2010-11-13 23:23:12 UTC
1. Does your morality come from God or the bible? Also you may asking where does their their morality come from but be prepared for a long, long answer that ends up as god or bible
Either answer works
1a. Do you believe in the 10 commandments?
This answer only shows if they rationally know that the new testament is part of the old testament
2. Can God Change his mind or rules for us to follow at any time, either now or in the future?
The only answer to this can be yes!
3. Do you believe your Gods word absolute?
The only answer they can give if they believe is "Yes"
4. Hypothetically if god ordered you to kill your own child, would you?
Just some quick evidence to show god can, would and will in the future order you to murder your family
Killing Bothers, Family and Friends Exodus 32:26-29
Mother and Father ordered to murder offspring Zechariah 13:3
love god more than family Matthew 10:37
Kill Sons of Sinners Isaiah 14:21
Kill Homosexuals Leviticus 20:13
So, I honestly want to know what Christians think about the God Dilemma when faced with the reality that god has in the past and can in the future ask you to murder in his name.