The Third World War will be by the Christians for the Christians. Read the message and the letters below:Ahmed Kabir
Kabir Tea Estate
Near: M. D. Wine Shop, Malakhubasa, Convoy Road
Dibrugarh-786001, Assam.
March 21, 2004.
What happened to Issa, son of virgin Mariyam (Peace be on both)?
The Jews think he is dead for no man could live for so long. This is not true.
The Christian think he was crucified and then he rose from the dead (resurrected) and since they can’t find him
they say he had been taken up by their heavenly father. This is absolutely false. They also say that Jesus died for
their sins. This is being a hypocrite and taking an escapist attitude. THE CHRISTIANS FALSELY ACCUSE
Truth huts but it is better than lies. The truth is that Issa, son of virgin Mariyam (Peace be on both) had to
leave the playing ground (Earth or World) cause the Referee (Judge of mankind and Jinns, Who is owner of
the day of Judgment, or The One All Mighty God Whose real name is Allah) had awarded him a Green
Card for committing foul (miracle) in the “Game of Life” or “King of All Games”.
Let us understand what is a miracle? Miracle happens by the will of the true One All Mighty God (Allah)
through the prophet and do not happen by the will of the prophet himself. Miracle is only a Sign of a prophet
that we may recognize him other than that miracle is nothing cause One All Mighty God (Allah)
could do all things, all He (Allah) have to say Be (Kun) and it is.
This is what Issa, son of virgin Mariyam (Peace be on both) performed:
Sura (verse) Al-Imran or The Family of Imran.
Sura (verse) 3:49
And appointed him
A messenger to the Children
Of Israel, (with this message):
“I have come to you,
With a Sign from your Lord,
In that I make for you
Out of clay, as it were,
The figure of a bird,
And breathe into it,
And it becomes a bird
By God’s (Allah’s) leave:
And I heal those
Born blind, and the lepers,
And I bring the dead into life
By God’s (Allah’s) leave;
And I declare to you
What ye eat, and what ye store
In your houses. Surely
Therein is a Sign for you
If ye did believe.
Sura (Verse) Al-Maida or The Table Spread
Sura (Verse) 5: 110.
Then will God say:
“O Jesus (Issa) the son of Mary!
Recount My favour
To thee and to thy mother.
Behold! I strengthened thee
With the Holy Spirit.
So that thou didst speak
To the people in childhood
And in old age
Behold! I taught thee
The Book and Wisdom,
The Torah and the Gospel.
And behold! thou makest
Out of clay, as it were,
The figure of a bird,
By My (God whose name is Allah) leave.
And thou breathest into it,
And it becometh a bird
By My (God whose name is Allah) leave,
And thou healest those
Born blind, and the lepers,
By My (God whose name is Allah) leave,
And behold! thou
Bringest forth the dead
By My (God whose name is Allah) leave.
And behold! I did
Restrain the Children of Israel
From (violence to) thee
When thou didst show them
The Clear Signs,
And the unbelievers among them
Said: ‘This is nothing
But evident magic”.
The head priest (Satan) complains to the Referee (Allah) that it is unfair in the “Game of Life” for Issa to perform
such miracles openly left, right, and center and divert a great multitude to the right path and the Referee (Allah)
seeing it is unfair awards Issa, son of virgin Mariyam a Green Card in the “Game of Life”. This Green Card is
like that of a Red Card in the game of football (soccer) when a player commits foul (miracle) and is asked by
the Referee (Allah) to leave the playing ground (Earth or World) only for a time. And so Issa, son of virgin
Mariyam, had to leave the playing ground (Earth or World) and he (Issa) was never ever was crucified. In fact
Issa, son of virgin Mariyam have not yet tasted death. Let me give you a clue.
Sura (Verse) Nisaa or The Women
Sura (Verse) 4: 156 to 159.
Verse 156: That they rejected faith; that they uttered against Mariyam, a grave false charge.
Verse 157: The Jews said in boast, “We killed Issa, the son of Mariyam, The Apostle of God (Allah) but they
killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them and those who differ there in are full of
doubts, with no certain knowledge, but only conjecture to follow for of a surety they killed him not.
Verse 158: Nay, God (Allah) raised him up unto Himself, and God (Allah) is exalted, wise.
Verse 159: Not one of the people of the scripture (The Christians, The Jews, and The Muslims) but will believe
in him (Issa) till his death and on the day of resurrection (Day of Judgment) he (Issa) will be a witness
against them.
After Issa, son of virgin Mariyam left the playing ground (Earth or World), Iblis, Satan the devil, who can take the
shape of other human being and has life till the doomsday actually pretended to be dead on the cross and he
appeared as if he rose back from the dead to lead many people astray and make them commit the greatest of all sin
that is to make partner with One All Mighty God Whose real name is Allah and also to worship him (Iblis)
as god in the name of Jesus for the real name of the son of virgin Miriyam was Issa. If Issa, son of virgin
Mariyam truly died for our sins, than why did he cry out, “My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me”?
This is something to think about!!!
When Jesus (A Jinn) was crucified and though he looked like Issa, peace be upon him, this Jesus (A Jinn) did not
have a circumcised penis and there were a lot of intelligent Jews who realized this fact cause Issa, peace be upon
him, was circumcised on the seventh day. This is the only way we will able to differenciat between Issa, son
of Mariyam, (Peace be on both), and Jesus, Iblis, satan the devil, who is a jinn and can take the like
appearance of Issa, (Peace be on him).
As a friend I would like to share a few things with you. First of all I would like to say that this world is a game
and a pastime, the real world is in the hearafter. There is an angel by the name Israfil who is constantly waiting
with a trumpet to blow the horn to mark the end of the game when the Referee (Owner of the day of Judgment
or One All Mighty God whose real name is Allah) ask him to do so.
The end of the “Game of Life” (Doomsday or Day of Judgment) will be such a tremendous day that the whole earth
would take up to a violent earthquake. The earth will shake so violently that every pregnant mother would abort
her child and those who would be in the grave would say, “Who has awaken us from our sleep”.
In the “Game of Life” our enemy is non but Iblis, Satan the accursed. As human we have to believe in all the
God (Allah) chosen prophets cause they convey the words (message) of the One All Mighty God whose real name
is Allah. In the “Game of Life” the two players are One All Mighty God (Allah) and Satan the false God.
Humans and Jinns have the free will to chose (No compultion) on whose side they would like to play the game.
This is why in Islam The Holy Quran states in Sura 2:256, “There is no compulsion in religion. The right
direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities (Priest) and believeth in Allah
hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is hearer, knower”. The greatest handicap Allah
(The true One All Mighty God) has given to Iblis, Satan the devil (The false One All Mighty God), is that He
(Allah) will not take part directly in the Game but will be a silent observer and a referee (Owner of the day of
Judgment) while Satan will take part directly in the “Game of Life”. One All Mighty God (Allah) has given
humans the Logic Sense (The Science of reasoning) which he (Allah) considers greater than all the power He
(Allah) has given to the false god (Satan). One All Mighty God has made humans weak (We are prone to
committing sins) though upright by nature (We humans always support the truth). This is why Issa, son of
virgin Mariyam had said, “Let the first stone be casted by that man who had not commited a single sin”.
This upright by nature in us humans is so strong that we could kill another human who would not support the
truth. Let me give you a classic example. Son of virgin Mariyam was a jew and never was he a Christian and he
was one who had submitted to the will of One All Mighty God whose real name is Allah and the word muslim
mean that person who submits to the will of One All Mighty God whose real name is Allah and therefore Issa, son
of virgin Mariyam was a muslim Jew like I am an Assamies Muslim (Ahmed). On the seventh day of his birth
he was circumcised as per the commandments of One All Mighty God (Allah). Son of virgin Mariyam’s name
was Issa and never was Jesus and he spoke against the head priest who did not have a circumcised penis cause he
was Satan himself. There was bitter argument between the head priest (Satan) and Issa and the head priest (Satan)
enticed (beguile) the jewish community to kill Issa. There were some good and intelligent jews who tried to protect
Issa, son of virgin Mariyam, but most were ignorant and stupid jews though not bad as humans cause they
thought that the earth was flat and not round. Even though Satan (The head priest) and Issa, son of virgin
Mariyam, knew that the earth was round all humans during Biblical times thought that the earth was flat. Satan
succeeded in enticing (beguiling) the Jewish community to go against Issa, son of virgin Mariyam by asking him
(Issa) to declare openly if the earth was round or flat and when Issa spoke the truth by saying that the earth was
round, the head priest (Satan) provoked the situation by saying, “You were born yesterday (Much younger to me)
and you are trying to teach us what is right or wrong? We can plainly see with our two God given eyes that the
earth is flat. Whom are you trying to deceive? You, Issa, son of Mariyam, is a mischief maker, you are a God damn
bastard”. And this upright by nature in us humans is so strong and since the ignorent jews believed that the
earth was flat it made them very, very angry with Issa and the jewish community sided with the head priest
(Satan) except for a few intelligent jews.
Then who was crucified?
After Issa, son of virgin Mariyam leaves the playing ground (Earth or World) for he (Issa) was awarded a green
card by the Referee (Owner of the day of Judgment or the true One All Mighty God Whose real name is Allah), the
head priest (Satan) grabs the opportunity and takes his (Issa) shape and preaches satanisim. Vergin Mariyam at
this moment of time had openly declared that this person who lookes like her son is not her son. Then Jesus
(Satan) says, “Mariyam has openly declared that I am not her son and you have already witnessed how I
(Jesus, satan the devil, and not Issa) out of clay, as it were the figure of a bird and breathe into it and it
becomes a bird, and I heal those born blind and the lepers. And I bring the dead into life. And I declare to
you what ye eat, and what ye store in your houses. And I bring the heavenly food (Jesus or satan do not
mention a sign from thee) and therefore I am God and you would call me by Jesus cause you have witnessed
that the son of virgin Mariyam, whose name was Issa, was a liar when he said that the earth was round when
we can plainly see that it is flat with your own two eyes. You will forget the name of Issa and accept me as
God by calling me as Jesus. Look at my penis it is not circumcised and unlike you I have only one testicle.
