Atheists have we discovered proof for EVERYTHING that exists? Or will you finally admit things exist for which we currently have no proof?
2018-11-21 14:31:57 UTC
Try and be "honest" with your answers for once.
21 answers:
2018-11-21 17:47:01 UTC
We have only discovered about 15-20% of the world's species so yeah, anyone who needs evidence to believe in something is basically saying they don't believe in 80% of the things in existence.
A Nonny Mouse
2018-11-21 16:24:33 UTC
Have we got proof for everything that exists? Yes - otherwise how do we know it exists?

Have we got proof for anything that is claimed to exist? No - so there's no reason to believe these things do exist until proof is found.

My honest answer is: provide proof your god exists, then I'll stop being an atheist.

Your question was designed as dig at people who ask you for proof of your beliefs - pity you didn't think it through properly - though that's probably why you are religious in the first place!
2018-11-21 16:12:36 UTC
Dishonesty is morally correct in Atheism
2018-11-21 15:53:41 UTC
There's more proof for the big bang than there is for "god created it".
2018-11-21 15:03:24 UTC
Based on your question you appear not to understand the atheist position and have a complete misunderstanding of basic logic.

The atheists position, and the logical concept of the null hypothesis, is that until you have sufficient evidence to justify a belief that something exists you should reject the claim that it does.

Let me give you an example. Scientists have hypothesized that "dark matter," might exist because some equations demonstrate insufficient observable matter to explain certain observable facts. But dark matter remains hypothetical because their is insufficient evidence to confirm it's existence. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist, but before it is reasonable to claim that it does a scientist must find evidence.

You claim that a god exists, before it is reasonable to accept that claim the person making the claim must demonstrate sufficient evidence in support of the claim.

Someone could claim that flying horses, like Pegasus exist. In all the universe, on some distant planet could their be an animal that could be reasonable called a flying horse? Perhaps, but it wouldn't make sense to make that claim until you have evidence of its existence.

The question isn't whether god, Pegasus, or dark matter exists, they all could, the question remains is it reasonable to make that claim with no evidence? The answer is clearly no, provide the evidence.
2018-11-21 14:52:28 UTC
There is a difference between "possibility" and "probability." There are many things that probably exist, but are not proved, but that does mean 'possible' and 'not proved' are the same thing. For example, black holes, for which the evidence is all secondary (no direct evidence, only blank areas of space with large gravitational influence). It is *possible* those blank areas of space are where Galacticus, the star eating alien lives, but that isn't supported by evidence and isn't very probable.

It is *possible* your God exists, but until you can provide evidence that makes it probable we aren't going to believe you.
2018-11-21 14:41:22 UTC
We don't know. The universe is vast. Even if we had discovered everything that exists we wouldn't know it or even suspect we might have until we've gone a few thousand years at least without discovering anything new.

However, we do have positive proof for everything that we can claim to know for certain does exist. There are some things that we have some evidence for, but isn't conclusive. And lastly, there are things with no evidence whatsoever -- these are speculative at best and completely irrational nonsense at worst.

Your alleged god is in that last category alongside fairies, dragons, leprechauns, elves and other nonsense.
Pirate AM™
2018-11-21 14:37:22 UTC
We don't have any direct evidence of dark energy or matter, but we have good reason to suspect that they are there. OTOH, those are quite different than a thing like a god, which should have abundant evidence or at least have it's claims match the evidence, but neither is the case.

How "honest" is willful ignorance?
2018-11-21 14:36:06 UTC
thats atheism position, the definition of atheism according to the dictionary is lack of belief in gods, when you use lack or disbelief is when a claim is presented and the disbeliever is not convinced of such.

to claim it wasnt god but other thing such has the universe of always being here then we would have a burden of proof

im an atheist and those who support the hard atheism(claming there is no creator opposed to my atheism wich is the unconvided of religion/general claims of god) is logically wrong
2018-11-21 14:35:35 UTC
There is a claim that you are not a cowardly troll but no proof. Try and be "honest" with your questions for once.
2018-11-21 17:19:00 UTC
I'm confident

that there are real things

that we have no evidence for, yet.

Things that we have even imagined.

Also, I am confident

that there are ideas,

we have imagined,

that do not correspond to actual things,

in reality.

Is the hypothetical God,

that you happen to be imagining,

a thing?

I have been honest in my answer,

and signed it with my real name.

Why do you feel a need to hide

to ask this question.

That is a form of dishonesty.



John Popelish
2018-11-21 15:13:56 UTC
Oh come on this tired old desperation to try and excuse the fact that your god is non existent is just plain silly!

Yes new things are being discovered every day but they can be proved to be FACT!

