve God..
2009-06-06 01:10:20 UTC
LOL - even the fundy creatards at answers in genesis advise against asking this question. How 10 years ago - yawn.
2009-06-06 02:16:44 UTC
Because why are there still trolls if they came from underpants gnomes?
2009-06-06 05:00:31 UTC
they died out,

as did the species of 'other' 'humans' that we were competeing against to survive

as, this is what happens

some species of life do just die out
ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT••
2009-06-06 01:10:39 UTC
You'd better be a troll.

Otherwise, I think I may finally break down and cry.
Dances with Unicorns
2009-06-06 01:11:46 UTC
'Scuse me; I found this on the floor. I think it's one of the rocks that fell out of your head.
2009-06-06 01:09:02 UTC
You can only use that logic if it's valid...and it's not.
Haitham Emad
2009-06-06 01:09:19 UTC
* Stares * Oh , is this a loose screw in your head ?
Amazing Jesus
2009-06-06 01:09:14 UTC

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