Some Atheists claim Jesus never existed? Did Mohammed?
2009-05-19 05:01:55 UTC
How about Darwin?
43 answers:
2009-05-19 05:29:40 UTC
Since we never met Darwin, we have to trust the reports of others in order to believe he existed. I personally lean in favor of trusting reports because if we can't trust reports, we can never believe anything in which case we might as well not even ask any questions. So:

Darwin - Yes. His lifetime is only a couple generations removed from our lifetimes and overwhelming documentation identifies him.

Mohammed - Yes. We won't see birth certificates or photographs but numerous sources reinforce one another sufficiently enough for my standards to conclude he was very real.

Jesus - Probably. I'm convinced by the new testament alone. The book references real people and places to an extent that suggests its authors considered their accounts something along the lines of journalism and seems unlikely to me they would introduce any fictional characters. A lack of substantiating independent reports suggests otherwise but I think it is reasonable to assume during his lifetime, he may not have warranted that kind of attention.

I personally don't respect the attitude that Jesus did not exist. Obviously, plenty of reports claim he did and though a lack of substantiating reports might account as sufficient cause for speculation, the assumption that proves him fictional is every bit as much a leap of faith as the faith that kind of atheist criticizes. It's reasonable and fair to speculate but it's biased and unfounded to claim outright he never existed.
2009-05-19 05:28:21 UTC
We have numerous pieces of evidence confirming the existence of Darwin and Muhammad.

On the other hand, the bible is the only document mentioning Jesus. Neither the Jewish community or the Romans, not a single poet or scholar alive during the time of his supposed life knew anything about him. Not a single line was ever written about him. Pretty odd for a man that was supposedly both feared and loved by many.
2009-05-19 05:20:55 UTC
There is no historical evidence of anyone even close in character to Jesus, unless he went by the name of Judah the Galilean, who died about the time some imagine Jesus would have been born. This is from Christian scholars and Christian writings!!

There is historical evidence of some teacher Muhammed who some say wrote or dictated the Quran, as given by Christian and non-Moslems. Darwin & You are someone you probably was made up?
Robert Abuse
2009-05-19 09:50:16 UTC
There is no historical evidence for Jesus at all. As for Josephus, his writings about Jesus are regarded, even by the church, to have been `a later addition` or `forgery` as we would say.

For Mohammed, there is some evidence, for Darwin there is more than enough.
joachim h
2009-05-19 06:26:47 UTC
There are shades to this answer because some Christians also do not believe that Jesus was the man as stated in the Bible King Jame version ) - and while they do believe he existed - they query what role he played and what he actually taught...but sorry I digress.

There is no hard evidence that Jesus ever existed - there is no mention of him in any records that the Romans kept - which makes me think that He was no big deal to them. Mohammed's life has been documented and as such he did exist. Again one could query his teachings , ie were they his, do they reflect his true ideals, have they been changed throughout the ages?

The thing about Jesus is that he is mention in the Qu'ran for example and other Holy Books.

Religion my friend does not base its doctrine on hard cold historical facts but on faith - if it was based upon archeaology for example there would be damn few religions, if any, in existence.

As for Darwin, I hope he did exist for I did my disertation on him :-)
2009-05-19 05:19:08 UTC
It's not through spite or any Christian hating thing you know. Its because there is more external evidence for the lost continent of Atlantis than there is for Jesus. Atlantis gets one mention in history... Plato.

That and the fact all the gospels, which are the back bone of Christianity, are too young to be eye witness accounts, they all date to the dark age era of Constantine, the guy who commissioned the bible as we know it.

Mohamed was a tradesman, a shop owner, married to a 9 year old girl he was having sexual intercourse with.

Is it a coincidence that Sharia law states that a man can legally marry a suckling baby and get away with sodomizing it to death. It's not against their law, just a misnomer, liking and fondling is allowed. And from age 9 full vaginal intercourse is allowed.

So I would rather the world be Christian rather than Islamic despite the fact the Christians have no historical substantiation. Because at least Jesus was a better role model than Mohamed. :)

However, I do not follow any of the religions based around the Abrahamic, all knowing, all wise, infallible God, because in the old testament he describes the world as being the shape of an oblong box, and the sky is a solid barrier with holes, to allow the light of the sun, moon and stars. This is the reason why the Church used to murder people who said the world was not flat, and it's still in every version.

