Intelligent design, why would someone lie to our youth?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Intelligent design, why would someone lie to our youth?
22 answers:
2010-01-28 12:06:31 UTC
The wisdom of man is foolishness to God...

You sound very foolish...

Are these some of your so-called facts???

Piltdown man: Found in a gravel pit in Sussex England in 1912, this fossil was considered by some sources to be the second most important fossil proving the evolution of man—until it was found to be a complete forgery 41 years later. The skull was found to be of modern age. The fragments had been chemically stained to give the appearance of age, and the teeth had been filed down!

Nebraska man: A single tooth, discovered in Nebraska in 1922 grew an entire evolutionary link between man and monkey, until another identical tooth was found which was protruding from the jawbone of a wild pig.

Java man: Initially discovered by Dutchman Eugene Dubois in 1891, all that was found of this claimed originator of humans was a skullcap, three teeth and a femur. The femur was found 50 feet away from the original skullcap a full year later. For almost 30 years Dubois downplayed the Wadjak skulls (two undoubtedly human skulls found very close to his "missing link"). (source: Hank Hanegraaff, The Face That Demonstrates The Farce Of Evolution, [Word Publishing, Nashville, 1998], pp.50-52)

Orce man: Found in the southern Spanish town of Orce in 1982, and hailed as the oldest fossilized human remains ever found in Europe. One year later officials admitted the skull fragment was not human but probably came from a 4 month old donkey. Scientists had said the skull belonged to a 17 year old man who lived 900,000 to 1.6 million years ago, and even had very detail drawings done to represent what he would have looked like. (source: "Skull fragment may not be human", Knoxville News-Sentinel, 1983)

Neanderthal: Still synonymous with brutishness, the first Neanderthal remains were found in France in 1908. Considered to be ignorant, ape-like, stooped and knuckle-dragging, much of the evidence now suggests that Neanderthal was just as human as us, and his stooped appearance was because of arthritis and rickets. Neanderthals are now recognized as skilled hunters, believers in an after-life, and even skilled surgeons, as seen in one skeleton whose withered right arm had been amputated above the elbow. (source: "Upgrading Neanderthal Man", Time Magazine, May 17, 1971, Vol. 97, No. 20)

I accept that I was created by God and for God... you should do the same...
2010-02-01 09:32:08 UTC
Every answer given by ID is the same as it has been over the last 70 years. No new argument, no new evidence; Like this hasn't been said, but avoiding the scientific process and only pursuing the political process is transparently ignorant. You cannot debate these people, because they fail to consider science. If it is in the Bible it is law to most of them; no discussion. There is no rational thought process there. I find it said, and I've been brought up in the church most of my life, and even endured 12 years of fundamentalist education. I am still searching for the truth, but it certainly is not in what they are selling.
2010-01-28 12:06:32 UTC
You write with the passion and ignorance of some preachers. Maybe set aside all the crap you learned in high school, it's a wonder you can think at all.

There is no evidence for macro evolution. Dachshund to Dalmatian....sure..... bird to reptile or vice versa..nup.

There are too many anomalies in Darwinism. There is no sufficient 'machine' for Darwinism.

The speculations and politics of human evolution are full of contradictions...worse so than even the global warming crap.

Darwinism is the disease. Hitler took Darwinism to its logical end. He merely wanted to help evolution along by removing the 'weaker races'. His autobiography title shows his commitment ("My Struggle" with clear DArwinist implications).

