I read all of the comments, and I have a few things to say.
Before I do, I want to say that I came from a Muslim background. I am not a Muslim, I'm actually a witch, therefore I believe that I can shed some light into the Pentecostal movement. My mother on the other hand, even though was Muslim, converted to Christianity about 20 years ago or so. Maybe a tad less, not really keeping tabs.
When my mother was "saved", she was introduced to the Pentecostal movement. I only met mum when I was 21, (I am now 28).
My mother is actually very discerning, but even i had to tell her a few things.
So, getting to the topic........Nearly most, if not all Pentecostal churches around the WORLD, ARE infiltrated by PAID SATANISTS to deceive and destroy the church and christians. Nearly most, if not all, ARE FOLLOWING FALSE DOCTRINES. that is not me being a smart ***, that is me being realistic. if you ever wanted information from an actual person who knows what they are talking about, now would be the time to listen. and there are many others who are talking too and telling truth, but trying to tell Pentecostals they are wrong is like talking to the wall.
I've been doing this for years now, trying to open their eyes. yes because my mother is a Christian, but mostly because I get so sick and tired of Pentecostals being so judgemental and telling everyone they are going to hell, when IN FACT they too are playing the devils game, and some are blind to see.
ONE: Christmas has absolutely NOTHING to do with Jesus. some of you may argue or deny that, I don't care. how can anything with pagan origin be "Christian" and about Jesus. really. get real. I could write an essay on this topic and many others, but I guess you can do your research. point being though, nothing about jesus, and you (or Christians in general) celebrating it on the exact date of an actual pagan holiday would be an insult to Jesus.
TWO: Easter has NOTHING to do with Jesus. Same thing. Pagan.
THREE: Speaking in tongues. some say its demonic, some say its a gift. I say, it IS demonic in the way todays church "speaks in tongues". Anyone with half a brain would know that tongues is ACTUAL FOREIGN LANGUAGES. not the jibber jabber that goes on in todays churches. the jibber jabber IS DEMONIC.
FOUR: Tithing. Not Necessary. Churches and Pastors just want money. simple. the end. you want to argue that, please do some research first.
FIVE: Laying on off hands, healing. As sad as it is to say.....demonic. yes DEFINATELY God can heal, but he will do that on his own accord. But what people like Benny Hinn and the like do....Demonic. Benny is also a part of the Knights Templar. They do worship the devil. simple. the end. and when you see people in churches falling BACKWARDS, or screaming, or laughing or shaking hysterically.....that is NOT OF GOD.
SIX: Lets talk a bit about the prosperity Gospel and the preachers of the like. I really don't know what Christians listen to and what appeals to them so much, but I don't get why they cant discern that. Everybody on earth with a brain should know that EARTHLY RICHES, who promises? Lucifer. Simple. why Christians are falling for EARTHLY riches sermons, is beyond me. Yes its all very nice to have money and live a nice life, but if you read your bibles, Jesus is not all about that.
SEVEN: Preachers like; Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince, Td Jakes, Benny Hinn, Paula White, Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth E hagin, Billy Graham, etc.....are all SERVING the DEVIL. they are all playing the devils game. I cannot stress that enough. I don't care how much you love them, how nice they are, how caring they are....and I don't care how much you wanna argue that until you go blue in the face..... facts are facts.
EIGHT: prophesying. just another word for fortune telling. simple. the end. yes god can show you things in your dreams perhaps, and such. but other than that....!
NINE: Deliverance. Usually Pentecostals (and maybe other denominations, im not sure) would perform a deliverance or a few, on a person with "demons" or someone who has come to Christ, who was previously a witch or Satanist. some may say that, that is great and all. if a person doing the deliverance wasn't a "fake" Christian (by that mean following false doctrines, or pretending to be a Christian) then yes the deliverance would somewhat work. however, a demon will not leave a person and will never leave a person if the person commanding the demon is an idiot or fake. they might lie dormant inside a person and pretend to have left, but that's about it. IN GENERAL, demons will not be commanded or leave or be disturbed, by Pentecostals. they can try as much as they want, but the demons will just laugh at it. demons like anyone else, want respect. but if youre throwing jesus in their face and commanding them out, and you yourself aren't following TRUTH and the RIGHT doctrines, you can "deliver out" all you want, but nothing will happen. REMEMBER: demons, devils and lucifer himself knows the bible. they know the TRUTH. they also know whether you follow truth or not. they are very intelligent, contrary to what you may believe.
Those are just some things that Pentecostals follow, there are so much more. they are so fast to point the finger and tell us how we are the children of the devil and we are going to hell, but god forbid we tell them they are following the "heathens" too.... they cant stand to hear it. they need to open up those bibles and read for themselves, instead of being sheeple to pastors and following and agreeing with everything they say. After all, they are there only to deceive and plant false doctrine. pastors and deacons and the such DO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING, and are doing it willingly. they are wolves in sheeps clothing. not a joke.
Pentecostal churches are amongst the EASIEST to INFILTRATE! without a doubt.
Remember: RELIGION (hence denominations) are MAN MADE! I cannot stress that enough.
From the beginning, it was all about JESUS AND LUCIFER. it was ALWAYS about picking a side. you were either with God, Or you were with Lucifer. Anything in the middle, still belongs to Lucifer.