no offense, what was so impressive about what Jesus did?
2007-04-06 22:21:10 UTC
i am honestly not trying to start anything, i genuinely want to know: Wasn't he pretty much sure that he would end up in heaven at God's right hand or whatever? I mean it would suck big time, but if God talked to me and I was sure that my torture and death would potentially save every human being ever, i could probably suck it up. Especially if i knew that someday i'd get to come back and rule a perfect world. Our troops risk torture and death every day, maybe we should worship them. I just think Jesus' supernatural side takes away from his sacrifice a little. agree? or am i a heretic for thinking that?
32 answers:
2007-04-06 22:32:50 UTC
He fulfilled literally hundreds of Old Testament prophecies. He taught mankind things unheard of since the foundation of the world. He healed the sick, cleansed lepers, opened the eyes of one born blind from birth, opened deaf ears, fed 5000 men with 5 loaves and two fish, walked on water, stilled the storm with a command, cast out demons, raised a man who had been dead for four days, confounded all His enemies, foretold His own death, died without offering resistance, although He demonstrated He could have walked away from it all, was raised from the dead, and has influenced the lives of more people than any other human being that has ever lived.

That's just a brief summary. I don't know about you, but I'm impressed.

Oh, did I mention that He personally saved me and caused me to be born again, transforming my nature in an instant? And I assure you, I am not the only one.
2007-04-06 23:00:29 UTC
I think this is a valid question. Shame on the closed minded people for berating you for asking a question that’s probably been bothering you. The fact is that Jesus did die a death that many people died. His wasn’t any more serious than many people. And in fact it could be said that some people’s deaths were worse. I wouldn’t want to be burned at the stake. And there are worse but I won’t go into them for the innocent ears’ sake. What was truly amazing was Jesus’ sinned only once. He did not hate those that persecuted him. He loved them and prayed that God would forgive them. I don’t mean to downplay the sacrifice and risk our troops make for us, but I hardly believe that their sacrifice compares to Jesus’. He gave UP the power and supernaturalness about himself to die. And that’s what his life was about. His supernatural side wasn’t about his life, it was about his death. That’s what was amazing, that he could give up being God for our sake. God is humble. Did you ever think about that? If you were God, would YOU be humble? Probably not. But he is. Just look at Jesus.

I like your question. I have a similar one myself. You know, I actually believe that Jesus HAD to have inferior genetics. Hope THAT isn’t blasphemy. How else would God know what it was like to be human? I mean come on! Remember a few years ago at the Olympics one country had some handicapped or retarded or something person enter a swimming competition. Boy did he lose the race but he finished it at least and he got more cheers than anyone. An athlete getting into the Olympics is one thing, but a handicapped person??? Now THAT is something else! THAT is an achievement. Now I’m not saying that Jesus was handicapped. I just think that if I were God, and I wanted to know what it was like to be human, I wouldn’t want the extra help that good genes gave me. In fact, I fear the idea of us cloning Jesus. Imagine Jesus’ body without God’s soul.
2007-04-06 22:42:46 UTC
Good question. As bad as the crucifixion and death were, that was not the worst part by far. If you are to believe the biblical account, Christ took on the sin of the world and also the full wrath of God for all sin. And then he was separated from God. Somehow Christ in his infinite self paid the full debt of eternal damnation of all the redeemed. There is no record of Jesus flinching at the nails or the whip. But the thing he dreaded in the garden was drinking the cup of the Father's wrath. He who knew no sin became sin. That God the Son who hates sin, would drink into himself oceans of the vilest filth imaginable, so that God could focus and unleash the entirety of infinite Divine retribution on Christ.. It is a mystery that we probably never will comprehend. And there the Son of God, the King of Heaven, the Lord of Love, hung on a cross, reviled by demon spirits, rejected by God and man. All the sin of man, all the wrath of God coursing through his soul and spirit, like the spittle of the priests coursing down his debearded face. And yet today after 2000 years, some men and demons still revile him. But God has highly exalted him and given him a name above all other names.

Jesus' prayers were not ignored. They were answered. He did not pray to have the cross removed. Jesus could have called 12 legions of angels at any time and avoided the cross- which would have sealed the doom of planet earth. His prayer was for the Father's will to be done in the matter. He prayed IF there was any other way, nevertheless, thy will be done.
Jan P
2007-04-06 22:34:11 UTC
Not a heretic but Jesus also took on the sins of the world, past, present, and future, so much so that God the Father couldn't even look at Him.....That separation was torture for Him more than anything man could do to Him...I think our troops are wonderful but even one death can't pay the price Jesus did for my sins. That's what is so special....He is perfect and therefore the only suitable sacrifice for our sins.
2007-04-06 22:34:19 UTC
I think that's a great question. I was just pondering this morning whether He was able to live a sinless life (while in a human body) because He is also God, or was it an example of what could be done by someone who had first hand knowledge of God and His heaven? I didn't resolve it.

