I do not deny that JWs were a persecuted minority during the reign of Nazis. However, the Society wasn't completely innocent and didn't always practice the now much vaunted neutrality. None of the documents I reference are disputed by the Society...they just don't like them.
Initially the JWs did try to curry favor with Hitler and expressed sympathy with some of his plans...and showed a very ugly anti-semitism that to my knowledge they've never acknowledge or apologized for. I've linked the 1934 "Declaration of Facts"...a document the German JWs sent to Hitler...YOU DECIDE if this shows support.
Here's a particularly fun quote:
"The greatest and most oppressive empire on earth is the Anglo-American
empire. By that is meant the British Empire, of which the United States of
America forms a part. It has been the commercial Jews of the
British-American empire that have built up and carried on Big Business as a
means of exploiting and oppressing the peoples of many nations. This fact
particularly applies to the cities of London and New York, the stronghold
of Big Business. This fact is so manifest in America that there is a
proverb concerning the city of New York which says: 'The Jews own it, the
Irish Catholics rule it, and the Americans pay the bills.'
Also attached is a letter Rutherford directed the German "brothers" send to Hitler, i've attached the German version...below is the English translation.
"Dear Reichskanzler,
The Brooklyn headquarter of the Watchtower Society is pro German in an exemplary way and has been so for many years. For that reason, in 1918, the president of the Society and seven members of the board of directors were sentenced to 80 years in prison, because the president refused to use two of the magazines published in America under his direction for war propaganda against Germany. These two magazines, "The Watchtower" and "Bible Student" were the only magazines in America which refused to engage in anti-German propaganda and for that reason were prohibited and suppressed in America during the war.
In the very same manner, in course of the recent months the board of directors of our Society not only refused to engage in propaganda against Germany, but has even taken a position against it. The enclosed declaration underlines this fact and emphasizes that the people leading in such propaganda (Jewish businessmen and Catholics) also are the most rigorous persecutors of the work of our Society and its board of directors. This and other statements of the declaration are meant to repudiate the slanderous accusation, that Bible Researchers are supported by the Jews.
The conference of five thousand delegates also noted - as is expressed in the declaration - that the Bible Researchers of Germany are fighting for the very same high ethical goals and ideals which also the national government of the German Reich proclaimed respecting the relationship of humans to God, namely: honesty of the created being towards its creator.
The conference came to the conclusion that there are no contradictions when it comes to the relationship between the Bible Researchers of Germany to the national government of the German Reich. To the contrary, referring to the purely religious and unpolitical goals and efforts of the Bible Researchers, it can be said that these are in full agreement with the identical goals of the national government of the German Reich.
We are looking forward to your kind approval, which we hope to receive soon, and want to assure our highest respect to you, honorable Mr. Reichskanzler.
Yours faithfully,
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society Magdeburg"