Is the idea that we are punished for the sins of our fathers or our own sins uncommitted?
2009-01-02 07:39:04 UTC
Fair, right, or even moral? And if it is, how can the concept of an age of accountability be correct, if they've already been punished for sins not their own or uncommitted?

For an example: So-and so is born deformed because their parents sinned/or because he is being punished for his sin

So and so dies at three or four, before he has any concept of sin or concept of God.

Therefore how can he not be held accountable if he was already punished before or at birth?
Fourteen answers:
2009-01-02 07:44:27 UTC
You have read a verse in the Bible and done two things which are gravely wrong:

1. You have interpreted it wrongly and out of context.

2. You have added your own assumptions based on what you think the verse meant.
Jane is still plain
2009-01-02 07:49:05 UTC
It isn't fair, right or moral. Not at all. The concept is hideous and completely unfounded. It's a lame attempt to explain misfortune at the expense of the unfortunate. Talk about kicking someone when they're down. Choosing to assign blame to a suffering person is unconscionable. Where's the compassion?

It's fine to take responsibility for your own mistakes, but I don't think anybody should have to feel they deserve brain cancer for something they did.

Besides, I thought this whole concept would have been debunked now that we understand more about disease and have vaccines and antibiotics, and we understand weather patterns and plate tectonics, etc. I guess some people are just addicted to the concept of sin and horrible punishment for it. Pathetic.
2009-01-02 07:52:31 UTC
Try to look at it this way: (and totally skip that part about deformities because God doesn't do that.) When my adopted child was born into a family where she was abused and neglected ( sin from her parents) she in effect was "punished" through her parents actions- because her life was forever impacted by those atrocities inflicted upon her. ( Her decisions to seek / allow help: therapy, our love, changing her negative behaviors- eradicate the "sins" of her father and right her mind and heart into positive relationships and wellness.) That's all God is saying, that actions by people have long bearing consequences, and obedience to Him rectifies that unrighteousness into wholeness and wellness.

Also- no babies are kept from God after death!I know Catholics believe in limbo, but that's not found in the Scriptures.
2009-01-02 07:48:14 UTC
Many people look for reasons as to why something bad happens to a child. The consequences of sin can be far reaching; i.e. the child of an AIDS sufferer or drug addict, often has AIDS or drug addiction.

Is this child guilty of the sin of its parent/s? No. But it bears the consequences of their sin. i.e. Human abuse of free-will.

There is a passage in OT Scripture (Exodus 34:7) talking about children inheriting the "sins" of their parents. Theologians agree that this applied only to the Hebrews of that time, as having escaped the enslavement of the Egyptians to fall back into an "Egyptian-lifestyle" or sin and idol worship would have a greater punishment.
2009-01-02 07:44:20 UTC
The first thing that someone should be considering is whether the idea of sin is actually real.

If God is supposed to be perfect how could She have made anything or anyone that wasn't perfect.

Think about it. The idea of sin assumes certain things about God that seem highly unlikely.

First it assumes a God who is too incompetent to organize a simple educational field excursion and figure out a way to get all of the students home safely.

How likely is this that God would not be smart enough to come up with a plan for our salvation that is going to work 100 percent of the time?

It also assumes that God must have created us imperfect if we are sinners.

One might assume that God would be able to create someone perfect each and every time if he chose to. Assuming God is capable of this, then it follows logically that we must be perfect creations if we are actually creations of this perfect God.

Unless of course you are saying that God chose to create us imperfect.

If God created us imperfect then anything that may go wrong is Gods fault, not ours. This seems a bit illogical at best so I think that we need to assume that What God creates would have to be perfect.

If this is the case and Gods creations are perfect, then nothing that we can do could change what God created perfect and make it imperfect unless we think that we are more powerful than God is.

How likely is it that we the creation could be more powerful than the creator. I personally find this idea somewhat amusing, and a bit absurd.

Religion tells us that God is perfect. If this is true then it could hardly be logically for Gods creations to be considered to be anything less than perfect.

If this is the case and we are perfect creations of a perfect God then Nothing that we can ever do could possibly change this perfection that God willed, unless we were so powerful that our choices could override and change the will of God.

How likely is that????

Think about it.

Love and blessings

2016-10-25 14:52:20 UTC
you're extraordinarily perplexed - possibly more beneficial so with the aid of three of the solutions. Separate the actual and non secular themes. God is only discussing non secular lack of existence therefore - the finished bible is about non secular concepts. Google or study about 'generational curses' - this can help you realize the non secular concepts that are infinitely more beneficial useful than medical ones. Generational curses assist you to inherit non secular curses. This has no longer something to do with the actual results of non secular sin which will nicely be assorted. once you sin, you're open for devil's attacks at the same time with early lack of existence. We inherited Adam's non secular sin and, except we settle for redemption by skill of the blood of Jesus Christ, we can die spiritually on the day of Judgement after lack of life bodily in some unspecified time sooner or later and age. in words of non secular concepts, there is no longer one contradiction interior the finished OT/NT bible - it truly is fullyyt precise in each and every way. It became written by technique of adult men yet below coaching of the Holy Spirit. by technique of deriding it, you're truly showing your lack of understanding - no longer one merchandise of any list of contradictions has been shown over many years to carry water. now is your chance to submit or close up about something you've shown the international demonstrably that you comprehend little or no about. Even the creation 'tale' is valid. BTW 'modern guy entered the scene about 40000 years in the past that maximum perfect on your opinion? this isn't in contradiction of the bible's creation tale so shall we flow on to a unique declare from you.
2009-01-02 07:44:57 UTC
The Bible often says we are not punished for the sins of our fathers!.. The fall of man means we are each capable of committing our own sins. We all have a "sin nature". No one is perfect. Children, the mentally ill are innocents, they are not held responsible because they can't "choose" to do evil, they don't "know any better".
2015-08-06 17:50:02 UTC
Try this with an open mind.

That many other religions (than Christianity) believe in Re-incarnation. That each carnation is for us to improve on ourselves of previous lives with the aim of eventually achieving "perfection"or "to become one with God". As Jesus did.

If we can grasp this concept then it is possible that we are our OWN fathers (so to speak). That if we committed misdemeanours (sins)or crimes against our own selves or others then in the following carnations we must atone for this. Therefore the sins of "our fathers" are visited upon us until we have "worked off" the payment for the crime.
2009-01-02 07:44:14 UTC
The sins of the father are passed down to future generations. That is genetics. It is the responsibility of the father to help his children overcome their sin to follow God.
2009-01-02 07:47:54 UTC
Since man wrote all the bibles, and since man made up all the rules in religion, man can change it at will. And he does. Last week, the Pope finally agreed that evolution is correct. More proof that Atheists are right. Case closed.
2009-01-02 07:44:47 UTC
Our sin has consequences on others. You are accountable for letting others slip.

If you are talking about accountability for babies, babies are pure and sinless. They will go to heaven. Children who misbehave will still go to heaven until they are old enough to know better and to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Keith Partridge
2009-01-02 07:46:29 UTC
We are accountable only for our own sins that we actually commit.
2009-01-02 07:42:46 UTC
Agreed with SoulMate.
2009-01-02 07:41:36 UTC
Who can punish you, if you are gone for good?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.