Since jesus never existed, wouldn't you be better off developing your morality from modern thought instead?
Biggest Douche in the Universe
2007-04-27 19:57:35 UTC
And since religion isn't any sort of place to be getting your morals from, maybe an education would be a better use of you time instead of praying.
Oh and as far as jesus never existing goes - Jesus was a story created by desperate jews living in Judea under the Roman Empire. They wanted to be liberated through their messiah 'prophecy' so they threw together aspects of pagan myths (Horus, Mithras and others) and created an imaginary friend for themselves. If you repeat a lie for long enough and you have enough 'witnesses', that lie becomes the truth.
34 answers:
2007-04-27 20:09:09 UTC
Many people bearing the name of Jesus existed at the time. Of course, there are clear examples of the church changing the teachings of any religious Jesus which might have existed since the founding of a centralized church authority.

You are right, morality comes from the social ties, traditions, and values we develop throughout our lives. Christianity in its present form more often promote bigotry and hate than love for the fellow man.
2007-04-27 21:32:25 UTC
So Jesus never existed. I can buy that, how do we really know? Just that there were about 20 ancient books written about him in the Bible, not to mention the gospel of Thomas, which is dated much nearer to the supposed time of Jesus. In The Historical Figure of Jesus, E.P. Sanders used Alexander the Great as a paradigm—the available sources tell us much about Alexander’s deeds, but nothing about his thoughts. "The sources for Jesus are better, however, than those that deal with Alexander" and "the superiority of evidence for Jesus is seen when we ask what he thought."[64] Thus, Sanders considers the quest for the Historical Jesus to be much closer to a search for historical details on Alexander than to those historical figures with adequate documentation.

Consequently, scholars like Sanders, Geza Vermes, John P. Meier, David Flusser, James H. Charlesworth, Raymond E. Brown, Paula Fredriksen and John Dominic Crossan argue that, although many readers are accustomed to thinking of Jesus solely as a theological figure whose existence is a matter only of religious debate, the four canonical Gospel accounts are based on source documents written within decades of Jesus' lifetime, and therefore provide a basis for the study of the "historical" Jesus. These historians also draw on other historical sources and archaeological evidence to reconstruct the life of Jesus in his historical and cultural context. The rejection of the existence of Jesus is not historical and not educated in the least bit. This view has not found acceptance by the historical community. Michael Grant stated that the view is derived from a lack of application of historical methods:

…if we apply to the New Testament, as we should, the same sort of criteria as we should apply to other ancient writings containing historical material, we can no more reject Jesus' existence than we can reject the existence of a mass of pagan personages whose reality as historical figures is never questioned.

Now as to morality...Disregarding Jesus, if you have an actual experience of God, meaning not just thinking about certain ideas about god from whatever source (ideas about God being limited by their inherent one-sidedness); you will find that morality is not needed. By that, I mean that because of this experience of God, you know more or less what is good based on that experience.
2007-04-27 20:07:21 UTC
well jesus did exsist but as to whether or not the whole religion thing happened or not i dont think so but there is strong evidence or a man named jesus who.... did somethings in reality and died on a cross but i dont believe the myth parts thats how things get tricky and half truths are the best types of myths because part of the story is varifiable

christian jewish morals are good morals even if they are based in fiction and not reality not necessarily all of them but alot of them are common priciples of living in a saine society

ephilosophy is so direct with what we should or shouldnt do although i have picked up a few pointers from it ; look into philosophy an modern thinking
Joe M
2007-04-27 20:03:43 UTC
sorry to spoil your day but there are many written records of jesus existing. For example, people such as Pliny the Younger, Josephus, and others all wrote either knowing or under the assumption that Jesus existed. And no, they were not all Jewish. Pliny the Younger was Actually a ROMAN governor who was compeltely against the Jews....yea he persecuted them....
2007-04-27 20:02:20 UTC
that theory has been proven wrong. Jesus was real. Modern thought is ridiculous. I think it takes a lot more faith to believe in things like evolution rather than creation. The Big Bang Theory? Thats kind of stupid. everything as we know it couldnt have been made from hydrogen and star dust..i cracked up when an evolutionist told me that. People that actually follow Bible morals turn out to be a lot better than people who dont. I know from experience with many different people.
2007-04-27 20:28:04 UTC
You can read anything you desire into old world or ancient

history...historians are notorious for missing points and

confusing their facts.

