I already read this question *Reo* and I am in full agreement with it.
Any question that I choose to answer is genuinely for the interest of those who are of sincere hearts... those of the lost sheep. They who are apostates will one day have to answer to Jehovah through Christ himself. However, in harmony with such Scriptures as:
"Therefore they took the stone away. Now Jesus raised his eyes heavenward and said: “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. True, I knew that you always hear me; but on account of the crowd standing around I spoke, in order that they might believe that you sent me forth.”
- John 11:41, 42
and also:
"Hence the crowd that stood about and heard it began to say that it had thundered. Others began to say: “An angel has spoken to him.” In answer Jesus said: “This voice has occurred, not for my sake, but for YOUR sakes."
- John 12:29, 30
Read also John 8:33 - 59. However, I also am extremely careful and mindful to heed the Master's words where it is written:
"Do not give what is holy to dogs, neither throw YOUR pearls before swine, that they may never trample them under their feet and turn around and rip YOU open"
- Matthew 7:6
Thereby in imitation of our Lord and Master (1 Peter 2:21), I pick and choose *very* carefully whom I answer. Many times, my answer is not for and or directed to the *asker* at all (whether they realize it or not is not my focal point) but rather for any who may be of the lost sheep, which none of us knows who they can turn out to be for it is Jehovah who leads such like ones to His Son.
However, I sincerely thank you for your loving concern and the helpful and true Scripture of Proverbs 26:4. Keep up the good work.
P.S: I sincerely believe that YOU will find the brief Bible based article located in the 1st weblink of my "sources" section to be extremely encouraging and enlightening. Read it along with your Bible, as I am well aware that you do. Keep moving forward you soldier in training of Christ (1 Timothy 1:18; 2 Timothy 2:3, 4, 23 - 26).
1. We have a song to sing for Jehovah God;
We have a song of his reign and glory.
We have a message clear for all men to hear
And a commission to tell the story.
2. Warriors of God, arise, join the fighting force
Under the Captain of God’s free nation.
Take up the shield of faith and the spirit’s sword;
Put on the helmet of his salvation.
3. Not in our own might can we be conquerors;
Not of ourselves can we be victorious.
But in the strength of God can we all prevail,
Making the name of Jehovah glorious.
Forward go! (Yes, go!)
Fearlessly go! (Fearlessly go!)
As an army, let us go
To combat the wicked foe;
Follow the Warrior King, who can never fail.
Following him, we shall prevail!
- Song 209 Follow the Warrior King!
(Based on Ephesians 6:16, 17)