How can one remain Christian after spending a week on R&S?
2012-01-16 01:17:50 UTC
There's a lot of intelligent atheists here that are able to put up really good points, would one have to completely IGNORE and not read ANY of the well written answers to remain Christian?

Whether the person is stupid or not, I'm sure even a 10 year old would stop believing in god if he actually sat down and read what "some" of the atheists put in their answers.
Sixteen answers:
2012-01-16 01:30:37 UTC
Actuality not. I am not Christian but I can understand why. While I can understand where atheists are coming from but there reasoning about God is flawed.
2012-01-16 01:22:18 UTC
lol i like i like i like

but not believing in God is very difficult, especially if you grew up thinking that every good thing you have is from him, having that taken away from you must be like a part of you being taken away. Some do not want to appear naive to themselves, so they harden their hearts, some just stay Christian just for argument sake. Most just think everything said by those smart atheist are the work of the devil and are not to be taken seriously

I know because i was a Christian too, and i usually shut down to anything that challenged God
2012-01-18 04:57:37 UTC
In order for a person to be saved they must ask Jesus Christ to save them.

And when Jesus Christ saves a person He changes them in such a way that they are never able to "un-change" themselves.

And, when a person is changed by Jesus Christ a very important part of that change is being given a new mind that desires Jesus Christ more than anything.

Even so, anyone can be polluted, perverted, or deceived.

Even a true Christian can be misled.

In fact, the purpose of antichristians is to mislead and deceive people into believing the lies of the devil.

Atheists are antichristian, so they have no honest intentions to teach the TRUTH of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, every Christian must ask Jesus to keep them wise and alert to the deceptions, lies, and misrepresentations of ALL antichristians.

Jesus Christ will protect His Children, IF THEY ASK HIM.

A part of growing up in Christ is to come into contact with antichristian teachings, so that a Christian can better know the Truth and Truths relating to the real Jesus Christ living in them.

By coming in contact with antichristian atheists a Christian learns exactly why atheists are wrong.

As far as a Christian being required to listen or read the words of antichristian atheists...

Christians are NEVER required to listen to antichristians.

And if you are a Christian, and atheists are pressuring you to listen to them, then I submit to you that if they are making you uncomfortable then you are NOT required to listen to them at all.

Jesus Christ will NEVER pressure you as a Christian to go beyond what you are capable of handling.

Remember, Jesus must send you to antichristians in some way before He will ask you to listen to antichristians.
Zog Blaster
2012-01-16 01:40:27 UTC
Because most atheists here either post idiotic rants ("You're all so stupid, it's just fairy tales, how come your just like babies, holy means full of holes lol I am original") or post things that reveal their ignorance (see: most Mithra-related posts, stuff about the Trinity, any claim that "we know Jesus was a fictional character").

I have also yet to see an atheist making a convincing argument about this stuff (convincing to someone who doesn't already agree with them) using reliably sourced facts, rather than either asserting things and expecting us to believe them, or using some cranky website.

And they clearly don't read the replies pointing out (with sources) when they are factually incorrect or have misunderstood, because they post the exact same stuff over and over again.

Short answer: you think it's convincimg because you already agree with them. Like Jack Chick, they are writing to impress their fellow believers, unaware of how stupid they sound to those they are supposedly trying to convert. And like Chick tracts, fellow believers imagine these are killer arguments that will convert someone for sure if they just read them: they cannot see what they actually look like to people who haven't already bought in.

Also: protip - if you post standard "Christianity is so stupid" or "Catholics are all paedophiles" responses to every single question that mentions anything related to them, people are going to ignore everything you write and assume you have nothing intelligent to say. They are certainly not going to think you know anything at all about the subject.

For example, "Where can I find this verse in the Bible?" is asking for a reference to the Bible, not for a childish screed. If you asked, "Does Microsoft Word have this function?" and got dozens of Mac fanboys posting repetitive insults towards Windows and Windows users, you wouldn't bother reading anything they said, nor assume they knew anything about the topic.
2012-01-16 01:26:45 UTC
"would one have to completely IGNORE and not read ANY of the well written answers to remain Christian"

Yes :D
2012-01-16 01:23:43 UTC
I wonder this myself sometimes. I found my way through because i do not believe you can find God in a book, or in the slanted words of fanatics, but only in your Heart!
Pull My Finger
2012-01-16 01:24:37 UTC
Meh, religious belief is pretty tenacious. It's also flexible, as syncretic religions have demonstrated. But I am perplexed at the persistence of fundamentalism. I think fundamentalism requires the mental equivalent of squeezing your eyes shut, sticking your fingers in your ears, and shouting, "La, la, la, la...!"

I mean, as an atheist myself, I sort of wonder why religious belief remains in any form - but I can sort of understand the liberal kind of religion if I try really hard. Even one that's Christian in nature. But fundamentalism truly perplexes me. That's a level of stupid I cannot fathom.
Ѧashiq- Due 8/17 ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶
2012-01-16 01:20:43 UTC
There used to be a ton of intellectual atheists on here who could convert anyone, nowadays they've found better things to do.
Joss Whedon is my God now.
2012-01-16 01:20:08 UTC
I don't even think a person can remain sane after being on R & S for a week.
2012-01-16 01:36:42 UTC
There are intelligent Christians who've made good points as well, e.g. Aonghas Shugged

no doubt there are good agnostic/muslim/hindu apologists on here as well.
Captain Sarcastic
2012-01-16 01:21:49 UTC
I think they manage it primarily through denial, willful ignorance, and relentless self-delusion. They desperately want to believe in magic, have been told that the mythology of the ancient Middle East is a good excuse to hold that belief, and strive to keep that belief entrenched regardless of how absurd and nonsensical it is.
Universe Bear
2012-01-16 01:18:51 UTC
If someone really wants something to be true then you can't get them to see your point with logic because they will simply tune you out.
2012-01-16 01:23:25 UTC
You don't understand the nature of "believing:"

For a believer, no proof is necessary. For a non-believer, no proof is adequate.
Jacque C
2012-01-16 01:28:35 UTC
Because God is not a kingdom of words. He is a kingdom of Power. The closer you get to God, the closer He will get to you.
Death to Rational Discourse
2012-01-16 01:19:59 UTC
I used to be an atheist. How does that fit into your logic? Let me guess, I was hit in the head right? Why can't you just accept that everyone has different beliefs? If you really think believers are inherently stupid for putting faith in a higher power, you have a lot of growing up to do.

edit: Don't bother trying to prove me wrong guys, just thumb me down... easier that way.
2012-01-16 01:21:15 UTC
not this girl

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.