Do you accept Evolution as scientific fact?
2008-04-14 02:11:31 UTC
Evolution has been widely accepted as scientific fact all over the world. However, religious organizations have caused skepticism in the general public.

If possible, please state your reason why or why not.
25 answers:
Gawdless Heathen
2008-04-14 02:15:50 UTC
Yes evolution is fact, the means by which it happened exactly is still up for fine tuning. You can also tell me god did it, I can't disprove that anymore than one could prove it, but evolution has in fact been proved.
2016-05-28 16:47:49 UTC
As an open minded thinker I would like to remind you that evolution is still a theory. Facts have to have more tangible proof then evolution has. Do your research and you will see that few scientist call it a fact. By accepting a theory as fact it is no different then the leap of faith someone religious accepts. Just because there is no proof evolution is wrong does not make it a fact. We never saw a complete evolution of any species. We have seen survival of the fittest within genes that existed but never any new genes. If you have let me know. As a religious person; scientific theories were proved wrong on many occasions when new information surfaced. One example, evolutionist thought that matter always existed and just kept changing forms. The big bang theory says all matter came from energy. Who was correct? Religions like my own said G-d created all matter from nothing, we were a lot closer then the original theory of evolution. Who says new information won't surface to disprove more details of evolution? Sciences has become a religion of it's own. People believe that science knows what it does not. Are you a follower, or an open minded thinker? Read what the latest scientist say before you think you know.
2008-04-15 16:21:34 UTC

This is an absolutley wonderful website to go to for stuff like this. Just download the different movies. Dinosaurs and the Bible is my personal favorite.

Proof Evolution is a lie:

1. The slowing spin of the earth limits the earth's age

2. The 1/2 inch layer of cosmic dust on the moon indicates the moon has not been accumulating dust for billions of years

3. Jupiter's moon, Io, is losing matter to Jupiter. It cannot be billions of years old

4. The shrinking sun limits the earth-sun relationship to fewer than billions of years. The sun is losing both mass and diameter. Changing the mass would upset the fine gravitational balance that keeps the earth at just the right distance for life to survive

5. The oldest known historical records are less than 6,000 years old

6. The oldest living coral reef is less than 4,200 years old (Couldn't be 6,000 because The Flood would have destroyed it)

7. Biblical dates add up to about 6,000 years

8. The oceans are getting saltier. If they were billions of years old, they would be much saltier than they are now

9. The existance of short-period comets indicates the universe is less than billions of years old

10. At the rate many star clusters are expanding, they could not have been traveling for billions of years

This also is another good website.
2008-04-14 09:33:47 UTC
All religions Accept Evolution as a Fact- But They do not Accept it as blind, random or series of accidents - They say it is Intelligently Guided and always follows the best course

Change is a norm in this world, nobody disagrees on it. Bible mentions few stages in the beginning and continuation of earth. Similarly Al-Quran also states different stages in the development of universe, earth and man. In fact Al-Quran in Sura 32 Al-Sajdah Verses 7-9 mentions a state in human evolution when he reproduced like animals but had not yet got human consciousness, hearing and sight. Human consciousness came after that animal experienced a unique breathing of spirit. A cursory view on different Quranic translations is enough to reveal its similarities with the evolutionary hypothesis..... See the following Reference for further details:
2008-04-14 16:22:43 UTC
I accept evolution as scientific fact, because it is. I have seen it (at least in a dish in a microbiology course and in the various ecology classes I've taken).

I accept the theory of evolution (the explanation of the fact of evolution) as a profound, valid, objective, and beautiful explanation of the fact--that population genetics change over time (the "fact of evolution").

I also accept all of the shortcomings of evolution, even the fact that it doesn't explain (at least, not very well) anything about the origins of life (on this planet or anywhere else).

I have no reason not to accept these things, because biologists have shown through 150+ years of research and self-correction that there isn't any evidence that supports anything else.
2008-04-14 02:32:00 UTC
There exists sufficient reasonable evidence to conclude that life given enough time will evolve to become more suited to its environment. I am not sure beyond that what you should conclude, though it is not unreasonable to suggest that modern man and modern apes shared a common ancestor, one need only look at the DNA of both to realize that this is not an unreasonable claim. It should be stated that this in no way confirms absolutly that evolution is a fact, it is not difficult to site cases in history where the most reasonable conclusions formed by the evidence available at the time were always the correct conclusions.
Dances with Unicorns
2008-04-14 02:21:07 UTC
Yes, I do accept evolution as fact (or at least, as the best working theory that we have at present). I've seen a great deal to confirm it, and very little that makes any logical sense to me that contradicts it. Until such time as I see something that makes MORE sense, evolution works for me.

