Do you dare damn me?
2006-11-29 14:07:13 UTC
do you? I'm not christian, I dont believe in your "god" of fascism and murder and intolerance. I believe in peace love and tolerance to all humankind.
I am Pagan. I am Wiccan. I am human.

Do you dare damn me? Damn me to hell, the hell YOU created, the hell that only exists in your reality?
38 answers:
Sweetchild Danielle
2006-11-29 14:10:04 UTC
They'll tell you you damn yourself by not accepting Jesus as your personal savior. Jaft that nonsense.
2006-11-29 15:19:32 UTC
I cant damn you nor would I. I am a christian and am sadden by the lack of love and kindness people don't show to others, I have been persecuted even by Christan's. I like what you said I am human.

Drew M I am just learning this in my mid 30s and I would like to leave you with this saying.

In order to help others you need to be human, yes you make mistakes, yes you fail, but all of these things are leaning tools,

there are no such things as saints and everyone has sinned at least once -HB

Peace be with you and thank you for posting.
Erin G
2006-12-01 09:42:53 UTC
See, I've never heard another Wiccan speak like that of Christians. My husbands ENTIRE family is Wiccan, and I have YET to hear them say anything like you are. Personally, I don't believe in it at all, couldn't care less about Wiccanism, spells, yatta yatta. But, thats what they believe in, and I certainly won't tell them to believe what I believe, just as long as I don't have to participate in their "activities". LOL You should chill out, take a Xanax or something. If you were truly at peace with your religion, your beliefs, and yourself, you wouldn't be defending it with such anger, you would simply believe what you believe and let others do the same.
2006-11-29 14:16:25 UTC
I do not damn you. I believe in free choice. I do believe that God is not willing that any should perish but that all would come to a change of mind toward Jesus and the gift of eternal life and happiness that he provides. I thank God that I live in a free country. A country where you can be Wiccan, Pagan, whatever you choose. I am also grateful that I can accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour and will not be persecuted in the USA because I do.
2006-11-29 14:31:51 UTC
You seem pretty upset for something make believe?

Christians arent going to put anybody in eternal punishment, God will however. God is not capable of the sins you suggest but I will grant you that he is intolerant. Intolerant of SIN and rightly so.

So by that logic do you consider our laws intolerant? I mean, they dont let you do whatever you want without consequences. At least with God he will let you do with this life whatever you want and you dont even have to face the consequences until after you die! If God were truly intolerant he would never have allowed sin and just destroyed Adam and Eve.

But since God is good, he has given us forgiveness in Jesus Christ.
Ruth B
2006-11-29 14:19:42 UTC
I don't damn you. I believe in G-d and I believe only he can damn or judge anyone. I try to ignore (as best I can) those people out there that feel it is their job to damn and judge others. None of us is G-d, so we cannot pass judgment and tell anyone else that doing this or that is going to send them to "hell". I agree with you on the subject of hell, to my knowledge it is not in the bible. I don't believe there is one. I believe we either exist or don't.

However, for someone who claims to believe in peace, love and tolerance to all humankind, your last statement was on the bitter side and a little judgmental. I understand to a point how unnerving it can be to have others tell you that you are going to go to hell. I hear it all the time, because I am Jewish. I've heard it in the past, because I wore a shirt that hung off one shoulder, because I listen to rock music, because I wear make-up, smoke, wear black, the list goes on and on.

While I may not agree with your "religion" I am not going to damn you for having beliefs that are different from mine. As to those that will judge you, take it with a grain of salt and walk away.
Tony S
2006-11-29 14:20:03 UTC
I would never damn anyone. As a Christian I believe that love is the most important commandment. As a human we have all sinned. The consequence of this is death, eternal separation from God. This is what damns anybody - sin. However, the Bible teaches that God out of love for us took this punishment upon Himself so that we didn't have to.

Therefore we are damned because of who we are, and the Christian message of salvation doesn't damn anyone, it only shows us the way of escape. I hope that everyone would find it. Bless you.

JN 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
2006-11-29 14:14:14 UTC
Now why would I do that? Personally, I don't much care what they think because I know that only the gods can damn anyone - and M'Lady Athena seems to be pleased enough with me so far.

Just remember, for every ignorant blowhard who thunders from the pulpit, there's ten ordinary Christians who aren't as noisy but they're far more willing to live and let live... and in that, they're far more Christlike than their fundamentalist counterparts.
2006-11-29 14:09:57 UTC
May your noble faith inspire many acts of generosity, kindness, and tolerance. Show them--all of us--how brightly a Wiccan can shine even in the face of intolerance.

