I find it amazing that we set our time by his birth (AD) the year of our Lord. and before His birth (BC) before Christ and He never lived! How could this be? Were the people who established these times fools lacking intelligence?
Imagine a Jewish philosopher who lived in the time of Christ and was not a Christian writing and verifying his existence and His miracles and talking about his followers or disciples.
The Jewish philosopher was Josephus, one of the most respected men of his time. Was he a deceiver and an idiot?
To my knowledge He never accepted Christ as His Saviour, but he did acknowledge and write about Christ's existence.
You better get your information straight! Just because you have had some lack of experience or perhaps an experience that turned you against Christians isn't a good reason to toss off Christ as of no value and deny His existence.
Amazing as it seems even a member of the strict jewish group the Sanhedrin got saved and became a follower of Christ, and they were bitterly opposed to Him. The man came to Him secretly at night for fear of the Jews, and got right with God through the power of Christ.
Finally, don't you think it is rather strange that men from all classes and stations and occupations and intellectual levels and political arenas, and job descriptions who never saw Jesus Christ in person have come to trust in Him as their Lord
and Saviour from the time of His birth until the present.
Could it be that the millions who have followed Him or are currently following Him could all be less intelligent than you? If you believe that you are a foolish and and self-exalting person to place yourself above your superiors in knowledge.
Surely from those millions there must have been many who excel you intellectually and in other ways.
Now from personal experience are you going to tell me that I have not been healed through the name of Jesus, have not prayed for others to be healed in His name and saw them healed on the spot, have not cast out demons from people and houses in the powerful name of Jesus, have not had many prayers in the name of Jesus that I talked to God and nobody else about answered in a very specific way that nobody else could have done, or received the countless blessing in my life for over 33 years in the name of Jesus?
That would be pretty presumptuous of you considering that you know nothing of my background or present life. I was a drug pushing hippie who curse God and Christ every day until Christ changed my life. I know His power is real, and that He lives and works powerfully in my life and the lives of many people worldwide.
History, multitudes of witnesses and my own experiences of Christ's redeeming power from a life of drugs, alcohol and attempted suicide, and present day miracles done in His name stand in broad array against your argument. I am sure you are not greater than all these.
You have believe the biggest liar of all - Satan. He is the creator of every lie that was ever told, and he has fed you the biggest lie of all time. Jesus is alive and ready to forgive you when you are ready to admit that you are a sinful, unworthy human just like the rest of us, and repent of your sin and receive the precious gift of eternal life through His name.
Don't call others liars until you have explored the possibility that Jesus not only existed but is very much alive today and in the business of saving and sustaining the lives of anyone who
is wise enough to come to Him. If you say you have explored the possibility, I will tell you that you have not explored enough.
Go deeper for the sake of your eternal never-dying soul. You must, for your own sake, be certain beyond doubt that what you believe is true before you pass on into eternity.