In order for a person to be saved they must ask Jesus Christ to save them.
And when Jesus Christ saves a person He changes them in such a way that they are never able to "un-change" themselves.
And, when a person is changed by Jesus Christ a very important part of that change is being given a new mind that desires Jesus Christ more than anything.
Even so, anyone can be polluted, perverted, or deceived.
Even a true Christian can be misled.
In fact, the purpose of antichristians is to mislead and deceive people into believing the lies of the devil.
Atheists are antichristian, so they have no honest intentions to teach the TRUTH of Jesus Christ.
Therefore, every Christian must ask Jesus to keep them wise and alert to the deceptions, lies, and misrepresentations of ALL antichristians.
Jesus Christ will protect His Children, IF THEY ASK HIM.
A part of growing up in Christ is to come into contact with antichristian teachings, so that a Christian can better know the Truth and Truths relating to the real Jesus Christ living in them.
By coming in contact with antichristian atheists a Christian learns exactly why atheists are wrong.
As far as a Christian being required to listen or read the words of antichristian atheists...
Christians are NEVER required to listen to antichristians.
And if you are a Christian, and atheists are pressuring you to listen to them, then I submit to you that if they are making you uncomfortable then you are NOT required to listen to them at all.
Jesus Christ will NEVER pressure you as a Christian to go beyond what you are capable of handling.
Remember, Jesus must send you to antichristians in some way before He will ask you to listen to antichristians.