I would only hope I had something I could say to make you

see things differently....but I don't and I'm sure you wouldn't

want to hear it anyway. However, I hope the very best for

you and that one day before it is too late, you will have a

chance to open your eyes to the Way and the Light.

God loves you and so do we. Know this!
2007-04-27 20:05:14 UTC
Your premise is wrong so your whole thesis is wrong. Jesus was a historical figure. Here's proof that he was.

The proof of the historical existence of Jesus and the authenticity of the founding of his church is a good starting point for a non-believer. Denials of the historical existence of Jesus have frequently been attempted.

NON-CHRISTIAN sources attest to the historical existence of Jesus. The statements of Tacitus around 117 (Annales XV,44), of Pliny the Younger around 112/113 (letter to the emperor Trajan), and of Suetonius around 120 (Vita Claudis, ch. 25) are reliable and historically conclusive and we may admit them as trustworthy evidence. We also possess statements by the Jewish writer

Josephus Flavius from around 93/94 which permit us to accept his knowledge of the historical personality of Jesus.

As far as I am concerned, the best proof that Jesus is for real is the fact that he answers my prayers. I am not trying to pull your leg, it is true. He has also revealed himself in countless ways to me and other believers so he is truly risen.

Peace and every blessing!
2007-04-27 20:00:02 UTC
I thought it went more like, Jesus existed, but there were like a buttload of "messiahs" around at the time, it was sort of a fad. He was just lucky enough to stick around for 2000 years.
2007-04-27 20:24:23 UTC

Your information is like a messy room with everything here and there and upside down. I could write a paragraph or two, but I'm still overwhelmed by the mess. I'll leave it for some else to put it in order.
2007-04-27 20:03:32 UTC
I suppose you could invent any modern thought you want. You can be a philospher or be a Taoist or ???

If Jesus doesn't exist for you, then what do you want people to do?

What you believe is completely and entirely up to you.
2007-04-27 20:03:24 UTC
I agree with you on the fact that religion has many wrong morals and that we should get our information and ethics from the world around us. Jesus might have been real, but the jews disliked him for he was not their ideal messiah. as far as the jews going to hell because they killed jesus, this is a lie. The roman catholics killed jesus, and christianity did not evolve for hundreds of years after, as jesus was a jew. Those of you who beleive that all you need to do is have faith in jesus to go to "heaven" remember that he was a jew and it was indeed the catholics that killed him. But aside from that, i say we all sit down and turn athiest.
2007-04-27 20:05:19 UTC
"If you repeat a lie for long enough and you have enough 'witnesses', that lie becomes the truth."

You can practice that all you want,but the lie that Jesus never existed, will never become the truth.
2007-04-27 20:03:17 UTC
The Romans did not deny the existence of Christ. The Jews did not deny the existence of Christ, and in their Talmud they even admitted he did wonderful miracles, they just attributed it to an evil spirit. There is more historical evidence for the existence of Christ than for Christopher Columbus.
2007-04-27 20:03:03 UTC
Actually, he may have existed. But a lot of silly things have been done in his name. He is dead, and so are all of the other prophets. We have to find another way to make the future workable. Xtianity and Islam are on the wane....
2007-04-27 20:25:13 UTC
I find it amazing that we set our time by his birth (AD) the year of our Lord. and before His birth (BC) before Christ and He never lived! How could this be? Were the people who established these times fools lacking intelligence?

Imagine a Jewish philosopher who lived in the time of Christ and was not a Christian writing and verifying his existence and His miracles and talking about his followers or disciples.

The Jewish philosopher was Josephus, one of the most respected men of his time. Was he a deceiver and an idiot?

To my knowledge He never accepted Christ as His Saviour, but he did acknowledge and write about Christ's existence.

You better get your information straight! Just because you have had some lack of experience or perhaps an experience that turned you against Christians isn't a good reason to toss off Christ as of no value and deny His existence.

Amazing as it seems even a member of the strict jewish group the Sanhedrin got saved and became a follower of Christ, and they were bitterly opposed to Him. The man came to Him secretly at night for fear of the Jews, and got right with God through the power of Christ.

Finally, don't you think it is rather strange that men from all classes and stations and occupations and intellectual levels and political arenas, and job descriptions who never saw Jesus Christ in person have come to trust in Him as their Lord

and Saviour from the time of His birth until the present.

Could it be that the millions who have followed Him or are currently following Him could all be less intelligent than you? If you believe that you are a foolish and and self-exalting person to place yourself above your superiors in knowledge.