In the U.S., at least, I would not say that evolution is something of which the general public would be skeptical. There are certain populations (such as fundamentalist Christians) that might be skeptical, but I would say that the vast majority of Americans with which I am acquainted are quite comfortable with evolution as a working model.
2008-04-14 02:22:11 UTC
At least half of all human knowledge supports the fact that evolution -- even if we do not know all the minute particulars -- is a valid theory.

And I am supposed to ignore all this on TWO contradictory creation stories presented in Genesis and borrowed from other civilizations from a thousand years before? Get real!
Donald T
2008-04-14 02:35:44 UTC
No. Lets examine the pantheistic religious belief system of evolution.

IN the beginning...NOTHING. All of a sudden, from NOTHING, comes EVERYTHING.

On this one particular ball of matter, we have rocks. These rocks get rained on for billions of years. They turn into MUD. This mud, the right puddle of mud, gets struck in the right place by lightening, assuming there was such a thing as lightening, and...POOF..LIFE arises!

And the fairytale gets even funnier from there.

Hmmm...can you see why some folks might have a little trouble believing that nonsensical myth?
2008-04-14 02:20:51 UTC
I accept evolution as a scientific fact.

The saying that religious organizations have caused skepticism is not a scientific fact!

As a believer, I don't base on evolution, or only on science to verify the truth. There are also other criteria:

"During my visit to London and Paris last year I had many talks with the materialistic philosophers of Europe. The basis of all their conclusions is that the acquisition of knowledge of phenomena is according to a fixed, invariable law -- a law mathematically exact in its operation through the senses. For instance, the eye sees a chair; therefore, there is no doubt of the chair's existence. The eye looks up into the heavens and beholds the sun; I see flowers upon this table; I smell their fragrance; I hear sounds outside, etc. This, they say, is a fixed mathematical law of perception and deduction, the operation of which admits of no doubt whatever; for inasmuch as the universe is subject to our sensing, the proof is self-evident that our knowledge of it must be gained through the avenues of the senses. That is to say, the materialists announce that the criterion and standard of human knowledge is sense perception. Among the Greeks and Romans the criterion of knowledge was reason -- that whatever is provable and acceptable by reason must necessarily be admitted as true. A third standard or criterion is the opinion held by theologians that traditions or prophetic statement and interpretations constitute the basis of human knowing. There is still another, a fourth criterion, upheld by religionists and metaphysicians who say that the source and channel of all human penetration into the unknown is through inspiration. Briefly then, these four criteria according to the declarations of men are: first, sense perception; second, reason; third, traditions; fourth, inspiration."

(Abdu'l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 20)
2008-04-14 09:22:56 UTC
All the Evidence that Evolution has is fabricated.

Consider this evidence

Fingerprints of Creation

Mysteries In Science

The Young Age of the Earth

The Origin of Man by Dr. Duane Gish

The Origins of Life

Evolution: Challenge of the Fossil Record - Part 1 of 6

Skull Fossils - As Empty as the Evolutionary Theory

Neanderthals - Smarter Then We Thought

Dinosaurs: Those Terrible Lizards

Atheist's NightMare: Evolution
2008-04-14 02:21:26 UTC
No way. I remember all of those theorems that we had to prove in high school and college. I filled my notebooks with proof yet they were still theorems and not facts. I spent years making diagrams proving certain grammatical theories (from Chomsky himself) were correct. Yet, they're still theories. Why does something like evolution get away with being called a fact?

Gravity's forces are still theoretical, but evolution is fact?

The main idea that we evolved from a simple organism was just proven wrong this week, don't you remember? Scientists, not religious freaks, found that the earliest living organism was actually complex. Yet, evolution is still fact.

