The other user's avatar name is Jordan. I'm hoping he sees the post and answers it. Personally, I would have used the word 'deprive' instead of 'deprave'. Really, same dif tho.
My answer to his question:
God prefers to remain hidden, secretive about his presence; but at the same time making his invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine wisdom - plain to every man through what has been made (so they have no excuse).
Because if God revealed himself, without giving people the opportunity to voluntarily seek him out, then choice would be taken from them. They would have no choice BUT to worship him.... and forced love is not love.... it's rape.
So, because they had knowledge of God, but chose to disregard it as something of value, he let them be.... turning them over to their own depraved minds..... turning them over to each other in lust for the degrading of their bodies; so that they would receive within themselves the DUE penalty for their error (the error being disregarding the knowledge of their creator as being of precious value).