Your problem is still that the first person to produce a single tiny little piece of verifiable evidence for any god will become world famous and mega rich!

Academia states that in the absence of any sort of evidence of the existence of something it must be deemed not to exist until verifiable evidence is found - thus god is held not to exist pending some sort of verifiable evidence.

Not only can you not do that but you seek to ignore all the evidence against your claims!

The bible is what is called "Faction” A fictional story set in a factual time and place. Thus the time, place and real historical characters are all correct but the fictional characters and stories are not!

There is not one single mention of Jesus in the entire Roman record - that is right - not one! At the same time as he was supposed to have been around there were a number of Jews claiming to be the messiah - all of whom are well recorded!

There is not a single contemporary record from any source and even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!

He was supposed to have been a huge problem to the Romans and produced wonderful miracles but still not one contemporary record?

Even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!

Pilate is recorded in the Roman record as a somewhat lack luster man but no mention of a Jesus, a trial or crucifixion that would surely have been used to make him look brighter!

At best he was an amalgam of those others but almost certainly never existed!

Not one word of it is contemporary with the period and was not written until several hundred years after the period the story is set in!! How did the apostles write their books more than a hundred years after they would have been dead?

Christianity is an invention of the Italians and that is why it came from the Holy ROMAN Catholic church!

Please realize that those claims for the Old historians are worthless since they were not even born until long after everyone in the stories would have been so long dead!

Josephus AD 37 – AD 100

Tacitus AD 56 – AD 120

Suetonius - 69 – 130 AD

Pliny the Younger, 61 AD – 112 AD

Justin Martyr (Saint Justin) AD103–165 AD

Lucian - AD 120 -180 AD but he was hostile to Christianity and openly mocked it.

Pamphilius AD 240-309 AD

Eusebius AD 263 – 339 AD

Photius AD 877 – 886 AD

Thallus - But there are no actual record of him except a fragment of writing which mentions the sack of Troy [109 BC] Showing that he was clearly not alive in biblical times.

Some even try to use Seneca. 4 BCE – 65 CE but as a Stoic Philosopher he opposed religion yet made not a single mention of a Jesus or Christianity!

Even funnier is trying to claim Celsus AD ? – 177 AD Who said that Jesus was a Jew who’se mother was a poor Jewish girl whose husband, who was a carpenter, drove her away because of her adultery with a Roman soldier named Panthera. She gave birth to an illegitimate child named Jesus. In Egypt, Jesus became learned in sorcery and upon his return presented himself as a god.
the internet
2018-11-21 15:02:03 UTC
No, yes,

The problem is not 'proof for everyting', the problem is that *you* have no idea how to tell fiction and reality apart reliably. You simply don't know.

By the way, you owe me $8000. Pay me my money until Tuesday or present evidence that this debt is already paid.
2018-11-21 15:00:17 UTC
Yes, there could be things that exist for which we don't have proof yet. That does not mean we should believe in everything just because it "might" exist.

If you want atheists to believe in your God, prove he exists.

If you can't or won't then let atheists be skeptical.
2018-11-21 14:56:56 UTC
of course there are still loads of stuff to be discovered. Only a monkey brain would think different
Freethinking Liberal
2018-11-21 14:44:38 UTC
Of course there are things that have yet to be discovered. However:

1/ I do not / cannot base my life on what might be / could be.

2/ You base your life on that which we currently have no proof and you expect me to do the same.

...and if you are looking for honesty, do not read your own Q&As as they are so dishonest.
2018-11-21 14:40:05 UTC
Possibly- but I doubt that any such things are things that people have been proclaiming they know everything about for thousands of years. More likely they're things that no one knows anything about and no one has, for that reason, never said anything about them. You admit there's no proof that God exists, therefore how can you claim to know anything about it?

If God exists, don't you think he'd have allowed his existence to be proven by now if he wanted it proven? It never ceases to amaze me how passive and ineffective theists who presumably belief in an all-powerful God actually think that God is.
2018-11-21 14:37:03 UTC
We have discovered that the need for Christians to play word games exists.
2018-11-21 14:36:23 UTC
Yes, we have indeed discovered proof for EVERYTHING that exists. God still doesn't exist, loser.
2018-11-21 14:35:23 UTC
Why put 'honest' in speech marks? Very strange!

But to answer - no, we haven't. There are a lot of things in existence! We're still working on that.

But simply, as yet, not having researched and proved absolutely everything doesn't mean that we couldn't and won't in the future.

And it would be insane to say, if we can't explain something, "Oh well, it must be a magic invisible deity that did it."
Anne Arkey
2018-11-21 14:34:31 UTC
I'll admit we currently have no proof Big Foot and unicorns exist.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.