But I guess it was a pretty big thing to BE totally sinless (sin being the one thing God would not be near, or have anything to do with), and agree to take onto Himself ALL the sin that ever was, is or will be - and have His Dad turn His back on Him. That was pretty generous.
Kenneth H
2007-04-06 22:36:36 UTC
you have to remember that it was because of Jesus' supernatural side that made it ever more painful for him. Jesus had never before been separated from God the father and Spirit, but when he was on the cross Jesus had to take upon him all the sins of the world. and because sin is against God and where sin lies God can not touch, the father had to turn his head. the absence of God the father is the most painful experience.

also you have to try and imagine what it looked like from Jesus' eyes while on the cross. ya you had the pain and suffering and all the blame he took on, but the spiritual realm must had been crazy! as Jesus died, if you could have seen the spiritual realm it would have turly been the worst experience imaginable. it would be looking straight into hell. and for that Jesus was spiritually in pain as well and physically. yet he still did it. with you on his mind. he knew that one day you would be born. and he already knew exactly how many hairs you have on your head at this moment. he knew you would ask this question. and he knew i would shoot an answer to you. and all that went through his mind while on the cross. all that pain, and all he could think about is you, and how much he loves you.

if someone you knew, or even someone you didnt know would die for you (and im not talking about just taking a quick bullet to the head. think a long, slow, painful, and shameful death) so that you wouldnt have to go through that kind of pain, you would care about them. oh, you would do more than just care about them! you would LOVE them for it. would you not? think about it, thats exactly what he did for you, and more. all because you were on his mind. Love.

blessings my friend. i hope you find the love
2007-04-06 22:27:23 UTC
Jesus was able to withstand His torture and horrific death for the exact reason that you stated; He knew that His death/our forgiveness was His calling. He did it because of the love He has for us, not because of any "reward"; remember; God and Jesus are one in the same; Jesus knew that He would die for us even before He came to earth. Our troops are risking their lives to prevent terrorism, which should be given the highest honor! They are not ensuring a place in Heaven for us by fighting, though, so of course they should not be worshiped as God. You are NOT a heretic; you just have a questioning mind...which is a wonderful thing. Always question everything! God's Word will always be proven correct, so there is no worry in testing it! Good luck with all your spiritual searching!
2007-04-06 22:53:34 UTC
Absolutely NOT.

Let me tell you how people worshiped God in the old testament. Okay they had an inner/outer can read this in the scriptures....Anyway...they sacraficed an unblemished animal to shed it's blood for their sins..God required this from the people...It had to be done in just exactly what was acceptable to God. While the priest was doing the ministrations of this task he had a rope tied to an ankle because if he did something wrong during this task he was a dead man...and no one would dare go into the alter area because they would also they would pull on the rope to get the man out of there....Jesus was the replacement of this procedure.

You need to go to someone who can thoroughly explain what Jesus actually went through for us.

He sweat drops of blood in anticipating what was being asked of him., He endured his Father turning his face away from him on the about being alone. God had to turn his face away even if it was but a moment, Jesus took the sins of the whole world. (can you think of anything that would shame your parent's and have them turn away from you) and has anyone ever described to you what they did to him, the scourging, putting a crown of thorns on his head,,,,embedded into his skull,

and let's talk about the beating....the instrument used was designed to "pull" the flesh from his back...he was bared to the bone...his spine exposed.....

Jesus knew this outcome when God was running his fingers over the earth creating canyons, mountains, the stars in the sky and the planets in orbit. (Read, John 1:1-3)

Jesus used his "supernatural" side to heal the sick, help the blind to see, cured lepers...raised the dead, and so on...

He did none of those things for himself...

That's why he is called the sacrificial lamb of God. He lived a human life here and was tempted as any man would have been tempted but resisted sin in ALL it's forms.

He was innocent and pure and sent by God to do HIS will.

He was alone on that cross with his blood shed for the world.

While Jesus was here he lived....he walked everywhere he went,,,,he could've "pop" around like a "ghost" but he did not.

After dying on the cross, he went to hell for you too...well you'll just have to keep working on this mystery.
2007-04-06 22:31:15 UTC
I don't think Jesus did anything all that impressive in his life. The claims that went out after he lived were hyped up - but during his life, no.

All that he preached can be found in the OT. There was nothing new there. He wasn't even the first to claim he was the long awaited Messiah - nor the first to be executed by the Romans because of this claim.

Honestly - I don't think he did anything all that great outside of healing people. All the claims about him came long after his death. He didn't even fulfill the true Messianic prophecies - although Christians claim that this will be in the second coming.