Can ever a human circumcis god’s penis like you (The jews) had circumcised the penis of Issa, son of virgin
Mariyam, on the seventh day of his birth”? And when the Jews try to catch hold of Jesus, satan the devil, in
the shape of Issa, Jesus becomes invisible. Jesus (Satan) then reappears and says, “This is why I am God”.
This upright by nature in us humans make the Jewish community very angry cause it contridicts everything
which Issa, son of vergin Mariyam had conveyed along with the other previous prophets even though he is
looking like Issa, son of virgin Mariyam. Satan was shuttling from the shape of Issa, to the head priest. This
Satan in the shape of Issa, started to preach and not convey, that he was “The Only begotten son of God” and
that he was “God”. He (Satan) also preached and not convey that we humans are all “Chlidren of God”.
Please take note that Prophets only convey the message of One All Mighty God (Allah) and do not preach.
This Jesus (Satan) preached that it was not compulsory to have a circumcised penis to be a Christian and it was
good for the priestly class to practice celibacy. Jesus (Satan) said this cause Jinns and humans are two different
species and even though they (Jinns) can have sex with humans they cannot reproduce (bear offsprings). The Bible
contradicts celibacy cause the Bible states, “Go forth and multiply”. The twelve disciples asked this Satan
(Jesus) in the shape of Issa to produce the heavenly food which the real Issa, son of virgin Mariyam had produced
for them earlier. During the “Last Supper”, Satan (Jesus) in the shape of Issa produce earthly food by the use of his
fellow Jinns who were invisible but failed to produce the heavenly food. Judas Iscariot detected that it was
Iblis, Satan the devil who had said, “One of you would betray me”. And during Biblical times if anybody
spoke the truth they must prove themselves by longing for death. Judas Iscariot spoke the truth and killed
Satan in the shape of the head priest entice (Begile) the Jewish community to crucifie Jesus (At this point of time
the real son of Mariyam whose real name is Issa had already left the playing ground, earth or world) as their
“Human Upright Nature” was at boiling point and a great multitude of the Jewish Community proceed to
have Jesus (Satan) crucified. The head priest (Satan) convinced the Jews that he had hidden power and even
though Jesus (Satan) can become invisible they could capture him (Jesus in the shape of Issa and a satan) if
they could enclose on all sides of his house and He (The head priest and a satan) would enter and chase him
out of the house. As they approached the house where Issa was supposed to have been residing, the head
priest (Satan) asked the madding crowed to wait outside while he alone would go and chase Issa out. As he
(Satan) went inside the empty house he (Satan) took the shape of Issa (Jesus) and ran out. The jews grabed
him and crucified him (Satan) thinking it was Issa, son of virgin Mariyam, but actually it was Satan (Jesus)
who crucified himself and this is what he had said, “My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me”? Some
of the intelligent jews also observed that even though the person who was crucified looked like Issa, son of
virgin Mariyam, he did not have a circumcised penis.
Satan said, “My God! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me”? to nulify the message conveyed by Issa, son of
virgin Mariyam and at the same time questioned God (Allah) why he was accursed. Since Satan has life till
the doomsday, he reapeared in the shape of Issa, son of virgin Mariyam and posed himself as if he had
resurrected and started to preach the greatest of all sin that is to make partner with One All Mighty God
(Allah) and at the same time worship him in the name of Jesus for the real name of son of virgin Mariyam
was Issa. The Bible clearly mentions in the very first of the Ten Commandments, “I am the Lord thy God
(Allah), Thou shalt have no other gods before Me”. Jesus (Satan) in the shape of Issa, son of virgin Mariyam
also preached and not conveyed the message of One All Mighty God (Allah) that he died for their sins. One All
Mighty God (Allah) will forgive all sins if we truly atone for our sin cause He (Allah) is most Beneficent the
Merciful, but He (Allah) will not forgive those who make partner with Him (Allah) and call other animate
and inanimate objects as god.
I still remember when I was a kid, my elder sister’s college friend visited Dibrugarh from Calcutta. She was
visiting her grandmother who was staying in an Ashram (A Hindu religious guest house). My sister went to meet
her Hindu friend and she took me along. In the Ashram there were lots of antique things. At one point I was shown
a rice grain with the husk. We had to see with a magnifying eye piece. What I saw was that there was something
inscribed in Arabic. When I was in the USA suddenly it came to my mind so I asked my sister what was written
and she said, “It was so long ago, it sounds like a dream, “Allah Ho” was written in Arabic”. When I returned to
my home town I went to the Ashram and requested the head priest to show me the rice grain with the husk. After
requesting several times over a few months he asked me to come in the morning on a certain day he had fixed.
Accordingly I went and he showed me a rice grain without the husk with one hundred and thirty names of Hindu
Gods. A similar magnifying eye piece had to be used to read the name of the Hindu gods inscribed in the
Sanskrit script. He insisted that there was no other rice grain so I understood that it was the work of mischief
After reading the Holy Quran I have figured out that it was Issa, son of virgin Mariyam, who had brought the rice
grain with the husk from heaven with Allah’s name on it. I further concluded that the Arabic script is the heavenly
script and that Issa, son of virgin Mariyam, was illiterate like Muhammad, or else the Jews and perhaps the
Christians would have called their God, “Allah”. I also concluded that food is smaller than One All Mighty
God (Allah) who do not need food to survive and greater than all prophets and messiah cause they need food
to survive. Even Jesus (Satan) need food to survive. This is why we see that in the Hindu religion they put
food in the form of an offering in front of their idol which is actually Iblis, satan the devil.
I would like to quote these verses from The Holy Quran to support my evidence:
Sura Maidah (The Table Spread) Verse 111 to 115:
Verse 111: And when I inspired the disciples. (Saying) Believe in Me and My messenger. They said: We
believe, Bear witness that we have surrendered (Unto Thee)
Verse 112: When the disciples said: O Issa, son of Mariyam! Is thy Lord able to send down for us a table
spread with food from heaven? He said: Observe your duty to God (Allah), If ye are true believers.
Verse 113: (They said:) We wish to eat thereof, that we may satisfy our hearts and know that thou hast
spoken truth to us, and that thereof we may be witnesses.
Verse 114: Issa, son of Mariyam, said: O God (Allah) Lord of us! Send down for us a table spread with food from
heaven that it may be a feast for us for the first of us and for the last of us, and a Sign from Thee (Allah Ho!
meaning Oh God!). Give us sustenance, for Thou art the Best of Sustainers.
Verse 115: Allah said: Lo! I send it down for you. And whoso disbelieveth of you afterwards, him surely will
I punish with a punishment wherewith I have not punished any of My creatures.
It is because of this, “The first of us and for the last of us, and a Sign from Thee (Allah Ho)” that Jesus (Satan)
in the shape of Issa, son of virgin Mariyam failed to produce the heavenly food during the “Last Supper” even
though Jesus (Satan) produce earthly food by the use of Jinns who were invisible. All the disciples goofed
except for one (Judas Iscariot) and Jesus (Satan) sensing this had said, “One of you would betray me”. Judas
Iscariot detected that it was Iblis, Satan the devil, and during Biblical times if anybody spoke the truth they
must prove themselves by longing for death. Judas Iscariot spoke the truth and killed himself. Issa, son of
virgin Mariyam, as he spoke against the head priest he also gave specific instruction to the twelve disciples
that they should not preach but convey the message and therefore they documented events as they happened.
If you study the crusifiction, I am sure all the Sherlock Holmes in the world would agree with me that a human
being cannot stand erect in a cross in three nails. The weight of the human body would rip the flash of both the
palms and the body would fall. This is only possible by a Jinn who could become light as air.
Like a player sent out temporarily of the playing ground by the referee for committing foul (Miracle) , and he
becomes a spectator to the game; so is the case with Issa, son of virgin Mariyam. In the “Game of Life” or “King of
All Games” he (Issa) is greatly amoused by his people (The Jews). And he finds his people (The Jews) the refined
lot cause the bad Jews have become Christians. During his time there was no such thing as Christianity. Among
the Jews some were bad and some were good and these bad Jews wanted to kill Issa and these bad Jews call
themselves Christians.
I feel time has come for the people of the book (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) to unite so that we are
successful in trapping Iblis, Satan the devil, and make him bow at Adam’s grave. It is going to be a situation
like which mice would volunteer (One of us humans whose name is Ahmed) who would bell (trap or hunt )
the cat (Satan). Some of the mice (Some human) have started to worship the cat (Satan) as God cause it feels that
it is all powerful. In fact the cat (Satan) helps those mice (Humans) who worship him (Satan) in different forms
and manifestation only for a while to trap the other mice (Humans) who worship the real TIGER (ALLAH)
who is watching the “Game of Life” like a Referee (Owner of the day of Judgment and the true One All Mighty
God whose real name is Allah). In fact the cat (Satan) never likes the mice (Humans) whether they worship him
(Satan) or not cause he had a tick off with the very first mice (Human) whose name was Adam. It was the
TIGER (ALLAH) Who had said that He would like to creat the mice (Human), Adam and his descendent on
earth, as the Viceroy on Earth. The cat (Satan) protested and said, “Since he (Satan) was mightier and superior
than the mice cause he (Satan and a Jinn) was made of smoke less fire while the mice (Humans) are made of
clay, it is he (Satan) who should rightly be appointed Viceroy on Earth. He (Satan) also said that he (Satan)
had been worshiping HIM (ALLAH) for ages and that He (ALLAH) had already appointed him the leader
of all the angels even though he (Satan) was a Jinn (Satan was not a fallen angel as the Christians believe).