My advice would be to seek out Christians within the Unitarian Universalist fold. They're quite different from the judgmental, condemnatory Christians who have apparently upset you.
Annie Red Head
2006-11-29 14:15:12 UTC
God is the only one who can damn you. Just because you say you don't believe, doesn't mean he doesn't exist. You can believe something with all your heart and still be wrong. You have been given free will, you can choose to be anything you wish. You will stand before God on judgment day just as everyone else will, just as I will. God Bless You!!
2006-11-29 14:21:40 UTC
Being just a human, I'm not even capable of that (saying where someone will go after they die)...that's very much outside of my responsibility, so no, I wouldn't dare do that.
2006-11-29 14:12:24 UTC
No, I wouldn't "damn" anyone.

Why are you challenging people to damn you? Instead, why not go spread some peace, love and tolerance to all humankind?
2006-11-29 14:10:55 UTC
If you are truly Wiccan and not another 'wannabe', then you should remember the Creed my friend and the four-fold law. IF you are truly pagan and Wiccan, no further explanation should be necessary!!
Steve H
2006-11-29 14:14:02 UTC
I wouldn't dare damn you. I would, however ask you not to condemn others just because their beliefs don't match yours. You are human, you are Wiccan, you are Pagan---congratulations, you've gotten your word out to dozens of people today!
2006-11-29 14:16:37 UTC
Christians are so wrapped in their blind faith system that they think their religious rules apply to everybody even to those who are not Christian and do not recognise their religion or it's dogma as valid, they are quite tyrannical in this insistence and it's quite mad.
2006-11-29 14:14:44 UTC
dude- take a breath!

tolerance - look it up -- you are pretty harsh with those who disagree with you!

it might suprise you that most people don't give a damn if you are dead or alive much less what you believe in....
2006-11-29 14:11:49 UTC
Chill out dude. From one pagan to another, it ain't worth getting all worked up about.

Peace )O(
2006-11-29 14:15:49 UTC, we love you. Why would we do that. Chill out friend. Take your meds and kick up your feet. Here, have a home made cookie. I just made them. They're chocolate chip.
2006-11-29 14:12:22 UTC
Oh come on Drew, lighten up! Sure some xtians and others are intolerant jerks. There's no need to lower yourself to their level. Blessed be, little brother!
Stand 4 somthing Please!
2006-11-29 14:09:26 UTC
Why would I want to do that? I would prefer people find peace and love and understanding of one another.
2006-11-29 14:13:33 UTC
You are an idiot damn you to Atheism. Kisses Betty.
2006-11-29 14:10:13 UTC
No, I don't damn you. God loves all of us.
2006-11-29 14:10:57 UTC
As a Christian I can't and I don't want to send you anywhere. God gave you free will and if this is how you want to use it that is your right.
2006-11-29 14:22:14 UTC
Only if you're a river.
2006-11-29 14:11:24 UTC
Technically, one who rejects God damns themselves.
2006-11-29 14:10:07 UTC
That is not my job.

If that happens it will be God that does that.
2006-11-29 14:10:20 UTC
Preach on, Brother.
2006-11-29 14:10:25 UTC
I dont damm u it`s God who will
2006-11-29 14:09:30 UTC
I do not damn anyone. That is Gods job not mine. So go ahead and live in your fantasy world of paganism, just remember the last day. I will pray for you!!
2006-11-29 14:09:38 UTC
You dont seem very tolerant.
2006-11-29 14:10:08 UTC
I kind of want to now mostly because wiccans are gay, and also because you're just trying to taunt people into a lame arguement
Abbey Road
2006-11-29 14:10:13 UTC
Damn you. So what??? What's the point of your furious question? Take it easy, please.
2006-11-29 14:09:14 UTC
thats not my job HELL IS THE GRAVE
Salami and Orange Juice
2006-11-29 14:08:24 UTC

I don't even have to get off the couch.

God will do all the damning and I don't have to lift a finger.

Twice the damning and half the work.

Have fun.
2006-11-29 14:09:37 UTC
no, but God is real.
pkstn pride
2006-11-29 14:09:00 UTC
Only Islam is the true religion
2006-11-29 14:09:30 UTC
No. that is your choice.
2006-11-29 14:09:04 UTC
Where have YOU been all this time? You just made my day. god is sh*t

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.