Evolution has less proof than the THEORY of Relativity, the THEORY of gravitational pull, and many other theories. Yet, some of you people call it fact. One idiot above me actually came up with the idea of saying evolution is a fact but some parts still have to be proven. That doesn't make any sense. Did any of you take a science class? Were you all home schooled? How many of you graduated from high school? How many from a credited university (not online)? Anyone with a Masters or better? That's what I thought.

Trish even states that evolution is fact, it's the best THEORY we have. Fact and Theory are different people. Take a science course please! Science damnit!

edit: Brillian Blue, facts that are in need of tuning aren't called facts. Facts don't need tuning.
Mary L
2008-04-14 02:17:11 UTC
Creationism is a religious fact a matter of religious ideology. No more than this.

Evolution doesnot disturb my religious feelings and beliefs. Creationism is an alternate religion, for me.
2008-04-14 02:15:57 UTC
Yes, but more accurately natural selection, which also accounts for all of human (and animal) behaviour and culture

Lets hear it for selection :-)

And yes there IS such a thing as scientific fact. No such thing as a moral or spiritual fact
2008-04-14 02:40:03 UTC
Do you accept Evolution as scientific fact? <<==no

Still cant get over that the one-celled being became a lot of cells by itself.

Still cant get over that the fish became a land animal.

Still cant get over that beautiful people came from ugly apes.

Evolutionists insist that they prefer that living beings came from different living beings. It's all unconnected every way.
2008-04-14 02:17:27 UTC
A quick semantic thing - here is no such thing as "scientific fact," it's a scientific theory/hypothesis. That doesn't mean it's wrong, it just means that it hasn't yet been proven wrong.

Personally, I don't buy creationist theories at all. I don't see how people can honestly argue that evolution is wrong...
2008-04-14 02:22:08 UTC
No, I do not, I was watching a BBC documentry about evolution few days ago, and the commentator kept repeating "evolution still a theory". Does anyone argue that gravity does not exist even nobody has actually seen it!!! Evolution is only presented as scientific fact. My simple qquestion is if it is a scientific fact then why evolutionary scientist do not allow to question it. if they are correct they should not be afraid of any question, should they? what are they afraid of? why will they stop other people from questionning it? why would they not allow freedom of speech when in everything else it demanded without boundries? To me, they are hidding things... that's why.
2008-04-14 02:25:10 UTC
In Proverbs 3:19 the Bible says that, “The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth.” God, the Architect, made the earth exactly the right size to support human life, that being 8,000 miles in diameter. If the earth were, for example, 9,500 miles in diameter instead of 8,000; then, it would double the weight of the air. With twice as much oxygen, the amount of water would be greatly increased; therefore, much of the entire surface of the planet would be covered with an ocean. Also, consider…if the earth were much lighter than it is, its gravitational pull would be less; so, that it would not be able to hold as much air as we have now. The lighter gases would escape first and the heavier gases, like carbon dioxide, would remain; so, the combination of gases in the air would be affected as well as its volume and density. Therefore, life would no longer be possible on earth.

God, the Creator, in His wisdom set the earth to rotate at just the right speed, making a complete revolution every 24 hours in its trip around the sun. The result is…the earth’s crust is evenly heated like a chicken on a turning spit. If our day of 24 hours were longer or shorter, all present balanced adjustments would be upset, and life on earth would become intolerable, if not utterly impossible.

It took the omnipotence, omni sapience, and omniscience of God Almighty to create this earth with just the exact size and weight, 8,000 miles in diameter, the exact tilt of 23 degrees, and the exact rotation around the sun every 24 hours. God says in Psalm 115:16, “The heaven, even the heavens are the LORD’S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.” Atheists and Evolutionists,want all to believe their philosophy that all of this just ACCIDENTALLY HAPPENED! God describes such men as, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” (Romans 1:22). “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in men.” (Psalm 118:8).
2008-04-14 02:45:45 UTC
Evolution within a species, yes. Nobody has ever seen bacteria evolve into anything except more bacteria, and nothing but more insects has ever evolved from insects.
2008-04-14 02:15:33 UTC
Yes, it's observable, unlike gods
2008-04-14 02:16:45 UTC

2008-04-14 02:14:56 UTC
2008-04-14 02:31:29 UTC
Jared G
2008-04-14 02:19:08 UTC
Micro-evolution exists. Macro does not. See: Missing Links.
Pain Is All I Know
2008-04-14 02:16:35 UTC
Yes....Because it is!


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.