After the TIGER (ALLAH) creates and not beget the very first mice (Human) whose real name was Adam,
his logic sense (The science of reasoning) is tested and since he excels in his logic sense (The Science of
reasoning) everybody is asked to bow to the very first mice (Human) whose real name was Adam. The Cat’s
(Satan) ego is hurt and he(Satan) gets very angry. He (Satan) refuse to bow to the very first mice (A human
whose name was Adam). The TIGER (ALLAH) curse the cat (Satan) and they decide to play the “Game of
Life” or “King of All Games” in a playing field called Earth or World (I am skipping the part of the
forbidden fruit).
Since the TIGER (ALLAH) is invincible and the Cat (Satan) having less logic sense (The science of
reasoning) the Cat (Satan) things he (Satan) can win the “Game of Life” Or “King of All Games” over the
TIGER (ALLAH) if he (Satan) can get some Handicap to be in equal with the TIGER (ALLAH). The
TIGER (ALLAH) approves and the Kingpin of all Cat (Satan and a Jinn) ask for life till the doomsday. He
(Satan and a Jinn) and the rest of all the population of Cats (The world of Jinn) can take the shape of all
living creature including the mice (Humans) and they (Jinn) can become invisable like air and move from
nation to nation. It is because of this Jesus, Adolf Hitler and Subash Chandra Bose who believe in all forms
of cross specially the Swastika is actually the cat (Satan) who is Iblis,Satan the devil (Jinn) in his different
manifestation and therefore Jesus (Iblis, satan the devil and a jinn is also Adolf Hitler and Subash Chandra
Bose) is still alive.
Believe it or not even like wonderful mice or cat (humans or jinns) whose real name was mother Terrisa,
who did a world of good to all mice (humans) and cat (Jinn) in the form of mice (humans) , but still
worshiped the kingpin of all cat (Satan and a Jinn in the name of Jesus) who has life till the doomsday or day
of Judgment actually made it to hell fire. The Bible clearly mentions in the very first of the Ten
Commandments, “I am the lord thy God (Allah), Thou shalt have no other gods before me”. This is the same
thing as “LAA-IL-LAL-LAAH” (There is no god but Allah). One All Mighty God (Allah) will forgive all sins if
we truly atone for our sin cause He (Allah) is most Beneficent the Merciful, but he will not forgive those who make
partner with Him (Allah) and call other animate and inanimate objects as god.
It will be the mice who will hail from Dibrugarh, Assam and his name will be Ahmed with a circumcised
penis who would take help from those mice (The Jews) who would hail from Israel with a circumcised penis
and help them trap Adolf Hitler cause it is Iblis Satan the devil who do not have a circumcised penis and is
still alive. And this mice (Human whose real name is Ahmed Kabir) would act to be a tiger (Not really God
but who would act as the Viceroy under the commandments of One All Mighty God (Allah) whose real name
is Allah).
During the time of the last messenger, Muhammad, peace be upon him, it was a knowledgeable Jew who detected
that he was a messenger while he lived among the heathen (Pagan) Arabs. This knowledgeable Jew instructed the
last messanger, Muhammad, peace be upon him, to go away or else the Jews would kill him. During the
propagation of Islam (A religion which guides people to submit to the will of the One All Mighty God Whose real
name is Allah) by prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, it was Iblis, satan the devil, who appeared among the
Jews in the form of an old man with gray hair and beards. This Iblis instructed the Jews to kill prophet
Muhammad, peace be upon him, cause satan infused in their mind that they were the chosen people of God
(Allah) and that prophets and messengers will come through their blood line. Satan reminded the Jews that
their expected messiah’s name would be Ahmed and not Muhammad cause it was fortold by Issa, son of
virgin Mariyam. And the Jews discussed among themselves whether they should listen to a knowledgeable wise
old man who was actually Iblis, satan the devil, or to a mad man who was actually the last messenger of Allah the
true One All Mighty God Whose real name is Allah. And this upright by nature in us humans is so strong and
since the ignorent jews believed that they were the chosen people of God (Allah) and that prophets and
messengers will come through their blood line it made them very very angry with Muhammad and they
planned and plotted to kill the last messanger as they had killed a lot of prophet who was born among the
Jews and they almost killed Issa, son of vergin Mariyam, peace be upon both. There are a lot of Jews and
Christians who understood the truth and had converted to Al-Islam (The submission to the will of One All
Mighty God whose real name is Allah). We must all realize that we are all offspring of Adam and Eve and
that as human we are all brothers and sisters, but Iblis, Satan the devil make division between the
brotherhood of humanity. If you read the artical on Jews in the world book you will find a classical example of a
Jew converting to Islam. “In 1665, a Jew named Shabbetai Zevi claimed to be the Messiah. Hundreds of
thousands of Jews in Europe and the Middle East believed in Shabbetai. But Shabbetai converted to Islam,
disappointing his followers.
In fact, of all the people, Muhammad (peace be upon him) actually loved the Jews cause they were the favored
people of God (Allah), but Satan infused in the minds of the jews that they were the chosen people of God (Allah)
and that prophets and messengers will come through their blood line and Muhammad’s name was never was
mentioned by the previous prophets and messengers but it was Ahmed.
The Jews instead of using their logic sense (The science of reasoning) they rejected Muhammad (Peace be upon
him) and dogmatically followed their religion with the hope that a messia (Savior) of the world would come whose
name is to be Ahmed.
Muhammad’s (Peace be upon him) name was never mentioned by any previous messengers and prophets
cause it was one of the handicap the Referee (Owner of the day of Judgment or the true One All Mighty God
whose real name is Allah) had given to Iblis, satan the devil. Also His (Allah’s) name was not to be revieled
till Muhammad, peace be upon him, the captain (Seal of the prophets or the Commander-In-Chief) was to
arrive in the playing field (Earth or World). Even though Issa, son of virgin Mariyam, did bring the
heavenly food with His (Allah’s) name on it, Issa and the rest of the Jews could not read it cause it was in the
heavenly script (Arabic) and Issa, and the rest of the Jews were illiterate cause they could not read Arabic,
like I (Ahmed Kabir) too cannot read Arabic.
Since Muhammad, peace be upon him, had to play the “Game of life” with a lot of handicap, during his life
time, he only succeeded in converting a handful of humans which is actually negligible compared to the total
population of the world. But people who have logic sense (The Science of reasoning) they would feel that
Muhammad’s achievements was like that of the Wright brothers who developed the flying machine and only
flew for twelve seconds for about one hundred and twelve feet. If it was not for the wright brothers the
highly sophisticated flying machines of contemporary times would not have been developed. Like wise if
Muhammad, peace be upon him, had not revealed the Holy Quran, I (Ahmed Kabir) would not achieve what
I have in mind in my contribution in the field of science.
Whatever has come from the true All Mighty God (Allah) through the prophets must make logic sense (The
science of reasoning). And whatever comes from the false god, (Iblis, Satan the devil) make Non-sense. We
must also use the right word and name or else the entire meaning changes. For example: We are not children
of God (Allah) nor the son of God (Allah) and neither the only begotten son of God (Allah), but we are the
created being of God (Allah). Our parents beget us but God (Allah) create us by giving the soul. The Jews
are the favored people of God (Allah) and not the chosen people of God (Allah). It is Allah (God) who
chooses whom He pleases to be prophets and messengers. There were 1,24,000 prophets who took part in the
“Game of Life” or “King of All Games” and most of them were not Jews. As for name we must say Issa when
we refer to the son of virgin Mariyam and not Jesus. In fact there is nobody by the name of Jesus but Iblis,
satan the devil and this is why the Christians say, “The father, the son and the holy ghost”. As for God we
must say Allah. The word Muhammaden is a wrong word to use to refer to the followers of Muhammad. The
right word to use is muslim cause it refers to those people who submit to the will of the One All Mighty God’s
(Allah’s) message passed through all the prophets. And therefore we must follow the tradition and custom
(Sunna) of all the prophets. The word Sunni is a derative word from the word Sunna meaning tradition and
custom of all prophets and therefor the right thing to call is Sunni Muslim. Muhammad, peace be upon him,
had said, “All the seventy two sects of the seventy three sects would go to hell fire cause they practice truth
blended with falsehoods and make division between the brotherhood of humanity and the root cause of this is
Iblis, satan the devil”. The word Muhammaden to refer to the religion spread by the messenger Muhammad,
peace be upon him, is a wrong word to use. The word Muhammaden as a name of a religion is as repulsive as
Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc,etc in the ears of the One All Mighty God whose real name
is Allah. We as muslims do not follow a religion so believed to have been spread by messenger Muhammad,
but we follow a religion which God (Allah) had conveyed as a message to messenger Muhammad, peace be
upon him, and therefore the name of God’s (Allah’s) religion is not Muhammaden, but Al-Islam which
What is Religion? Religion is not a way of life, but religion is submission to the will of God (Allah) and not a
guru (Priest), which eventually becomes a way of life. I feel that those who will be blind in their belief will be blind
in the hearafter and further away from the right path.
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) too performed miracle but unlike Issa, son of virgin Mariyam he did it in total
secrecy least people take him to be a God and fall prey in the path of Satan. It is then the Jews tell Muhammad
(peace be upon him) that they would believe in him if he could split the Moon in two halves. Muhammad (Peace be
upon him) split the moon in two halves and the Jews saw and said, “This is evident sorcery”.
Satan then complains to the Referee (Owner of the day of Judgment or the true One All Mighty God whose real
name is Allah) that it was unfair and the Referee (Allah) awards a green card to Muhammad (Peace be upon him)
and he has to leave the playing ground (Earth or World). The duration of Muhammad was much shorter than Issa,
son of virgin Mariyam cause Issa performed miracle openly, left, right and center and he committed much more
foul (Miracle) than Muhammad (Peace be on both).