Surely from those millions there must have been many who excel you intellectually and in other ways.

Now from personal experience are you going to tell me that I have not been healed through the name of Jesus, have not prayed for others to be healed in His name and saw them healed on the spot, have not cast out demons from people and houses in the powerful name of Jesus, have not had many prayers in the name of Jesus that I talked to God and nobody else about answered in a very specific way that nobody else could have done, or received the countless blessing in my life for over 33 years in the name of Jesus?

That would be pretty presumptuous of you considering that you know nothing of my background or present life. I was a drug pushing hippie who curse God and Christ every day until Christ changed my life. I know His power is real, and that He lives and works powerfully in my life and the lives of many people worldwide.

History, multitudes of witnesses and my own experiences of Christ's redeeming power from a life of drugs, alcohol and attempted suicide, and present day miracles done in His name stand in broad array against your argument. I am sure you are not greater than all these.

You have believe the biggest liar of all - Satan. He is the creator of every lie that was ever told, and he has fed you the biggest lie of all time. Jesus is alive and ready to forgive you when you are ready to admit that you are a sinful, unworthy human just like the rest of us, and repent of your sin and receive the precious gift of eternal life through His name.

Don't call others liars until you have explored the possibility that Jesus not only existed but is very much alive today and in the business of saving and sustaining the lives of anyone who

is wise enough to come to Him. If you say you have explored the possibility, I will tell you that you have not explored enough.

Go deeper for the sake of your eternal never-dying soul. You must, for your own sake, be certain beyond doubt that what you believe is true before you pass on into eternity.
2007-04-27 20:07:23 UTC
Who say's Jesus never existed. You should read your bible and study it very closely but if you feel the way you do there is no need for anyone to waste their time trying to convince you of anything.
2007-04-27 20:08:40 UTC
I'm sorry but JESUS IS REAL!! if Jesus is not real then the gospel has been gone a long time ago! PLEASE research to see. There are a lot of evidences that Jesus is real and that he is the messiah, the son of the living God!!! GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!
2007-04-28 00:35:32 UTC
I cannot think of one academic historical scholar that would agree with you that Jesus (historically) didn't exist. And quire and educated group they would be.

There was historical Jesus who taught, preached, and died.

Regardless of divine or not his historical teachings were moral lessons.
Holly R
2007-04-27 20:02:39 UTC
So this isn't really a question, it's just another rant, right? Hey, rant have a right to believe what you want. Just remember to grant that right to everyone else. Sans the snide comments please. Your history's bad, too. Do some more reading.
Bob L
2007-04-27 20:02:01 UTC
Jesus never existed? Check your history books pal. I think you are the one who needs an education.
2007-04-27 20:23:45 UTC
Jesus does exist. I know Him.
2007-04-27 20:11:20 UTC
The morality of modern thought is largely immorality, or amorality at best.
2007-04-27 20:01:56 UTC
Jesus never existed?? Wake up and do your research.

What good any education did to you?? You miss the main thing in life. Go figure.
2007-04-27 20:06:58 UTC
Jesus Christ never existed?! I beg to differ.

How can someone who never existed save my life from the pits?
2007-04-27 20:16:48 UTC
Your mythology is as good as anyone elses, I guess.

Keep repeating it. Maybe it'll become truth, too.
2007-04-27 20:02:38 UTC
What are you gonna say, when its Payback Time?

Just remember that Jesus of whom you say doesnt exist, said that "every" idle word that man shall speak, they will give an account for, one day!
2007-04-27 20:04:46 UTC
im sure jesus existed, but he wasnt the son of god.
2007-04-27 20:06:03 UTC
This question confirms that, "Ignorance has a way of making its presence felt".
2007-04-27 20:04:43 UTC
I can see that you have no problems--be proud of yourself--if you don't mind--I trust God--as you say I'm one of them--and proud of it.. Thank you for the post.
Tina R
2007-04-27 20:00:14 UTC
Erika Dion
2007-04-27 20:08:48 UTC
Southern Apostolic
2007-04-27 20:03:46 UTC
And you are not making too many assumptions with this question.
robert p
2007-04-27 20:05:19 UTC
who decides your free-for-all morality.

what if the deciders don't like your views.


murderers would demand their morals

thieves would want theirs
Elo Fudpucker
2007-04-27 20:02:46 UTC
Why are you in this catagory anyway if you don't believe in God and Jesus? You will get all your answerw when your time comes.........Good luck ...............Nuf Said

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.