Thinking critically about everything and everyone, would be a start.
For one, people are just too gullible to listen to what the media shows some groups to be.
People should question the media, and the info on the media and be critical.
Thats one example. Because I know very few people are actually Satan worshippers. Why? because in most cultures, satan is an evil being, they have no reason to worship an evil being. They just wanna have peaceful lives.
So yes, if I must repeat myself. We need to be a bit more critical and THINK before we: speak, act, judge, conclude, read, write etc.
Teach our children to be critical, to be ethical to be observational and knowledgeable and to shut up when they dont know anything.
I read a very good guide recently, was written by the critical thinking foundation. And I do agree a lot with what it said there. Because men and women who dont think critically, act egotistically, and then, form egotistical communities, who act on self preservation that likes to blame others and make THEMSELVES look good. This is the idea of mass conformity.
People should stop conforming and start thinking for themselves.