During the time of the last messenger, Muhammad, peace be upon him, it was a knowledgeable Jew who detected
that he was a messenger while he lived among the heathen (Pagan) Arabs. This knowledgeable Jew instructed the
last messenger, Muhammad, Peace be upon him, to go away or else the Jews would kill him. It is this, “Upright
by nature”, blended with wrong notion that the Jews are the chosen people of God (Allah) that the Jews
planned and plotted to kill the last messenger. Since the jews went against Muhammad, peace be upon him, true
help came from the least expected people, the Christians. If the jews would have helped and sided with
Muhammad, peace be upon him, than the Christians would have very strongly opposed Muhammad, peace be
upon him. As the jews fought with the muslims, so the muslims planned and plotted to retaliate cause the Holy
Quran state, “Fight against those who fight against you, but begin not hostility cause God (Allah) likes not those
who are starters of war”. It is this knowledgeable jew who had become muslim and since his close relatives, the
jews, would have got massacred by the muslims, this muslim jew would leak the plan to his close relative and thus
foil the massacre. When finally this knowledgeable muslim jew died of a natural death the rest of the arab muslims
looked in hatred at his dead body, it was then Muhammad, peace be upon him, took his cloak and placed it on top
of his body giving him the highest of all honor. The only reason I (Ahmed Kabir) can find for such a gesture is,
“If anyone who saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all man-kind”.
When most of the Jews rejected Muhammad, peace be upon him, he prayed to One All Mighty God (Allah) that
not his followers (Ummat) be divided like in the case with Issa, son of virgin Mariyam, where the jews remained as
jews and many of them became christians, and farther division among themselves (Different sects of christians and
jews). Allah (God) replied to Muhammad, peace be upon him, that satan would succeed in making seventy two
sects of his followers and all these seventy two sects would go to hell fire. This is why we today have seventy three
sects of muslims and all but one would go to hell fire cause they practice nonsense (Truth blended with falsehood).
This one sect who follow the tradition and custom (Sunna) of all the prophets would enter in one of the seven
heavens. This is why we say Sunni Muslim cause the word sunni is a derivative word from the word sunna which
means tradition and custom of the prophets.
In the begining, the muslims would pray facing Jerusalem, but when the jews did not side with Muhammad, peace
be upon him, Allah (God) send message to Muhammad, peace be upon him, that the direction of prayer be towards
the Kibla to bring unity among the brotherhood of humanity. When I was a kid, it was probably in the year
1968, I saw Iblis, satan the devil, in the shape of my grandfather (My grandfather had already died and I saw him
buried at Nowgang which is 200 miles from Dibrugarh). This Satan tried to beguile me cause what I saw was that
a person who appeared like my grandfather with the same dress he use to wear with a black cap. He stood in the
posture of Qiyaam (The posture of standing erect to perform Salaat). I turned around to go and call my elder
brother, but then I turned my head to have a second look but his thing had vanished. I was totally confused, taken
aback, and flabbergasted. I did not tell any of my family member cause they would find me ridicules and would
have laughed at me. But the next day my mother saw her father that is my grandfather and she related the incident
while we were having lunch. It was then I confided to my family member that I saw him too the day earlier.
Later in life, I asked my mother what she thought when see saw her father after he was supposed to have died and
she almost called him an angel when I reminded her that an angel will have either two, three, or four wings. Iblis,
satan the devil, tried to beguile me to pray towards North instead of the Kibla and thus break the unity among the
brotherhood of humanity. I further concluded that satan cannot prostrate in prayer to God (Allah) till he first bow
to Adam cause his back is stiffened by One All Mighty God (Allah). It is because of this, Muhammad, peace be
upon him had said, “The difference between believer and unbeliever is salaat (Sunni Muslim way of saying
prayer). While I (Ahmed Kabir) feel that action speak louder than words.
I would also like to say that Issa, son of virgin Mariyam (Peace be on both) was a prophet born among the Jews
and he was never a Christian who has not yet tasted death and he was one who had submitted to the will of God
whose real name is Allah, and the word Muslim means that that person who submits to the will of God (Allah) and
therefore Issa, son of virgin Mariyam, was a Muslim Jew like I (Ahmed Kabir) am an Assamies Muslim. Issa, son
of virgin Mariyam will be put on the minaret of the appointed mosque at Damascus, Syria. People will have to get
a ladder to bring him down. The world will see cause we have satellite, aerial photography, television, etc, etc.
Issa, son of virgin Mariyam, will rule the earth for forty years and eventually die a natural death. Issa, son of
virgin Mariyam, will be buried at Madina by the side of the last messanger, Muhammad, peace be upon him, where
his grave has been reserved. It is Muhammad, peace be upon him, who had said, “When the time of Issa to be
put on the minaret of the appointed mosque by Allah’s command, the Jews would be assembling in the land
of Israel.
When Issa, son of virgin Mariyam (peace be on both) descend to the playing ground (Earth or world) to resume
playing the “Game of life” or “King of all Games” and because he is a sportsman (Human) he will be full of
handicap. He will not able to speak english nor drive a car to work, etc, etc. He will be like a grown-up baby. And
when eventually he will able to speak and say that he is not the “Son of God (Allah)” but the son of his own mother
whose name was Mariyam the Christians are going to get angry and mad and in their drunken mood would like to
crucify him. But the Muslims and the Jews will not like to crucify him as long as he has a circumcised penis.
And if he does not have a circumcised penis than it is Jesus, Iblis satan the devil and a Jinn.
In the “Game of Life”, since the dawn of Adam on earth everything had been revealed in stages by the One All
Mighty God (Allah) to humans and Jinns. This world is the zero point in the arithmetic scale. It is neither positive
(Heaven) nor negative (Hell) but it is the learning point and we have to decide whether we as humans and jinns
want to go the positive way (Heaven) or the negative way (Hell). Everything had not been revealed to Issa, son of
virgin Mariyam, peace be to both of them, and therefore when he (Issa) resume to play the “Game of Life” people
would witness that he (Issa) has much to learn. And therefore the best of movies would be made by the Jews and it
would be called “Educating the King of Kings”.
Allah the true All Mighty God will send Issa (Jesus) son of virgin Mariyam (Peace be on both) among the muslims,
but the muslims will not speak his language including Ahmed. Issa will then be handed over to his people (Jews)
who speak his language and the Jews and the muslims are going to shake-hands (be friends) and the Jews will
become muslims and would realize that the acrimonious feeling between the Jews and the muslims are the fault of
the Jews great-grandfather who had rejected Muhammad (Peace be on him) as the last massenger. While the
acrimonious feeling between the Jews and the Christians is the fault of the Christians the bad Jews.
While Issa, who would be a muslim Jew would like to break the cross from churches and graveyard cause it is Iblis,
Satan the devil. It is Ahmed who would be his earthly father (Caretaker). Issa will rule the earth for fourty
years and eventually die a natural death. He will marry and not have a wife but wives and have many children.
And the best of movies would be made by the Jews and the movie would not be called “King of the Jews” nor
“King of the Kings”, but will be called “Educating the King of Kings”, and he himself (Issa) will be the actor.
Let us study the case leading to the birth of Issa, son of virgin Mariyam. This is what the Holy Book say:
Sura (Verse) Mariyam or Mary verse 20 to 25
S19: 20 to 25.
20: She said: How can I
Have a son when no mortal
hath touched me, neither have
I been unchaste?
21: He said: So it will be
Thy Lord saith: It is easy
for Me. And it will be that
We may make of him a revealation
for mankind and a mercy from Us,
and it is a thing ordained.
22: And she conceived
him, and she withdrew with
him to a far place.
23: And the pangs of
childbirth drove her unto the
trunk of the palm tree. She
Said: “Oh, would that I had
died ere this had become
a thing of naught, forgotten!
24: Then (one) cried unto
her from below her, saying:
Grieve Not! Thy Lord hath
placed a rivulet beneath thee.
25: And shake the trunk
of the palm tree toward thee,
thou wilt cause ripe dates to fall unto thee.
Oops! Did it say Pine tree or Palm tree? Hay! if you are a CIA or an FBI agent you should know better if in the
land of Israel are there any pine trees? You know what? When I was in school in Geography class we were taught
that these conical pine forest are found in cold climates in the foothill of the Himalayas. I was totally surprise to
find these pine trees in hot climate in Texas (Houston). If there are no pine trees in Israel than the Christians
during Christmas time instead of getting drunk and putting presents under a pine tree they should be
contemplating. You know what? Issa, son of virgin Mariyam was not born on 25 December, but he was born
in the season when the dates were ripe. December 25 is the birth date of Satan (Jesus) cause the son of virgin
Mariyam’s name was Issa and not Jesus. All the confusion is coming about cause there are Jinns mingled
among us humans in the shape of humans. Do you know when the Christian missionary went to South America
for the first time to preach Christianity they were totally surprised to find Christianity already existing there.
Christianity is the work of Satan and his companion of Jinns who could travel from nation to nation without a
passport and visa. Once the human race confirms this, believe it or not we humans will abolish the travel document
which we call passport and visa. Like Adam was not American nor Indian, neither Chinese nor Japanese, etc, etc,
but he (Adam) was surely the citizen of the world. We human will realize this fact and to protect the world we
should call ourselves citizen of the world before we could call ourselves citizen of a particular country or
Like Issa, was ostracized by his people during his time, and Muhammad was ostracized by his people cause people
did not understand them so will be my (Ahmed) case. The muslims in my home town would ostracized me and
my life would be in danger by the so called muslims (Hypocrites). This confusion among the muslims about the
last Messenger and last Prophet would come about cause Allah (God) had given Satan this handicap that
Muhammad’s name was never to be mentioned by the previous Messengers and Prophets. It is us muslims by
force and wrong interpretation that they refer Ahmed to be Muhammad and therefore their “Human
Upright Nature” blended with wrong notion will make their blood boil and try to kill me (Ahmed Kabir) like
the Jews tried to kill Issa, son of virgin Mariyam, and Muhammad, peace be upon them.