Sorry but so much for the infallible all knowing God who is an illiterate moron. No one has to worry because either way, he's too stupid to find anyone on a round planet. :)

Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.
Reflecting on the Force
2009-05-19 05:09:08 UTC
There is no direct, physical or primary evidence of Jesus. Furthermore, there are no contemporary accounts of Jesus's life - that is, there are no eyewitness accounts. The synoptic gospels were written many years later. However, the existence of the sects or early church indicate it was likely that a man named Yeshua was active in Israel and Judea in the early first century.

There are, on the other hand, numerous contemporary accounts for Mohammed and Darwin. We even have photographs of Darwin.
2009-05-19 05:07:57 UTC
There is strong evidence for both Darwin and Mohammed, but really not so much for Jesus. I'm not saying he didn't exist or did, I don't care much either way. I'm just noting that outside of the Bible the evidence is very thin.
2009-05-19 05:08:40 UTC
The only people that I know of that say " Jesus did not exist" are atheists that participate in the Q/A's on here. Richard Dawkins himself has stated that he believes Jesus existed, plus there isn't that many historians who argue with the notion that Jesus was a real individual. I believe Jesus was a real man who introduced the world to a new found international religion that he founded. The only thing I hear disputed is whether or not Jesus was a divine man, or just another religious teacher of his time.
2009-05-19 05:18:46 UTC
There is evidence of Mohammad and Darwin, not Jesus.

To Naomi, you need to study Josephus. He was born AFTER Jesus' crucifixion, so all his references are here say.
No Chance Without Gilgamesh
2009-05-19 05:18:06 UTC
You can go to Westminster Abbey, London, SW1P, to see Darwin's grave.

I would suggest you also go and see the relics of Jesus' disciples, but we would have to clear up the matter of why they each had 8 heads and 369 fingers
2009-05-19 05:09:03 UTC
Don't know its up for debate and Yes there is proof that Darwin existed
2009-05-19 05:14:26 UTC
Some Christians claim Jesus existed/still exists? Where is their evidence? (Non-biblical)
2009-05-19 05:14:24 UTC
Kid, your Jeez chappie is mentioned in ONE extremely suspect book.

'He' did NOT write a thing down.

EVERYTHING about 'him' is mostly second hand.

AND 'he' only hung around a very small area.

Mo' on the other hand conquered lotsa places and was written about widely.

I'll let Darwin go; you weren't even serious and if you were you're way less smart than you may otherwise think you are.

2009-05-19 05:14:37 UTC
Mohammad existed, but if Jesus did not, then that would mean Mohammad was not a Prophet from God.

Disprove the existence of Jesus, and you disprove Islam.
Vatsala says जय श्री कृष्णा !
2009-05-19 05:19:32 UTC
Wha man?

Just because i think jesus neer existed, i am atheist?

I am hindu and compl;etely believe n god. And yeah, jesus never existed.

I think mohammad must have. they have such a huge record of his history and obviously darwin existed. thats obvious and a very unnecessary question.
2009-05-19 05:11:12 UTC
Muhammad has a grave. Jesus does not. The logical conclusion as to why he has no grave, is not that he was magically elevated in to the heavens, but that his body was stolen, or more likely, he never existed at all.

Darwin's birth, marriage and death are adequately recorded.
2009-05-19 05:15:24 UTC
It's funny how some people will accept the existence of Mohammed or Druids or any other character from history but they won't accept the testaments of dozens of people regarding Jesus. I suppose that is the rational thinking I hear so much about.
2009-05-19 05:08:33 UTC
You obviously think you are being clever and challenging in your questions, but you are just making yourself look a real pratt!

Darwin has surviving family today. His house, documents and belongings are open to the public. There is overwhelming documentation and physical evidence of his life. This is not the case with Christ or Mohammed.

However, that is not the point. You are erroneously equating Darwin with religious figures, once again showing how little you understand of evolution. Evolution is not a religion, it needs no messiah figure or prophet, it is an observed and established fact!
Never Stop Thinking
2009-05-19 05:07:35 UTC
I don't know about Mohammed but there are pictures of Darwin, books written by him, and a historical record of him.
Massive yet flaccid
2009-05-19 05:11:04 UTC
Yes, naming other people that were proven to exist does in fact bring validity to proving a person existed that never was proven to exist.
2009-05-19 05:08:24 UTC
Some of us believe that Jesus existed as a normal human being , nothing else.

