The downside to that approach would be if God isn't obscuring Himself, but instead is being obscured by the self-imposed limitations of languages that were developed by humans with strong partiality or favoritism towards only one type of intellect, level of perceived intelligence or way of expressing thoughts. This is actually the explanation given in the Bible for why people fail to perceive God and lose faith in His existence.
The reasoning of the Bible is this:
If God does not exist, you will find no separate system of steadily increasing reward proportionate to your increasing belief in His existence, as promised by scripture itself. The terrible downside to choosing not to search at all is an obvious and broad road to terminal destruction, (Matthew 7:13-14), ending with the lineage deaths of everyone inside of the evil system while they each remain aloof to their own destruction. Jesus calls the separate evil system 'mamonas', (Matthew 6:24), after the 'god' of abject greed which blinds its devotees to its existence and to their own self-destruction.
From this perspective, your philosophical approach is tantamount to not wanting to upset the force that is already relentlessly destroying you, or alternatively, letting yourself be destroyed instead of choosing not to upset the only God who has promised to rescue you. I suppose that the key to all of this would be in searching diligently against the momentum of your own self-destruction for a single glimpse of this destruction actually happening, thus temporarily piercing through the supposed blindness being created by the first 'god,' thereby accepting the initial reward of sight from the second God. This would display Christ's perspective to you and allow you to interpret for yourself what He was actually describing. If science has no answer to explain it, you might want to seriously reconsider your entire philosophy.
Consider for a moment why your fellow man's embrace of a godless universe does not abjectly horrify you. The foundational cosmic narrative of science has inspired faithless humans to trap themselves inside of an inescapable arms race that immediately gobbles up the bulk of the world's resources precluding any possibility of a sustainable world peace; it has led to the production of poorly secured machines of mechanized death which has dragged them into world wars and cycles of grand scale genocide; it has led to the advent of weapons of mass destruction which have already been tested and used on civilian populations while representing an ongoing and looming threat to everyone else; it has led to a global system of pervasive poisoning called 'mega-industry' that is unleashing unprecedented diseases with no cures and only economically inaccessible 'torture treatments'; it has led to exponential increases in states of existential dread, drug abuse and fatal overdoses, suicides and murders, sudden inexplicable violence, exponentially expanding asymmetrical violence, widespread negligence and needless accidents, gender confusion and psychological chaos, sexual sterility, (both emotional and physical), millions dead from sexual diseases, poor and constantly shifting understandings of complex chemicals and drugs, unpredictable and unmanageable disasters, millions incarcerated and tortured or deviantly raped in the interest of 'justice,' lawless sprawling ghettos funded by government taxation steadily advancing through the 'protected art' of sexual perversion media and gang recruitment media, and on and on...
That is only a glimpse through the haze being created by the 'god' Jesus called 'mamonas' and which modern people now call 'progress.' The God of the Bible explains to us that this evil system maintains itself using 'kategoria' (Greek: 'dividing titles'), from which we derive our English word 'categories.' They are what modern people now call 'social demographics.' These represent our membership in the evil system. By rejecting them and returning to our individual non repeating identity and personal calling from God, we enter through what Jesus calls the 'narrow gate' of escape, (Matthew 7:13-14). We cannot be manipulated as a 'gay' or a 'straight' a 'black' or a 'white' if our identity is unique from all others. We receive none of the promised rewards but we also suffer no losses. We remain safe unless we join in and participate in the viewpoints which make us expendable. We exist just outside of the tandem dramas of government and criminal enterprise. We are largely ignored. It is here we find individual liberty and the rewards of a separate system, 'hidden' from us by our own initial lack of belief in its existence and then further obscured by our social demographic assignments. Once abandoned, we can see again and the God of the Bible becomes real, becomes able to reward and is willing to do so---beginning with the natural liberty of remaining uniquely uncategorized and undefinable by government or criminal powers.
Remaining inside of this system requires a direct natural genius which the Bible calls 'faith.' Those who endure and remain there, despite the powerful pressures to return to the broad road, develop steadily increasing evidence of God's existence and His rewards---which remain unique to each person but also predictably fulfilling and able to keep actual human lineages safe from the otherwise certain growing extinction that surrounds them. Jesus tells us that only the 'meek' lineages will ultimately survive history's gauntlet, (Matthew 5:5), since these are the only lineages to embrace the safety of direct natural genius and reject the various offers to experiment and explore 'greater mysteries' at the expense of others. In the end, those experiments all lead to the same place.
The impartial language of sacred allegory is how the 'meek' are able to receive this natural genius. It is flexible and dynamic rather than rigid and partial towards any one type of intellect or expression of learning. It is like an 'orchestral' language that includes all equally and welcomes every voice as long as each voice is humble enough to accept that it is not the 'dominant' voice and does not represent its own separate path to 'better' mysteries. That would include your voice, as long as you are humble enough not to discount the many other voices that say that God does exist and is willing to reward those who diligently seek Him.