On an average the Christians are the best natured people yet they commit the greatest of all sins that is to make
partner with One All Mighty God Whose real name is Allah by worshiping Iblis, Satan the devil, as god in the
name of Jesus for the real name of the son of virgin Mariyam was Issa. The Bible clearly mentions in the very
first of the Ten Commandments, “I am the Lord thy God (Allah), Thou shalt have no other gods before Me
(Allah)”. This is the same thing as “LAA-ILAAHA IL-LAL-LAAH” (There is no god but Allah). One All
Mighty God (Allah) will forgive all sins if we truly atone for our sin cause He (Allah) is most Beneficent the
Merciful, but he will not forgive those who make partner with Him (Allah) and call other animate and inanimate
objects as god.
When Issa, son of virgin Mariyam, peace be upon both, will break the cross from churches and graveyard cause it
is Iblis, Satan the devil, the third world war will begin. The third world war will be a war by the Christians for the
Christians so that Christianity may be wiped out from the face of the earth cause Christianity is the work of the bad
jews who call themselves Christians and Iblis, Satan the devil has beguiled them to worship him in the name of
Jesus. Because this upright by nature in us humans is so strong and when the Christians will realize that it is
a question of heaven and hell and that they have been worshiping Satan in the Cross they would be killing
among themselves. The third world war will be sparked off by the Nazis and the KKK.
The second world war was a war by the Christians for the Christians so that they may wipe out the Jews who were
bearer to many witnesses so that Christianity may flourish. The Jews know this very well who was Adolf Hitler
(Satan) and the pope during second world war encouraged the killing of the Jews.
My intention is to trap the greatest of all terrorist of mankind who is Iblis, Satan the devil and his companion of
Jinns. People will know me as a mighty hunter like Nimrode (The story of the tower of Bable), but in submission
to the will of One All Mighty God Whose real name is Allah. In-Sha-Allah (If and only if One All Mighty God
Whose real name is Allah wills it.)
I would like to Quote two verses from the Holy Quran:
Sura As-Saff (The Battle Array) verse 6.
And remember, Issa,
The son of Mariyam, said:
“O Children of Israel!
I am the messenger of Allah
Sent to you, confirming
The Taurat (Which came)
Before me, and giving
Glad Tidings of a messenger
To come after me,
Whose name shall be Ahmad”.
But when he came to them
With Clear Signs,
They said, “This is
Evident Sorcery!
Sura Al-Maidah (The Table Spread) verse32.
On that account: We ordained
For the Children of Israel
That if any one slew
A person unless it be
For murder or for spreading
Mischief in the land
It would be as if
He slew all of man-kind
And if any one saved a life.
It would be as if he saved
The life of all man-kind.
Then although there came
To them Our Messengers
With Clear Signs, yet,
Even after that, many
of them continued to commit
Excesses in the land.
Iblis, Satan the devil, would like to frame me like he had tried to frame Issa, son of virgin Mariyam, and
Muhammad (Peace be on both) by saying that I am the anti-Christ amoung the Christions. See the movie, “The
Man Who Saw Tomorrow”, a movie based on the prediction of Nostradomas. This is how, Iblis, satan the devil,
infuse and manipulate the mind of us humans to trap another human. Believe it or not once the United States
of America use their logic sense (The Science of Reasoning), they would invite me to be their
commender-in-chief so that we may trap this evil force called Iblis, satan the devil.
And Iblis, Satan the devil would infuse in the minds of the muslims that Muhammad is the last prophet and the
muslims will try to kill me cause they have their brains in their balls (Use of no logic sense or the science of
reasoning). Infact Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the last Messenger while I (Ahmed Kabir) am the last
Prophet. It will be the Jews who do not have their brains in the balls but in the head who use their logic sense or
the science of reasoning who would come to help me first and would realize that I am their expected messiah
(Savior) of the world. Even though I am Musilm (One who submit to the will of One All Mighty God whose real
name is Allah) the Jews will come to my help cause Issa, son of virgin Mariyam had said, “Love your enemy”
and he was a Jew and not a Christian and he was one who had submitted to the will of the One All Mighty
God whose real name is Allah and the word muslim refers to that person who submit to the will of the One
All Mighty God whose real name is Allah. And therefore Issa, (peace be upon him) was a muslim Jew like I
am an Assamies Muslim.
I would like to tell Iblis, satan the devil that, “He (Satan) can fool some of the people all the time and all the
people some of the time but he can’t fool all the people all the time”. We humans use the logic sense (The
Science of reasoning) and infact I am trying to rescue a lot of people from going to hell fire. Besides I would
like to say, “Those who kill others must taste death someday and even Iblis, satan the devil, who has life till the
doomsday must taste death”. Yes, “We humans are mortal”. These sayings were quoted by Abraham Lincoln
and J. F. Kennedy who got shot and the root cause was Iblis, Satan the devil, and one of his name was Jesus
cause the real name of the son of virgin Mariyam’s name was Issa.
Lets see if you could be a classic Sherlock Holmes. Let me see if you could detect Sathya Sai Baba as an imposter.
Sathya Sai Baba lives in India and he claims to be God (Bagwan) on earth. He says he is Jesus in reincarnation.
Push for brains (Use of the logic sense or the science of reasoning). Well let me give you a clue:
Son of virgin Mariyam was a jew and never was he a Christian. On the seventh day of his birth he was
circumcised as per the commandments of One All Mighty God (Allah). Son of virgin Mariyam’s name was
Issa and never was Jesus and he spoke against the head priest who did not have a circumcised penis cause he
was Satan (Jesus) himself and he had one testicle. Sathya Sai Baba do not have a circumcised penis and he
has one testicle. He is no god but Satan himself. He is Adolf Hitler cause Adolf Hitler had one testicle and his
penis is not circumcised. I would encourage a jew and a christian to pretend to be a Nazis from Germany
and tell him that he would believe in him to be god if he could change his appearence to Adolf Hitler. This is
possible cause he is a Jinn and a devil. This is one of the top secret of the India Government. One of his
followers had said, “If India and Germany become one we could rule the world”. This is why the swastika (a
form of the cross) is found in the Hindu religion which is satanic.
It is because of this the Isriele Government would award (reward) me with a coveted prize for being the
greatest Sherlock Holmes. The Jews will accept me as the expected messiah (Savior) of the world.
In-Sha-Allah (If and only if One All Mighty God whose real name is Allah wills it). As the worlds greatest
Sherlock Holmes, I will make the possible into impossible, and the impossible into possible cause with the passage
of time the truth is always revealed.
The second coveted prize will come from the government of the United States of America in conjunction with the
North American Hunting Club who had given me free membership when I lived in an apartment at 3500
Woodchase #1732, Houston, Texas 77042. It is funny that in the U.S.A. there is no such thing as a free lunch yet I
got my membership free in the North American Hunting Club. I got it free cause my apartment was bugged
(hidden microphone and video camera) by the secret service and they had witnessed paranormal activities.
The Americans (Christians) would accept me as the greatest of all hunter who would hunt down satan and make
him bow at Adam’s grave. In-Sha-Allah (If and only if One All Mighty God whose real name is Allah wills it).
The third coveted prize will come from that nation where my grave would be cause I am going to die a natural
death and it is that nation who will give me all protection. This nation in conjunction with all nation of the world
would award (reward) me with the coveted prize for being the greatest scientiest and for my contribution in the
field of science where I would have successfully refute the Darwin theory, but further able to prove that it is very
much satanic and there is another creation of One All Mighty God (Allah) called Jinns who could become visible
and invisible. I would also contribute many other things in the field of science which I have in mind. In-sha-Allah
(If and only if One All Mighty God whose real name is Allah wills it). The muslims who tried to kill me first
will finally accept me as their Khalifa (Viceroy on Earth).
Finally I would like to say, I am not a muslim because I am born from muslim parents, but I am muslim cause
Allah had guided me to the right path and I understand Islam. I am not a muslim because of only prophet
Muhammad (Peace be on him), but I am muslim for all the prophet who took part in the “Game of life” or “King
of all Games” specially Musa (Moses), Issa (Jesus), and Muhammad, peace be to all of them. I also accept that
there is not only truth in the Holy Quran, but there is hidden power as well which we muslims do not know how
to use it. I also have faith that Issa (Jesus) is not dead and Allah will make him descend in Damascas, Syria. Issa,
son of virgin Mariyam will break the cross from Churches and Graveyards in the “Game of life” or “King of All
Games”. Muhammad was the Captain (Commander-in-chief) and Ibrahim was the Center Foward or the Goal
Getter who had brought the downfall on Namrude (Nimrode), the mighty hunter in rebellion against God (Allah). I
am the vice-captain (Second in Command) in the “Game of life” or “King of all Games” and would have
such power by the grace of the One All Mighty God Whose real name is Allah that no man would have
witnessed such power in the history of mankind. It would be the refined lot of the Jews who would
understand me and come to my help to help themselves.
In the meantime I recommend that you see these movies to jog your brain cells, “What Really happened to Adolf
Hitler”, “Schindler’s list”, “Life is Beautiful”, “Time after Time”, “Fidler On The Roof”, “Where Eagles
Dare”, “Absolute Power”, “True Crime”, “Golden Eye”, “Spies Above”, “The Man Who Saw Tomorrow”,
“One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”, “JFK”, “Gandhi”, and “A Passage To India.”
Kindest Regards,
Ahmed Kabir.
December 21, 2000.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
10th & PA Avenue, N.W.
Washington DC 20537.
Subject: To trap the greatest of all terrorist.
Dear Sir,
As far as I can understand, the greatest of all terrorist of mankind is Iblis,
Satan the devil. I have had close encounter and now I feel that it is possible
to trap this evil force.
Please don’t ever think that I am trying to spin a yarn, but I have had close
encounter with this evil force in many places in India and in foreign land
like in Macca, Madina, and in Houston, Texas.