Really. Set aside the crap from high school and do start thinking for yourself. .... or be a Democrat all your life.
2016-12-04 04:14:08 UTC
No, what quite occurred is that Reagan needed to allow the authorities.bypass bankrupt by using increasing protection spending funds he did no longer have, and shrink income by using tax cuts, as a way to justify shrink spending funds on human beings. Google "ravenous the beast": Ever when you consider that Ronald Reagan, the GOP has been run by using human beings that desire a much smaller authorities. in the in call for words of the activist Grover Norquist, conservatives prefer to get the authorities "all the way down to the dimensions the position we may be able to drown it in the tub." yet there has continually been a political situation with this time table. electorate might want to assert that they oppose large authorities, besides the undeniable fact that the classes that truly dominate federal spending -- Medicare, Medicaid and Social safe practices -- are very everyday. So how can the typical public be persuaded to settle for tremendous spending cuts? The conservative answer, which developed in the previous due Nineteen 1970s, might want to be dubbed "ravenous the beast" in the course of the Reagan years. the idea -- propounded by using many individuals of the conservative intelligentsia, from Alan Greenspan to Irving Kristol -- replaced into basically that sympathetic politicians might want to interact in a recreation of bait-and-swap. really than providing unpopular spending cuts, Republicans might want to push by everyday tax cuts, with the planned objective of worsening the authorities's economic position. Spending cuts might want to then be bought as a need really than a call, the in simple terms thanks to get rid of an unsustainable budget deficit. This produces severe inequality, it is what we witness at present. I gotta ask, all you trailer park whites, are you so satisfied? did not your grandparents and oldsters have it significantly better? Do you imagine that it truly is in simple terms undesirable success, or you vote casting hostile on your outstanding interest? Congrats, you won't be able to get abortions everywhere anymore! how does this help your ravenous youthful little ones who're really human beings??
2010-01-28 12:21:11 UTC
If you are actually going to debate this, you need to see the creation view as well.
2010-01-28 12:19:51 UTC
Surprise, It is in schools. They even have research institutions , and try to legitimize their clearly made up creation myth with scientific terms and distortions. .
2010-01-28 12:11:33 UTC
i have mounds of evidence to prove that creation is actually more plausible then evolution. so actually, you are the ones teaching the students lies. the only problem is, you are so brainwashed by society, that anything i would tell you, you would not believe it. But trust me, not all of us are as uninformed as you may think. I can't possible post all my info here. if you actually want me to show you evidence, and you are willing to look at both side, email me. i will be happy to show you all of the scientific and factual evidence that i have. here are a few things that you should look into if you want some proof.

the earths magnetic field decay

the salt content of the oceans

the lack of transitional fossils

the distance of the earth from the moon

the mathematical impossibility

the list goes on
2010-01-28 12:10:24 UTC
collective evolution-it points the way forward for our species. We've been experiencing porthole in evolution, which means a great merging is going on. Mental currents are flashing through the shared psychic space like strands of programming code. The inside story of our race is changing. Old myths rise up and die to be born again in some new fashion.

This volatile collective environment can seem dangerous and crazy. But if we step back and view it from a greater perspective it can restore balance to our species. Our culture in recent years became so twisted that a great shake-up is needed to untwist. The rupture of life structures that formerly provided security is not such a bad thing, when you begin to glimpse the new possibilities emerging on the other side.

the theme of merging will become more pronounced. Whatever families, groups, pods you belong to are being blasted by growth rays.

The high side of this is the feeling that you're not in it alone, you have support, you're part of an entity which itself is part of a greater entity, and the interconnectedness of these elements is being heightened. The down side is that it can be exhausting to feel pushed and pulled by forces beyond your control. Life doesn't seem to stay put anymore like it used to!

This rigorous motion is an evolutionary phase of accelerated development, a cleansing and purging action. We're all together in the rinse cycle. Dirt flies by, what goes 'round comes 'round, feelings, thoughts, visions and monsters crop up like never before because our species has agreed to move beyond its former limits. We're being held to task. This is definitely not life as usual on Planet Earth, but a sweeping curve in species evolution. We've achieved warp speed, and many things are being left behind.

The same surging wave of transformation that's gripping the world enables us to release old thought patterns, stuck ideas that outlived their usefulness. This shake-up effects everything across the boards. It's not limited to one group of people, one country or society, but mass humanity. This is the sign of a great clearing. This is good news for the part of you that feels like everything's spinning and you've been running around like a lunatic. We're moving from idea to embodiment. From crazy merging and the surging of ideas, to hard and fast realities that must be grasped as building blocks of a new society.

When tens of thousands of people all over the world start dreaming a new dream, the ignorance and apathy that have held our species back dissolve in the light of fierce new radiance rising from the soul. We lose the tight security of former identities. We gain a whole new chance for our species.

Who are you really? What are you here to do? How much longer are you going to wait?
2010-01-28 12:05:45 UTC
Education is about giving out facts so the student can later make up their mind. Sounds like you don't think evolution can hold up to scrutiny. You are right.