Christians would argue that Jesus gave them a chance at salvation and forgiveness- but that already existed in the Jewish religion.
2007-04-06 22:30:56 UTC
Our troops fight for our basic freedoms. They are not taking the sins of the world away for reconciliation between man and God. His supernatural side is what made His sacrifice so awesome. An eternal God that dies in the flesh so that all men may have eternal life.

If you think that this act was not impressive, then you are truly lost.
2007-04-06 22:37:28 UTC
I think that you bring up some very interesting points and I am a firm christain believer. But the things that come to mind for me in your questions is that for one, Jesus didnt have to. I mean if you lived in heaven and was God right hand man and if fact his son why would you want to come down here be talked about, ridiculed, beat, and murdered in the most humilating way possible. I mean as people we are so selfish we would surely say why should i do that am already in heaven, let them make their own choices. So its not so much that he did it but faced with the situation before hand knowinf exaclty what he had to do he still went ahead and did it because God asked him to. And you cant really say the supernatural side took away from his sacrifice because right before the soliders came and got him when he was alone he asked God if he could to take this cup away from him meaning if there is another way to save these people lets do that cuz I dont want to be killed like this. He's supernatural side only meant that he had more of a connection to God I dont think God made him any more or less in pain than any of us would be. And its one thing to figth in Iraq and think that you might get blown to pieces its another to be beaten, walk miles with a wooden cross on your back while people as spitting at you and callin you names, even while knowing these are the very people God sent you to die for, then beinf nailed and posted on a stick as if your death is a show. I mean even in todays time where violence has become entertainment that is a horrible way to go. But I think any person that sacrifices there life for another deserves the credit for that but every person that sacrifices their life can not go before God and say forgive so and so for what they did becuz i did for their forgiveness and God will forgive what you did with no question becauase of the persons death. So you have to look at the deep implications of it all. I mean God asked Johna to go and tell some people to stop sining and he didnt want to go so jus imagine if God told you I want u to die a horrible death for these people. I would probably do it but I cant say that I would do it joyfully. But if you know anything about God he does not make things easy for people in this life. As a matter of fact the more dependent you become on him it almost seems as if he makes things harder but when you learn to see those deeper implications and what he is trying to mold in your life you have to submit to it becuz there is no way we as people can reach these levels in life on our own. We are stubborn, selfish, greedy, murders, and for God to even allow us to continue breathing with all the sin and crime in this world the only word that can describe him is merciful But I get ur point but you got to open your eyes a little widder and see the bigger picture.
2007-04-06 22:27:27 UTC
Well you have a man who had never sin ,take all the sins of the world placed on Him.

I know in my self,when I sin ,I am a basket case.My heart hurts,and I cry my eyes out.Over small stuff.

But Jesus He took every sin ever committed by everyone in the whole world all at one time.

Do you feel bad when you hurt some one?Jesus paid the price for that sin.Today Jesus is still washing away the sins in our lives.The most amazing ,He did it because He loves you.<><
2007-04-07 01:40:06 UTC
Impressive was his love for humanity...and animal kingdom!Impresive was his courage to defy the temple authorities,by chasing those who were selling animals fo sacrifices.And his total faith in the Father,who always protects anyone who calls out His Names,in times of danger.

Unfortunately,the christians of today are NOT following his teachings,except those who have realised the horror of killing animals for food- as Jesus preached a religion of love to all creatures []

Christianity has been corrupted by satanic Popes of the past,who infiltrated evil teachings in the Bible,so as anyone following them are bound to go to the opposite direction of heaven:hell,in order to pay for the multiples sins against animals and other humans,who are killed in false "religious "


US soldiers in Iraq,are fighting for a very wealthy minority group,only interested in money through oil,weapons,monopolies,and they are just paying for their stupidity,and past karma of animal or human killings.There is no injustice at all.It's all going on according to the infailbble laws of karma,which can be stopped if one surrenders to the true teachings of the Bhagavad Gita,or the original teachings of Jesus.
Anthony Stark
2007-04-06 22:50:59 UTC
Somebody posted this quote on Y!A a while back.

Is what Jesus did really such a great sacrifice? Surely you're not sacrificing much, if you know that you're gonna get what you sacrificed back. At most Jesus can be said to have been inconvenienced.
2007-04-06 22:28:59 UTC
The fact that he got so many followers.

Kinda like Hitler... have you ever seen the man speak? I have on old news reals. I couldn't understand a word he said but he was magnetic, and passionate, and he could have convinced you the sky was green and blue polka dots if you listened to him long enough. Mind you, afterward, I was left with a bad taste in my mouth because, if evil exists and can be in the form of a person, it would be him.