I would like to inform you that besides the animal kingdom and human being
there is another creation of God call Jinns. Jinns are made of smokeless fire
just like humans are made of clay and they can take the shape of other human
beings and animals and they multiply like other creatures and have population
of their own. Jinns generally are invisible and they consume food like other
living creatures and they do have natural death among themselves though their
longevity is much more than humans. Like humans, Jinns do practice different
religion and the kingpin of these population of Jinns is Iblis, Satan the
devil who has life till the doomsday.
Since the creation of Adam and Eve the Devil has been an avowed enemy to
mankind. On my third trip to the United States of America while I lived in an
apartment at 3500 Woodchase #1732, Houston, Texas 77042, I had a intuitional
feeling that my apartment was bugged (hidden microphone and video camera) by
the secret service. If my apartment was bugged I could be lucky to refute the
Darwin theory, but further able to prove that it is very much satanic and
besides the animal kingdom and human being there is another creation of One
All Mighty God called Jinns and they can take the shape of other human beings
and animals and they multiply like other creatures and have population of
their own and they are made of smokeless fire just like humans are made of
clay and the “Missing link” is Iblis, Satan the devil.
In my apartment three major things happened besides this thing which comes
like an air and stiffens me and I cannot move. First, between 10 PM March 7th,
1992 and 5 AM March 8th, 1992 I hear a whisper on my left ear while I was
lying on my right shoulder trying to sleep. I did not hear what it said though
I was fully conscience of it and a stranger (perhaps the secret service) at
the same time rings me on the phone as if to wake me up. I pick up the
receiver of the phone but nobody answers. Whatever this thing which tries to
whisper on my left ear is nothing else but Iblis, Satan the devil, and I am
hundred percent positive for it tries to create mischief and angels do not
create mischief. But, however, I did not see though “Seeing is believing”, I
must use my logic sense (The science of reasoning) and I must take all
possibility into account.
The second incident took place between 9.30 PM March 14th, 1992 and 3.30 AM
March 15th, 1992. I had just written something in my notebook and had gone to
bed after watching some television. The time was perhaps between 9.30 PM and
3.30 AM for last I checked the time on my bed side table was 3.30 AM. A
stranger (perhaps the secret service) at the same time rings me on the phone
as if to wake me up. I pick up the receiver but nobody answers the phone. What
I experienced was that I felt two hands hold (grasp) my palms (both hands) as
if in a handshake (a firm hand-hold). I have a strong feeling that it could be
an angel, but “Seeing is believing” and I did not see but I only felt the
handshake (a firm hand-hold).
And the third incident took place a day or two after the previous incident for
I did not write down the time and date for I was thinking. And the previous
incident took place between 9.30 PM March 14th, 1992 and 3.30 AM March 15th,
If the secret service share the video recording with me I would be sure what
exactly it was. I could also help the secret service in solving many unsolved
mystery like who really killed president J. F. Kennedy, and the mysterious
Bermuda Triangle.
I would also like to discuss the subject with a team of scientist so that we
are able to mobilize these vast population of Jinns and achieve many things
for the benefit of mankind.
I would also like a compensation between US$ 18 million to US$ 700 million
dollars (Seven hundred million dollars) for three main reasons:
First, on my second trip to the United States of America in the year 1987, by
December I had encounter of this evil force in my apartment in Kingwood,
Texas. I was very much scared and perhaps suffered from paranoia. I was very
much confused and I did not know what to do, yes I was helpless. I was
eventually diagnosed to have been suffering from schizophrenia and was treated
with strong medicine which was like a poison to my physical body. I am not
holding any grudge against these American doctors for wrongly diagnosing me
for I have to keep in mind that they have not seen the so called Jinns, and it
is hard to believe what they have never seen and “Seeing is believing”. After
all in the days of old (during biblical times) if somebody said, “The world is
round and not flat” he would be called mad and was believed to have been
possessed by the devil and was beheaded. Galileo was one such person who was
prosecuted by the church. In 1979, Pope John Paul II declared that the Roman
Catholic Church may have been mistaken in condemning Galileo. The pope
instructed a church commission to study the case. In 1983 the church concluded
that Galaleo should not have been condemned. In 1984, the church published all
documents relating to Galileo’s trial, on the commission’s recommendation.
What I am trying to say here is that “Little knowledge could be a dangerous
After I was released from the hospital, I saw a TV program called “Seeing the
Angel” in the Discovery channel where people have seen their relatives after
they have died. I have seen my own grandfather after he had died and I have
figured out that it was Iblis, Satan the devil and he is one among the Jinns.
My mother too saw her father that is my grandfather after he had died and she
almost called him an angel when I reminded her that an angel will have either
two, three, or four wings. A Hindu lady saw my sister’s father-in-law at
Guwahati, Assam after he had died and that was only Iblis, Satan the devil.
The resurrection of Issa (Jesus, son of virgin Miriam, peace be on both, was
nothing but Iblis, Satan the devil who had taken the like appearance of Issa
(Jesus) for the truth is that Issa (Jesus), peace be upon him, was never even
crucified. And the greatest sin a human being could commit is to make partner
with One All Mighty God. The Bible clearly mentions in the very first of the
Ten Commandments, “I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before
There is no god save Him. The alive, the eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep
over taketh Him. Unto Him belongeth what so ever in the Heavens and what so
ever in the Earth. Who is he that intercede with Him save by His leave. He
knowth that which is in front of them and that which is behind them while they
encompass nothing of His knowledge save what He will. His throne included the
heavens and the earth. And He is never weary of preserving them. He is the
sublime, the tremendous.
He is God, the One and Only God, the eternal, absolute; He begetheth not, nor
was He begothen; and there is none like unto Him.
The real One All Mighty God is unseen.
I am enclosing an article of Jesus Christ from the World Book and if you read
carefully the highlighted portion you will able to detect Issa (Jesus), son of
virgin Miriam, peace be on both, was never crucified, but it was Iblis, Satan
the devil, who can take the shape of other human being and has life till the
doomsday actually pretended to be dead on the cross and he appeared as if he
rose back form the dead to lead many people astray and make them commit the
greatest of all sin that is to make partner with One All Mighty God and also
to worship him (Iblis) as god in the name of Jesus for the real name of the
son of virgin Miriam was Issa. If Issa (Jesus) truly died for our sins, than
why did he cry out, “My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me”? I also feel
that One All Mighty God rose Issa (Jesus) to haven before the Last Supper and
Judas Iscariot did not betray but detected that it was Iblis, Satan the devil
and during biblical times if anybody spoke the truth they must prove
themselves by longing for death.
For a moment let us not suppose, but I am truly suffering from
“Schizophrenia”. And my own mother who saw her father that is my grandfather
after he had died and my mother saw a day or two later than I did and let us
not only suppose but she too is truly suffering from schizophrenia. My ex-wife
while she was married to me saw a few things and lets not only suppose but she
too is truly suffering from schizophrenia. And the Hindu lady who sees my
sister’s father-in-law after he had died and let us not only suppose but she
too is suffering from schizophrenia. And there are lots of people who have
seen their relatives after they have died and there was a TV program in the
“Discovery Channel” called “Seeing the Angels” where these people have seen
their relatives after they have died and let us not suppose but they too are
truly suffering from “schizophrenia”. If all of us are suffering from
schizophrenia and what we saw is not true than we come to a good conclusion
and that is every Christian is suffering from schizophrenia or at least
believe in so called Apostle who actually suffered from schizophrenia for the
disciples saw Jesus after he was supposed to have died on the cross.
Even the assassination of president J. F. Kennedy, Oswald was not the only one
who shot J. F. Kennedy for there was three shots from three different
direction (angles). If you see the movie J. F. Kennedy you will notice that
there was a man hidden behind a bush with a rifle. I sometime wonder If Dallas
had a reputation as a center for people who strongly opposed Kennedy I am sure
the secret service must have had made very tight security arrangements and in
spite of this how did this man vanish. I suspect that it was the work of
My second reason for claiming compensation is that the intelligent service had
bugged my apartment and had invaded my privacy.
My third reason for claming compensation is towards my know-how as to what I
can contribute in scientific terms and eventually even U.S.$700 million (seven
hundred million dollars) may look like peanuts when the United States would
gain more than billion times more than what they give me. For example if what
I am speaking is true than there is a possibility in mobilizing these vast
population of Jinns from one nation to another and make them compel to bring
vast amount of commodities with them. One could devastate a given nation by
over populating it and causing an ecological imbalance.
One All Mighty God had given Solomon the wise direct control over the Jinns
and you could verify this fact from a knowledgeable Muslim. I, however, intend
to achieve the control of the Jinns indirectly by the use of science and
modern technology in a combine effort with a team of scientist perhaps from
I eventually intend to trap Iblis, Satan the devil, who is not a fallen angel,
but he is the kingpin of the vast population of Jinns. You can well imagine if
what I am saying is true than Iblis, Satan the devil, who could become visible
and invisible and can take the shape of other human beings and animals could
infiltrate into highly secured place where unauthorized person is not
permitted to enter. For example, if Iblis, Satan the devil, can become
invisible he could enter highly secured place like a nuclear installation and
detonate a nuclear explosion. Yes, Iblis, Satan the devil, is a traitor, a
rebel, an outcast, and an enemy to the enter human race and that of the Jinns.
All I have to say about Iblis, Satan the devil, is that a fox is always
suspected and caught while a donkey goes by. With the passage of time the
truth is always reviled.
I don’t wish to discuss this matter with religious leaders, but with people
who are logicians and have an open mind. There are so many different religion
and it is all the doing of Iblis, Satan the devil. There are seventy three
sects of Muslims and our prophet, Mohammed, (peace be upon him) had predicted
that all but one will go to hell fire. Even in Christianity there are many
denominations and styles of worship. My personal belief is that there is no
compulsion in religion. The right direction is distinct from error. And he who
reject false deities (priest) and believe in One All Mighty God had grasped a
firm hand-hold which will never break, God is hearer, knower.