But there are far more prominent figures from the time that Jesus lived.
Barking Toad
2009-05-19 05:06:48 UTC
Mohammad's existence is more well documented than an historical Jesus. Neither of the two come anywhere close to being as well documented as Darwin's existence.

But of course, it's all just bollocks anyway, because as we all know the Flying Spaghetti Monster created the world last tuesday.
2009-05-19 05:14:58 UTC
There is large amounts of evidence of Darwin and, although I don't personally know, evidence of Mohammad and his epileptic seizures.
2009-05-19 05:07:43 UTC
Are you expecting a serious answer in this section? I think Mohamed, Jesus and Darwin all existed, how accurate their depictions are is debatable but to deny the existance of Jesus or Mohamed is ridiculous.
Devilishly Sexy MasterMinD
2009-05-19 05:08:20 UTC
Historical accounts of both Darwin and Muhammad's existence are available.

When it comes to Jesus, as he came a very, very long time ago, historical accounts are sketchy to some extent.
2009-05-19 05:14:35 UTC
they all did...not Jesus huh ? just because he was far in the line...dont people realize what a great person it would take to be remembered over thousands of yrs? of course not all the stories are expected to be accurate because people tend to twist stuff as they please over time but we have Quran revealed by Allah which tells the story of Mary and Jesus( peace be upon them) in detail among others and its a remarkable story.
Frank S
2009-05-19 05:06:10 UTC
Darwin did exist. He published his own works. Jesus and Mohammed never published their own works, and mainly people wrote about them.

Silly question. O M G!
2009-05-19 07:05:52 UTC
Off cousre Mohammed never published his own work the QURAN wasn't his work it was BOOK made GOD, ITS THE WORDS OFF GOD HIMSELF, god speaking to us , telling us what 2 do and follow the straight path. Go read what god is sayin 2 u. And plus Muhammed is the greatest man that ever walked on this planet. He gave women rights, Helped the oppressed , Destroyed Rascal Barriers, free'ed slave( being a former slave him self) . GREATEST MAN ON EARTH , BRANG JUSTICE 2 MANDKIND . plus jesus is da same story, his book was da word off god .but u christains changed it and worte your own books. plus he never died , he will return back to the people
2009-05-19 05:07:49 UTC
Although I personally think he probably did, I will say that the case for Mohammad is much stronger. There are multiple contemporary sources for Mohammad, including enemies. Jesus doesn't have a single source that isn't from a few decades after the fact.

Darwin, there are even more.
2009-05-19 05:11:48 UTC
I think the gut feeling is a better source of information than historical facts.
2009-05-19 05:12:05 UTC
There is also evidence of Jesus Christ. Saying that you don't believe in Jesus is just like saying that you don't believe that Julius Cesar didn't exist, only more ignorant. People believe that Julius Cesar existed because of the writing about him, no one that's alive now actually saw him. It's the same way with Jesus, only there are many more writings about him than Julius Cesar.
2009-05-19 05:08:20 UTC
how can yo comparedn toMohamedd and jesus!?don't knoww about them two but darwin definitely existed!
Ernest S
2009-05-19 06:09:34 UTC

But there is more evidence for Christ than for Atheists existing!
2009-05-19 05:07:16 UTC
Mohammed did exist, doesnt make him a prophet or even someone who told the truth.

Darwin most certainly existed.

Jesus, probably not
neil s
2009-05-19 05:05:20 UTC
There is evidence of Muhammad and Darwin.
2009-05-19 05:13:58 UTC
When you ask an atheist which era he is living in, he will say "AD 2009". When you ask them for a historical event, they can't say it without preceding the words BC or AD. Without Christ there is no human history; without Christ there is nothing. But still these short living fools do not hesitate to reject him, who created this world by grace from his father.
2009-05-19 05:12:26 UTC
Good point. Atheists need to be educated about Josephus. I think Josephus even wrote he met Jesus face to face.
2009-05-19 07:34:28 UTC
Let's hope not.
2009-05-19 05:08:31 UTC
jesus did exist its a proven fact that he lived.
2009-05-19 05:05:28 UTC
mohammad exist. visit his grave will ya
2009-05-19 05:05:22 UTC
who's mohammed?
2009-05-19 05:07:40 UTC
Atheists don't give a monkey's f. actually. Don't give it a second's thought.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.