Assuming Jesus existed, its very possible that he had that kind of charisma. That doesn't make him right, only charismatic in a massive way, at the right time, among the right type of gullible people.
2007-04-06 22:27:10 UTC
Impressive about what Jesus Christ did is, while on the cross, he prayed to God to forgive those very persons who were torturing him. Such a tolerance and compassion as one of the messengers of God preaching the message of God.
2007-04-06 22:38:38 UTC
Supposedly Jesus prayed and plead to the Hebrew God four times in the Garden of Gethsemane to be released from his future. Through divination, He knew he was going to be tried, found guilty, and sent to his death on the eras instrument of criminal execution.

Like many prayers and pleadings to today's Christian God; the prayers of Jesus were ignored.

No one and no book has ever proved otherwise.
2007-04-06 22:29:21 UTC
Hmm what was so impressive. . . healing the sick, teaching love, devoting his life to helping his fellow man, accepting death without complaint (even if I knew I was going to heaven I would still probably complain, even you have to use the probably), resurrected from the dead. It is the totality of his life and death that make him impressive. Jesus died for peace and love of all mankind, one cannot say the same about soldiers.

Well that last sentence will earn me thumbs down, but it's true.
2007-04-06 22:31:28 UTC
Jesus showed us what true love was, when he gave his life of no sin for humankind. He was the perfect example of gods victory over satan.
2007-04-06 22:24:56 UTC
Watch the movie, "The Passion of the Christ" to find out. Also, read this from the Old Testament, and compare it to the New Testament:

Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12

See, my servant shall prosper,

he shall be raised high and greatly exalted.

Even as many were amazed at him(

so marred was his look beyond human semblance

and his appearance beyond that of the sons of man(

so shall he startle many nations,

because of him kings shall stand speechless;

for those who have not been told shall see,

those who have not heard shall ponder it.

Who would believe what we have heard?

To whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?

He grew up like a sapling before him,

like a shoot from the parched earth;

there was in him no stately bearing to make us look at him,

nor appearance that would attract us to him.

He was spurned and avoided by people,

a man of suffering, accustomed to infirmity,

one of those from whom people hide their faces,

spurned, and we held him in no esteem.

Yet it was our infirmities that he bore,

our sufferings that he endured,

while we thought of him as stricken,

as one smitten by God and afflicted.

But he was pierced for our offenses,

crushed for our sins;

upon him was the chastisement that makes us whole,

by his stripes we were healed.

We had all gone astray like sheep,

each following his own way;

but the LORD laid upon him

the guilt of us all.

Though he was harshly treated, he submitted

and opened not his mouth;

like a lamb led to the slaughter

or a sheep before the shearers,

he was silent and opened not his mouth.

Oppressed and condemned, he was taken away,

and who would have thought any more of his destiny?

When he was cut off from the land of the living,

and smitten for the sin of his people,

a grave was assigned him among the wicked

and a burial place with evildoers,

though he had done no wrong

nor spoken any falsehood.

But the LORD was pleased

to crush him in infirmity.

If he gives his life as an offering for sin,

he shall see his descendants in a long life,

and the will of the LORD shall be accomplished through him.

Because of his affliction

he shall see the light in fullness of days;

through his suffering, my servant shall justify many,

and their guilt he shall bear.

Therefore I will give him his portion among the great,

and he shall divide the spoils with the mighty,

because he surrendered himself to death

and was counted among the wicked;

and he shall take away the sins of many,

and win pardon for their offenses.

2007-04-06 22:26:43 UTC
What do you make of Him saying, "My God, my God - why have you forsaken me?" The Bible teaches that Jesus was made sin for us, and that God rejected His son and allowed Him to die your death so that you would live. He in fact risked eternal separation from God for you.
2007-04-06 22:26:05 UTC
I don't think you have a good understanding of what Jesus did
2007-04-06 22:30:55 UTC
impressive !!!, what you nut ...

that crazy / lunatic cost hundred millions of people lives destroy all other ethnics culture/languages create proverty / hungers and a vision of lies still exist today not includes jew lost every things.
2007-04-06 22:25:20 UTC
That's why some people don't believe in Jesus.
2007-04-06 22:26:55 UTC
Dude if you could turn water into wine you'd be the life of the party alright!! Don't make me testify up in here!!!
2007-04-06 22:25:02 UTC
What is so impressive? Try creating a Religion take have billions of believers. :D.....
2007-04-06 22:24:19 UTC
He Died For Us Even When We Were Yet Sinners
2007-04-06 22:27:06 UTC
He wasn't impressive. It was his Apostles who took what he did and made them impressive
2007-04-06 22:25:47 UTC
This is a good question, I doubt you will get any good answers.
kitty is ANGRY!™
2007-04-06 22:28:15 UTC
i agree
2007-04-06 22:26:19 UTC
You are very ungrateful.
2007-04-06 22:27:35 UTC
jesus is great !!!!!!!!! he died on the cross the cross 4 all our sin and shame and he did it bcuz he loves us SOOOO dearly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please don ask this stupid question !!!!!!!!!!!! thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.