The purpose of us in this world is that this world is only a game and a
pastime the real world is in the hereafter. The important fact is whom you
worship as your lord and on which side you are playing the game. The two sides
are One All Mighty God, and Iblis, Satan the devil. What is religion? Religion
is not a way of life, but religion is submission to the will of God and not a
guru (priest), which eventually becomes a way of life. I feel that those who
will be blind in their belief will be blind in the hereafter and further away
from the right path.
If you would like to meet and discuss the matter in more detail, I would be
glad to do so at Singapore. However, I would appreciate if you send me a
return air ticket by Singapore Airlines along with hotel reservation. I hate
to do this but I have already spent too much of my own funds in vain. I am
enclosing a Photostat copy of my passport and in case you decide to meet I
would like you to mail the air tickets Dibrugarh-Calcutta, Calcutta-Singapore,
Singapore-Calcutta, Calcutta-Dibrugarh by UPS. Please make sure that you print
the phone number along with the mailing address when you send the air ticket
by UPS. Please do not call me on the phone for my phone may be taped by the
Indian Government, and I don’t wish to face any problem in this land of
idolaters. I would appreciate if you could give me your contact phone number
in case I need to get in touch with you. If I do call I will do so from a
Thanking you, and looking forward in helping the United States of America in
the field of science and for the promotion of world peace. And I am sure all
nations will support the United States of America for such an adventure and
for the search for world unity.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Ahmed Kabir
February 20, 2002.
El Magdoud Essia
25 Rue Ampere
67100 Strasbourg, France.
Subject: Research work in an indirect control of the Jinns for the benefit of mankind and to trap the
greatest of all terrorist of mankind who is Iblis, Satan the devil.
Dear El Magdoud Essia,
Hope this letter find you in the best of health and spirit. It was great talking to you and I would truly appreciate if
you could direct me to the right department for this research work. As far as I can understand, the greatest of all
terrorist of mankind is Iblis, Satan the devil. I have had close encounter and now I feel that it is possible to trap
this evil force.
Please don’t ever think that I am trying to spin a yarn, but I have had close encounter with this evil force in many
places in India and in foreign land like in Macca, Madina, and in Houston, Texas.
I would like to discuss the subject with a team of scientist so that we are able to mobilize these vast population of
Jinns and achieve many things for the benefit of mankind.
One All Mighty God (Allah) had given Solomon the wise direct control over the Jinns and you could verify this
fact from a knowledgeable Muslim. I, however, intend to achieve the control of the Jinns indirectly by the use of
science and modern technology in a combine effort with a team of scientist and of course with the help of the
Holy Quran where the actual power is hidden.
There are many application in the indirect control of the Jinns and some of them are:
(1) Population could be reduced by eradicating a vast population of Jinns from thickly populated country to
thinly populated country.
(2) One could disarm countries by forcing the Jinns to do so.
(3) One could devastate an unfriendly nation by over populating it with Jinns and causing an ecological
(4) By mobilizing these vast population of jinns from one nation to another and make them compel to bring
vast amount of commodities with them.
(5) Any nation who sponsors such a research work and if become fruitful could become a supernation.
(6) If I could prove the existence of Jinns than probably the entire Guinness book of world record could be
put to doubt cause it is possible that Jinns in the shape of human beings could have set these world records.
I am a thinker and I am not trying to praise myself, but all great people who have made discoveries and
invention were good thinkers. I am sure there is hidden power in the Holy Quran and with the help of science
and modern technology, and with a combine effort with a team of scientist we could be successful in mobilizing
these vast population of Jinns and achieve many things for the benefit of mankind. I am sure we would able to trap
Iblis, Satan the devil if the will of God is there (In-Sha Allah).
I have experienced the presence of Jinns with my five senses and some time there were another person who
witnessed these experience. Due to the nature of the research work I don’t mind marrying a Jewish and a Christian
girl. By Islamic religion I am permitted to have four wives at a time. I already have two. I, however, will not permit
the secret service to bug my dwelling place and invade my privacy.
I am enclosing a few letter I had written and they are very informative. I hope you could do something to connect
me to the right department. The States would be the right place to do this research work since it has the
infrastructure and space technology. However, I am claiming US $ 700 million from the US government as
compensation. If I get it I would feel monetarily secure and able to concentrate in my research work instead of
worrying about earning enough money to make both ends meet.
I would also like to state that the purpose of us in this world is that this world is only a game and a pasttime the
real world is in the hearafter. The important fact is whom you worship as your lord and on which side you are
playing the game. The two sides are One All mighty God, and Iblis, Satan the devil.
We must also prepare the world for the arrival of Issia (Jesus), son of virgin Mariyam on his second coming. When
Jesus (A Jinn) was crucified and though he looked like Issa, pleace be upon him, this Jesus (A jinn) did not have a
circumcised penis and there were a lot of intelligent Jews who realized this fact cause Issa, peace be upon him, was
circumcised on the seventh day. This is the only way we will able to differenciate between Issa, son of virgin
Mariyam, peace be on both, and Jesus, Iblis, Satan the devil, who is a jinn and can take the like appearance of Issa,
peace be upon him.
Since people would find me funny and ridicules, I had written in my note book in riddle form and I referred the
penis as the passport and the circumcision as the visa to paradise and believe it or not the third major incident
which happened in apartment 3500 Woodchase #1732, Houston, Texas-77042 was that something came and
inspected my circumcised penis. This is why the video recording by the secret service is very important for me
to see so that I am sure what it really was.
While I lived in apartment 3500 Woodchase #1732, Houston, Texas-77042, I wrote many things in my note book
and like a detective I was trying to verify what it was when this thing use to come like an air and paralyze me.
Between 10 pm March 7th, 1992 and 5 am March 8th, 1992 I hear a whisper on my left ear while I was lying on
my right shoulder trying to sleep. I was fully conscience of it and a stranger (Perhaps the secret service) at the
same time ring me on the phone as if to wake me up. I pick up the receiver of the phone, but nobody answers. I am
hundred percent positive that this thing which tries to whisper on my left ear was Iblis, Satan the devil, cause he
tried to beguile the secret service in making them think that what I was writing on my note book was Satanic but
infact it was very much Islamic (In submission to the will of God). This is why the video recording by the secret
service is very important.
The second incident took place between 9.30 pm March 14th, 1992 and 3.30 am March 15th, 1992. I had just
written something in my notebook and had gone to bed after watching some television. The time was perhaps
between 9.30 pm and 3.30 am for last I check the time on my bed side table was 3.30 am. A stranger (Perhaps the
secret service) at the same time rings me on the phone as if to wake me up. I pick up the receiver but nobody
answers the phone. What I experienced was that I felt two hands hold (grasp) my palms (both hands) as if in a
handshake (a firm hand-hold). I have a strong feeling that it could be an angel, but “Seeing is believing” and
I did not see but I only felt the handshake (a firm hand-hold). This again why the video recording by the
secret service is very important to verify what it was.
Prior to the first and second incident this is some of the things what I wrote in my note book, “When Issa, son of
virgin Mariyam (peace be on both) descend to the playing ground (Earth or world) to resume playing the “Game of
life” or “Kings of all Games” and because he is a sportsman (Human) he will be full of handicap. He will not able
to speak english nor drive a car to work, ect,ect. He will be like a grown-up baby. And when eventually he will able
to speak and say that he is not the “Son of God (Allah)” but the son of his own mother whose name was Mariyam
the Christians are going to get angry and mad and in their drunken mood would like to crucify him. But the
Muslims and the Jews will not like to crucify him as long as he has the “Visa” to paradise on his passport. And if
he does not have the visa to paradise on his passport than it is Jesus, Iblis satan the devil and a Jinn (Devil).
Allah the true All Mighty God will send Issa (Jesus) son of virgin Mariyam (Peace be on both) among the muslims,
but the muslims will not speak his language including Ahmed. Isaa will then be handed over to his people (Jews)
who speak his language and the Jews and the muslims are going to shake-hands (be friends) and the Jews will
realize that the acrimonious feeling between the Jews and the muslims are the fault of the Jews great-grandfather
who had rejected muhammad (Peace be on him) as the last massenger. While the acrimonious feeling between the
Jews and the Christians is the fault of the Christians the bad Jews.
Thanking you and hoping to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Ahmed Kabir.
Ahmed Kabir
Kabir Tea Estate
Near M. D. Wine Shop, Malakhubasa, Convoy Road
Dibrugarh - 786 001, Assam, India.
Phone 00+91+373+2327885
Home Phone 00+91+9435033106
March 24, 2005.
Dear Ashwin,
It was great to hear from you and I am extremely sorry for the delay in writing to you. I was out of station for about
a month and I received your email while I was overseas. As you read this letter you would further realize the reason
why I took so long to write to you.
I feel I have a lot to contribute in the field of science but I do not wish to tell you right away because I may look
like a clown. First I must prepare you on the subject I am about to discuss. Imagine yourself being put into a
time-machine and going back in time say a little before Jesus was born and you approach the rabbi and tell him
that you know for sure that the earth is round and believe it or not you would be laughed at cause everybody
believed in the days of old that the earth was flat. It is because people are ignorant of the truth that one must be
careful what you are talking about and to whom you are talking to. It is because of this reason I have carefully
selected Shahrukh Merchant and you because I expect you both to use your logic sense (The Science of Reasoning).