If evolution is a proved theory why does it continue to change with each new skeleton and find unearthed? Also why is the Bible even correct up to Einstein's E = M * C^2. Because it says God created (made from nothing) His work (energy). There was no technical term in their language for energy as we now use it. And the Bible says God is light (the conversion factor between the 2 states). And when He finished he rested. I believe that would be the same as the conservation of energy. In other words, He ain't making no more and man can't destroy what He created, only change it's form. All science does is give mathematical formulas defining the characteristics of what God created. A person who can't comprehend these facts is to be pitied indeed.
Pastor Art (((SFECU)))
2010-01-28 12:05:23 UTC
The liar's name is Charles Darwin.
2010-01-28 12:02:03 UTC
You don't have to worry about intelligent design in the classrooms. The politicians politely listen to their complaints publicly, but privately they laugh it off just like you and me.

The Christians only think they have some control over what is taught in the classrooms. They don't. Their belief is working against them, whether they know it, or not.

They have accomplished absolutely no headway in their efforts - none, whatsoever. What does that tell you?
2010-01-28 12:13:48 UTC
the basic tenant of evolution is life sprang up form non life and one species can change into another over time...neither of these has ever been observed. The premise that all things will happen if you have matter and energy time is faulty. AE Wildersmith demonstrates the component of information is required. By looking at the definition of language and the structure of dna to believe this miniaturization of the most complex data and the ability to build and assemble living machines by random chance is not a rational thought. His lectures are on line at a website in his name...listen to his arguments and you will have to redefine what is a fact if you consider evolution to be one.
2010-01-28 12:43:30 UTC
I don't have enough faith to believe in evolution. And before you give up on an intelligent designer, consider the bombadier beetle.
2010-01-28 12:11:56 UTC
"Intelligent design, why would someone lie to our youth?"

Despicable parasites will say anything to shore up their house of cards.

AronRa: Gods and magic are the most simplistic excuses ignorant primitives have ever imagined to explain anything.

Judge John E Jones: It is ironic that several of these individuals, who so staunchly and proudly touted their religious convictions in public, would time and again lie to cover their tracks and disguise the real purpose behind the ID Policy.

2010-01-28 12:17:36 UTC
Evolution is not a fact, I invite you to visit click on "movies" and watch the documentary titled "the collapse of evolution in Europe".

Thank you for your time and peace :)


Some facts about Jesus & Mary in Islam:

- Mary (peace be upon her) is the only woman mentioned by name in the Quran and there's a whole chapter named after her in the Quran too.

- Jesus (peace be upon him) is mentioned 25 times by name in the Quran while Muhammad only 4 times.

- Mary (peace be upon her), and not Muhammad's mother or wife, is the best of all women of the world according to the Quran.

- We Muslims believe that Jesus (peace be upon him) is alive with God now, and that he was not crucified nor was he killed. God saved him from being crucified or killed and raised him up to heaven alive.

- We Muslims believe that Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) will return in the Last Days and rule this world in justice, and peace will prevail at that time.

I invite you to watch the movie called "the Message - the Story of Islam" to know more about it. This movie is available for free watching on
No More Democrats or GOP, please
2010-01-28 12:05:00 UTC
A lie is a deliberate attempt to promulgate information that you know to be false.

People who believe in Intelligent Design do not think it is false. Therefore, they are not lying.
2010-01-28 12:02:23 UTC
If you have been lied to but believe in this lie then pass it on, this person is not lying; they are just being irresponsible with the information that they were given... normally people don't like to look like idiots to their peers so the rational person confirms information given before passing it along...
neil s
2010-01-28 12:05:01 UTC
ID is two lies, the larger being that it succeeds in being a scientific theory. Since their "mechanism" is a all-powerful being, they fail to make a testable prediction, and thus their claim offers no explanatory value at all.
2010-01-28 12:01:36 UTC
Technically, it's not a lie if you're just breathtakingly ignorant of the facts.
2010-01-28 12:08:25 UTC
I bet your the first one in the picture, right?

ROFL !!!!!!!!
2010-01-28 12:02:37 UTC
Go Rev (above)!
2010-01-28 12:03:54 UTC
That SOB that created us, where did he come from?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.