I have not heard from Shahrukh Merchant but once he receives this copy he may show a great deal of interest. I
had been writing to another American lady about this scientific research programme and her name is Rochelle
Gordon. Rochelle is a Christian lady and she is an Astrologer. Rochelle and I have accepted each other as friend
though I have made it clear to her that I do not believe in Astrology, but as a Muslim for me everything happens by
the will of One All Mighty God. As I had discussed this scientific research programme with Rochelle Gorden, she
had mentioned many times in her letter to me that, “I would stop people in their tracks”. I have a strong feeling
that eventually my name would spread like a river flows into the Ocean and I would be rescuing a lot of my
fellow humans from going to hell fire. I still remember when we were in grade six or seven and both of you
were in different section perhaps in section “A” and I was in section “D” when our math teacher,
Mr. Gilbert Bose said in class for no apparent reason, “Kabir is intelligent but he has difficulty in expressing
himself”. I think Mr. Gilbert Bose was a nice natured Christian man. He likes to use his logic sense (The
Science of Reasoning) and he is very fond of reading Sherlock Holmes. I have never met him since I left
Mayo College, but I believe he has become a principal in a school in Gujarat. In case you need to get in touch
with him his phone number is: 00+91+80+547-9230 and his cell phone number is 0091+94152-17330.
Let me take you both back when we were in Mayo College. Both of you thought I was a good sportsman, but I
never excelled in sports because I never had a good coach. I never excelled academically either because unlike you
both my parents were uneducated and to make things worse they use to beat the hell out of me. I never had a good
foundation, but never the less I was intelligent and had the sense of originality about myself. During our final
year I was put in section “A” among the brightest of the student in our batch.
Ashwin, if you do recall how I fooled everybody with the Physic exam paper except Shahrukh Merchant who had
detected that I had neatly cut the year “1977” from one of the exam paper and stuck it on top of the previous years
Physic paper. I think Shahrukh Merchant could be an excellent detective and the kind of person we need in this
scientific research programme I am about to discuss.
Ashwin, do you remember I had given you a hand written Chemistry question paper and I had told you that this is
what is going to come in the exams and after the exams was over you had said to me. “It was very close to the
real one”. Well, have you ever wondered why I did so badly in Chemistry? Well, like Shahrukh Merchant
you have to be a good Sherlock Holmes to figure this out. Let me give you a clue: Forrest Gump, Albert
Einstein, and Isaac Newton were almost like drop out of school. See the movie “Forest Gump”. I was in
Singapore and I like the movie so much that I saw the movie six more days of my stay at Singapore.
Well, I have a very strong intuition and you may call me a psychic. I still remember I was very weak in the subject
“Hindi” and I was sure to fail. I had such strong feeling that Ariabhat, the first Indian satellite, would come as an
essay in the exams paper. You would not believe me but I went to the library and asked Mr. Naque, the librarian,
where I can get information about Ariabhat. Mr. Naque gave me a book called the “Asia Record Book” and I
quickly copied everything in English. I asked Turkey (Chandredeep Chandel) to translate it for me in Hindi. Kali
(Arjun Gupta) had come to meet me from B.T. House on the day we were to have the exam and I had asked Kali
(Arjun Gupta) to read what Turkey (Chandradeep Chandel) had translate for me. Even though during the Hindi
exams I committed foul (Miracle), Kali (Arjun Gupta) admitted to me when I met him at Portland, Oregon that
some of the technique I had used in getting through the Hindi exams is used in computers. I still remember our
batch gave a farewell party to Mr. O. P. Bhatnagar, our Hindi teacher, at the swimming pool and among all us he
spotted me out and asked me, “How I manage to do it”. Kali (Arjun Gupta) saved me by saying, “Sir, Kabir worked
very hard”. One day if I ever meet Mr. O. P. Bhatnagar and if he confesses that he gave me less grade for what I
truly deserved than I would confess to him how I managed to do it. Ha!ha!ha!
But do you know both you and Shahrukh Merchant surprised me when you wanted to break bounds. I see both you
have a dash of adventure in your blood. Well if you are looking forward for real adventure than you both must join
me in this scientific research programme I am about to discuss with you. Even though it is very serious stuff I
don’t wish to make it a dull subject but I would like to make it interesting and a fun thing and we would be
playing several games like “Sherlock Holmes”, “I Spy”, “Hunting” etc, etc. Even I plan to make a movie
called “Educating the King of Kings” where I plan to play James Bond and avert the third world war which
will begin in 2006.
Shahrukh Merchant and I cannot let you play James Bond unless you can get a N.O. Certificate (No Objection
Certificate) from your wife because when she see you messing around with the beautiful girls “All dressed to kill”,
I am sure your wife will not only come after you with a butcher’s knife but come after me as well for directing such
a movie. Oh! yes, I got to be careful. I can literally hear Shahrukh Merchant laugh at the other end.
Let me gradually introduce you to this scientific research programme but first let us play “Sherlock Holmes”
to jog our brain cells. As we play “Sherlock Holmes” we will discover many things as to how Al-Kaida would
get hold of nuclear bombs and who are the people responsible for the nine eleven incident. I also see United
States of America falling like a house built with a pack of cards unless the United States of America sponsors
for my proposed scientific research programme where all nation would support the United States of America
and avert the Third World War. It is very important to protect the infrastructure of the United States of
America if we have to conduct successfully my proposed scientific research programme.
As we play “Sherlock Holmes”, I would like both of you to recall when Ajmer House staged the play “Jesus Christ
Super Star”. I still remember how Shahrukh Merchant gave the strobe light effect during the last scene “Whipping
of the Christ” and it was very dramatic. When I saw the movie “The Last Passion of Christ” I found tears rolling
down my cheek. But if we play “Sherlock Holmes” we must not be carried away by emotion and must able to
search for the truth. I would like both of you to see the movie “The Last Passion of Christ” and take note as
Sherlock Holmes when Jesus said, “My God! My God! Why has thou forsaken me?”
The Jews strongly protested against the movie “The Last Passion of Christ” because it would brew anti-Semitic
feeling, but I would like to tell the Christians that the real man, son of virgin Mariyam, was never ever were
crucified. In fact, son of virgin Mariyam, has not yet gone through the process of death. As Sherlock Holmes, I
am RESURRECTING a murder case which took place over two thousand years ago where the real man, son
of virgin Mariyam, was never ever was crucified, but a lot of innocent babies were murdered to prevent the
birth of the son of virgin Mariyam, and a great amount of his (Issa, son of virgin Mariyam) tribes people, the
Jews, were killed during the Second World War because the Christians thought that the Jews were “Christ
Since religion is a sensitive topic, I do not wish to discuss much but I have discussed about this scientific research
programme in great detail with Rochelle Gorden. I would like to refute the Darwin theory, but further able to
prove that there is another creation of One All Mighty God called Jinns. I have enclosed three letters which
are self explanatory. I have a strong feeling that the Americans may contact both of you to help me in this scientific
research programme.
In the meantime I would like you to see the movie “Fiddler on the Roof” and read the article on Jews from the
World Book, the miltimedia encyclopedia. As you read the article on Jews, take note that there was a man by the
name Shabbetai Zevi who claimed to be the Messiah during the year 1665. Hundreds of thousand of Jews in
Europe and the Middle east believed in Shabbetai, but Shabbetai converted to Islam, disappointing his followers. It
is this type of Jews who has become Muslim is the type of people who would form the core of the Al-Kaida group.
Recently the survivors of the Holocast gathered I think in Poland to morn the death of their fellow Jews. As I
watched the event in B.B.C. and the lady spoke, and one of the survivors, the interpreter said, “They took my
name away and gave me a number and I stood nude in this murder camp”. I could clearly hear what this
lady’s heart was saying and this is what it said, “If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not
laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, Shall we not have REVENGE?” As you see the
movie “Fiddler on the Roof” take note when the Actor says, “We are the chosen people”, “Christ Killers”
and in the end of the movie the Jews are expecting a “Messiah”. I would like to inform the Jews that they are
not the chosen people but the favored people of the One All Mighty God. I would like to remind the
Christians that the Jews are not “Christ Killers” because the real man, the son of virgin Mariyam was never
ever was crucified. The son of virgin Mariyam had informed his fellow Jews that the Messiah who is to come
will be a great comforter of mankind and he would be so great that he (Issa, son of virgin Mariyam) himself
will not be worthy to tie his sandal strap. I guess the citizen of the world would not understand Issa, son of
virgin Mariyam, because he will not able to speak all the language of the world except his mother tongue and
it is because of this the Jews are to be protected. Believe it or not, Issa, son of virgin Mariyam, would not
able to read the so called “Holy Bible”. Let me give you a clue about the Messiah.
Sura As-Saff (The Battle Array)
S61: 6
And remember, Issa,
The son of Mariyam, said:
“O Children of Israel!
I am the messenger of Allah
Sent to you, confirming
The Taurat (Which came)
Before me, and giving
Glad Tidings of a messenger
To come after me,
Whose name shall be Ahmed”.
But when he come to them
With Clear Signs,
They said, “This is
Evident Sorcery!”
Issa, son of virgin Mariyam, would be appointed king of the world by the citizen of the world in spite of all his
“HINDICAP” and because I would be the first of man to protect him I would be given a “Licence to Kill” just like
James Bond. I would be the viceroy (Khalifa) on earth. In the movie, “Educating the King of Kings” people will
see how Issa, son of virgin Mariyam, as king of the world would order the breaking of the cross from churches and
graveyard because he was never ever was crucified, but it was Satan who crucified himself. In the movie,
“Educating the King of Kings” people would also witness that during the Third World War when the killing gets
too bad it will be me who would give a check-mate (Please check friend) to Issa, son of virgin Mariyam, because
people need time to understand. Believe it or not I would have such power by the grace of the One All Mighty
God that no man had witnessed such power in the history of mankind.
According to the Discovery Channel, as I watched on television, there are nation who have nuclear bombs
which are three hundred times more powerful than the two bombs dropped in Japan during the Second
World War. Do you not think that it would be a very good idea if we could find a way to disarm all nation
from these evil weapon and that too by not visibly invading a single nation or killing a single human being?
My scientific research programme involves how we humans could successfully do this. I would like to give
you a clue and I am enclosing three letters which are self explanatory.
Ahmed Kabir.